Which toothbrush should you choose: electric or regular?

There are a huge number of electric brushes on the market, which differ from each other in their operating principles and functions. Ultrasonic brushes are considered the most modern. They operate on the basis of ultrasonic waves that are transmitted from the device to the person during cleaning. We'll tell you how to brush your teeth with this brush.

An ultrasonic toothbrush uses ultrasonic waves to cleanse teeth from food debris and plaque. This device consists of a handle with a battery or battery, a body equipped with a high-frequency generator, and a head with bristles, like a regular toothbrush.

In this article

  • Working principle of an ultrasonic toothbrush
  • Ultrasonic brush: indications and contraindications
  • Ultrasonic brush: pros and cons
  • How to brush your teeth with an ultrasonic brush
  • How to choose an ultrasonic brush
  • How to care for an ultrasonic toothbrush

Ultrasound devices are the most modern and functional. They provide maximum cleansing of the oral cavity, including interdental spaces, and removal of plaque and deposits. With this device, many dental diseases can be prevented. Let's talk about the features of ultrasonic brushes and learn how to properly brush your teeth with them.

Working principle of an ultrasonic toothbrush

When using an ultrasonic brush, teeth are cleaned using both bristles and high-frequency waves. The bristles clean the enamel from surface contaminants, just like a regular toothbrush. You just don’t need to put pressure on your teeth or rub them with the device. It is necessary to move the head from one part of the jaw to another, lingering in each area for a few seconds.

Ultrasonic waves created by the device penetrate deep into deposits, destroying them from the inside. They are separated from the enamel and washed out of the mouth. At the same time, the mouth is cleansed of germs. You may feel warm while cleaning. As a result of an increase in temperature by 1°, blood flow in soft tissues is stimulated, as with a light massage, which reduces their sensitivity and prevents the development of gingivitis. In addition, calcium and fluoride ions are released from toothpaste, which strengthen the enamel.

Using an ultrasonic brush, you can maintain oral hygiene without resorting to other means: balms, dental floss, etc.

So is it worth buying a brush for home?

The question of which ultrasonic toothbrush to buy is something everyone decides on their own. First of all, a person is guided by issues of cost and aesthetics. When making this expensive purchase, you should be careful.

The most popular brands are such well-known brands as Megasonex, Smilex, Emmi-dent, whose products have a fairly high price. You can buy Chinese-made devices, however, the quality and results of use will be corresponding.

It is possible to purchase domestically produced goods, the cost of which is half that of their American counterparts, but in terms of quality characteristics they are not inferior to the latter.

The question arises, which device is better - battery-powered or battery-powered. There is practically no difference in use, the only inconvenience of cordless brushes is that they must be charged regularly. The complex comes with a charger; the cost of this product is 1.5-2 times higher compared to the battery-powered option.

But despite the benefits of using an ultrasonic brush, concerns that it damages teeth and negatively affects enamel are justified. Experts do not recommend using it yourself.

Ultrasonic brush: pros and cons

Brushing your teeth with an ultrasonic brush is useful for the following reasons:

  • removes bacteria from the mouth;
  • destroys plaque;
  • suitable for sensitive gums and enamel;
  • compatible with braces and dentures;
  • stimulates blood circulation.

There are practically no disadvantages to such devices, except for the presence of contraindications and high price. However, you can use one brush with your whole family if everyone has their own brush head. Accessories must be purchased separately. In addition, any doctor will tell you that it is better not to skimp on oral hygiene. We'll tell you how to properly brush your teeth with an ultrasonic brush.

Types of electric toothbrushes

There are two main types of brushes: regular, or manual, and electric. In turn, electric ones have three types, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses.

  1. Standard electric brush with a round head that operates in different modes. A classic option, suitable for people with sensitive mucous membranes, gums, and enamel. Allowed for children. The list of advantages:
    gentle cleaning of enamel, low cost.
    The disadvantages
    include not as high efficiency as the other two types.
  2. The vibration of sonic brushes is audible to humans. This speed of operation of the bristles (at least 18 thousand per minute) is ensured by sound waves generated in a special membrane. This cleaning method is considered one of the most effective, since a certain vibration frequency is constantly maintained, and the toothpaste is consumed evenly. Pros:
    cleaning with sound and brush, massage of gums, prevention of bleeding, safe for fillings, veneers, braces, availability of replaceable attachments, affordable price.
    you need to use it carefully, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the enamel.
  3. Ultrasonic brushes are similar in principle to sonic brushes. Thanks to the high rotation frequency (over 100 thousand revolutions in 60 seconds), such a brush can even remove tartar. The ultrasound frequency is 1.6 MHz and is considered therapeutic because it penetrates into hard-to-reach places, destroying bacteria even inside the gums, under the crowns. Pros:
    preventive and health-improving effect, careful consumption of toothpaste, minimum effort.
    not recommended for those who wear braces, crowns, or veneers. It can lead to problems with filled teeth - the vibration will cause the filling to fly out. It is not recommended for people who have undergone surgery in the oral cavity, those who have loose teeth, who have suffered tissue inflammation, or have problems with enamel. After reaching a certain age, children are not prohibited from brushing their teeth with an ultrasonic brush, but this should be done with caution and, better, after examination by a dentist.

Classic and sonic brushes can be used regularly, but when using an ultrasonic brush, breaks are necessary, the duration of which will be determined by your doctor.

Soft bristles and bright design are important criteria for choosing a children's toothbrush

How to brush your teeth with an ultrasonic brush

You need to learn how to use any toothbrush, otherwise it will be of no use. In addition, there is a risk of injuring soft tissues or enamel. Read the instructions before using the device. To properly brush your teeth with an ultrasonic electric brush, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • select the appropriate operating mode;
  • rinse the bristles with water;
  • apply a little paste on them;
  • bring the brush to the front row of teeth at an angle of 45°;
  • carefully move the head along the jaw without pressing on it;
  • brush each tooth for 3-4 seconds;
  • Rinse your mouth with water and wash your brush.

The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes. Some devices have a timer that alerts you when you need to move to the next quadrant of the jaw or finish brushing.

Depending on the specific model, the device can operate in several modes. They differ in the number of movements of the bristles. At the very beginning, choose a mode with minimal vibration intensity. When switching them, turn off the device.

Advantages and disadvantages of mechanically driven electric brushes

In terms of the type of impact, a mechanically driven electric brush differs little from manual brushing of teeth. The only difference is the intensity of the movements. Depending on the model, the brush makes 5-18 thousand vibrations per minute. The head is driven by a small motor powered by a battery.

There are three types of brushes belonging to this group. In the first, the bristles move in a circle in one direction. The head of the latter simultaneously moves in a circle and back and forth. In others, the bristles not only move, but also pulsate, which ensures maximum quality of cleaning in hard-to-reach places - between the teeth, in the periodontal groove, etc.

  1. Effective teeth cleaning, including in hard-to-reach places.
  2. If used correctly, they do not affect fillings or crowns.
  3. Save time due to shorter daily hygiene procedures.
  1. Impossibility of use in the presence of such defects as increased abrasion, enamel damage, inflammatory diseases occurring on the gum tissue. But at the moment, electric brushes have appeared on the dental market, which minimize the disadvantages of this type of brush.

How to choose an ultrasonic brush

When buying an electric toothbrush, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Number of modes. The more there are, the safer and better the device cleans the oral cavity.
  • Pressure sensor. If you press hard on your teeth with the brush, the device will automatically turn off.
  • Timer. It makes it easier to get used to brushing your teeth with an electric brush. It is advisable to buy models with timers for children.

It is also necessary to choose the right nozzle. There are several types of ultrasonic toothbrushes available:

  • MB1 (soft) - a nozzle with soft bristles of a zigzag shape. It is suitable for children, people with hypersensitivity of enamel and gums, as well as for pathologies of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  • MB2 (medium) - a brush with medium-hard bristles in a zigzag shape. It can be used by all people with healthy teeth and gums.
  • MB5 (soft) - a nozzle with soft bristles of equal height. It is better to choose it if there is bleeding gums, as well as after dental operations.
  • MB6 (medium) - a brush with medium-hard bristles with equal hairs along the entire length. It is recommended for people with crowns and veneers.

There are not as many ultrasonic models today as standard and sound ones. Our online store presents a series of Emmi-Dent ultrasonic electric brushes. They operate on batteries and can hold a charge for 20 days.

Choosing an electric toothbrush for an adult

An electric brush, in comparison with a conventional “manual” brush, has a number of advantages, including:

  • the most effective dental care.
  • reducing the time for morning and evening procedures by approximately half.
  • the best option for people with weak muscles (the elderly, those suffering from muscle insufficiency, those who have undergone joint surgery, etc.) and children, since no effort is required to achieve a good result.
  • large assortment of nozzles.
  • bright attractive design.

Before you go shopping, it's worth scheduling a visit to the dentist. An examination and consultation with a specialist will help you choose the best option – the one that suits you in all respects. If you can’t see a doctor, you should carefully study the features of electric toothbrushes to get your bearings in the range offered. What is important to consider when choosing:

  • softness of the bristles. Brushes are available in ultrasoft, soft, hard and medium. The last option is the most popular among the adult population. But for children under 12-14 years of age (and those who have problems with mucous membranes and gums) it is recommended to buy soft toothbrushes. Models marked hard are usually used after full or partial oral prosthetics.
  • Bristle material. The most popular and widespread is synthetic bristles. Natural is less common and is recommended for allergy sufferers.
  • device power.
  • number of speed modes.
  • changing modes: whitening, for better cleansing (floss-active), massage (useful for sensitive gums).
  • handle material. It is better to choose a non-slip handle, for example, a rubberized one.
  • possibility of changing nozzles.
  • head diameter. The recommended size for an adult is 2.5 - 2.7 mm, for a child - from 1.8 to 2.2 cm.
  • availability of additional functions.

The main advantage of an electric brush is complete gentle care for the entire oral cavity.

Cost is one of the important aspects of choice. Modern manufacturers offer brushes of different price categories, which can be classified into three groups:

  • budget segment up to 2500 - 3000 rubles.
  • average price category - up to 6,000 rubles.
  • expensive models cost over 6,000 rubles.

Functionality and equipment depend on the cost. Thus, electric toothbrushes in the premium segment additionally come with fastenings, cases for transportation, storage, etc. Before buying, you should think about what is required from the brush in the first place, how many people will use the device, what budget you want to fit into. This will make it easier to find a suitable option and save time.


How to care for an ultrasonic toothbrush

Such devices are quite expensive, so they need to be carefully looked after so that they last as long as possible. After each procedure, rinse the bristles to remove food debris and bacteria. You can pour boiling water over the head or periodically rinse it in a disinfectant solution. Keep the device in a place protected from water. Do not allow moisture to get on the motor, as it may burn out. Do not charge your device in the bathroom. It is better to do this in the room or kitchen.

Every 3-4 months it is necessary to change the attachments. Over time, they delaminate, move apart and soften. It is not safe to use such a brush. Some models have a wear indicator - blue bristles. Over time, they fade, which indicates the need to throw away the old attachment and connect a new one to the device.

Benefits of electric toothbrushes

  • Electric brushes are definitely better at getting rid of bacterial plaque. After using them, gum inflammation is significantly reduced.
  • Anyone can operate an electric toothbrush, including small children. And, in addition, the process of brushing teeth with such a device will arouse interest in the child and can easily accustom him to regular and proper oral hygiene.
  • Even for a large family, only one device will be enough. You will only need to change the attachments for each family member.
  • Undoubted savings on toothpaste.
  • A special built-in sensor will warn you if you try to put strong pressure on your teeth and prevent damage to the enamel.


Professional dentists note the following advantages of the products compared to conventional analogues:

  • no risk of enamel damage;
  • reduction of bleeding gums;
  • the ability to clean not only the surface of the teeth , but also the tongue, as well as the mucous surface of the oral cavity;
  • destruction of bacteria and pathogens present on the enamel;
  • acceleration of biochemical processes and activation of blood circulation in the oral cavity due to heating of soft tissues during the use of an ultrasonic brush;
  • antibacterial protection due to the effect of ultrasound on the deep layers of oral tissue;
  • the ability to lighten the enamel by 1 - 2 tones with regular use of the brush together with whitening paste or powder;
  • high efficiency in cleaning fixed orthodontic structures;
  • pain relief due to the influence of ultrasonic waves;
  • short duration of teeth cleaning compared to conventional brushes.

The video shows how to use the devices and explains their benefits.

Instructions for use

When using any model, you should adhere to certain rules, since excessively active exposure to the surface of the teeth can lead to deterioration of their condition and damage to the attachments.

Requirements for brushing your teeth:

  • Do not clean the surface of the teeth by making vertical or horizontal movements;
  • It is necessary to lightly touch the tooth surface with the brush head for 3 - 5 seconds, gradually moving from one area to another;
  • Do not exceed the time for brushing each tooth.

The process of using an ultrasonic product consists of the following steps:

  1. The brush is rinsed with water , after which the paste is applied to it.
  2. After placing the product in the oral cavity, the switch is pressed.
  3. Smooth movements cleanse teeth of plaque.
  4. After completing the procedure, the bristles must be rinsed with water and wiped with a towel..

Sequence of application and use

To get the maximum benefit from using an ultrasonic electric brush, you need to follow several important rules :

  1. Before turning on the device, check its charge .
  2. Brush your teeth twice a day with a small amount of toothpaste.
  3. Hold the product at an angle of 45 degrees when cleaning the side surfaces of the teeth from the inside and outside.
  4. Slowly move the work head in one direction. You should stay on one tooth for no more than three seconds.
  5. When brushing your front teeth, hold the device vertically.
  6. When cleaning the chewing teeth, move the brush to a horizontal position.
  7. Carry out the procedure in such a way that the villi affect not only the enamel, but also the gums.
  8. After turning off the device, rinse the bristles well with running water and rinse your mouth.

To maintain the ultrasonic cleaning device in working condition, it is necessary to charge the battery or change the batteries in a timely manner. Also, do not immerse the device in water.

What is the principle of operation of an ultrasound brush?

Ultrasound vibrations from the generator are transmitted to the bristles of the brush. As a result, their oscillation frequency reaches 96 million per minute.

This allows ultrasonic vibrations to penetrate into the very depths of the tissues (5 mm), thereby providing not only cleansing of the oral cavity, but also a therapeutic effect.

The vibrations sent by the toothbrush generator reduce the attachment of plaque to the tooth enamel and loosen it, so that it can be removed without much difficulty.

Cleaning your teeth and face with the Soocas X3 sonic toothbrush

For a long time I toyed with the idea of ​​purchasing an electric toothbrush, but I kept brushing it off, saying it was all nonsense. But on the next wave of thoughts about it, I still gave up. And I regretted that I spent so much time thinking about it, because this brush is a miracle.

The Soocas brand was founded in 2015 and is a promising company producing electronic gadgets in the “beauty and health” category. Digital giant Xiaomi patronizes Soocas by investing in their projects. The specialists who work in this young company previously gained experience from Huawei, Phillips and Oral-B, so these guys are not short of ideas. It so happened that my purchase was a brush of this particular brand, or rather its third version, in which past mistakes were eliminated.

This brush is a sonic brush. Not to be confused with ultrasonic. The principle of its operation is based on the vibration of the bristles from the sound wave created by the plate. It does not have a rotating head. The brush is equipped with four teeth cleaning modes. Further from the top indicator to the bottom (circles):

  1. The standard daily brushing mode is a daily routine mode. The duration of brushing teeth in this mode is 2 minutes.
  2. Sensitive mode also works for 2 minutes. Compared to the standard one, it feels softer and is intended for those who have implants or braces installed.
  3. It is recommended to use a gum care regimen during the first weeks of using a toothbrush. Or it is recommended for people experiencing problems with bleeding gums. The duration is still the same 2 minutes.
  4. The whitening mode is the most hardcore, you can feel not only vibration, but also “hitting” movements. In the individual settings in the application (more about it below), you can activate this mode and then brushing your teeth will take 2 minutes with the selected intensity + 30 seconds of whitening. The last 30 seconds are easy to distinguish by the changed sound.

Modes are switched between each other by pressing a single button on the brush body. Every 30 seconds a signal sounds, which means it's time to move to the next zone. It is recommended to brush your teeth according to zones: upper right 30 seconds, upper left 30 seconds, lower right 30 seconds and lower left 30 seconds - a total of 2 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the brush turns off automatically.

Initially, the brush is equipped with one attachment, called Soocas Clean. By the way, this device is packaged simply amazing. The manufacturer clearly tried hard and did not skimp on the design or materials for its packaging. But I don’t have it at hand right now.

The nozzle was packed hermetically. The transparent cap protects the bristles from crushing and dust. For their consumables, Soocas uses DuPont brand bristles, which have rounded tips. The multi-stage arrangement of sectors ensures more productive cleaning.

Installing the nozzle is simple. The brand has its own connector standard, so it is not a fact that attachments from other brushes will be compatible.

The price of spare nozzles is absolutely reasonable - 680 rubles per pair. Sold in branded cardboard packaging, not so pretentious, but with an embossed logo and hologram. Both nozzles are vacuum-packed individually, each equipped with a transparent plastic cap.

There are 2 more types of attachments for this brush:

  • Soocas Inter for easy cleaning of interdental spaces.
  • Soocas Mini for thorough cleaning. Recommended for coffee lovers, smokers or people with serious dental problems.

But these are quite rare animals. I don’t keep track, of course, but the few times I wanted to buy, they were “out of stock.”

Now a little about the technical characteristics. The 1000 mAh battery lasts for almost a month of daily use twice a day. And this is very good. It consumes only 2 watts. The brush is not afraid of water, the degree of moisture protection is IPX7. Brand information at the bottom.

In order to please its customers not only with the box, Soocas equipped the brush with wireless induction charging. The power supply is included. The plug is not supplied; the manufacturer limited itself to a standard USB connector. It seems to me that this is even more convenient than looking for an adapter from a Chinese plug. But the brush takes a long time to charge, ideally you should forget about it for a day. The average charging time is 16 hours. The docking station with the company logo glows with a neutral white light when plugged in. And the charge indicator on the brush lights up green.

The first sensations are ticklish! But in a couple of days you completely get used to it. The quality of teeth cleaning is amazing! Well, why did I put off this idea of ​​buying for so long? Smooth teeth are now my daily personal happiness. The massage of the gums was a big plus, they became elastic and I almost forgot what “seasonal problems” with them are. I can’t imagine how I lived before without this thing?

Well, another interesting feature is the presence of bluetooth. The brush has a built-in high-precision ST G-Sensor, which collects data on the method and quality of teeth brushing. You can look at the dynamics in the Soocas application by downloading it from the market or app store. It is also possible to download the application using the bar code from the instructions included with the brush. In the application, you can specify the characteristics of your teeth so that the smart device can use signals to remind you to pay maximum attention to the problem area.

The application combines the collected information into statistics; the teeth brushing schedule will clearly show this to you. But to be honest, I still don’t understand exactly what algorithm the brush uses to read the information and assign a rating for each cleaning. There are only 3 criteria:

  1. Method of brushing teeth.
  2. Removing dental plaque.
  3. Duration of cleaning.

And if with the latter everything is clear “I turned off the brush before the automatic shutdown - I didn’t get the full scale,” then with the first two it’s not clear at all. At first, when it was still interesting to monitor statistics and receive rewards, I experimented with cleaning methods. For super-intensive cleaning I could get 74 points, and for lazy cleaning - 92. By the way, this is the maximum point I earned. And when you clean your face with a brush, you get even less. Below in the photo you will see the result in 2.5 minutes after cleansing the face, where the brush is almost always vertical and in the same plane. The application also counts down to the day when it is time for you to change the nozzle, about which you will be informed, as in the picture below. After changing the nozzle, you just need to reset the counter. I quickly got tired of playing with this application and abandoned it, so now it’s all “change the nozzle” and “ah-ah-ah, you haven’t brushed your teeth for a long time.” Although anyone undergoing gum treatment may find this application helpful.

— high-quality cleaning — long battery life — moisture protection — wireless charging — app — inexpensive consumables

- long charging time


10/10 rating

6 months, 2 rubles/day use

Well, now about how to clean your face with a toothbrush. When ordering replacement attachments, I discovered that the Soocas company had released a special attachment for cleaning the face, Soocas Facial, for this brush. Well, how could you not take it?

The packaging is very simple - a blister.

One side has soft silicone bristles

The other side is designated as massage

Changes exactly the same as the brush

It does its job perfectly, after cleansing the skin is very smooth, like after peeling. The massage side somehow doesn’t appeal to me; the one I get when cleansing my face is enough for me. The format of interchangeability of attachments is very close to me; it saves space both at home and when traveling. I was a little disappointed by the fact that there was no storage case of any kind; this would have been very useful, since the brush very quickly collects lint that comes from nowhere. Regarding the battery life, if you use Soocas X3 for two types of cleaning, the battery power will be consumed more, but this is obvious. And since in toothbrush mode the charge lasts for almost a month, the usual 2 times a week dedicated to cleaning the face does not take up so much. I am absolutely happy with this device, which by the way also comes with a facial brush.

- no need to purchase a separate device - compact - efficient

- no cover


8/10 rating

2 months, 2 times/week use

Skin type:

Combination skin, sensitive skin


What paste is recommended to use?

Some manufacturers produce special toothpastes with a gentle abrasive system.

It is these pastes that are recommended to be used in conjunction with an electric ultrasonic device.

Note! You can also use regular pastes that do not contain fine particles for daily oral care.

Experts advise purchasing toothpastes labeled “For electric toothbrushes” , having first studied the composition of the cleaning product.

It is desirable that the paste contains phosphorus and calcium, which help strengthen and whiten tooth enamel.

What effect does ultrasound have on enamel?

The use of ultrasound brushes does not have a negative effect on the enamel, but the quality of cleanliness of the oral cavity after its use is an order of magnitude higher than a regular toothbrush.

Ultrasound affects only the tooth surface; the tooth enamel is not exposed to any danger at all.

Types of electric brushes

All electric brushes have a similar design. Inside the case there is a motor that is powered by batteries or an accumulator. When you turn on an electric toothbrush, the motor drives a head with bristles that can move up and down.

In this article

  • Types of electric brushes
  • What is good about an ultrasonic brush?
  • Who is contraindicated for ultrasonic cleaning?
  • Rating of ultrasonic toothbrushes: popular models
  • How to properly brush your teeth with ultrasound?

Modern electric brushes, based on their operating principle, are divided into rotary, sonic and ultrasonic. Rotary brushes clean the surface of teeth by rotating, vibrating or pulsating the bristles of the head. Sonic ones provide high quality teeth cleaning due to sound vibrations of a certain frequency. A fine foam saturated with oxygen is formed in the mouth, which helps to better remove plaque and bacteria.

Ultrasonic toothbrushes generate ultrasound from 20 thousand Hz. Such waves are not perceived by the human ear, but have a destructive effect on bacteria, simply preventing them from gaining a foothold on the surface of the teeth.

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