Healthy foods and other factors for strengthening bones

Bone health is extremely important for full functioning. Together with joints and muscles, bones give a person support, movement, and strength. The skull, spine and rib cage protect the internal organs from physical influences. But their functions are not limited to this. It is also a storage facility for phosphorus and calcium. Finally, the bone marrow is the main organ of the hematopoietic system. With age, bones lose their strength. From about 32-34 years of age, irreversible processes begin in which resorption (destruction) proceeds faster than tissue restoration. The human task is to slow them down and keep the musculoskeletal system healthy and strong for as long as possible. In this material we will tell you what factors contribute to strengthening bone tissue.

What factors influence bone formation?

Primary ossification occurs in the third month of intrauterine development. This process is completely completed by the age of 25. In parallel, active bone growth occurs. Although bone tissue is formed throughout life, over time this process slows down. On average, a full cycle of remodeling (restructuring) takes 10 years. The main indicator of the quality of osteogenesis is bone tissue density, which is influenced by: • The amount of minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon. • Presence of vitamins (C, D and K) in the body. • Supply of substances that help the absorption of minerals and vitamins. • Elimination of substances that promote calcium loss.

Genetic factors cannot be ruled out. If the gene responsible for encoding the calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) receptor is mutated, bone density will be low even with sufficient vitamin D intake.

Calcium value

This mineral is key to maintaining normal bone density. The range of its actions is quite wide: • participates in the formation of insulin-like growth factor-1; • activates the division of osteoblasts (young bone cells); • slows down the rate of remodeling; • regulates phosphorus metabolism.

At different periods of development, its preferred sources differ. A person receives the first portions from the placenta, then the mineral is supplied through breast milk. In childhood and adolescence (during the period of active body growth), a diet rich in calcium is important. Osteopenia and reduced bone mineral density are often diagnosed in premature infants. Without two months of calcium therapy, fractures are possible even when picked up. After age 35, food sources often become insufficient and vitamins and minerals must be taken. Otherwise, the risk of fractures increases even with minor physical impacts.

Rules for the treatment of osteoporosis

With the help of therapeutic exercises, walking, swimming, the muscle corset, joints and bones are strengthened. Due to this, the likelihood of fractures is significantly reduced. If the loads are regular, the body increases growth factors, due to which bone mass increases. With systematic activity, the functions of the spine and joints improve.

It is recommended to walk for one hour every other day. Regular walking activates the work of the spine and large joints. The most dangerous fractures in osteoporosis are fractures of the femoral neck and spine, since their treatment requires prolonged immobilization.

It is not recommended to take sedative medications in the following cases:

  • if there are difficulties with movement;
  • there are disturbances in the coordination of movements;
  • muscle weakness.

In such cases, the risk of falling increases.

Drug therapy consists of taking the following medications:

  • Vitamin D and preparations containing calcium. The level of these components in the body stimulates a rapid increase in the mineral density of bone structures, thereby reducing the frequency and risk of fractures.
  • Bisphosphonates. Thanks to these medications, the risk of fractures is reduced by 50%. Bone density also increases.
  • Hormonal drugs for replacement therapy. Prescribed as preventive and therapeutic agents during the postmenopausal period. With the help of a long course of taking such drugs, the processes of bone thinning stop, this is a good prevention of fractures. Also, under the influence of hormonal medications, the negative vegetative manifestations of menopause are eliminated.
  • Calcitonins. They stop tissue demineralization and help relieve inflammation and pain.

When taking medications, the doctor will monitor the success of the therapy. It is important to conduct regular calcium metabolism testing. All indicators need to be monitored throughout the course of treatment to assess how effective the prescribed therapy is. If necessary, the doctor adjusts the prescribed regimen

Doctors may prescribe orthoses or a corset for the patient. With the help of such devices, it is possible to relieve severe pain in the back, since the load on the spine is distributed correctly. The corset is worn regularly or with short breaks. It should be removed before going to bed. Walking in the fresh air, feasible physical activity, and sports training will also be useful. You just need to give up power sports, which carry the risk of injuries, bruises and blows.

The key goal of therapy is to reduce the risk of fractures, so only drugs whose clinical effect has been proven through numerous trials are prescribed for treatment. The duration of therapy is approximately 3 years, if there are no fractures during menopause. The duration of treatment is about 5 years if there are fractures during the postmenopausal period. When taking corticosteroids, treatment continues throughout the entire period of taking the drugs.

Phosphorus value

Phosphorus (its salts) is an important component of bone tissue. It is part of hydroxyapatite, a mineral component of bone that forms about half of bone mass. On average, phosphates contained in the human skeleton account for from 500 to 700 grams of its weight. When hydroxyapatites line up between the fibrils (thread-like protein structures) of collagen, biomineralization is triggered - the starting point of osteogenesis. This indicates the direct participation of phosphorus in the formation of bone tissue.

Absorption of minerals for strong bones

Calcium and phosphorus are the main minerals that give bone strength. A child needs them for normal growth, and an adult needs them to prevent fractures. But the direct intake of these substances into the body is not enough. Equally important is their absorption, which is facilitated by: • Vitamin D. Regulates the process of calcium absorption. • Protein. Promotes the absorption and accumulation of minerals. • Magnesium. Improves calcium metabolism. • Silicon. Important for phosphorus absorption.

It is believed that lactose is necessary for the absorption of minerals. But its significance should be assessed from a different perspective. Dairy products contain large amounts of calcium and phosphorus (mainly in the form of lactates, which are easily digestible and easily provide the daily requirement). If a person is lactose intolerant, they cannot consume them, so they are forced to make up for the deficiency in other ways (by taking medications).

What foods can replenish calcium reserves?

99% of this mineral is found in bones and teeth. Regardless of the measures a person takes to strengthen them, without calcium the density will decrease, which can lead to fractures.

It is important to get enough of this substance for bone health. In addition to dairy products, its sources are: • fish (especially sardines and salmon); • seafood (crabs, shrimp); • sesame; • all types of cabbage; • nuts; • legumes; • hard cheeses; • eggs; • greens (basil, parsley, watercress); • sunflower halva.

Many of them (fish, eggs, milk) are also sources of vitamin D. Therefore, they not only give a person calcium, but also help to absorb it.

Calcium: an element essential for the body

Osteoporosis To reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis, preparations with calcium and vitamin D3, which promote the absorption of the mineral, can be used. More details

Dental health Calcium is involved in strengthening tooth enamel, which protects teeth from caries. Benefits of calcium

Healthy nails and hair Calcium and vitamin D3 promote the growth of strong hair and nails, thereby helping to maintain natural beauty and health. Medicine with calcium and vitamin D3

The role of calcium in the body Calcium is involved in the formation of bones, in the functioning of muscles and the blood coagulation system, and in the regulation of nerve conduction. What other processes require calcium?

Symptoms of calcium deficiency Lack of calcium in the body negatively affects the condition of bones, teeth, hair and nails. How can you make up for the deficiency?

"Complivit® Calcium D3 Forte" Calcium and vitamin D3 for strong bones and teeth. Find out more There are contraindications. It is necessary to obtain specialist advice.

Calcium is an important macronutrient found in all cells of the human body. A deficiency or excess of the mineral can have a detrimental effect on metabolic processes and the functioning of internal organs. The functions of calcium in the body are diverse: from participation in muscle contraction to bone formation. In the article, we’ll talk in more detail about the role calcium plays in the human body, how to maintain normal levels of the mineral, and why calcium supplements can be prescribed.

Most of the macroelement - approximately 99% - is found in the structure of bone and joint tissues, the remaining 1% is concentrated in the blood [1]. What effect does calcium have on the human body?

Calcium for bones

It is necessary to maintain a sufficient amount of calcium in the body to strengthen bones, build their strong and strong structure, resistant to high loads and minor trauma.

Probably everyone knows that calcium is important for normal growth and proper skeletal formation in children: a child needs calcium throughout the entire period of development[2]. To be more precise, a macronutrient is necessary for people of all ages: sufficient calcium intake is an important condition for healthy and strong bones. In addition, the mineral not only strengthens the spine, but also helps maintain an even and correct posture.

A lack of calcium affects a person’s well-being: he or she develops weakness and back pain. According to methodological recommendations, deficiency of the element can lead to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities[3], which increases the risk of developing diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as osteomalacia, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis. Also among the consequences of calcium deficiency are scoliosis and poor posture, and in children - growth retardation and rickets.

Calcium for teeth

Calcium is needed not only for bones, but also for teeth. The mineral is involved in the formation of dentin (the main part of the tooth) and tooth enamel and helps protect teeth from caries. Dental health directly depends on calcium. In children with a reduced level of the element in the body, delayed teething and dystrophic changes in the enamel may be observed. Calcium deficiency in adults increases the risk of developing caries and enamel erosion.


Caries is one of the most common diseases of the oral cavity[4]. According to WHO, almost 100% of the adult population of Europe has encountered this problem at least once in their lives[5]. Demineralization of teeth - that is, a condition in which dental tissues lose a significant amount of minerals, in particular calcium salts - leads to disruption of the enamel structure, its weakening and, as a consequence, the development of caries [6].

Calcium for hair

The beauty and health of hair largely depends on calcium. The mineral affects the functioning of the hair follicle[7]. And healthy roots are one of the decisive factors for normal hair growth. Being a structural element (contained in the shaft), calcium affects the condition of the hair: with its deficiency, hair loss[8] and deterioration of their condition are observed.

Calcium for nails

The strength, hardness, shine, uniformity and uniformity of color of the nail can all depend on the level of calcium in the horny cells of the nail[9]. With a significant deficiency of the element, the nails usually become brittle, dull, and the plate may peel off[10]. Thus, calcium, among other things, is necessary for strengthening nails.

Thus, calcium is necessary to maintain normal functioning of the entire body. To avoid the development of deficiency conditions, it is necessary to monitor the level of the mineral. The average daily intake of calcium directly depends on a person’s age (see table).

Table . Daily norm of the macronutrient calcium for people of different ages[11].

Age Daily calcium intake, mg
Up to 3 months 400
4–6 months 500
0.5–1 year 600
1–3 years 800
3–7 years 900
7–11 years 1100
11–18 years old 1200
18–59 years old 1000
60 years 1200

According to the norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation [12], the upper permissible level of calcium intake is 2500 mg/day. However, a surplus of an element is still less common than a deficiency. Most often, a lack of the mineral is observed in children, the elderly, adherents of strict diets, pregnant women and women during lactation.

The main source of calcium is various foods: dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, cheese), sesame seeds, pistachios, legumes, greens, sea fish[13,14]. But even people who follow all the recommendations of nutritionists and include calcium-rich foods in their diet may experience a decrease in the level of the mineral. In this case, according to the clinical recommendations of the Ministry of Health, taking special calcium supplements may be indicated to meet the daily requirement for the element[15].

As numerous studies show, calcium levels are affected by the content of calciferol in the body. Vitamin D increases the absorption of the mineral and maintains normal calcium levels in the blood[16]. Therefore, it is better to take calcium along with vitamin D. But which calcium supplement is better to choose?

The pharmacological market offers a wide selection of vitamin and mineral complexes with calcium and vitamin D. These can be not only biologically active substances, but also medications. The difference between these groups is that to register a dietary supplement, it is not necessary to undergo testing for the effectiveness of the drug - it is enough to prove its safety. Supplements are not indicated for the treatment of deficiency conditions, however, for preventive purposes they can be used along with medications. A doctor will help you make a choice in favor of any dietary supplements or medications: taking into account the health characteristics of a particular person, a specialist can choose the most suitable remedy.

However, those who are completely far from medicine should also understand the features of calcium preparations. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the composition, indications and contraindications, duration of the course and its cost. Taking these criteria into account, we will consider some popular dietary supplements and medicines with calcium.

  • “Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte”[17]. This drug (certificate number in the GRLS is P N013355/01 [18]) is indicated for the treatment and prevention of calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency. The active ingredients are calcium carbonate and colecalciferol. The drug can be used not only in adults, but also in children from the age of three. Not recommended for children under three years of age, people with high levels of calcium and vitamin D, severe renal failure, intolerance to the components of the product, and in some other cases. The duration of the course is at least four to six weeks. For an adult, one package of 60 tablets costing about 440 rubles may be enough for a four-week course. For longer-term use, it is more profitable to purchase a large pack of 120 tablets; its cost is approximately 615 rubles[19].
  • Solgar® Calcium 600[20]. This dietary supplement can be used as an additional source of calcium and vitamin D3, they are the active ingredients of the supplement. "Calcium 600" is not suitable for people with intolerance to the components, as well as for children. Pregnant and lactating women must obtain a doctor's permission before use. The manufacturer does not specify how long the IUD should be taken. The cost of a package with 60 tablets starts from 710 rubles[21].
  • Calcemin®. This medicine (number in GRLS - P N015890/01[22]) is a whole vitamin and mineral complex. In addition to calcium and vitamin D3, it contains zinc, copper, manganese and boron. This medicine is indicated to compensate for the deficiency of these nutrients. Calcemin® is not suitable for children under five years of age, people with hypersensitivity to the components of the product, with high levels of calcium or vitamin D3, as well as in other cases - more details can be found in the instructions for medical use. The minimum course is two to three months. Adults are recommended to take two tablets per day. Then to take the product for two months you will need at least 120 tablets. A package with this number of tablets will cost from 710 rubles[23].

The benefits of calcium for the body are undeniable: all cells and, accordingly, all biological processes depend on this mineral. Unfortunately, symptoms of calcium deficiency often become noticeable only when there are significant deviations from the norm. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the macronutrient content in the body, undergo appropriate tests and, if necessary, take preventive measures. In addition, it is worth choosing products that include, in addition to calcium, colecalciferol, or vitamin D3.

Calcium and vitamin D3 preparation for adults and children from 3 years of age

“Complivit® Calcium D3 Forte” is another version of the drug with calcium and vitamin D3[24].
Contains 500 mg of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D3 in 1 tablet. The drug was created to regulate the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body (bones, teeth, nails, hair, muscles), increase bone density, replenish the lack of calcium and vitamin D3 in the body, promote the mineralization of bone and dental tissue.

Indications for use:

Prevention and complex therapy of osteoporosis and its complications (bone fractures). Prevention and treatment of calcium and/or vitamin D3 deficiency.

Contraindications to taking the drug include age under 3 years, hypersensitivity to components, increased concentration of calcium in the blood or urine, nephrolithiasis, excess vitamin D. Other contraindications can be found in the instructions for medical use of the drug.

To combat calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency, adults and children over 12 years old – 2 tablets per day, children 3-12 years old – 1 tablet per day or as prescribed by a specialist. Taking the drug "Complivit® Calcium D3 Forte" should only be done after consultation with a specialist. Typically, the course takes about 4–6 weeks. But the exact dosage and duration of therapy should be determined by a specialist. The average retail price of a package of Complivit® Calcium D3 Forte (60 tablets) is 389 rubles[25].


  • 1
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  • 15,16
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  • 24According to the Instructions for medical use of the drug “Complivit® Calcium D3 Forte”
  • 25According to ALPHARM LLC, January–March, 2022.

All information related to health and medicine is presented for informational purposes only and is not a reason for self-diagnosis or self-medication.

What foods can harm bone health?

The diet needs to be carefully planned. The effect of healthy products can be neutralized by the effect of harmful ones - then it will not be possible to give strength to the bones. To avoid this, you should minimize your consumption of: • Sugar. A large amount of it negatively affects the intestinal microflora, which interferes with the absorption of minerals. • Caffeine. It accelerates the excretion of minerals from the body in urine. • Alcohol. On the one hand, it causes loss of fluid and salts, on the other, it has a toxic effect on bone tissue.

Phytic acid also interferes with the absorption of minerals. This substance, found in grains, blocks digestive enzymes. However, this does not mean that oatmeal, buckwheat or corn are prohibited. Before consumption, the grains are fermented or roasted to neutralize phytic acid.

Tips for Promoting Bone Health

Osteoporosis, which causes decreased bone density, does not occur overnight.

Therefore, even when the first signs appear, you can take measures to slow down the process: • adjust your diet by including more healthy foods and eliminating harmful ones; • stop smoking; • increase physical activity, which will have a beneficial effect not only on bones and joints, but also on the body as a whole; • visit an endocrinologist to prescribe hormone replacement therapy (for women during menopause); • start taking vitamin D and drugs that affect phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

In more serious situations, when general useful recommendations cannot solve the problem, the doctor prescribes treatment with antiresorptive drugs. These are bisphosphonates (alendronate, ibandronate, risedronate), which slow down the metabolism of bone tissue and suppress its destruction.

The importance of hormone replacement therapy for bone tissue

Decreased estrogen levels are one of the risk factors for osteoporosis. These are female sex hormones, which are also present in small quantities in the male body. They are natural antiresorptive agents (that is, substances that prevent the destruction of bone tissue). In men, hormonal status remains relatively stable. In women, with the onset of menopause, the amount of estrogen decreases sharply, so they are more prone to osteoporosis. During menopause, bone metabolism accelerates by 30%. Due to age, the rate of tissue restoration does not keep pace with the rate of its destruction. As a result, the skeleton of women over 60-65 years old becomes very fragile.

Timely initiation of hormone replacement therapy can prevent this. By ensuring normal levels of estrogen, it also prevents a decrease in bone density.

Treatment of osteoporosis at ArthroMedCentre

ArthroMedCenter doctors prescribe medications for the treatment of osteoporosis. Physiotherapy is also effective. Additionally, the patient must change their lifestyle, improve their diet, and exercise regularly. Not only drug but also non-drug therapy is important. Non-drug therapy includes regular physical activity.

At the ArthroMedCenter in Moscow, doctors prescribe the following effective procedures for the treatment of osteoporosis:

  • Hivamat therapy. A vibration massage is performed using an eclectic field. The procedure reduces pain, relieves swelling and improves blood circulation.
  • SMT therapy. The procedure increases the activity of metabolic and recovery processes.
  • Interference currents. The procedure reduces pain and promotes vasodilation. Blood circulation also improves and the regeneration process in damaged bone tissue starts.

Osteoporosis is a serious chronic disease. It is dangerous due to its long asymptomatic course. It is very important to undergo preventive examinations and examinations in order to promptly detect the onset of the disease and begin treatment immediately.

How to strengthen bones through exercise?

Regular physical activity helps not only build muscle mass or improve joint mobility, but also slow down the degenerative processes of bone tissue. There are special sets of exercises for the prevention of osteoporosis, but you can start with a minimum of: • walking; • climbing stairs; • stretch marks; • hanging on the horizontal bar.

Dancing, swimming, and yoga help give extra density to your bones. If there are signs of demineralization, it is important that exercises do not involve sudden movements and the risk of falls to avoid fractures. If osteoporosis has already manifested itself, patients suffer from pain in the back and limbs. In this case, you should refrain from lifting heavy objects, which may aggravate the syndrome.

How does bone tissue build up during dental implantation?

The tactics of the operation completely depend on the choice of bone tissue augmentation method. However, all methods of jaw plastic surgery have the following common features:

  1. The operation is preceded by a comprehensive examination of the body. The doctor examines not only the condition of the oral cavity, the degree of bone tissue atrophy, but also the general health indicators of the patient. The dentist requires data from blood tests, X-ray examinations, and the patient’s medical history. Only after receiving complete information, taking into account possible contraindications, the doctor can recommend one or another method of building bone tissue during dental implantation.
  2. Application of anesthesia. Depending on the sensitivity and impressionability of the client, both local anesthesia and general anesthesia can be used.
  3. Opening of soft tissues. The surgeon uses a scalpel to make an incision at the site of subsequent extension.
  4. Bone tissue augmentation procedure, selection of materials. This stage is different for each individual plastic surgery method.
  5. At the end of the operation, the doctor sutures the wound and disinfects it. Recently, self-absorbable sutures are increasingly being used, which do not require additional manipulation in the future.

The operation procedure for various methods of bone tissue augmentation during dental implantation is as follows:

  1. NTR is characterized by filling the atrophied area with synthetic materials with insulation in the form of a special dental membrane that does not require further removal. Implantation is possible after bone tissue has formed.
  2. Bone grafting consists of two main stages: collecting material for transplantation and replanting a bone block. The graft is immersed in the extension cavity and secured with titanium screws, the free space is filled with osteoplastic chips, after which the surgeon applies a biologically compatible membrane and sutures the gum.
  3. An open sinus lift is a serious procedure involving an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, which is performed only if there are special indications for the patient. The extension material is placed into the space under the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus through a hole in the outer wall.
  4. Closed sinus lift is a less traumatic method of bone tissue augmentation during implantation. It allows jaw plastic surgery and implant installation to be performed in one operation. Through a pre-prepared hole for the implant, the surgeon, using gentle tapping with a special instrument, penetrates into the maxillary sinus and fills the area of ​​the atrophied area with the extension material. Next comes the implantation procedure.

The disadvantages of sinus lifting, which is so popular in St. Petersburg, include an extensive list of contraindications, as well as a high risk of complications.

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