Additional roots and their clinical significance

What could be the consequences?

The problem most often manifests itself exclusively from an aesthetic point of view - psychological problems arise, the patient wants to correct the pathology as quickly as possible, especially if it is pronounced. That is, if the teeth and gums are healthy, then such discomfort is the only consequence of the problem.

If the short size of the crowns is caused by an abnormal structure of the teeth, problems with the gums, or abrasion of the enamel, then the consequence of this condition may be inadequate chewing of food, which will inevitably lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, premature aging of the face and the appearance of deep wrinkles near the mouth, and general deterioration dental conditions and even their loss.

Why you shouldn’t ignore the problem - what complications this can lead to

First of all, the neck of the tooth is exposed, then always after some time the root is exposed; the disease simply cannot remain at one stage. Due to the weakening of the tissue, the gums become smaller and can no longer cope with the task of holding the tooth, which is why it becomes loose at the slightest pressure.

Before the tooth falls out, deformation of the entire dentition will occur and with a high probability a tooth fracture may occur at the point of contact between the neck and crown, due to the low density of the enamel in this area.

Another almost inevitable consequence of failure to treat gum recession is a wedge-shaped defect, as a result of which the edge of the gum that is adjacent to the tooth takes on a V-shape, which immediately catches the eye and spoils the aesthetic appearance. To prevent complications, it is necessary to consult a dentist in a timely manner, find out the reason why gum recession occurs and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Treatment methods

The treatment method for this pathology is selected based on the cause that caused it. If the teeth and gums are in good condition, then it will be enough to perform gum surgery or install veneers, which will lengthen the crown part. If inflammation is present, then the treatment tactics should be identical to the methods for solving the problem of periodontitis. In any case, a visual examination, diagnosis of the condition of teeth and gums, followed by the development of an individual rehabilitation plan will be required.

Trimming the labial frenulum The labial frenulum is usually very short, which results in exposed teeth. But in a number of situations, on the contrary, it can be excessively long and literally hangs over the crowns. In such a situation, the size of the crowns naturally becomes smaller. Plastic surgery of the frenulum will solve the problem - this involves cutting off part of the mucous membrane and suturing it. The procedure can be performed at almost any age. Local anesthesia is required.

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Gumplasty The doctor visually lengthens the teeth by trimming the gums and changing the position of the gingival contour. The operation is only permissible on healthy gums and teeth. At the same time, it may be necessary to carry out a remineralization procedure, since the part of the teeth that is located under the gums is more susceptible to external mechanical influences. If a large volume of mucous membrane was trimmed, additional microprosthetics will be required using veneers or lumineers.

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Veneers and lumineers Thin onlays allow you to correct many aesthetic defects in the dentition. Microprostheses are created from ceramic composite, ceramics or zirconium dioxide. If you have short teeth, they allow you to change their height, but only in the front part of the row, since they will simply break off on the lateral chewing elements. Prosthetics are often combined with gingival contour plastic surgery.

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Tooth root, what are the symptoms of inflammation?

The following symptoms exist for tooth root inflammation:

  • severe pain in the area of ​​inflammation,
  • high body temperature
  • facial tumor
  • swelling of the gums
  • general weakness of the body

There are two options for inflammation: acute and chronic forms.

In the acute form, a person experiences periodic severe pain, which sometimes decreases, but does not go away completely. If, during an X-ray examination, no signs of an abscess are visible at the root apex, this means that the bone tissue is not yet damaged.

In the chronic form of inflammation, pain appears only when pressing on the affected tooth and then disappears quite quickly. Therefore, this form is very dangerous because a person cannot himself determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the root system of the tooth. Chronic periodontitis is usually recognized when a cyst has formed, or if pus begins to come out of the fistulous tract. In this case, a person feels its taste in the mouth, and an unpleasant odor is formed from the oral cavity. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, infection of all surrounding tissues is possible.

Our character and destiny are in our... teeth!

The concept means “the ability to judge a person’s internal qualities by appearance, and especially by face, and make a conclusion about his character.”

According to this teaching, the shape, size and location of teeth, along with other external features of a person, play an important role in the spiritual characteristics of a person. For example, those with straight teeth are, as a rule, wise and eloquent people, while significant gaps between the teeth indicate a weak-willed person. Cunning (and always fussing) people most often have small and sparse teeth. If the teeth protrude strongly forward, most likely the person is stingy, and those with long teeth are often evil and greedy. The gap between the front teeth - what is called a diastema in dentistry - in physiognomy speaks of frivolity and a cheerful disposition. Large teeth are found in brave and kind people, and different heights of the teeth indicate the thoughtfulness of their owner. Determined and energetic people most often have sharp and strong teeth.

Since ancient times, different peoples have had proverbs emphasizing the relationship between a person’s teeth and his character and destiny. In Rus', it was believed that teeth that were far apart from each other foreshadowed a happy life. In England it was also believed that “a child with few teeth will grow up happy and inclined to travel.” In the English city of Northampton they always said that those with a large gap between the upper incisors would become rich people. And in northeastern Scotland, the same sign indicated a person’s carelessness and excessive passion for the opposite sex.

In China, for a long time, they believed that teeth speak about a person’s relationships with other people and in the family, about the stability of life and the ability to enjoy delicious food. And in all these respects, long, straight, flat and white teeth are the best option. Only owners of such teeth can count on happiness in life and good relationships with people. White or ivory teeth will bring a person a good position in society and a high position, while yellow, dark, small and sparse teeth indicate a short and troubled life, poor relationships with people and an unstable financial situation.

In China, a person’s teeth are associated not only with his character, but also with his destiny. For example, it is believed that a person with protruding teeth will have to achieve everything in life on his own and not count on anyone. Success for such people comes far from their home. The owner of long (“dog”) front teeth most often becomes a tragedy for his family. Wealth, fame and a long life await a person who has large, white, dense teeth, also called “horse teeth.” A good marriage and an abundance of food are predicted for people with “garnet” teeth, that is, people whose middle teeth are larger than the rest, and the upper ones are, as it were, rounded downwards. Rare teeth indicate money problems and incontinence in conversations, inability to keep secrets, since, according to Chinese teaching, both wealth and information leak through such teeth. But special caution is recommended for those with “devil’s teeth” - crooked and zigzag teeth. Such teeth speak of a person’s envy and vindictiveness, his dishonesty in the areas of love, friendship and finance.

It is also interesting that in China much attention is paid to the number of teeth and it is believed that the more teeth a person has, the more happiness he will have in his life. Success in life awaits only a person who has more than 30 teeth, otherwise poverty and bad luck will befall him. The symmetry of the teeth is considered separately: teeth that are wide at the top and narrowed at the bottom speak of a person’s greed and cruelty.

It should be noted that the greatest attention in physiognomy is paid to the two front teeth. It is by them that one should determine whether a person is worth trusting. They also talk about how long and stable his life will be. If the front teeth are wide, straight and without gaps, and the remaining teeth are different from them, then this most often indicates that there will be no great success in a person’s life, but no great misfortunes will happen either.

Materials provided by Dentalworld portal


Prevention measures

It is impossible to completely guarantee protection against the gradual separation of the gums from the tooth, because this will happen naturally with age, but you can slow down this process. Experts in the field of periodontology and dentistry have identified several basic recommendations, following which you can minimize the risk of gum recession:

  1. The first thing you need to do is systematically visit the dentist 2-3 times a year as a preventative measure.
  2. You need to give up bad habits or reduce them to a minimum.
  3. Enrich your daily diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Perform hygiene procedures at least 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed. If desired, you can supplement brushing with dental floss.
  5. If you suspect or have any symptoms of any oral disease, consult a doctor immediately.

Regular dental checkups are something that most people neglect. Therefore, you need to develop a habit that will help keep your teeth healthy.

It is important to know! If your gums are your weak spot, you need to brush your teeth very gently, using a soft toothbrush and mouthwash. A hard brush can harm the gums and cause them to separate over time.

Gum recession is not just an aesthetic problem. This phenomenon signals the presence of a more serious disease or ongoing pathological processes in the soft tissues of the gums. Any deviation from the normal state should alert you and cause a visit to the dentist.

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