Why the side of the tongue hurts: reasons, how to treat discomfort in the oral cavity, preventive recommendations


Pain on the side of the tongue occurs under the influence of internal and external factors. This could be a simple injury or a serious pathology.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

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Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

External factors

Pain in most cases develops due to underlying causes.


Infection in the oral cavity affects not only the gums and mucous membranes, but also some areas of the tongue. The small papillae on the side become inflamed, ulcers form, redness appears, and the person feels an unpleasant burning and itching.

If the side of the tongue hurts, the cause may be the development of an inflammatory process, injury, negative effects of external factors, incorrectly installed fillings or dentures, dental diseases, allergies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Blood tests, ultrasound, x-rays, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging will help make an accurate diagnosis.

The choice of therapeutic tactics depends on the root cause of the pathological condition.

Infectious bacteria can enter the oral cavity from the outside or from the inside, for example, with an infectious disease of the nasopharynx.


You can accidentally bite the side of your tongue while jumping, falling badly, or chewing large pieces of hard food. Such a mini-injury is very disturbing, but the appearance of the inflammatory process increases pain and contributes to the development of redness. Epileptics bite their tongues during another attack.

If tongue pain occurs, it is important to independently feel and examine the organ from all sides.
If you suspect the growth of a tumor-like formation in the body of the tongue, you should immediately contact an oncologist.


Novikova Olga Alexandrovna

8 years of experience

Uncomfortable dentures

If the edges of the products are poorly processed and left sharp, then the tongue can be injured while eating. The same thing happens if too large parts of the locking connection were used during prosthetics. Complex orthopedic structures often injure the lateral surface of the tongue during adaptation.

Poor quality fillings on teeth

Untreated edges of treated areas, excess composite material and protruding “gaps” can rub not only the oral mucosa, but also the side of the tongue. This problem arises when visiting unqualified dentists in cheap clinics.

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These are just the most common causes of pain on the side of the tongue. To accurately determine the causes of the unpleasant syndrome, you should undergo an examination by a doctor.

Internal reasons

In addition to external factors influencing the muscular organ of the oral cavity, the influence of internal prerequisites is also noted.


Tongue disease has several forms. Catarrhal glossitis develops due to stomatitis, candidiasis and surface damage. The ulcerative variety is manifested by characteristic wounds, organ swelling and bleeding. Desquamative develops due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, parasitic infections and metabolic disorders.


This is a dangerous pathology, the symptom of which is pain on the side and at the base of the tongue. In addition to the unpleasant syndrome, there is a burning sensation and long-lasting itching - this poisons life and prevents you from eating normally.

This disease is caused by problems with the intestines and stomach. Changes in hormonal levels and frequent stress can also affect the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the mouth. If treatment is not started on time, the problem will affect the gums and the inner surface of the cheeks.


Often, pain on the right or left side of the tongue is the result of an allergic reaction to certain foods or medications. It is necessary to monitor your diet and medication intake to determine for sure why this reaction occurs.


This disease has several forms of manifestation and causes. The symptoms of dental pathologies are similar: ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth, redness and swelling on them and on the gums. Wounds form under a dull gray film on the lateral and central surface of the tongue. In this case, any dentist will identify the disease and prescribe treatment.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

If the secretory activity of the stomach is impaired, then the side of the tongue is always covered with erosions. The sores are small in size and are protected by a white film with a red border. The wounds presented are very painful and difficult to heal. They go away only after the stomach functions are restored.

In any case, it is impossible to independently determine the cause of soreness of the tongue on the side. If this is not a minor injury, then you should consult a doctor, especially if the discomfort continues for several days.

Pain at the tip of the organ

To answer the question of how to remove pain in the tip of the tongue, it is necessary to consider the possible causes of the appearance of a symptom in this particular localization. And here are the most common ones:

  • damage to the tip: usually the cause of the problem is simply biting this part of the tongue while eating or talking. Too hot food or drink, dentures and braces can also cause injury. This pain subsides on its own over time as the damaged tissue heals. If the problem is in the orthopedic or orthodontic system, sharp edges of the crown or filling, you should contact your dentist to eliminate the irritating factor,

    A common cause of pain is damage to the tip of the tongue.

  • glossalgia: a rather serious pathology in which this particular part of the organ usually hurts, less often the sides. In this case, the patient experiences a strong burning sensation, comparing it with the consequences of a burn. Such a symptom requires immediate contact with a specialist - the disease is long and difficult to treat, therapy is very exhausting for the patient,
  • glossitis: an inflammatory disease that often causes pain in the tip of the organ, and the explanation for this lies in its susceptibility to mechanical damage, in particular biting. Through the wound, the infection penetrates the tissue and causes inflammatory processes.

    The photo shows glossitis of the tongue

Stomatitis can provoke the symptom, but in this case, usually the entire surface of the organ is covered with small, painful tongues. Allergies may be the cause of the problem.

About the features of symptoms

Soreness of the tongue on the side is always accompanied by other symptoms, according to which the doctor can make a diagnosis during the first examination of the patient. Inflammation almost always develops in the affected area - it can be seen by such manifestations as:

  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • ulcers and erosions;
  • sensation ;
  • whitish or gray coating;
  • the papillae of the tongue are enlarged;
  • swelling of the organ around the edges or completely.

In some diseases, dry mouth, increased salivation, swelling of nearby lymph nodes, and an increase in local temperature are observed. If a neurological pathology develops, a person may experience an unexplained numbness of the tongue, difficulty speaking, and a headache.

What to do

The symptoms of various causes are similar to each other, but for clarification, consultation with a specialist is required - only he will decide what to do next. If this is mechanical damage, then there is no need to worry, but in the case of glossitis or glossalgia, the help of more than one doctor may be required.

Who treats tongue

The tongue plays an important role in human life: this muscular organ is involved in speech activity and also helps in chewing food; by its appearance one can judge a person’s overall well-being.

In any case, you should start with the dentist. During the examination, he will identify the problem and, if it is due to a poorly installed filling or prosthesis, he will solve the problem on the spot - he will simply grind off the sharp edges. If the cause of the trouble is a product with a complex design, he will refer you to the appropriate specialist.

If a dental problem is not detected, consultation with a therapist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, allergist, or dermatologist will be required. You cannot delay the examination and self-medicate; an experienced doctor will find the cause and prescribe the correct therapy.

Methods for relieving pain at home

Having considered the most common factors that provoke pain in the tongue, we can move on to recommendations on how to quickly remove pain and alleviate the condition. If it is not possible to visit a doctor in the near future, you can relieve an acute symptom using the methods presented below.


To carry out antiseptic treatment of soft tissues and relieve severe inflammation, it is recommended to rinse the mouth using the following pharmaceutical products:

  • "Chlorhexidine" is an antimicrobial drug in the form of a solution. Before the procedure, you must rinse your mouth with boiled water, then rinse for 30 seconds with the addition of a solution. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a day,

  • “Stomatofit” is a product based on plant components that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. A teaspoon must be dissolved in 50 ml of warm boiled water and rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture for 2 minutes. You can repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day,
  • “Miramistin” is a solution in a jar with a convenient sprayer. Before use, you need to fix the nozzle on the neck of the bottle, then just press the cap and direct the sprayer into your mouth. 4 repetitions a day are enough.

To relieve acute painful pain, you can resort to the help of a pharmaceutical anesthetic, for example, use the drug “Lidocaine” in the form of a spray. Before using any medications, it is better to first consult with a knowledgeable specialist.

Folk remedies

Some traditional medicine remedies will help quickly relieve acute pain and reduce inflammation. Just remember that such prescriptions can only be used with the consent of a doctor. Here are some tried-and-tested recipes:

  • decoction of chamomile - pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dried herb and let cool to room temperature. It is recommended to rinse 5-6 times a day, after meals,
  • raw potato juice - peel and grate several raw tubers, and then try to squeeze the juice out of them. You can use the mouthwash 2-3 times a day,
  • sage decoction - pour boiling water over two tablespoons of dried herb and let it brew for half an hour. After this, pass the liquid through a sieve and use to rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day.

Chamomile decoction is great for rinsing
. Keep in mind that the use of traditional medicine in no case cancels a visit to a specialist. These are only auxiliary measures to relieve acute manifestations of the problem, which only an experienced doctor can solve after diagnosing and identifying its causes.


To determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo the following types of research:

  • general and detailed analysis of blood and urine;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • secretory function of the stomach;
  • contrast x-ray of the stomach;
  • CT or MRI – performed for timely detection of oncology;
  • synthesis pancreatic hormones

You cannot refuse the examination - continued exposure to provoking factors will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the oral cavity and the spread of the disease to other organs.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience discomfort in your tongue, it begins to tingle or hurt, be sure to make an appointment with a specialist. In such a situation, you can contact both a dentist and an otolaryngologist. In any case, if necessary, the doctor will redirect you to the right specialist.

Only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment

You can choose the right course of treatment only if you have an accurate diagnosis. Pain in the tongue is a symptom that is characteristic of many pathological conditions, and may be an echo of a serious systemic disease of the body. Self-medication is simply inappropriate here. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation and bring it to very disastrous consequences. If pain appears in the main speech organ, be sure to see a doctor.

  1. Kazarina L.N. Diseases of the oral mucosa, 2000.

About treatment with various methods

After determining the diagnosis, treatment should be carried out by a specialist whose competence is the identified pathology. If several diseases are identified, complex therapy will be required. The main directions of treatment are the following methods.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

find a doctor

Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.


If the injury occurred as a result of poor-quality prosthetics or the installation of an untreated filling, then the defects must be eliminated by an appropriate specialist. At the same time, treatment of the mucous membrane with dental gels and rinsing with solutions are prescribed. Careful oral care is recommended.

Dental manifestations

It is required to put fillings on areas with caries, use high-quality toothpaste and carefully care for the oral cavity. Stomatitis or glossitis is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and agents that suppress the activity of harmful microorganisms. In combination with general therapy, the mucous membrane is treated with antiseptics and gels.

Endocrine diseases

It is necessary to restore hormonal levels and take medications to maintain the level of excretion of elements. Provides constant monitoring of blood sugar levels.

Stomach diseases

Drugs are prescribed against bacteria that cause gastritis and stomach ulcers, antacids, sorbents, and missing enzymes. Doctors recommend following a therapeutic diet, drinking mineral water, and treating your mouth with anti-inflammatory drugs.


Here you should first eliminate the source of inflammation with antiviral and antibacterial agents. If the cause is yeast-like fungi, then antimycotic drugs are prescribed. It is imperative to maintain local and general immunity. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes and healthy nutritional supplements will strengthen the body's resistance to various infections.

Diseases of various organs

The occurrence of pain on the side of the tongue due to the development of pathologies of internal organs requires systemic treatment. Therapeutic measures are prescribed for the main diagnosis and treatment of the oral cavity with various medications.

Minor injuries or burns

In this case, you should avoid products that irritate the nipple strings on the tongue or injure them: chips, crackers, candies with sharp edges and harmful dyes. Freshly cooked soups should not be eaten; they must be allowed to cool for at least 15 minutes. The same must be done with tea, coffee and other hot drinks.

Allergy to medications

Antihistamines will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Sorbents help bind and remove allergens from the body. The attending physician will prescribe medications with a similar effect, but without containing substances that provoke a reaction.

Tongue hurts - what this symptom can mean and how to deal with it

The tongue takes an important part in the process of eating and is responsible for human speech. The surface of the organ is covered with a huge number of papillae, which contain tiny receptors - they allow us to enjoy the taste of our favorite foods. Among other things, the tongue is a kind of indicator of the health of the body. Many systemic diseases and disorders in the functioning of internal organs immediately affect his condition, thus signaling a problem. One of these “signals” may be pain, and here the question involuntarily arises of how you can numb the tongue and what needs to be done for this. Read about the possible causes of pain in the organ, as well as ways to eliminate it, further in this article.

How to get rid of tongue pain?

General recommendations for treatment and prevention

Whatever the reason that led to damage to the lateral part of the tongue, recommendations for treatment and prevention should be followed. Here are the following tips:

  1. For the duration of the treatment, it is necessary to switch to soft, pureed food. Food should be warm so as not to irritate the papillae of the tongue, mucous membrane of the mouth and gums.
  2. Recommended are puree soups, chicken broth, berry or fruit jelly, steamed cutlets, and mashed potatoes.
  3. vegetables only boiled or stewed, preferably pureed, without large pieces or seeds.
  4. Crackers, seeds, and chips are strictly prohibited
  5. You should not eat food that is too hot or, conversely, cold, as well as quite spicy or sour. Here the harm of excess sugar and salt is noted.

It is necessary to carefully care for the oral cavity, brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue and gums from plaque. It is important to use only high-quality hygiene products: toothpaste, mouthwash, and it should be alternated between an alcoholic variety and one without the main component.

It is necessary to monitor your health, visit your doctor on time and not ignore his appointments. If your tongue is painful, you should consult a specialist without delaying it or self-medicating.

To protect yourself from this problem, you need to think about stopping smoking and drinking alcohol. These bad habits also cause tongue pain. Before getting a piercing, you need to think carefully about the consequences - you can provoke an infection in the oral cavity, which occurs as a result of the wrong choice of salon. There is nothing more important than health - this should be constantly remembered.

Pain from the chewing teeth

Discomfort and pain in this part of the tongue most often indicate mechanical injury to soft tissues. Other probable provoking factors include glossalgia, glossitis, allergies and stomatitis. Often the cause of the problem is a deformed denture, which constantly rubs and requires relining or replacement.

“I woke up one night with severe pain in my tongue, and it hurt only on one side. This is what happens when you wait too long to reline your denture. I have a removable one on the lower jaw, it’s been squinting for a long time, but I thought I’d endure it, it’s okay. As a result, my whole mouth became swollen, and then I couldn’t speak normally for a week. A denture is no joke; it needs to be adjusted on time. And then there are wounds in the mouth, and through them the infection penetrates ... "

Lyubov Andreevna K., 56 years old, from correspondence on the woman.ru forum

Pain from the chewing teeth can be caused by various factors.
By the way, the sides of the tongue may begin to hurt due to too frequent smoking. But if no visible causes for this symptom can be found, there is reason to think about neuralgia. In any case, to understand the true source of the problem, you need to make an appointment with a doctor.

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