Rinse for the treatment of periodontitis

Many centuries ago, our ancestors understood a simple truth - nature itself takes best care of human health. After all, for any disease there is sure to be a medicinal plant that will help improve the condition. Thanks to the experience of traditional healers, today we know many effective and safe recipes for all occasions. And the benefits from these natural remedies are often much greater than from expensive medications.

For example, oak bark, which has many beneficial qualities, is widely used in folk medicine. Based on this component, various recipes have been compiled that help stop uterine bleeding, cope with excessive sweating, and prevent bedsores. Oak bark is very useful in treating teeth and oral cavity. It is recommended for gingivitis, stomatitis, gumboil, and bad breath.

About the benefits of oak bark

It is difficult to list all the beneficial properties of oak bark. It contains various acids, proteins, pectin, resins that have an astringent effect, and tannins.

A natural antiseptic, oak bark is often used in medicine, including dentistry.

Thanks to this combination of natural components, the bark can be used for many diseases. It has anthelmintic and antibacterial properties, is a natural antiseptic, promotes wound healing, and accelerates the restoration of skin tissue.

One of the beneficial properties of oak bark is the ability to stimulate natural defenses and strengthen the immune system.

What effect will you get

The actively suppressing inflammation properties of the unique tree are popular not only among traditional healers, but also among dentists. Rinsing the gums with oak bark will have a simultaneous effect of improving the condition of soft structures and preventing the accumulation of bacteria on the chewing surface.

Pharmaceutical form of a natural remedy (dried)

The antiseptic effect ensures inhibition of the viability of unwanted microorganisms.

Along with this, rinsing with oak bark helps the mucous membrane recover from:

  • traumatic;
  • and destructive damage.

This happens thanks to a multicomponent compound of substances such as resins, proteins, several types of acids, and pectin.

If oak bark is used, rinsing the mouth creates special conditions inside the oral cavity that will prevent the development of various diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis).

At this time, the attacks of pathogenic microbes will stop. They simply will not survive in such conditions if you use a product such as oak bark for gums. As a result, you will maintain the healthy state of the structure, and trophism will remain at a normal level. Accordingly, its main purpose to hold the tooth will not change. Oak bark for gums will create a microclimate that prevents inflammation inside existing pockets.

Help with gum disease

Inflamed gums cause a lot of trouble. She turns red and then starts to hurt a lot. Under the influence of pathogenic organisms, pustules appear in the mouth. If measures are not taken in time, you can even lose a tooth (in case of periodontal disease). To strengthen the gums and relieve tooth inflammation, it is recommended to use a decoction prepared from oak bark. You should rinse your mouth with this product throughout the day.

Decoction for rinsing

The decoction is prepared according to the following recipe:

Take 2 cups of water for 2 teaspoons of oak bark. Pour water over the bark and bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer the mixture for 5 minutes. Then remove the product from the heat and allow it to cool. The cooled mixture is carefully filtered and poured into a jar. The healing decoction is ready, you can begin treatment.

The oral cavity should be rinsed frequently - up to 5 times a day. It is quite possible that the condition will improve on the first day. But this does not mean that treatment can be stopped. The full course must last at least 3 days.

If the inflammation is too severe, then the procedures are carried out for a whole week. It is better not to use yesterday's decoction, because its healing properties weaken over time. Rinsing will bring maximum benefit if you brew a new portion every day.

Stages of the disease

There are 3 stages of periodontitis in adults:

  1. Initial
    . The gums become inflamed, as evidenced by redness and bleeding.
  2. Average
    . The gums swell greatly, the neck of the tooth is exposed, a periodontal pocket is formed, the degree of bleeding of the gums increases and the first pain sensations appear in response to irritants.
  3. Heavy
    . The depth of the pocket reaches large sizes (up to 7 cm) and the tooth begins to become very loose.

Main signs of periodontitis

The presence of periodontal inflammation may be indicated by such obvious symptoms as:

  • bleeding gums when brushing teeth or chewing food;
  • feeling of itching of the gums;
  • saliva viscosity;
  • change in gum color to a redder, scarlet color (normally light pink);
  • formation of a periodontal pocket (exposure of the neck of the tooth);
  • the presence of purulent discharge;
  • constant bad breath.

What contributes to the occurrence of the disease?

The reasons for the initiation of the inflammatory process of periodontal tissues may be:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • untreated caries and gingivitis;
  • proliferation of pathogenic bacteria due to large deposits of tartar;
  • stomach diseases that change acidity;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • smoking.


At the NovaDent clinic, a thorough diagnosis of periodontitis is carried out according to the following scheme:

Visual inspection

When examining a patient's oral cavity, the dentist pays attention to the quality of oral hygiene, the presence of bacterial plaques and their prevalence, the depth of periodontal pockets, the degree of resorption of supporting tissues and tooth mobility.

X-ray image

Provides the doctor with additional information about the extent of bone damage around the teeth, the presence of protruding crown edges and dangerous zones on the oral mucosa.

Flux treatment

The pain from dental problems can be so severe that it is simply impossible to bear. And if gumboil has formed near the tooth, then unbearable pain is complemented by an increase in body temperature and a sharp deterioration in general well-being.

A decoction of oak bark with sage will help reduce pain from flux

A simple folk recipe - oak bark with sage leaves - will help you alleviate the condition at home. A medicinal decoction is prepared in this way. Take 4 tablespoons of crushed bark and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Then the composition is kept in a steam bath for 20 minutes. About 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add a little sage (half a teaspoon) to the bark. After cooking, the composition should sit for half an hour. The finished broth must be cooled and rinsed with it in your mouth for several minutes every hour. As a result of such procedures, the flux subsides. Repeat rinsing until symptoms disappear completely.

Oak bark for stomatitis

Another common oral disease is stomatitis. Children are especially often affected by this disease. After all, they always put either a dirty toy or unwashed hands into their mouths. And even the most vigilant parents do not always manage to keep an eye on their baby. As a result, an infection develops in the oral cavity, incredibly painful purulent ulcers appear, and the temperature rises. Because of this, the child suffers greatly, and the parents cannot find relief from their worries. It's actually very easy to help your baby. You just need to prepare a decoction of medicinal plants. First, brew a couple of teaspoons of bark, and then add a spoonful of calendula or chamomile to the decoction. The composition is poured with boiling water (3 cups) and kept in a water bath for 5 minutes. The finished broth is allowed to cool and then filtered thoroughly. Now you can move on to the procedures.

When a child has stomatitis, each wound is treated with a decoction of oak bark

If your child is very small and cannot rinse his mouth, you should not refuse natural medicine. You can treat each wound separately with the decoction. If you are patient and do this regularly, after just a few procedures your baby will feel much better.

Oak bark is truly the most suitable way to help young children get rid of stomatitis. After all, there are no special means for them. All medications sold in pharmacies are intended for children over 7 years of age.

Types of inflammatory and dystrophic gum diseases

Inflammatory manifestations include:

  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis

Dystrophic manifestations include:

Gingivitis: signs, causes and treatment

Gingivitis is the first stage of inflammation, in which the integrity of the periodontal junction has not yet been compromised. This disease can be identified by the following signs:

  • Swelling of the gums.
  • Blood while brushing teeth.
  • Pain when eating cold, hot or solid foods.

Improper brushing of teeth, errors during fillings and dentures, improper bite – all this can cause gingivitis. By the way, this is one of the most popular problems that pediatric dentists encounter.

Treatment of gingivitis involves a set of procedures carried out in a dental clinic and at home. If there is dental plaque, it is necessary to carry out ultrasonic cleaning. In addition, you should pay more attention to hygiene: brush your teeth properly and use antibacterial agents.


Periodontitis is a pathology that occurs as a result of advanced gingivitis. In this case, the swelling of the gums becomes even stronger, they begin to bleed frequently. If left untreated, infection and pus may form. As a result, the bone tissue begins to atrophy, and this leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth, their mobility, and sometimes even loss.

Treatment of periodontitis is prescribed taking into account the course of the disease. At first, procedures such as removing plaque from the enamel and regular brushing of teeth with antiseptic agents may be sufficient. In more serious situations, when the infection has penetrated deep into the bone tissue, surgery may be necessary:

  • Partial gum excision.
  • Cleaning periodontal pockets.
  • Implantation of bone tissue substitutes.

Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is a systemic disease. As a rule, it is typical for elderly patients. Inflammatory-dystrophic manifestations in this case are concentrated in the periodontal tissue.

Periodontal disease develops at a leisurely pace, gradually erasing tooth enamel. The presence of this disease can be determined by exposed tooth roots and cervical chips of tooth enamel. In most cases, no pain occurs, but if you ignore the problem, you can “lose” your teeth.

To eliminate periodontal disease, it is necessary not only to observe and treat the dentist, but also to related specialists.

Treatment of inflammation at home

The course of treatment of teeth and gums is always selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the disease:

  • A type of inflammatory process.
  • Neglect of pathology.
  • Patient's age.

For example, in adult patients, inflammatory processes most often occur due to chronic diseases. To eliminate the problem, as a rule, pharmaceutical products are required - antiseptics, gels, ointments, antibiotics, toothpastes. If a child’s gums become inflamed, this is almost always associated with teething and herbal medicine, that is, rinsing with herbal decoctions and using other methods of traditional medicine, is sufficient for treatment.

Diseases that can be treated with oak bark

The bark has a good effect not only in the treatment of dental diseases. Traditional healers recommend its use for other health problems. Thus, a decoction of the bark can successfully treat uterine bleeding, erosion and other female diseases. To do this, prepare a medicinal decoction in special proportions and perform douching. When bleeding occurs, the decoction is taken orally.

Many people are plagued by an annoying nuisance - excessive sweating of the feet. Oak bark will help in this case too. Regular baths with its decoction will quickly correct the situation.

The bark is also successfully used for hair care. If your curls have become brittle and lifeless, after each wash you need to rinse them with a healing decoction. The bark will make your hair strong, healthy and shiny. They will stop falling out and gain volume. If you are blonde, then oak bark will give your hair an expressive shade.

Self-harvesting bark

Today you can purchase oak bark very easily. It is inexpensive, available in all pharmacies, and is sold without a prescription or other restrictions. But if you decide to prepare medicinal raw materials yourself, it is better to do it in early spring. At the same time, remember an important rule - young bark is needed for medicinal purposes. The fact is that trees that have not yet reached twenty years of age accumulate the most useful substances.

The collected bark should be placed on a sheet of plywood or fabric made from natural materials and left to dry. For drying, you need to choose a suitable place with good air circulation, for example, in the attic or under a shed. Remember to stir the bark every day. When the raw material becomes almost dry, it needs to be kept in the oven.

Dried raw materials can be used in various recipes. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from it, used alone or mixed with other medicinal plants.

Seven herbs for healthy gums

That is why a person whose oral cavity is parasitized by all these Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus and other microbes with exotic Latin names has no time to relax and cannot let them go.
After all, if you just skip evening brushing your teeth a few times, don’t use dental floss, or don’t care for your oral cavity carefully enough, caries, bleeding gums and other troubles ending in “-itis” will immediately make themselves felt: stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis. What can we say about bad breath! Statistics eloquently testify that humanity has been forced to fight a serious enemy since childhood. For example, caries in children, which ranks first among chronic diseases, is noted 5–8 times more often than, for example, bronchial asthma. According to various data, 80–90% of children with a primary malocclusion and about 80% of adolescents have carious cavities at the time they graduate from school, and 95–98% of adults have filled teeth (healthypeople.gov). However, it is not just dental health that is important for overall health. Thus, experts from the American Academy of Periodontology believe that the importance of oral diseases for overall health is significantly underestimated. Thus, according to one study, periodontal disease is associated with other problems, including heart and respiratory diseases, premature birth and low birth weight, stroke, osteoporosis and diabetes (www.perio.org). How to avoid inflammation? How to strengthen your gums and prevent loose teeth and bleeding? How to prevent or quickly and effectively get rid of all these unpleasant manifestations? Not to mention that bad breath that can scare everyone away? All these questions, swarming in your head and sometimes preventing you from living a full life, force you to start looking for an effective weapon that will somewhat pacify the dispersed “resort-goers.”

Some mouthwashes that we see on the shelves of supermarkets or cosmetic stores are intended to be used for hygienic purposes only. As a rule, they do not have a therapeutic effect, except perhaps for the short-term effect of eliminating bad breath. The same applies to regular rinsing of the mouth with clean water, which has a purely mechanical effect. Therefore, patients, faced with problems such as periodontitis, bleeding gums, increased sensitivity of teeth to cold and hot, bad breath, and also in order to prevent caries, if they do not always go to the dentist, then they certainly go to the pharmacy. After all, it is there that they can recommend any over-the-counter medicine, taking into account the tastes and income of a particular patient.

In addition, it is on pharmacy shelves that you can find not only preventive, but also truly effective preventive and therapeutic agents to eliminate the above problems, containing active ingredients with antibacterial, antifungal, astringent, anti-inflammatory and/or analgesic, as well as deodorizing properties. However, few of them contain all the ingredients that allow the drug to provide the whole range of the above effects.

At the same time, some synthetic drugs cannot always be used for a long time, since they have a detrimental effect on the saprophytic microflora, which creates a normal, natural microclimate in our oral cavity.

In this case, preparations based on medicinal plants come to the rescue: for centuries, dentists and periodontists have recommended their patients to rinse with various infusions, extracts, and decoctions of medicinal herbs - their use for inflammation of the oral cavity has been known since ancient times and the doctor’s advice: “Rinse your mouth chamomile, sage, oak bark...,” more than one generation of patients has heard.

Today there is no longer any need to prepare infusions and decoctions yourself, occupying all the dishes in the house with them; Moreover, there is no need to use all these infusions in turn or mix in certain proportions - thanks to (Europlant PhytoPharm is part of the Martin Bauer Group, Germany), we are able to significantly facilitate the care of patients about the health of their oral cavity.

The complex herbal preparations STOMATOFIT and STOMATOFIT A, presented on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market, exhibit the entire range of properties that our patients need as a natural antiseptic, which has an antimicrobial and antifungal effect, an active anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, which exhibits hemostatic and astringent properties, which also helps the healing of wounds, and freshens breath.

This is achieved due to the fact that the STOMATOFIT solution contains extracts from seven medicinal plants (see block), traditionally used (in particular in dentistry) to combat the listed problems.

The complex of natural biologically active substances contained in these plants, which enhance each other’s effects, allows us to speak of the STOMATOFIT product line as truly effective, efficient products that never disappoint patients’ expectations and bring long-awaited relief already on the first day after regular use of the drug. In addition, STOMATOFIT A contains anesthesin, which allows it to help even those who complain of severe pain or sensitivity of teeth or gums.

Not having problems with your gums or oral cavity is a fairy tale. Quick relief from bleeding gums, inflammation of the oral cavity, and unpleasant odor - this is STOMATOFIT!

Safety regulations

Oak bark is a natural remedy that acts gently without causing harm to health. But some people need to use it with caution. First of all, we are talking about pregnant women and small children.

To avoid unpleasant side effects, you need to consider the following points:

  • With long courses of rinsing (more than two weeks), nausea may occur. So take breaks
  • If you have an individual intolerance to the substances contained in the bark, you will have to avoid this remedy.
  • If you have constipation, you should not take the decoction orally.

Before starting dental treatment, it is advisable to consult a dentist. The specialist will examine the condition of the oral cavity and give his recommendations on the use of folk remedies. He will tell you how to properly prepare decoctions and what other components should be added to them.

Rinsing your teeth with a decoction of oak bark is useful as a preventive measure.

Oak bark for toothache gives quick and lasting results. At the same time, it does not damage the enamel, improves the condition of the gums, relieves bleeding and even has a slight whitening effect. Do not neglect this remedy, even if your teeth are in good condition. Use a decoction of the bark for preventative purposes, and your smile will always remain beautiful!

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