Treatment of periodontitis with lincomycin injections

N-Light Medical Center provides a unique service for the treatment of gum disease of any degree latest generation diode laser GRANUM. This service allows patients to undergo a painless and effective course of treatment for periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease in Dnepropetrovsk. We also offer alternative methods for treating these diseases.

Periodontal diseases

Literal translation from Greek, periodontitis means “near the tooth” or, in other words, an inflammatory process in periodontal tissues. The periodontium includes not only the gums, but also bone tissue, jaws and muscles.

Periodontal symptoms

  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth mobility
  • Redness of the gums
  • Peeling of tissue from teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Itchy gums
  • Increased tooth sensitivity

There are many causes of gum disease. The health of the gums affects the overall health and condition of the entire body. Also, the inflammatory process can be caused by insufficient oral hygiene, dental plaque, malocclusion, little or no solid food intake, which leads to a decrease in the load on the teeth. Periodontal disease is one of the most common causes of tooth loss.

There are three types of periodontal disease

  1. Periodontitis
  2. Gingivitis
  3. Periodontal disease

Gingivitis is a mild form of periodontitis. Gingivitis is a superficial inflammation of the gums around the tooth. With further spread of inflammation, microbes penetrate deep into the tissues, where periodontitis then develops.

Periodontitis is a consequence of untreated gingivitis. With this disease, there is destruction of the tissues that attach the tooth to the bone. As a result, so-called “periodontal pockets” appear. Many germs accumulate in these pockets, which can even lead to tooth extraction or loss.

Periodontal disease, unlike gingivitis and periodontitis, which are related to each other, is extremely different. Periodontal disease is not an inflammatory disease; it is caused by age-related changes in humans. The gums, on the contrary, look healthy and fit tightly to the teeth. With periodontal disease, the height of the gums gradually decreases, the necks of the teeth and maybe even the roots are exposed. This is all explained by the fact that in old age, blood supply to the periodontal tissues deteriorates, blood vessels narrow, and metabolic processes are reduced. All this gradually leads to atrophy of the gum tissue, and subsequently tooth loss.

Qualified doctors of our dentistry will help with the treatment of periodontal disease, gingivitis and periodontitis in Dnepropetrovsk. The innovative technologies of our clinic and the professionalism of our doctors allow us to find the cause of these diseases and provide you with a range of treatment until complete recovery.

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Prices for the procedure Treatment of periodontitis

Treatment OptionsPrice
Using injections with traumeel, lincomycin, vitamins1 injection from 150 UAH
With laserfrom 500 UAH

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Advantages and disadvantages of local treatment for bleeding and periodontal disease

Injections into the gums are designed for rapid delivery of medicinal substances to hard tissues. Aimed at eliminating the root cause of periodontal disease at the initial stage of the disease, namely bleeding. For injections into the gums, special syringes with the thinnest possible needle are used. They reduce pain and make the procedure minimally traumatic. Benefits of injections into the gums:

  • strengthening gums during periodontal disease;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • treatment and prevention of inflammatory processes in the gums;
  • strengthening local immunity;
  • restoration of the natural microflora of the oral cavity.

Injections into the gums should only be done by a dentist. Possible disadvantages of this method of therapy:

  • can only be used in the initial stages, when the hard gum tissue is not irreversibly damaged;
  • sometimes complications occur if the injection is given incorrectly or the oral cavity is not disinfected;
  • people with hypersensitivity may experience severe discomfort;

Proper preparation and, if necessary, pain relief with local anesthetics will help to avoid problems.

Other oral diseases are a contraindication to injection therapy for periodontal disease. They need to be treated first to avoid complications.

Lincomycin injections - instructions

Each package of Lincomycin for injection contains 10 ampoules of 1 ml. Each ampoule contains 300 mg of the active substance (lincomycin hydrochloride), which corresponds to its concentration of 30%. Lincomycin solution in ampoules - can be used from almost one month of age, i.e. practically no age restrictions.

However, this is due not so much to the safety of the drug - but to the fact that it is used in purulent surgery mainly for the treatment of septic conditions caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus, pneumonia, purulent infections of the skin and soft tissues, i.e. in such conditions when safety for children's health is a secondary factor.

Single dosage of Lincomycin for an adult (2 amps of 1 ml) –

Dosage regimen for IM administration - usually for adults and children over 14 years of age with intramuscular injections into the buttock - a single dose is 600 mg, i.e. You need to take 2 ampoules of the drug into the syringe at once. Usually injections are given 2 times a day (morning and evening, with an interval of 12 hours). In severe cases, injections are given 3 times a day - with intervals of 8 hours between them. For children aged 1 month to 14 years, the daily dose is calculated according to the following scheme: 10-20 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

Features of use: when administered intramuscularly, it is necessary to inject the drug deep into the soft tissues. This is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of compaction in the injection area, as well as the development of purulent soft tissue abscess. Lincomycin is administered intravenously only by drip, at a rate of approximately 60-80 drops per minute. Before intravenous administration, 2 ml of a 30% solution of Lincomycin must be diluted in 250 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution.

→ Lincomycin hydrochloride in ampoules: official instructions (download in PDF)

What tactics are used to treat periodontal disease?

I want to start with the fact that patients who come with a diagnosis of periodontal disease, they need, every single one, treatment... not from the periodontist to whom they initially turned.

If we talk about the tactics of managing patients with the so-called. periodontal disease, which then come to me again, it’s a shame to voice this, but the treatment of periodontal disease was carried out right up to injections of Lincomycin into the exposed gum.

According to statistics, almost always the treatment of periodontal disease in adults with medications is burdened with a course of some antibiotics and physical therapy.

And most importantly, the task of all these manipulations is completely unclear: what do doctors want to achieve in this way, to destroy some kind of flora or to stop some destructive processes in the gums? It is very difficult for me to say what happens to the competence of a doctor who injects antibiotics for the so-called. periodontal disease, but this is absolute blasphemy. Is it possible to cure periodontal disease by destroying the flora? As a result, the gums will never recover.

Treatment of gum periodontal disease reaches the point of absurdity

I would like to note the widest range of drugs and folk remedies that patients use to attempt self-treatment of periodontal disease at home. Among the folk remedies, one can note the treatment of periodontal disease with hydrogen peroxide, and even treatment with soda:

What about the use of various toothpastes for periodontal disease? What goals do patients have? The purpose of toothpaste is preventative, not curative. And no toothpaste will eliminate inflammation, because there is no such inflammation in periodontal disease.

It is not difficult to guess that in these combinations of procedures the question of how to cure periodontal disease remains open.

pharmachologic effect

An antimicrobial agent that belongs to the group of lincosamides. Its bacteriostatic effect is noted in relation to a wide range of microorganisms. If higher doses of the drug are used, it may produce a bactericidal effect.

The mechanism of the antimicrobial effect of the antibiotic is as follows: under its influence, protein synthesis is inhibited in the cells of microorganisms. It has pronounced activity against gram-positive anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms. Resistance to the influence of the drug is demonstrated by strains of Enterococcus faecalis, as well as viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Most gram-negative microorganisms are also resistant to it. Slow development of resistance to this drug has been noted. Cross-resistance of this substance with clindamycin has been noted.

What antibiotics are needed for dental treatment?

Antibiotics for dental treatment are prescribed for inflammation of the bone tissue or the segment surrounding it.

  • An abscess is a commonly diagnosed inflammation of a tooth. Antibiotics are prescribed for gingival (flux), periodontal or peripical localization of infection. The cause of an abscess is the penetration of bacteria into the tooth pulp.
  • Antibiotics are prescribed to treat teeth affected by pulpitis . In this case, only soft tissues are affected and there is no inflammation of the tooth root. The antibiotic helps with acute pain, sensitivity to temperature, swelling and other symptomatic manifestations of pulpitis.

Antibiotic therapy in dentistry is provided for all infectious pathologies: necrotic process, sepsis, inflammation of the tooth root. Antibiotics are prescribed in courses in the form of tablets, injections, ointments and solutions for applications.

With alcohol

When discussing the compatibility of this antibiotic with alcohol, it should be noted that alcohol should not be consumed while being treated with this medicine. This combination will disrupt the absorption of the active substance of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract; under the influence of alcohol on the liver, an acceleration of the half-life of the active substance is observed. Consequently, the concentration of the drug in the body decreases, and its effectiveness decreases.

In addition, if a patient combines Lincomycin and alcohol, the consequences can be negative, as the likelihood of side effects increases.

How to determine periodontitis?

It is indicated by bleeding, soreness and darkening of the gums, their swelling and itching. Another undoubted sign is loose teeth and their subsequent loss.

Progressive periodontitis is easily distinguished by bad breath and noticeable exposure of the neck of the teeth and the appearance of pus. Such a lesion can conditionally be called advanced gingivitis, and if the gums are not treated in a timely manner, periodontitis can develop into periodontal disease.

The cause of periodontitis is a newly formed “pocket” that appears between the tooth and the gum. Food debris and plaque accumulate in it; this accumulation causes an inflammatory reaction and itching.

Causes of gum disease

The main cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene. The processes of periodontal destruction begin at the moment of formation of a dental film of bacteria and the accumulation of soft dental deposits. If you do not remove all the bacteria in your mouth by brushing your teeth at this point, tartar will form.

In turn, the formation of stone on the teeth will lead to the formation of a periodontal pocket. In the absence of treatment, bone loss and destruction of the musculoskeletal system of the tooth occurs. This leads to exposure of tooth roots, loosening and loss of teeth.

Lincomycin ointment - application regimen

Lincomycin-AKOS ointment is produced pharmaceutically in Kurgan (Russia). The ointment is for external use only. The tube weighs 15 g. The indication for use is purulent inflammation of the skin and soft tissues, for example: pyoderma, phlegmon, furunculosis, erysipelas.

Scheme of use - lincomycin ointment - instructions for use recommends applying a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. If there is no improvement within the first few days of use, it can be assumed that the infection is insensitive to lincosamides. In this case, you must urgently consult a doctor to replace the drug with another antibiotic.

Composition of the drug (per 100 g) –

Content of active substances – → content of lincomycin hydrochloride (in terms of lincomycin) – 2.0 g, which corresponds to a concentration of 2%.
Auxiliary ingredients – zinc oxide, solid petroleum paraffin, potato starch, medical vaseline.

→ Lincomycin ointment: official instructions (download in PDF)


Since the treatment is based on an antimicrobial method, taking antibiotics is inevitable for this disease. For periodontal disease, broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually prescribed, as they can destroy the maximum number of pathogenic bacteria.

Before starting treatment with tablets, it is necessary to do a special bacterial test to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to the prescribed antibiotic. If the patient does not tolerate antibiotics well, the doctor needs to find an alternative method of treatment. That is why it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate and prescribe medications on your own.

Modern antibiotics come in various forms. It can be:

  • tablets for oral administration;
  • capsules for systemic treatment;
  • gels for local use;
  • special antiseptic solutions for rinsing the mouth.

Antibiotics may also be present in medicated toothpastes intended for the treatment of periodontal disease.

Despite such a variety of dosage forms, antibiotics are most effective in the form of tablets and capsules for internal use. In this case, they influence the entire body, allowing you to achieve maximum effect.

Most often, when treating periodontal disease, dentists prescribe the drugs metronidazole and doxycycline . They act specifically on those microorganisms that cause the disease. In combination with chlorhexidine, these drugs can almost completely get rid of the symptoms of periodontal disease.


In recent years, treatment of periodontal disease with lincomycin has become increasingly common. This is a new generation antimicrobial drug with a broad spectrum of action. Lincomycin has a bactericidal effect.

Lincomycin is also prescribed in the presence of infectious diseases of the joints, bones (arthritis, osteomyelitis), respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis), soft tissues and skin (furunculosis, abscess, erysipelas, mastitis). The therapeutic dose is set by the doctor, depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of the disease in each specific case.

Usually this drug is taken for up to two weeks, but in exceptional cases the duration of use can be extended. Under no circumstances should you self-prescribe lincomycin! At a minimum, you can “earn” dysbacteriosis, and at a maximum – serious damage to the kidneys and liver. Therefore, treatment with lincomycin should be carried out only as directed by a dentist, who will select an effective and at the same time safe dose of the drug.


The modern antimicrobial drug trichopolum is often used for periodontal disease. Trichopolum is also a broad-spectrum antibiotic, so it is used not only in dentistry. In particular, Trichopolum is prescribed for amoebiasis, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, vaginitis, urethritis, infectious diseases of bones, joints, central nervous system, bacterial pneumonia and other diseases.

Since Trichopolum has a wide spectrum of action, it effectively fights all known bacteria that are involved in the occurrence of the disease. Therefore, you should not be alarmed if the doctor prescribes you this particular antibiotic - it is used not only in general therapy, but also in the treatment of dental diseases, which include periodontal disease.

Side effects and contraindications –

Lincomycin cannot be used during pregnancy, because the drug has a toxic effect on the fetus. In addition, it penetrates well through the placenta (the concentration in the fetal blood will be about 25% of the concentration in the maternal blood serum). Therefore, pregnant and lactating women should not use any form of lincomycin, including ointment.

You should also not take the drug if you have intestinal diseases (colitis, enteritis, ulcerative colitis), or if you have allergic reactions to lincosamides or doxorubicin. If symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis (diarrhea) develop while taking lincomycin, it is necessary to urgently discontinue the drug and begin specific treatment. The latter may include prescribing a tablet. Metronidazole or Vancomycin.

Our portal has a separate article devoted to the use of antibiotics in dentistry. A detailed list of the most effective drugs for inflammation of teeth and gums can be seen at this link.

Lincomycin: drug analogues

A semisynthetic analogue of lincomycin is another antibiotic of the lincosamide group - the drug Clindamycin. It should be noted that this drug also has a fairly narrow spectrum of antimicrobial action, but its effectiveness against some types of microorganisms will be 2-10 times higher - compared to lincomycin. Another advantage of this drug is that its absorption in the intestine does not depend on food intake (lincomycin can only be taken on an empty stomach, 1-1.5 hours before meals).

The price of Clindamycin starts from 150 rubles (for a package of 16 capsules of 150 mg). Dosage regimen: 1 capsule 4 times a day, duration of administration is determined by the doctor. To summarize, the effectiveness of clindamycin will be only slightly higher, but taking the drug will be much more convenient. However, the risk of developing pseudomembranous colitis when taking clindamycin will be higher than when taking lincomycin. And remember that antibiotics should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. We hope that our article was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. Personal experience as a maxillofacial surgeon, dental surgeon, 3. American Academy of Periodontology (USA), 4. “Antibiotics and chemotherapeutic drugs: a textbook” (Sizentsov, Misetov), ​​5. “ Sensitivity of microbial associations of periodontal pocket exudate and odontogenic lesion to antibacterial drugs” (Makeeva I.M.).

Types of injections

Treatment of periodontal disease is carried out in a complex manner, so the dentist may prescribe several different types of injections at the same time. There are 7 varieties in total:

  1. Immunomodulators. These drugs help the body resist the disease, as they produce specific antibodies that suppress pathogenic microorganisms. Immunostimulating drugs can be of animal, plant or chemical origin. Injections with such medications allow you to relieve the inflammatory process and cure periodontal disease in a minimum period of time.
  2. Vitamin complexes. To boost immunity and enhance recovery functions, the doctor may prescribe a complex of vitamin injections B1, B2, B6, B12, as well as vitamin C.
  3. Biostimulants. The synthetic drug FiBS is prescribed in the presence of an inflammatory process in periodontal tissues. Thanks to it, a chain of cascade reactions is launched in the body, as a result of which metabolism accelerates. The course of treatment with this drug is 30 injections in the upper and lower jaws. At the same time, injections of nonspecific effects, for example, Metacil, Biosed, etc., can be prescribed. Aloe extract can also work as a biogenic stimulant.
  4. Sclerosing injections. They are used for swelling and hypertrophy of the gums. Before the procedure, professional oral hygiene is required. After this, chromium alum and urethane quinine are injected deep into the gums. After a course of such injections, new tissue is formed and the mucous membrane is strengthened.
  5. Glucose injections. If the stage of the disease is accompanied by purulent inflammation, then deep sclerosis of the gums is carried out using a painless injection of glucose. It reduces swelling and improves the condition of the gums.
  6. Serum Filatov. If the inflammatory process is in the acute stage, then injections with blood products are given. Filatov's serum is administered intramuscularly up to 10 times.
  7. Medicines that saturate the body and gums with oxygen, for example, lidase.


If an antibiotic is used at the same time as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the patient is more likely to develop respiratory failure and may experience respiratory arrest.

Taking Lincomycin and antidiarrheals simultaneously increases the likelihood of developing pseudomembranous colitis.

You cannot treat with the drug at the same time as using muscle relaxants and inhalational anesthetics.

Antibiotic absorption is reduced when taking adsorbent drugs simultaneously.

Lincomycin reduces the severity of the action of neostigmine , pyridostigmine , ambenonium .

The bacteriostatic effect of the antibiotic is reduced by simultaneous administration of Erythromycin and chloramphenicol .

Pharmaceutical incompatibility with kanamycin , novobiocin , and ampicillin .

How to get rid of periodontal disease; gums have been bleeding for 5 years

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Yeah, so for periodontal disease, you need to be treated every six months with injections, and the injections are vitamins with painkillers

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    Post has been edited by Falsetto: 01/06/2009, 16:59:09

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    underwent vector treatment for Tchaikovsky-Nauryzbay Batyr. It helped for 2 weeks. again everything is new.

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    I've had a similar problem for several years now. I tried a lot.

    In March I was injected with lincomycin - 5 days, 2 injections per day. terribly painful injections and some kind of Soviet drug.

    but so far everything is fine for a month. It bleeds a little in one place, but I either brew oak bark or apply ointment.

    I brush my teeth only with forest balm!

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    Level 4 ATC code matches:

    Lincomycin Hydrochloride

    Analogues of the antibiotic Lincomycin are the drugs Lincomycin hydrochloride , Linkocin Clindamycin , Dalatsin C , Clindamycin-Norton , etc.

    The use of other drugs by patients prescribed Lincomycin without the prior approval of a physician is strictly prohibited.

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