How to cure gum burn after dental treatment. There are different types of burns

What to do if a burn appears on your gum? Possible causes, symptoms and treatment options

A burn to the oral mucosa is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. Even if the injury is very minor, discomfort and discomfort can persist for a long time. And if the lesion covers a wide area and affects the nerve endings, you definitely cannot do without the help of a specialist in such a situation. Due to the difficulty of isolating injured tissues, there is a serious risk of infection and the development of other equally dangerous complications. Read more about what types of gum burns there are and how to treat them further in this article.

ICD-10 code - what kind of injury is this and why is it dangerous?

A gum burn is a pathological phenomenon that occurs as a result of contact of the mucous membrane with high temperatures or aggressive chemical factors. The intensity of symptoms and further treatment directly depend on the cause of the injury and its extent. In the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10), this phenomenon is assigned the following codes:

  • T28.0 Thermal burn,
  • T28.5 Chemical.

A burn to the oral mucosa is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon.
Every person has accidentally burned himself with hot food or drink at least once in his life. But despite the prevalence of this phenomenon, in reality it can lead to very serious complications. A wound on the mucous membrane opens a direct path for infection, and with significant damage to soft tissue there is a real risk of developing necrosis. In such a situation, it is necessary to remove the affected areas as quickly as possible in order to prevent necrotic processes from spreading further. Here you already need emergency help from a specialist.

The oral mucosa is a sensitive and delicate tissue. It contains a developed network of tiny capillaries, which are directly involved in the nutrition and maintenance of the vitality of the dentogingival ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, serious damage to the mucous membrane in this area is fraught with the development of dangerous periodontal diseases and even tooth loss.

Complications and consequences

Without timely treatment for a chemical burn, the gums begin to swell, severe irritation begins, and the mucous membrane turns red. The consequence of this may be the development of necrosis, which will subsequently lead to the development of tissue necrosis.

How long does it take for gums to heal after a burn?

The duration of therapy after a burn depends on many different factors (such as the degree and type of damage), so only a doctor can predict the recovery time after studying the clinical picture.

[18], [19], [20], [21]

Why a burn may occur - reasons

There are many potential prerequisites for receiving such an injury. The cause may be the use of powerful medications, accidental contact of the mucous membrane with chemicals, incorrectly performed dental treatment, or a trivial case - consuming too hot foods or drinks. Another common situation is that the gums are burned by alcohol tincture while rinsing the mouth. In pediatrics, there are often cases where children receive burns due to the ingestion of household chemicals.

Clinical researches

Repeated clinical studies have proven that the two-component oral skewer ASEPTA ACTIVE more effectively combats the causes of inflammation and bleeding compared to single-component skewers - it reduces inflammation by 41% and reduces bleeding gums by 43%.

Consumer Reviews

Natasha (

“Mouth rinse Vertex JSC Asepta mouth rinse is sold in pharmacies, that’s why I bought it, it has more medicinal properties than just a cosmetic product, and indeed this rinse perfectly removes bad breath, disinfects gums, menthol gives freshness for almost a day perfectly helps smokers."

Dilya09 (

“Hello to all readers of my review! I wanted to tell you my story about how I started using the Asepta oral brush.

It all started with the fact that I had an implant installed instead of an extracted tooth and was given strict instructions to rinse my mouth with chlogrexidine and, preferably, an oral scavenger. At the pharmacy, my choice fell on the Asepta drug, despite the price, because after the implantation procedure I had the feeling that now I would brush my teeth after every meal and rinse my mouth (it was just creepy). The price of this skimmer in pharmacies is above 160 rubles.

It doesn’t taste very nasty like some skimmers; after rinsing, it freshens your breath due to the “Lime” and “Mint” flavors. By the way, I don’t use it regularly anymore, I often forget to rinse my mouth, but, nevertheless, it is always present in the bathroom.

Of course, over the years, the memories of implantation have become dull, much has been forgotten, but Asepta and I are now friends. I take not only the skimmer, but also toothpaste. In general, not only is the skipper good, but the whole series is good. I recommend it to everyone who uses oral skewers.”

What symptoms occur?

When the mucous membrane is damaged as a result of exposure to high temperatures, sharp pain occurs. This burn often appears on the tongue or palate. In this case, the surface within the affected area turns red and becomes slightly rough. Later, bubbles with a colorless liquid may appear in this place. After a rupture, painful ulcers remain in their place. This is what a gum burn looks like caused by contact of the mucous membrane with a hot drink or food.

The photo shows a gum burn

When exposed to chemicals, the injured area sharply turns red and swells. If the provoking factor is not removed in time, the lesion can spread to the deep layers of the mucosa and cause tissue necrosis.


The main harm of snus is the entry of nicotine into the blood: a dose enters the body simultaneously and sharply, which is difficult for even an adult to cope with. Nicotine poison hits dopamine receptors, causing euphoria, and the release of norepinephrine leads to vasoconstriction, tachycardia, and increased muscle tone. The body quickly gets used to this release of hormones, and in its absence, withdrawal syndrome develops. The user of “harmless” sachets or other forms of soft drugs experiences headaches, irritation, and insomnia. The longer the addiction, the more pronounced the symptoms.

Newly advertised nicotine products are sometimes used to help people quit smoking. With any of these methods, nicotine enters the human body, moreover, when trying to quit smoking, the smoker replaces the craving for tobacco with sucking snus, the nicotine content of which is tens of times higher than in one cigarette ! No wonder cigarettes are forgotten after it!

Important! Replacing one addiction with another does not mean quitting smoking! The best way to quit a bad habit is to completely give up all nicotine-containing products.

Types of burns on the oral mucosa

Such a pathological phenomenon can result from the influence of a variety of factors. Let's consider the most common types of such injuries and the prerequisites for their occurrence.

Heat injury

This kind of trouble can happen if, for example, you take a sip of too hot tea or coffee without looking. Due to the fact that the mucosal epithelial cells are filled with moisture, when they come into contact with heat, symptoms develop very quickly:

  • blisters with liquid of different sizes form,
  • the mucous membrane acquires a rough texture,
  • persistent aching pain appears, a feeling of constant discomfort, which intensifies at the moment of touching the sore area,
  • the blisters burst and reveal open wounds - erosion.

Burns can occur from too hot tea or coffee

“Once a blister appeared on my gum, I was so scared, I thought it was gumboil or something like that. It's so painful, it's a nightmare! I ran to the doctor, and it turned out that it was just a burn. The day before I took a sip of hot tea and forgot about it. And the next morning you have a blister! The doctor said to rinse with chlorhexidine and chamomile, everything will go away. And so it happened, for about five days the gums were healing, it was painful, but not fatal.”

Lyudochka78, from correspondence on the forum

As a rule, in domestic conditions, thermal burns of the gums do not lead to serious consequences and heal relatively quickly. However, if acute unbearable pain occurs, it is better to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Chemical damage at work

One common type of chemical injury is a work-related injury. This problem is often faced by employees involved in hazardous industries, as well as builders and molarists. Damage to the mucous membrane occurs as a result of its contact with acids, alkali and metal salts, as well as toxic fumes.

Other types of chemical injuries

Such pathological phenomena can have a variety of etiologies, not only industrial ones. The main danger also lies in the fact that dangerous substances, together with saliva, can easily penetrate the esophagus and stomach, and therefore lead to extensive damage to internal organs, the opening of internal bleeding, the development of ulcers and pancreatitis.

This category should also include injuries sustained due to doctors’ improper technique for performing medical dental procedures, including fillings, nerve removal, or whitening. In such cases, damage may result from too long contact of soft tissues with disinfectant solutions, or as a result of intense exposure to a laser or polymerization lamp.

Mistakes made during the whitening procedure can also cause burns.

A chemical burn of the gums often manifests itself somewhat differently than a thermal burn. In this case, the patient does not develop blisters, but noticeable swelling appears, especially around the circumference of the injured area. Patients often complain of excruciating pain and itching from the inside1.

Prolonged contact with alcohol

The cause of injury can be prolonged contact of the mucous membrane with alcohol. This often happens when the technique of performing therapeutic procedures using alcohol lotions or rinsing with alcohol-containing solutions is violated.

Domestic injuries

In domestic conditions, you can get both thermal and chemical burns. For example, it is not uncommon for young children to be admitted to the intensive care unit with serious injuries caused by exposure to hazardous chemicals in the oral and esophageal mucosa. Therefore, all household chemicals must be stored in places inaccessible to children. Among other common everyday causes, experts highlight the use of unlicensed dietary supplements, low-quality toothpastes and other hygiene products.

Long-term exposure to arsenic

Previously, depulpation of teeth, that is, removal of nerves from them, was often carried out using arsenic. Special compounds based on this toxic substance were placed in the tooth for several days in order to kill the pulp and subsequently remove it painlessly. The patient had to appear for the appointment strictly on the appointed day. But many continued to walk around with arsenic in their teeth, ignoring the doctor’s instructions. Such irresponsibility often led to damage to nearby tissues and even to their necrosis.

Burns can occur from exposure to arsenic

Now in modern dentistry, safer and more gentle devitalizing pastes are used for this purpose. They do not contain arsenic compounds, but they still contain quite powerful components. If, after using such a substance, you experience obvious pain and other suspicious symptoms, immediately go to the doctor to prevent dangerous consequences.

Causes of pathology

  • consumption of hot food and drinks: this is the most common reason leading to damage to the delicate mucous membranes of the oral cavity,
  • exposure to the mucous membrane of hot water, steam (including inhalation): you should be especially careful with steam, because the risk of getting a burn to the mucous membrane is present for everyone who does home inhalations over a pan of boiling water, visits too hot baths and saunas, smokes cigarettes and hookahs , works in hazardous production. Among others, people who have become victims of fire can get this problem. In medicine, there is even such a thing as “inhalation” injury,
  • careless handling of household and industrial appliances: in the practice of doctors, there were cases when electricians[1] stripped live wires with their teeth, as a result of which they received a severe burn to the gums and turned to specialists to cure it,
  • the use of cauterizing or irritating medications, as well as very aggressive non-medicinal drugs: iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, brilliant green. There are known cases of using crushed aspirin tablets, alcohol compounds, vinegar, garlic and even gasoline at home - all these means of “traditional medicine” on the Internet are offered to treat various dental diseases,

Photo: chemical burn of gums

  • abuse of aggressive agents used in professional and especially home teeth whitening, poor quality gum insulation,
  • medical errors and violation of regulations for the use of various dental devices: for example, an apparatus for electrophoresis, bur, ultraviolet lamp,
  • inaccurate use of silver nitrate and highly concentrated compounds for rinsing root canals during dental treatment,
  • undergoing radiation therapy in the treatment of malignant tumors of the head and neck.

Expert opinion
Elina Ruslanovna Dzagurova
Specializations: Dentist-therapist

Experience: 11+

“The use of arsenic paste in the treatment of pulpitis can lead to burns: incorrect calculation of the dosage, overexposure in the tooth cavity, loss of the temporary filling and the paste itself from the tooth. Previously, such pastes were very common, but today nerve removal is carried out using faster and gentler methods, in just 1 visit to the dentist.”

Important! Store household chemicals, vinegar, medications and hot foods out of the reach of children. In medical practice, there are many cases when children who received severe burns of the oral cavity, as well as the gastrointestinal tract, find themselves in a hospital bed in critical condition, since such products were at hand and were swallowed or overturned on themselves.

Stages of burns on the mucous membrane

In dentistry, this pathological phenomenon is classified into different stages. Let's look at each of them in a little more detail:

  • first - soft tissues turn red, discomfort and unpleasant sensations occur, especially when touching the affected area,
  • the second – blisters filled with clear liquid form on the mucous membrane. When they burst, there is a painful sensation that can radiate to the teeth,
  • third, in such a situation the symptoms described above appear, but in a more intense form. At this stage, the risk of soft tissue necrosis increases significantly.

Thermal burns received in domestic conditions most often belong to the first stage. But chemical injuries, including industrial ones, can have very serious consequences. Self-medication in such a situation can lead to serious and irreversible consequences, so it is important to see a specialist as quickly as possible.

Burn gums: treachery next door to teeth

When thinking about the topic of whitening, many often lose sight of the fact that gums are not located in a parallel universe. The active substances of whitening gels are able to penetrate the hard tissues of the teeth (enamel, dentin) and burn the gums. And light also streams from above, the laser sparkles, and they enhance the already strong effect of the gels. Hello gum burn! This is why it is so important to protect your gums. Protective compounds are applied to them and a rubber dam is used. This is a latex plate that isolates the gum around the tooth from the gel itself. However, there is one “damned” thing here: periodontitis and gingivitis are also contraindications to whitening. After all, if the gums affected by them bleed or are severely inflamed, then a violation of the insulation will occur, the gel will get on the gums and... it’s better not to imagine what will happen. The torture of the medieval Inquisition will seem like a slight tickle.

How is diagnostics carried out?

To make a diagnosis, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the damaged area, and also collects an anamnesis from the patient’s words to establish the cause of the pathological phenomenon. If the lesion is the result of chemical exposure, its symptoms may resemble an allergic reaction, for example, to substances such as plastic, metal or amalgam. Therefore, in such cases, differential diagnosis is carried out.

For diagnosis, you should contact your dentist

Principles and tactics of treatment

Treatment will directly depend on the cause of the injury, its severity and stage. If it is a minor injury, professional help may not be required. But the second and third stages require the mandatory participation of a doctor.

Medication therapy

It is better to consult a specialist personally about how to treat a gum burn. In such cases, antiseptic rinsing solutions are usually prescribed, for example, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or Furacilin. As an analgesic for topical application, the doctor may prescribe 10% Lidocaine - it is recommended to use the drug every 7-8 hours.

In such cases, antiseptic rinses are usually prescribed.

Multivitamin complexes with the obligatory content of retinol, vitamins E and C can also be prescribed. They stimulate the healing processes of affected tissues and their regeneration at the cellular level.

When is surgery required?

With severe and extensive lesions, the main danger lies in the high risk of developing necrotic processes. To prevent the spread of pathology to healthy tissue, an appropriate operation is performed to remove dead areas. The advisability of such intervention remains at the discretion of the attending physician.

Traditional medicine

The use of any products prepared independently based on medicinal plants must be agreed with a doctor. For additional antiseptic treatment and acceleration of healing processes, rinsing with decoctions of chamomile, oak bark and St. John's wort, as well as compresses with sea buckthorn oil, are usually recommended.

Herbal decoctions can be used at home

How are burns treated in dentistry?

In the case of thermal or chemical burns of initial severity, it is usually possible to manage with conservative therapy. Treatment of gums includes wound-healing drugs, antiseptic solutions, and sometimes requires the use of anti-inflammatory or antibacterial agents. The dentist can also prescribe applications to the gums and decoctions for rinsing the mouth based on medicinal herbs.

For severe chemical burns, surgery may be required to remove the damaged tissue. If necessary, donor material may be required. Self-medication is strictly forbidden; rash actions can worsen the situation.

General recommendations from experts

Summarizing all of the above, we can identify several universal directions in the treatment of such lesions, regardless of their etiology. In such cases, rinsing with antibacterial solutions, such as Chlorhexidine and Furacilin, as well as rinsing with decoctions of chamomile and St. John's wort are usually prescribed. Gels and ointments with an analgesic effect, for example, Kalgel or Dentol, and wound-healing applications using Metrogyl Denta or Solcoseryl are prescribed as local preparations. To relieve pain, you can take painkillers as prescribed by a doctor - Ketarol, Nurofen or Nise.

Features of the treatment of chemical burns

If you have been exposed to aggressive chemicals, you should be especially careful - some components react when in contact with water. Therefore, in such cases, rinsing should be done with a small amount of water at room temperature and only after consultation with the attending physician. A couple of drops of apple cider vinegar will help neutralize the lye. And in case of an acid injury, I recommend rinsing with a solution of baking soda and then applying a cold compress to the injured area.

Nuances of treatment after thermal exposure

Therapy will largely depend on the type of thermal injury. If it was caused by careless consumption of a hot drink or food, you can alleviate the condition by rinsing your mouth with cool water. If the nerve endings have been injured, a small piece of ice will help relieve acute pain. But in such cases, it is better not to experiment - take a painkiller tablet and immediately see a doctor.

If the pain is severe, you can take a painkiller tablet

Degree of tissue burns

Doctors distinguish between the following degrees of damage:

  • first: slight redness, pain, aggravated by pressure, swelling;
  • second: bubbles appear, burning, pain, severe itching, ulcers form in place of the burst bubbles;
  • third: severe degree, in which ruptures and wounds form, unbearable pain, and necrosis develops.

Any degree requires the attention of a doctor. It is impossible to treat burns on your own, as this leads to a worsening of the situation, the development of an abscess or necrosis.

First aid and treatment

Before contacting a doctor, the following first aid measures are recommended:

  • contact with the irritant should be stopped immediately;
  • The mouth should be rinsed with warm plain water;
  • in case of severe pain, take a painkiller;
  • you need to visit a doctor or call an ambulance.

Treatment is prescribed based on the condition of the patient and tissues, the degree of damage, and the type of irritant. The greatest difficulty is observed with chemical lesions, since the tissues are affected quite deeply. To relieve pain, anesthetics are prescribed, antibacterial agents and rinses are also prescribed.

Traditional methods can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. These are products such as sea buckthorn oil, decoctions based on oak, chamomile and other herbs. They do not have a serious therapeutic effect, but they alleviate the condition and disinfect the affected area. Such methods are used together with drug therapy, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

How to avoid serious consequences

To avoid serious complications at home, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, take all medications prescribed by him and follow an appropriate diet. Dental experts provide several important recommendations in this regard:

  • During the recovery period, it is recommended to observe some dietary restrictions. So, for example, you will have to give up foods that can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, namely hot, salty, spicy and acidic foods. It is also better to refrain from hard, too cold and hot foods and drinks,

    During treatment you should avoid eating acidic foods.

  • During rehabilitation, you should stop taking any extraneous medications so as not to provoke an undesirable reaction,
  • household chemicals, paints and solvents, as well as building materials should be stored in a separate, well-ventilated area. If your work involves contact with caustic fumes, it is better to take a short vacation until the tissues are completely restored.

If the pain intensifies, you should consult your doctor again. With extensive lesions, there is always a risk of infection and the development of complications, so your condition must be monitored very carefully.

Procedure: looking for the root of evil

At least 30% of patients experience severe pain as a result of teeth whitening instead of the joy of reflection in the mirror. Why? It's all about the procedure itself. In fact, whitening is by no means a harmless cosmetic process. To change the tone of teeth, a gel based on hydrogen peroxide is used. It doesn’t matter which whitening method you choose, the essence is always the same: gel is applied to the teeth. The hydrogen peroxide contained in it breaks down into water and oxygen, which penetrates the tooth tissue and whitens dentin. This is the hard, thickest tissue of the tooth, under which the pulp is located. It is permeated with vessels and nerves, and this is where the ambush lies: having reached the pulp, oxygen leaves a microburn on it. It is the microburn of the pulp that causes these sensations of incredible strength and intensity, when it seems that there are at least forty-eight teeth, and each one hurts. To avoid all this, before bleaching, remineralizing therapy is carried out - strengthening the tooth with minerals. And still, it does not help even a third of those unfortunate people who decided to gain luxurious whiteness in their mouths.

How to care for your mouth after an injury

It is important to maintain a high level of hygiene to prevent infection of damaged tissue. Here are a few rules that must be followed:

  • every day, morning and evening, brush your teeth with a suitable brush and toothpaste,
  • do not forget to clean plaque and food debris from the tongue,
  • rinse your mouth every time after eating,
  • limit the consumption of sweet and starchy foods, which contribute to faster plaque formation.

Proper dental hygiene is important to maintain a smile.
A burn to the gums can result in a host of serious problems if you do not respond to the problem in time and consult a doctor. Remember that only timely and adequate treatment can prevent undesirable consequences and dangerous complications.

1Ivanova E. N., Kukushkina E. A. Diseases of the oral mucosa. Textbook, 2007.

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