Prompt help at home for dry and cracked lips

The main reasons why lips are damaged

The skin consists of several layers: hypodermis, dermis and epidermis. This last surface layer is designed to protect against aggressive external influences, since it consists of a hydrolipid film, partly produced by the sebaceous glands.

There are no sebaceous glands or melanocytes on the lips. It is for these reasons that lips are especially sensitive, easily damaged and most susceptible to external aggression (rain, wind, cold, etc.).

The extent of lip damage depends on the degree of dryness. A slightly dehydrated lip will look a little dry. Slight peeling may then appear. As dehydration continues, flaking becomes more intense, giving the lips a pale appearance. Finally, as dry skin becomes more severe, cracks may appear on the lips, which can cause bleeding. At this point, the person begins to feel pain with every movement of the mouth.

What should beautiful and healthy lips look like?

Beautiful and healthy lips are characterized by the following signs:

  • evenness and smoothness of the skin;
  • symmetry of the corners of the mouth;
  • the presence of a pink or red tint to the lips;
  • absence of peeling, cracks and purse-string wrinkles;
  • convex volume of the labial border;
  • absence of jams, pigmentation and pathological manifestations.

It is also important to pay attention to the presence of a hollow above the upper lip and a cupid's arch, which should be clearly defined.

Factors that contribute to dry and chapped lips

The main factor leading to dry and cracked lips is climate. In fact, two situations are particularly favorable for this:

  1. Very low outside temperature. The phenomenon intensifies with strong cold winds.
  2. Prolonged exposure to the sun.

Other reasons can only increase the risk of chapped lips:

  • regular exposure to chlorine, such as in swimming pools;
  • excessively frequent use of lipstick;
  • taking certain medications that have dry skin as a side effect;
  • natural aging of the body, which makes the skin less elastic and reduces collagen production;
  • the presence of diseases such as diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, psoriasis;
  • very acidic foods, such as lemons or tomatoes;
  • some chemical compounds in toothpaste;
  • deficiency or overconsumption of vitamin B or A;
  • allergies to certain cosmetics or products that cause lips to swell and become a source of aggression.

Our lips are also the most damaged by dryness because we all make the same mistake.

The first reflex, when our lips are dry and there is a feeling of tightness, and there is no nourishing balm at hand, we run our tongue over our lips to moisturize them. And this is an unforgivable mistake, since even if you wet your lips a little with saliva, it will instantly, but temporarily, bring relief. Since saliva quickly evaporates and dries the lips even more, since it contains enzymes that play an important role in the chemical digestion of certain substances contained in food, and these same enzymes, when in contact with the lips, can have a negative effect in the form of tissue dehydration.

Herbal and natural active ingredients to treat dry and chapped lips

Lips are an important element for facial beauty, participating in verbal and visual communication, as well as food consumption. However, the skin of the lips is 5 times thinner than the skin of the body, so they need to be given special attention.

The lethal weapon against chapped lips and optimal hydration throughout the day is lipstick! Make it a rule to use paraben-free and paraffin oil-free lipstick because when there is too much of it, the skin rejects it, which increases dryness. Long-lasting shiny, matte or very dark lipsticks can prevent your lips from breathing.

Lip balm can also provide a layer of protection against the adverse effects of wind and cold. It can be used with confidence even when we are staying at home to lock in moisture inside the lips, while providing additional hydration due to the active ingredients it contains (especially if the balm is of good quality and contains essential oils).

Lip balm not only prevents dehydration, but also closes cracks on the lips, thereby preventing them from becoming infected.

Be careful, as many products found in lipsticks and lip balms can cause dehydration and aggravate irritation. This is the case with:

  1. Aluminum salts, menthol, eucalyptus, phenol and camphor. Menthol, camphor and phenols only cause a state of imaginary comfort, and sometimes even increase dehydration.
  2. Silicone oil is another very common ingredient (it's also found in lipsticks and glosses for added longevity), but it only promotes dehydration.
  3. Salicylic acid (although it has proven anti-inflammatory properties) in balms can promote dry lips and flaking.
  4. If you have acne-prone skin, it is best to avoid cosmetics containing petroleum jelly. Although this substance is very effective for dry lips, some users with acne-prone skin claim that these products can clog pores too much and contribute to the appearance of blackheads.

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Why do the corners of children's lips crack and turn red?

All the reasons for problems with jamming in adults are also relevant for children. But children's skin is more delicate and is more easily exposed to fungi and bacteria. An economical but effective remedy in the fight for healthy curls is sunflower oil for hair.

The appearance of seizures in children begins with the formation of small bubbles, which, when bursting, form areas with erosion. The dermis in the corners of the mouth becomes moist, and slight bleeding is observed. The process is accompanied by pain that prevents the baby from talking or eating. And the pros and cons of Maybelline matte lipstick are described in detail here.

Problems with sores near the corners of the lips occur only in a small number of children. Most often, teenagers aged 13-17 and primary schoolchildren aged 6-8 face this problem.

Improper care of braces is a common cause of inflammation.

Decreased immunity in the autumn-winter period, frequent colds and viral diseases provoke the growth of streptococcal and fungal microorganisms. As a result, inflammation occurs on the dermis of the lips with the formation of ulcers or crusts. Lack of vitamins and iron in the diet, increased fatigue, slow down metabolic processes and the rate of tissue regeneration. The top shade of the season is Mary Kay lipstick – sea shell.

Wearing braces can also cause jamming. The natural flow of saliva is disrupted, and it accumulates in the corners of the lips. A humid environment is suitable for the growth of fungi and the accumulation of various contaminants. The Maybelline Color Sensation lipstick color palette will help you achieve unsurpassed lip makeup.

Children often suck a pacifier or finger, which leads to increased moisture in the skin of the lips. When exposed to wind, the epidermis dries out and bursts. Fungal bacteria multiply inside the wounds and an inflammatory process occurs.

In what cases is it important to stop self-medication and consult a specialist?

Experts warn that chapped lips are not only an aesthetic problem, but they can indicate the presence of diseases that we know about or not. Therefore, home treatment for dryness and small cracks on the lips must be stopped immediately and a visit to a medical facility should not be postponed in the following cases:

  1. If the condition of your lips does not improve after 2-3 weeks, you should find out the reason. Because it could be an allergic reaction to lipstick, lip balm or one of the ingredients in toothpaste.
  2. Herpes is the most common infectious disease of the lips. You must react at the first symptoms so that this pimple does not grow and damage your lips.
  3. If lips are persistently red, dry, or scaly, this may be a sign of an underlying systemic infection.
  4. If cracks or white spots systematically appear on the lips and corners, despite the use of a moisturizing balm. These signs may indicate a yeast infection: oral thrush, angular cheilitis, or thrush associated with a microscopic fungus.

Treatment of cracks

The most effective treatment will be selected by a dermatologist after an examination. Preliminary laboratory diagnostics are performed to determine the pathogen, a general blood test, examination of the thyroid gland, and analysis for enterobiasis and dysbacteriosis are performed. Italian quality, time-tested - Pupa lipstick.

The complex for treating cracks in the corners of the mouth will include drugs to eliminate visible inflammation and drugs to treat the internal cause of the problem.

When treating rashes and cracks, the following remedies are used:

  • If the jams are formed as a result of exposure to bacteria, then use ointments with an antibacterial effect: erythromycin, syntomycin liniment, methyluracin, kremgen.
  • For fungal inflammations, levorin, sulfur-salicylic, nystatin ointments, and clotrimazole are used.

Replenishing vitamin E deficiency

If there are crusts on damaged areas of the skin, ointments are applied a few minutes after eating. The sponges and the area around them are washed with warm boiled water, and the skin is blotted with a soft towel. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the damaged areas of the dermis. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. Find out why gel polish on nails cracks here.

If the problem has arisen for the first time, then it is possible to cure cracks using Aevita capsules or liquid retinol acetate. Oily liquids are applied at night before bedtime. Vitamins A and E have a wound-healing effect and accelerate the regeneration of the dermis.

Drugs prescribed for oral administration should also contain antibiotics or fluconazole. Antibiotics kill streptococcal bacteria, fluconazole fights fungi.

Preparations No. 1, cost on average from 85 rubles.

Regular lubrication of cracks with sea buckthorn, olive, sunflower, and avocado oils with the addition of a few drops of tea tree essential oil will help speed up healing. It is possible to soften the epidermis with freshly squeezed juice of aloe, plantain, Kalanchoe, cucumber, and garlic. Find out why the cream rolls off on your face at this link.

You need to lubricate the damaged skin surface 3 times a day. Infusions of chamomile, sage, and calendula have an antibacterial effect. They can be used to wash and cleanse damaged lip skin.

Nourishing masks made from honey or a mixture of honey and pork fat in a 1:2 ratio are applied several times a day. The remaining mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Masks soften the skin, relieve inflammation, and accelerate healing. Not for use in children and a hypersensitivity test should be performed.

As preventive measures to prevent cracks from appearing, it is recommended:

  • Visit the dentist in a timely manner to treat caries and gum inflammation.
  • Eliminate bad habits of smoking and lip licking.
  • Use only high-quality decorative and care cosmetics.
  • Provide a balanced diet with high consumption of dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables containing vitamins A, B, E, PP. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of sweet foods.
  • Consume at least 1.5 liters of clean water.
  • Use air humidifiers inside your apartment and office.
  • Take multivitamin complexes and immunostimulants.

The skin of the lips must be protected from the negative effects of dry, frosty air. Regular application of hygienic lipstick or balm forms a protective film that prevents the appearance of jams. If the problem is related to an incorrect bite, then you need to contact an orthodontist to correct the bite through surgery or wearing braces.

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