16 ways to remove the smell of onions from your mouth so as not to scare away others

In the lives of each of us, from time to time there are setbacks and unexpected situations for which we are completely unprepared. At these moments, we do everything possible to not fall in the eyes of others and save our reputation.

One such situation is meeting an important person after a large meal with spicy and odorous ingredients. To avoid a communication barrier, everyone should know how to get rid of the smell of onions, as well as garlic and other savory things from their breath.

Believe me, history knows many cases when, due to poor oral hygiene, business meetings were disrupted, love unions collapsed and bloody wars began (but this is not certain).

That is why it is important to take care of the mental health of your interlocutors as soon as possible and neutralize the threat in the form of an unpleasant odor. Especially when the fate of the world and all humanity is at stake.

So, here are the 16 main ways to get rid of the smell of onion and garlic from your mouth. Remember them and pass them on to next generations.

Why does onion and garlic cause bad breath?

Before we start saving your situation, let's figure out why eating onions and garlic affects our breath so much. In fact, there are many reasons for this, but the main one is the increased content of sulfur compounds in these products.

The main chemical that causes problems with fresh breath is allyl methyl sulfide (AMS). It is this that prevents you from overeating on onions and garlic without affecting your fresh breath.

Moreover, you must understand that rinsing your mouth or brushing your teeth will not be able to completely eliminate the unpleasant odor, because sulfur elements enter the bloodstream after eating. Thus, the smell of onions comes not only from your mouth, but also from inside your body when you start talking.

Moreover, in hot weather this smell can come from the pores, so be vigilant. However, you have every chance to minimize the consequences of taking onions and garlic, which we will talk about now.

  • Food Top 7 healthiest spices that should be in every gourmet's kitchen

Ways to get rid of onion smell

To quickly remove onion odor, you need to determine the cause of this problem. It is known that onions contain sulfides, which in the oral cavity react with bacteria and form thiosulfides.

The compounds remain not only in the mouth, they are absorbed into the pores of tooth enamel, penetrate the respiratory tract, throat and blood. Because of this, the breath stinks until the breakdown of thiosulfides occurs.

To get rid of onion odor from the mouth, three types of means are used:

  1. Masking. Such products have a rich aroma. They will not remove the smell of onions, but they will interrupt it.
  2. Antibacterial. They are used to kill microorganisms with which sulfides interact. This will help break the chain of appearance of a specific aroma.
  3. Activating accelerating processes. The products accelerate the process of removing thiosulfides from the body.

Watch the program on the topic:

Herbs and spices

Various herbs and spices can help get rid of onion odor from your breath. Methods of their use are presented in the list:

  1. Parsley. After eating onions, rinse the mouth with water. Then chew a sprig of parsley, stretching the process as much as possible. After this, you should not drink or eat for at least a quarter of an hour. The advantage of the method is that parsley will not only help get rid of odor, but will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums and teeth.
  2. Sorrel. Kills bacteria, accelerates oxidative processes. The leaves of the plant are chewed for 10 minutes. Another option is to dilute sorrel juice in half with water and rinse your mouth.
  3. Mint. The plant has a pronounced aroma and an antibacterial effect. To get rid of the onion smell, chew fresh leaves. Tea is brewed from dry herbs at the rate of 1 tsp. per glass of water.
  4. Eucalyptus, anise. For half a cup of water, take 5 drops of essential oil from one of the plants.
  5. Lavrushka. 3 bay leaves are poured with a cup of boiling water and left for 60 minutes. The product is used as a mouth rinse.
  6. Cloves with cinnamon. 1 tsp is poured into a glass. ground cinnamon and 5-7 cloves. Spices are poured with water and left for 20 minutes. Rinse the mouth with infusion.
  7. Oak bark. Boil half a tablespoon of oak bark in a glass of water for 10 minutes. Store the product in the refrigerator and use it as a mouth rinse as needed. Oak decoction not only freshens breath, but also strengthens teeth and relieves inflammation.
  8. Herbal infusion. Eucalyptus, chamomile, and mint are mixed in equal proportions. A teaspoon of the mixture is poured into a cup of water, left for half an hour and used for rinsing. This will help neutralize the odor.
  9. Fennel seeds, cumin. They chew spices.
  10. Dill with mint. 2 sprigs of dill (preferably with seeds), 2 sprigs of mint, chopped, pour boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Add a pinch of salt to the broth. Fresh herbs can be replaced with dry ones (1 tsp each).

Seeds and nuts

Sunflower seeds and nuts will also help get rid of the unpleasant odor by eliminating it. Walnuts, pine nuts, as well as almonds, hazelnuts and sesame are suitable. They have the most pronounced aroma.

The products are simply chewed after eating onions. First, rinse your mouth with water.

Fruits and vegetables

Some fruits and vegetables have a bactericidal effect or accelerate the breakdown of sulfides. These include:

  1. Lemon. Other citrus fruits will also work. It is important to chew them with the crust, which contains essential oils. Before use, the fruit is doused with boiling water.
  2. Cranberry. Fruit juice is prepared from it. To do this, crush 2 glasses of berries, and then drink, retaining the liquid in the mouth.
  3. Raw potatoes or carrots. Peeled vegetables will help freshen your breath. To do this, you need to chew them for 15 minutes. Swallowing is not necessary.
  4. Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits. Both fresh fruits and juice from them will help get rid of the problem. You can use store-bought drinks.
  5. Pears, apples. The fruits are cut into slices, wait for them to oxidize (they should darken). The slices are eaten, stretching out the chewing process as much as possible.
  6. Tomatoes cucumbers. A vegetable salad dressed with oil will help get rid of the onion smell.
  7. Zucchini, eggplant. Vegetables speed up the breakdown of thiosulfides, but they must be chewed raw.

For viewing, an experiment on the effectiveness of vegetables and fruits against the pungent onion smell:

Vegetable oil with salt

Vegetable oil is another remedy that helps get rid of onion odor. Any edible oils are suitable: sunflower, sesame, olive, flaxseed, etc.

To prepare the product for 2 tbsp. l. oil take 1 tsp. salt. Rinse the mouth with the mixture. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash off the remaining mixture with water.

Pharmacy drugs

To get rid of onion odor from the mouth, medications are used:

  1. Activated carbon. A couple of tablets are placed in the mouth and held for 5 minutes. Then the tablets are chewed, stretching this process as much as possible, and swallowed. You can rinse your mouth with water. Activated carbon is an adsorbent that eliminates unpleasant odors.
  2. "Parsley". Capsules are sold in pharmacies. Used to eliminate the specific aroma of onions. They are accepted in 1 piece. after meal.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. To prepare the solution, take 3 parts water to 1 part peroxide. Rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture. The product kills bacteria and accelerates oxidative processes.
  4. "Chlorophyllipt". The medication helps get rid of onion odor by destroying bacteria in the mouth. To prepare a rinse solution, add 1 tsp to a cup of water. drug. The product should not be swallowed.
  5. Chlorhexidine. Rinse your mouth with the drug after eating onions. It works in the same way as hydrogen peroxide. The product does not have the most pleasant taste.
  6. "Anti-policeman." Lollipops with essential oils help get rid of onion odor.

Teeth cleaning

The largest number of bacteria accumulates on the tongue and between the teeth. They are the main sources of unpleasant odors. Therefore, before applying any of the described methods, it is worth brushing your teeth. You need to do this correctly:

  1. Teeth are brushed from the inside and outside for 2–3 minutes. Particular attention is paid to the tongue, where the largest number of microbes accumulate. Preference is given to pastes with mint, menthol, and eucalyptus flavors. It is better to choose one with an antibacterial effect.
  2. Particular attention is paid to the gaps between the teeth. Use dental floss. This procedure takes at least a minute.
  3. After brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth first with water and then with a special mouthwash.

Milk or kefir

Milk is another product that helps get rid of onion smell. It accelerates the process of decomposition of thiosulfides. If you urgently need to freshen your breath, after brushing your teeth you should drink a liter of milk. Not only pure milk is suitable, but also cocktails based on it.

Fermented milk products have a similar effect. Kefir is often used to combat unpleasant odors. To enhance the effect, add a pinch of cinnamon.

See instructions on how to remove unpleasant odors using milk and other products:

Coffee and tea

Coffee quickly eliminates unpleasant odors. You can brew a strong drink or just chew coffee beans.

Green tea has an antibacterial effect. A large cup of strong drink will help cope with the consequences of eating onions. Black tea with lemon will do.

Drinks must be sugar-free. In a sweet environment, bacteria in the oral cavity develop faster.


Baking soda will help cleanse your mouth of the compounds responsible for the onion smell. The product also has an antibacterial effect.

Apply soda powder to a toothbrush and brush your teeth. To clean your tongue, it is more convenient to dip a piece of gauze into the product.

After treating the mouth, prepare a solution consisting of a glass of warm water and 1 tsp. soda Gargle with the product.

Useful video

Below is a useful and informative video about ways to get rid of odor on your hands:

Onions contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements, protect the body from various infections and help with colds. In addition, it has a piquant taste and is indispensable in cooking. Despite the unpleasant disadvantage of onions, you should not limit the consumption of this healthy vegetable. By following simple recommendations, you can easily get rid of the consequences of eating onions without denying yourself the pleasure of enjoying your favorite food.

Hygiene procedures to combat onion odor

The problem of unpleasant odor from onions and bacteria accumulated on the tongue can be eliminated by following basic hygiene rules, as well as by using additional oral care products.

In particular, the following oral hygiene procedures can be distinguished:

  1. Standard brushing of teeth at least 2 times a day - morning and evening. It is best to purchase a brush with medium-hard bristles and a special antibacterial paste for this.
  2. Cleaning the gaps between teeth from food debris using dental floss. The device is not the most convenient, but it does its job - the thread can remove food debris from the most inaccessible places. The less food between your teeth, the less likely it is that your mouth will smell bad. If desired, dental floss can be successfully replaced with ordinary toothpicks.
  3. Rinse your mouth with a special antibacterial liquid. It not only kills germs in the mouth, but also strengthens the gums.
  4. The bulk of bacteria responsible for the occurrence of unpleasant odor accumulates on the tongue. The presence of foreign microflora is revealed by plaque, which has a white or yellowish tint. The tip of the tongue is almost always clean, since it cleans itself in motion, so it is mainly the middle and base that are cleaned. For this purpose, use a special soft brush or its reverse side, if it is equipped with a special cleaning surface. Separately, it is worth noting the effectiveness of the tongue scraper. The procedure is carried out in the direction from the base to the tip of the tongue.

A good prevention against plaque formation on the tongue and tooth enamel is to brush your mouth every time after eating. You can limit yourself to just your teeth, but the greatest effect will be achieved with comprehensive cleansing.

Advice! If you don’t have any special dental care products on hand or products that can remove the onion aroma, then frequent and regular drinking of water can partially solve the problem - harmful bacteria accumulate in the oral cavity when there is insufficient moisture.

Folk remedies

Unconventional methods help eliminate onion odor quite well.

Various types of herbs help cope well with this task.

The following recipes also help eliminate onion aroma:

  • Mint freshens breath due to its antiseptic properties. Grind a small bunch and fill it with hot water. Cover with a lid for 10 minutes, strain, add honey. You can also chew fresh mint leaves.
  • Prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of sunflower or olive oils. Add a teaspoon of salt. Rinse the mouth.
  • Add equal parts of fresh dill and mint leaves to boiling water. Infuse the decoction for half an hour, strain, and drink.
  • Add a tablespoon of a mixture of chamomile, wormwood, and strawberries to a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and strain. This rinse has a refreshing and disinfecting effect.
  • Cranberry juice can also neutralize the effects of eating dishes with onions.
  • Carrots and potatoes will also help.
  • The oral cavity is rinsed with decoctions: cumin seeds and alder leaves are poured with boiling water and cooled. Mint and sage leaves are also poured with boiling water, left for an hour, and cooled.
  • Oatmeal can activate saliva production.

How to remove onion odor from hands and fingers?

Despite the benefits of onions for the body, its smell can hardly be called pleasant. It gets into the skin of your hands after cooking and is quite difficult to get rid of. However, there are several tips that will help remove the onion aroma :

  1. To remove unpleasant odor from your hands and fingers, you can use your usual mouthwash. A little product should be poured onto the palms and rubbed. After a few minutes the smell will disappear.
  2. Vinegar is no less effective in combating bad odors. You can use either regular vinegar or apple cider vinegar. A couple of drops will be enough to destroy the onion smell.
  3. Mix half a teaspoon of salt with two tablespoons of water and grind the mixture. This should be done carefully, otherwise you may damage the skin.

Pharmacy drugs

How can you neutralize the onion aroma? The best medicines to eliminate onion odor are:

  • Natural antiseptic Chlorophyllipt with eucalyptus extract. The product is available in the form of tablets, alcohol solution and spray. Chlorophyllipt neutralizes unpleasant odors and has an antimicrobial effect. According to user reviews, if you have an onion smell from your mouth, it is better to use a rinse solution. To carry out the procedure, you need to mix 200 ml of water with 5 ml of product. Rinse your mouth thoroughly without swallowing the medicine.
  • Lollipops Antipolitsay. The drug belongs to dietary supplements and contains licorice root extract, acacia gum and eucalyptus oil. The product does not mask the odor, but instantly destroys it and makes your breath fresh.
  • Mouthwash Lakalut Active - contains aluminum lactate and the antiseptic chlorhexidine.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates unpleasant odors. To rinse, mix 10 drops of the product with 20 ml of water. It is not recommended to swallow the resulting solution.

Thus, these methods can eliminate onion odor from the mouth. Naturally, this is quite difficult to do. Before you find the optimal method for yourself, you will have to try all of them.


The smell of fumes appears and begins to disturb others within an hour and a half after raising the first toast. Fumes are exhaled products of the destruction of ethanol, processed by the liver into acetaldehyde.

Many people think that fumes are volatile alcohol vapors by the lungs This is not entirely true. At the same time, the odors of both substances can reach others, reinforcing each other. And the methods for eliminating “odors” also differ slightly.

The existing belief that the fumes reach others directly from the stomach of the person who drank is incorrect. The products of ethanol destruction, as well as acetaldehyde in huge quantities, are partially removed from the body:

  • light,
  • kidneys,
  • skin.

But a large share is given to the lungs.

Fume vapor will hover around a person until the person is cleansed of all products of alcohol destruction and acetaldehydes. It all depends on how much alcohol a person has taken; the products of its destruction will smell from three hours to a day and a half. Therefore, it is impossible to completely neutralize the smell during these hours, but you can only mask the smell.

This smell is absolutely not dangerous. It can only cause a feeling of discomfort in others. But it is contraindicated for young children to be near and inhale the fumes of adults. The nervous system of babies and infants is not fully formed. A strong unpleasant odor can cause anxiety and disturb the child’s sleep and peace.

How to get rid of aroma in an apartment?

To get rid of the onion aroma in your apartment, you first need to eliminate its source. If the cut onion remains in the public domain, then all measures taken will be useless.

The following tips will help you quickly solve the problem:

  • use flavored water, adding orange or fir essential oil to it - pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray it throughout the apartment;
  • Take water into a saucepan, add a few slices of lemon and 5 drops of cedar oil - this mixture must be boiled for at least 15 minutes, during which time aromatic vapors will fill the room and displace the onion smell;
  • In a saucepan or small enamel cup, boil water with 10 clove inflorescences and 5 mint leaves - these aromatic plants will quickly eliminate all foreign odors in the apartment.

If the smell of onions is weak and has not yet been absorbed into the interior items, you can simply ventilate the room. For the best effect, you need to create a draft by opening windows and doors.

Activated carbon

This unique remedy is found in almost every family. But few people know that activated carbon not only saves against poisoning, copes with allergic manifestations, but also eliminates unwanted odors. In order to remove the smell of onions, you will need 4 tablets, which must be chewed without drinking. After 10 minutes the smell will disappear. Rinsing with water to which you should add a few drops of lemon will help remove black deposits. You can also reduce the smell by chewing lemon zest, but this method is too short-term.

Do you need a diet?

To eliminate the onion stench, people do not need to exhaust their bodies with diets. It is enough to reduce the amount of this vegetable in your diet to reduce discomfort for others.

If it is used to prevent colds, it should be used in dried form.

During the drying process, the onion will not lose its natural properties, but at the same time it will lose its pungent odor.

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