Apples or ammonia? What does unusual breath odor indicate?

Main nuances

“Bad breath is scientifically called “halitosis.” It can be physiological and pathological. In the first case, they usually talk about the “aroma” that appears in the morning and disappears after morning hygiene procedures. In the second case, the appearance of such a symptom has certain medical reasons,” says Evgenia Parshina. As the immunologist notes, smoking can, for example, influence the appearance of bad breath.

Among the main causes of halitosis is poor oral hygiene, when a person does not properly care for his teeth. It can also be caused by tooth decay or plaque on the tongue. The problem can also appear, as the immunologist notes, with chronic tonsillitis.

Question answer

Why does my breath smell bad in the morning? Also often the problem is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example a disease such as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Another reason could be the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacillus in the human body, says the immunologist.

Unpleasant odors from the mouth can be felt by a person suffering from diseases of the nasal cavity, which are accompanied by postnasal drip, as well as swelling of the mucous membranes and inflammation of the adenoids in children. “In children, by the way, an unpleasant smell from the nose can also appear against the background of foreign objects in the nose, which can remain in the nasal cavity for a long time,” says Evgenia Parshina.


Smell from under the crown of a tooth

A person can independently determine halitosis. There are several methods for diagnosing at home:

  1. Place a small paper napkin under your tongue for a few minutes. After time has passed, the smell of the material is assessed.
  2. Lick the skin on the wrist and after a few seconds evaluate the odor on the test area.
  3. Hands are cupped near the mouth and air is exhaled through the mouth. The quality of exhaled air is assessed by olfactory receptors. Instead of palms, you can use dishes (a plate or glass).

If you notice a stale odor on your breath, you should immediately contact your dentist. He will determine the cause of the violation using a set of diagnostic measures:

  • assessing the symptoms of the disease and the patient’s lifestyle;
  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • gastroscopy;
  • CT and MRI;
  • radiography;
  • stool, blood and urine tests.

The photo shows the gastroscopy procedure

Based on the test results, a consultation with specialized specialists is scheduled: cardiologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, urologist. Instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods are prescribed depending on the patient’s condition and his complaints.


For example, Evgenia Parshina notes that with diabetes, a person can smell a fruity or apple aroma from himself. A similar manifestation is observed when following, for example, a keto diet. The smell of diabetes is quite characteristic, it is similar to the aroma of soaked, fermented apples and resembles acetone. In people suffering from diabetes, there is a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, and ketone bodies begin to be released. Under starvation conditions, cells begin to actively use fats and proteins, including those stored for future use by the body, and when they break down, acetone begins to appear.

general information

Olfactory hallucinations (phantosmia) are a condition in which a person perceives non-existent odors, which can be both pleasant and disgusting. As a rule, there is a tendency to feel unpleasant odors: burning, rotten fish, etc. Phantosmia may be constantly present or appear periodically and then disappear.

Along with olfactory hallucinations, there are parosmia - conditions in which the patient perceives a distorted odor from a real object. For example, some patients after Covid complain of smells of “rot” or “carrion” from quality products. The patients’ relatives do not feel anything like that, but “hear” the aroma that should normally come from the dish.

Kidney problems

“Another chronic disease that can lead to the appearance of an unusual odor is kidney failure,” says Evgenia Parshina. Thus, with diseases of the urinary system, for example nephrosis, pyelonephritis, etc., manifestations of the smell of ammonia may be observed. Usually this kind of smell appears already in the terminal stage. The mechanism by which the odor appears is that the main source of ammonia is the catabolism of amino acids and the breakdown of other nitrogen-containing compounds in tissues, including the kidneys. An imbalance leads to the accumulation of a substance in the blood.

Salty taste. What diseases does this symptom indicate? More details

Phantosmia due to coronavirus

Some time after the start of the pandemic, more and more reports began to appear about the loss of the sense of taste and smell during the period of illness. After some time, it turned out that the problem did not disappear with recovery. Experts began to study this phenomenon and found that phantosmia is part of the post-Covid syndrome.

Most often, the disturbance in the perception of tastes and aromas persists for several weeks. Some people experience this phenomenon even after 2 months. Many cases have been described in which all the symptoms disappeared, and then, after a period of imaginary well-being, reappeared. Researchers say parosmia can persist for up to six months or more.

The etiology of the symptom has not been definitively established. Neurologists believe that hallucinatory manifestations are due to the restoration of the nerve, citing an analogy with the situation when a person “rested” an arm or leg. Initially, there is no sensation in the limb.

Then nerve conduction begins to recover, which is accompanied by the crawling of non-existent goosebumps, and the person does not know how to get rid of the unpleasant sensations. And then everything returns to normal. So it is here. During the illness, the olfactory nerve was damaged, now its functions are normalized, and this is manifested by phantosmia, which will disappear after full recovery.

Otolaryngologists have a slightly different theory. They believe that the reason lies not in the nerve itself, but in its endings, which are located in the nasal mucosa and are responsible for the perception of odors. In support of their point of view, they cite observations according to which phantosmia is more often detected in people who previously suffered from chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Damage by coronavirus aggravates previous pathological changes in the mucous membrane - odor hallucinations occur.

One way or another, experts agree on one thing - the unpleasant phenomenon is temporary. After a certain period, everything will be restored. But we shouldn’t let our guard down. If symptoms persist for a month or more, you should see a doctor.


The smell of iodine from the mouth also indicates problems in the body. Usually, when such a signal appears, doctors send the person to be checked for problems with the thyroid gland, in particular hyperthyroidism. It is this gland that is associated with iodine. When the body has a problem with the production of hormones, it does not have enough capacity to work properly and dispose of everything unnecessary and excess, the accumulation of substances begins. Hence the smell. Also, sometimes the appearance of an iodine odor indicates problems from taking hormonal medications. And sometimes it appears during tooth decay as an oxidative reaction.

Question answer

How to eliminate the smell of onions and garlic?

Symptoms that may accompany this sensation

Note! The taste of ammonia in the mouth may appear periodically, then the cause should be sought in poor diet.

Persistent bad breath indicates a more serious condition and requires immediate medical attention.

In addition to bad breath, a person may have other symptoms , such as:

  • Constant thirst and dry mouth, frequent urge to go to the toilet, lack of concentration and attention, and muscle weakness indicate diabetes.
  • Rare urination with dark-colored urine, lower back pain, surges in blood pressure and swelling indicate kidney disease.
  • Rapid weight loss, excessive sweating, irritability and anxiety , as well as menstrual irregularities in women can indicate hormonal disorders and a malfunction of the endocrine system.


A metallic taste from the mouth indicates the development of anemia. It develops against the background of an increase in the concentration of metal ions in the body. With anemia, the transport of hemoglobin is impaired. It is also sometimes called iron. As a result, a complete imbalance of the human condition begins.

Naturally, such a problem should not be ignored: any manifestations of some foreign aroma should be determined by taking tests and consulting with a specialist. You can start with a therapist: he will be alert to a particular disease and will offer examination options, and then therapy. You cannot leave the situation to chance, hoping that it will go away on its own. After all, there is a risk of the pathological process turning into a chronic one: treating it, as we know, is much more difficult, longer and more expensive. And the result is unpredictable.

There are contraindications, you should consult your doctor

Diagnosis and which doctor to contact

Stay up to date! To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to seek advice from a therapist, who will refer, if necessary, for additional examination to specialized specialists.

You will also need to take urine and blood tests .

Quite often, the doctor will refer you for an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and thyroid gland.

This is done in order to exclude pathologies of the genitourinary and endocrine systems.


Don't wait until everything returns to normal after 3 months or more. In mild cases, from the first days it is recommended to use training designed for people suffering from anosmia. You need to take 4 different essential oils, drop them onto the discs, and then alternately inhale the aromas through a short forced inhalation.

Working with each scent lasts 15 seconds, then a ten-second break follows, and the person moves on to another scent. During the procedure, it is important for the patient to think about what he is smelling at the moment. This will help speed up the restoration of communication between the receptors and the corresponding part of the brain. The exercise is repeated twice a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

Doctors say that, according to recent research, this is the only reliably confirmed method that helps you get rid of smell hallucinations after Covid. However, they warn of caution. Some people, trying to speed up the rehabilitation period, inhale vinegar and caustic technical liquids. You can’t do this - you can burn the mucous membrane or get poisoned.

In mild forms of the disorder, unpleasant manifestations subside within 1–2 months. In severe cases, the duration of treatment cannot be predicted. Experts believe that everything should return to normal within a maximum of 6 months, but cases have been described where the distortion persisted for up to 9 months.

Doctors say that in the case of post-Covid syndrome, time is the best healer. But if hallucinations persist for a long period, it is better to see a doctor. There is no single approved therapeutic method yet, but neurologists and otolaryngologists use means to stimulate microcirculation, local blood supply and metabolic processes. As part of the treatment, B vitamins and zinc preparations are prescribed, and physiotherapeutic procedures are performed.

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