Bloggers become vampires, and dentists find it painful to look at them. After all, these fangs will not disappear so easily

How to grow a tooth?

A metal pin (similar to a screw) is placed inside the tooth so that the pin rises above the surface of the teeth, and the cavity around it is filled. The upper part of this screw is used for extension using a special composite material - heliocomposite.

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Creativity from plastic straws

First, find or purchase a white plastic straw.

  1. Ideally, the straw should match the shade of your teeth. This method of making fangs with your own hands is the simplest, since they can be easily removed and reattached.
  2. If you have a flexible straw, use scissors to cut off the top of the straw just above the corrugated bend. You can also cut off a small section 5 cm long. You can also attach one end of a plastic straw to the tooth, look in the mirror and mark the required length, but twice as large as required.
  3. When you cut part of the straw, you need to bend it in half. Using scissors, you need to give a piece of straw the shape of a tooth, while clamping it on both sides. Leave a piece of plastic on the tooth and shape it so that you can later compare the shape of the fang from the tooth, while maintaining symmetry. Don't cut too close to the bend . This is the area where you will put the fang on your tooth, so it must be left as is, otherwise the fang will fall apart.
  4. Finally, the vampire teeth must be cut in half along the curve, dividing into 2 pieces. Next, place the finished vampire teeth on the incisors on either side of the large front teeth.

Realistic acrylic fangs

It’s worth noting right away that making such vampire teeth will require some money and time. For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  1. Alginate, which can be purchased at dental supply stores or specialty art stores.
  2. Mouth guard or paper cup.
  3. Plastic resin that will be needed for sealing. It can be replaced with other similar material.
  4. Clay for modeling, as well as a small tool for shaping.
  5. Acrylic for nails.
  6. Vaseline or Vaseline oil.


  1. First of all, you need to cut off the top of the plastic cup using scissors. The rest of the cup with the bottom should be slightly higher in height than your upper jaw. Using scissors, cut one side to create a hole that will fit into your mouth. If you have a real mouth guard, you can skip this step.
  2. Next, you need to mix the alginate mass and lubricate the mouth guard with it. You need to work very quickly, since you are using alginate. After a few hours, as a rule, such a mixture begins to disintegrate and crack.
  3. Press the upper teeth onto the alginate. After 3 minutes, you can remove the mouth guard by sharply pulling it down. This way you will get an impression of your teeth. Do not wear the mouth guard too high on your teeth. It is necessary to remove only when the alginate has hardened. To find out the exact time of readiness, you can place a small piece of alginate on your finger and wait for it to harden.
  4. It is necessary to mix a two-component plastic polymer or any other injection molding material. The polymer should not be too toxic after drying.
  5. The polymer mixture must be poured into the dental impression. Pour slowly, preventing the formation of bubbles. In just a few minutes the mixture will become hot and turn white. You don't need to touch it with your hands. Wait for the mixture to dry and cool before removing it from the cast.
  6. From the resulting cast it is necessary to make vampire teeth. To do this, apply clay to the cast where the fangs will be. Using some sharp object, you need to give the teeth the desired shape.
  7. After this, the resulting impression must be soaked in soapy water for 10 minutes. This action will prevent the alginate from sticking to the clay.
  8. Next, you need to make another impression using alginate. This time you need to use a plastic resin cast with the fangs attached instead of your own teeth.
  9. The clay fangs must be removed and the cast should be smeared with Vaseline. This will make it easier to remove the acrylic fangs when they are ready.
  10. You need to mix acrylic nail paint to form a paste. Pour the resulting acrylic paste into the hole for the teeth on the cast.
  11. After this, you need to press the sample of teeth onto the impression, and then wait for the acrylic to harden. The impression should be carefully removed when the acrylic is almost hardened but still sticky.
  12. Finally, you need to separate the acrylic fangs and place them on your teeth. If vampire fangs do not stick well to the teeth, they can be glued using base or dental wax.

You will find another way to make vampire fangs yourself in this video.

How much does the procedure cost?

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how much it costs to grow fangs, since much will depend on the chosen technique. Also, other factors will influence the final price, including the quality, quantity and cost of the material used, the pricing policy of the dental center and the professional status of the specialist.

It can be immediately noted that a vampire smile can cost the patient from 3-4 to 30-40 thousand rubles. With additional decor such as skyes and stones, the cost of the procedure can reach 200 thousand rubles. The price range is significant, so it is better to consult a specialist about choosing a specific technique.

Standard cosmetic restoration will cost on average 3-5 thousand rubles

But it must be taken into account that for such a procedure it is important that there are no pathological processes in the oral cavity, especially in the acute stage. Treatment of foci of caries and inflammation, enamel hyperesthesia if present - all this will entail additional expenses and increase the total cost

Installation of one ceramic composite veneer, the most affordable, will cost from 20 thousand rubles. More expensive solutions made of ceramics and on a zirconium dioxide frame will cost from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. for 1 veneer. If we talk about lumineers, their cost ranges from 45 to 65 thousand rubles. for one overlay. As for installing an artificial crown, its cost will also directly depend on the material. Thus, a metal-ceramic structure can cost from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. A zirconium product will cost 20-25 thousand rubles.

If you decide to grow fangs, carefully consider all the pros and cons in advance, and be sure to consider the possible risks. This is one of the original options to dramatically change your image, but you need to understand that we are talking about the health of your teeth and oral cavity in general. Sometimes such transformations cause serious damage to the enamel, which most often happens due to a violation of the technique of the procedure or the presence of contraindications in the patient that were not identified in advance. Therefore, if you decide to take such a step, carefully and responsibly approach the choice of a clinic and a good doctor.

  1. Bulycheva T.E. Aesthetics of a smile, 2007.

Vampire smile: how and why they grow fangs today, what risks are associated with the procedure

Vampire fangs made from ordinary false nails are very convenient to produce and wear. Take nail tips, a file, scissors, nail glue, acrylic paint or white polish. From the set, you need to choose a pair of nails that are most suitable for your teeth. Most likely, these will be false nails for the little fingers. If the tips are too long, cut them off. Now use a nail file to give your nails a pointed tooth shape.

How to make vampire fangs without gluing them tightly? It's very simple, all you need is an ordinary apple! Only the fruit must be hard. Using a thin knife or an ink pen, you need to cut out two parts from the apple, close in size and shape to the cone. The parts just need to be put on your own teeth.

Fangs can also be made from cotton wool for a short time.

You can also use a plastic fork for this purpose.

It will become soft, and you can easily build something like plastic cones from it, which can easily be secured using the same glue. Plastic is much harder than cotton wool - such fangs will not bend and will not look ridiculous.

Another more expensive method involving the use of nail glue involves false nails.

You just need to choose nails that fit tightly to your teeth and trim them to the shape of a sharp vampire fang. A much friendlier way for your pocket and your mouth to make vampire fangs at home is to use a regular white plastic fork.

Break off the outer tines of a fork and attach them to thin strips of tape. It’s done in two seconds, peels off easily, but holds tightly. So, now you know how to make vampire fangs. In general, it is very simple, but these methods, especially those using nail glue, are very unsafe.

  • The price is around 2-3 thousand.
  • However, the disadvantage of such a mother is also hurray - traces of heating will probably remain on the link for another few days until they finally subside.
  • For the creature, you will need to take environmentally friendly plasticine, safe for shaking hands, which is sold in a children's store, or use glass clay, which in all its properties resembles the same diagnosis.
  • However, a woman made of cotton wool has significant discomfort - her ability and fragility, probably a soft plush fang, is very strong from a budget vampire weapon to correctly reveal into a shapeless bundle of cotton wool.
  • Make its followers as accurately as possible similar to thermal ones.
  • With the consistency of such a universal material, you can buy excellent, beautiful and durable byaki organs.

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