Extended fangs: description of the procedure, contraindications, photos

In this article we will look at how to make extended fangs.

Such extensions are not only a necessary medical procedure, but also a modern fashion trend among young people and teenagers. In Russia, it gained popularity after the film adaptation of the well-known vampire saga “Twilight”.

Today, extended fangs can be done in any dental clinic. However, before deciding to carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to study all its features, contraindications and indications.

Indications for extension

A photo of the extended fangs is presented above.

The procedure can be performed for various purposes:

  1. The therapeutic goal is when part of a tooth is chipped off or damage to its coronal part is observed.
  2. Aesthetic purpose – when it is necessary to change the shape or size of a tooth to improve the aesthetic properties of a smile. The extension of fangs of the “vampire” type also falls under this category.
  3. Orthopedic purpose – in cases where the tooth is completely destroyed and requires restoration.

Depending on the purpose of this dental event, a certain technique is used.

Of course, people with extended fangs are becoming more and more common today. But is this procedure allowed for everyone?

What could be the motivation?

Fangs can be extended or restored for dental reasons or for beauty.

For medical purposes, canine extensions are necessary for the following purposes:

  • the enamel is damaged or has microcracks;
  • the tooth has damage from deep caries or the hard tissue has suffered mechanical damage;
  • the tooth wears out with age;
  • for defects that cannot be corrected aesthetically;
  • There is pronounced pigmentation on the enamel.

In order to improve (change) their appearance, each person makes an independent decision about the advisability of growing fangs.

Over the past few years, this procedure has only gained popularity. Patients are confident that restoration of certain teeth can correct their facial expression and make their smile more mysterious and unusual. They are confident that they will acquire a certain charm and novelty.

In most cases, manipulations on the fangs are performed only for decorative aesthetics.

Contraindications to the procedure

Since this dental procedure involves carrying out certain actions in the oral cavity, there are a number of relative and absolute restrictions on its implementation. These include:

  • acute or chronic periodontitis;
  • incorrect bite (in this case, extended teeth can prevent the uniform distribution of loads on the jaw during chewing);
  • poor quality oral care and non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • any damage to tooth roots;
  • caries in advanced stages (a medical procedure is possible only after treatment of all teeth);
  • allergic reactions to materials used during dental procedures (very rare);
  • pathological abrasion of teeth.

For the safety of the patient, the size of the artificial areas of the extended fangs should not be more than 4 mm. Longer fangs will constantly injure the tongue, lips, and gums. This will contribute to the appearance of pronounced inflammatory processes, irritations, even the formation of pathological tumors.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

Before carrying out this medical procedure to install extended fangs, it is necessary to carry out a complete sanitation of the oral cavity. If caries develops, even if it develops only on one tooth, a qualified dentist must refuse to provide dental services to the patient. If necessary, remineralization of tooth enamel is carried out, cleaning the surface of the teeth from stone and plaque. Such actions, at the request of the patient, can be carried out under local anesthesia.

Fang extensions for lovers of thrills and bold decisions

Fang augmentation is not only a necessary medical procedure, but also a current fashion trend among teenagers and young adults.
In Russia, it became popular after the film adaptation of the famous vampire saga “Twilight”. You can grow your fangs at any dental clinic. But before deciding on the procedure, you need to study all the features, indications and contraindications.

The content of the article:


The method of obtaining extended fangs includes the following preparatory steps:

  1. Taking impressions. This is necessary in order to simulate a fang of a suitable shape and size.
  2. Preparation, which is the preparation of the tooth surface for the installation of artificial structures.

Since the section of composite being built up will be thicker, the tooth must hold it securely. All main stages of dental manipulation are performed using local anesthesia, so the patient feels virtually no pain or discomfort.

One of the main methods of canine extension is extension using light-curing material. It is considered the most gentle because it allows you to quickly create a high-quality and reliable design. The technique of this procedure is reminiscent of nail extensions. Modern dental materials that are used to restore canines do not darken over time and are absolutely compatible with natural dental tissues.


The manipulation of obtaining extended fangs for girls and boys is carried out in several stages:

  • grinding of hard tissue, which is necessary to create the correct shape of an artificial fang (even when constructing fangs of the “vampire” type);
  • insulating the treated dental surface from moisture using latex material with a special hole for the tooth;
  • enamel conditioning, which ensures its reliable adhesion to composite materials;
  • the use of adhesive systems – for a more durable connection of the composite with dentin.

Layer-by-layer application

The extension process is a layer-by-layer application of light-curing materials. Their number depends on the size of the artificial structure and the stage of tooth decay. Using a special scale, the dentist pre-selects the color of the composite material. Next, the tooth surface is polished, and a final highlight is applied for rapid hardening.

Extending fangs using this method will take no more than two hours. The downside to this method is that the light-curing material may darken over time, especially if proper dental care is not taken care of.


The cost of the procedure is influenced by the following factors:

  • method of enlargement;
  • material used and its quantity;
  • doctor's qualification level;
  • status of the dental clinic;
  • locality (in large cities the cost of the service is higher).

In addition, the costs of additional procedures should be taken into account. An approximate calculation of the cost of the service looks like this:

  1. Anesthesia - from 250 to 450 rubles.
  2. Auxiliary materials – up to 500 rubles.
  3. Extension taking into account the work of the doctor and the main material - from 3,000 rubles. up to 4000 rub.
  4. Grinding and polishing work – up to 200 rubles.

The cost of an all-ceramic structure will be much more expensive than a metal-ceramic one. You should also know that foreign composite materials are more expensive, unlike their Russian counterparts.

So the minimum price for fang extensions varies from 3 to 4 thousand rubles, and the maximum - from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. In elite dental clinics, the cost of the procedure reaches 200 thousand rubles. Here they offer to additionally decorate the fangs with rhinestones or stones.

Preliminary procedures such as caries treatment, plaque removal, etc. are paid separately.

Installation of “vampire” shaped crowns

There are quite exotic extended fangs.

Vampire crowns are made and installed in the same way as regular crowns. The only distinctive feature of such products is their shape. The procedure technology is as follows:

As a result of grinding the tooth, the enamel is severely damaged, but it is thanks to this procedure that the artificial structure is fixed most reliably and firmly.

When choosing this method of growing fangs, you need to know that it will be impossible to return the previous shape of the tooth.

Photos of girls' extended fangs are also presented.


  • Features of fangs
  • What to choose?
  • Which implantation to choose?
  • How is implantation performed?
  • Perform triple implantation

A canine is a single-rooted tooth used for grasping, holding and tearing food. Humans have a pair of fangs on the upper and lower jaws. They are called "triples" because they are considered third after the two incisors. These teeth are tall and cone-shaped.


Osstem dental implantation turnkey

18,000 rub.

Restoration using veneers

This extension method uses porcelain or ceramic plates that have identical properties to enamel. They are glued using special solutions to the prepared surface of the fang. As an alternative to veneers, lumineers are often used, which are distinguished by a special manufacturing technique that allows the production of extremely thin plates (no more than 0.3 mm). With the help of such overlays it is possible to simultaneously get rid of various defects - darkening, chips and stains on the enamel.

What does modern dentistry offer?

When growing teeth, in particular fangs, depending on the situation, three methods are used.

Direct method

The growth occurs in the oral cavity.
Various materials are used for dental reconstruction. The material is applied in layers to the prepared tooth. The thickness is selected based on the patient’s wishes. After the procedure is completed, the hardened material is polished and brought to perfection.

The procedure takes a minimal amount of time, no more than one hour per tooth. When growing two fangs, the time spent will be about one and a half hours. The work will be carried out sequentially, which will save time.

Installation of veneers and other overlays

The main work takes place in the dental laboratory.

Veneers are very thin plates made of dental material that resemble enamel in properties. Tooth surface

prepared, after which the plates are glued to a special solution.

Instead of veneers, you can install lumineers. They are similar to tooth enamel, and thanks to a special production technology, their thickness is reduced to 0.3 mm.

Such plates are classified as aesthetic dentistry. With their help you can hide imperfections in your teeth. Masks chips, cracks and stains on tooth enamel.

Installation of crowns

Crowns are selected according to the required size and shape, which is determined by the orthopedic dentist. The production is carried out by a dental technician.

When choosing a crown, you can choose the material from which future fangs will be made. There are also several ways to install the finished product.

The most popular crowns:

  1. Metal-ceramic . A thin layer of ceramic is applied to the metal, which allows the tooth to look more natural.
  2. Ceramic . They are made from zirconium dioxide and have the same characteristics as metal.

You can install a crown:

  • on your treated tooth;
  • if the tooth root is preserved, then it can be installed on a stump tab;
  • you can mount the pin and put it on it.

You can grow fangs with a crown by no more than 4 mm. With a more massive build-up, the oral mucosa and tongue will be injured. Permanent injuries can lead to disastrous results, including the formation of a tumor.

Rules of care

If you follow certain rules for caring for your extended teeth, they can last quite a long time. Basic recommendations:

  • Daily teeth brushing should be done twice a day (minimum), using a medium or soft toothbrush;
  • toothpaste should not contain abrasive substances;
  • Once or twice a year you need to visit a dentist to have your extended fangs coated with a special varnish and polished;
  • If possible, it is recommended to give up smoking and excessive consumption of coffee and tea, as artificial teeth can change color and become dull;
  • Extended fangs can be damaged or broken when eating hard food or under various mechanical stress.

Aligners (aligners)

An aligner is a mouth guard made of silicone or soft plastic that exactly follows the contours of the teeth and works like a brace system, albeit slowly but effectively straightening the teeth. Despite the proven effectiveness of aligners, they are not used so often, mainly to correct bites.

The advantages of this method:

  1. Almost invisible on the teeth;
  2. Easy to remove while eating or brushing your teeth;
  3. Does not cause discomfort;
  4. There are no restrictions on food when wearing a mouth guard;
  5. Does not cause pain when wearing;
  6. You can treat “oral” problems while wearing a mouth guard;
  7. Do not cause allergies;
  8. Along with straightening, you can also whiten your teeth;
  9. Has no contraindications.

Disadvantages of this method:

  1. Not effective for complex problems;
  2. High price;
  3. Before eating, food must be removed prematurely and stored properly;
  4. Long production time (mouthguards are often delivered from abroad).

In order to comprehensively straighten crooked teeth using a mouth guard, you need to go through several stages. First, the dentist takes impressions of the teeth and creates an electronic model. The same layout is necessary at intermediate stages of treatment, as well as at the end of the procedure. For the entire stage of treatment, you need several drops, which should be changed after 2-3 weeks, as prescribed by the doctor.

The patient should wear the mouth guard at least 22 hours a day and remove it only to eat and brush teeth. The duration of treatment is from 6 to 8 months, and in case of prophylaxis.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the positive and negative aspects of extended fangs for guys and girls?

Most people grow fangs for aesthetic reasons. Only in exceptional cases is this dental procedure carried out according to medical recommendations using artificial structures. “Vampire” fangs are most often grown by teenagers - they can often be seen in boys and girls who are passionate about the gothic subculture. However, sometimes adults also emphasize their individuality in such an unusual way. The main advantages of this event include:

  • a snow-white, beautiful smile (thanks to the use of modern materials, aesthetics are significantly improved);
  • durable and high-quality construction;
  • complete restoration of the tooth (the tooth is built up even if there is a small residue, the main thing is the presence of a healthy root and intact bone tissue);
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • changing the image and matching fashion trends.

However, this dental procedure also has some disadvantages:

  • high cost of the service;
  • gradual destruction of enamel, as a result of which there is a high probability of developing caries;
  • feeling of discomfort while eating (biting and chewing food with too long fangs is inconvenient);
  • traumatization of the oral cavity (occurs when the size of the fang is incorrectly selected);
  • high probability of risk of damage to artificial structures (the material can be damaged if improperly maintained, or break when eating hard food);
  • the impossibility of growing fangs if their roots are even slightly damaged.

Adding fangs is a very important decision that must be made consciously. At the same time, it is important to analyze how high the need for this dental procedure is, since if you do it for image, it will harm your health. If the manipulation has purely therapeutic purposes, it is really necessary.

Fang extensions - why do people go for it and is the risk justified?

Young people are trying to “keep up with fashion.”
To achieve their goals, young people sometimes neglect the safety of their health. They strive to stand out from the crowd and be modern. Informal teenagers, especially those who consider themselves goths, try to follow fashion and grow fangs. This can be done with the help of modern dentistry. This desire arises, in most cases, in adolescents aged 14–20 years.

It is rare to meet an older person who strives to grow fangs. Currently, tooth enlargement occurs using several methods.

Reviews about extended fangs

Patients gave very conflicting opinions about canine extensions. If we are talking about “vampire fangs,” which are very popular among young people today, then the reviews contain rather negative information. People believe that canine extensions should be an exclusively therapeutic necessity, in which the patient gains a chance to save the damaged tooth and get an aesthetic effect. When teenagers spoil healthy teeth with such manipulations for the sake of newfangled trends, this is perceived extremely negatively by most people.

As for the procedure itself, according to information from reviews, it is absolutely painless and does not cause much discomfort.

How to make vampire fangs at home from plastic nails?

Vampire fangs made from ordinary false nails are very convenient to produce and wear. Take nail tips, a file, scissors, nail glue, acrylic paint or white polish. From the set, you need to choose a pair of nails that are most suitable for your teeth. Most likely, these will be false nails for the little fingers. If the tips are too long, cut them off. Now use a nail file to give your nails a pointed tooth shape.

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