Results of breast augmentation with anatomical implants Mentor 330 ml and patient report

  • What could the texture be?
  • Profile
  • What volume to choose
  • Manufacturers
  • Prices
  • Service life: will replacement of implants be required?
  • How to make the right choice
  • Plastic surgery as a separate field of medicine today is developing rapidly and actively throughout the world and in Russia in particular. Modern women resort to services for a variety of operations, including facelifts, plastic surgery of the nose, chin and ears, liposuction of the abdomen, buttocks and other parts of the body. But breast correction surgery is especially popular – mammoplasty.

    Decisions to undergo mammoplasty - breast correction surgery - are made for various reasons. A woman may be dissatisfied with the shape or size of her bust, its condition after pregnancy, breastfeeding or sudden weight loss, asymmetry of the mammary glands and wants to make a correction. But most often, mammoplasty is performed with the aim of enlarging the female breast, and in this case, implants, that is, endoprostheses, are used to achieve the desired shape and size of the breast.

    The implants used in plastic surgery are different; there are several types. Endoprostheses vary in volume, shell surface texture, density, fillers, profile height and other parameters. This article on our website will discuss all types of breast implants. And here you can get answers to the most pressing questions, as well as find a lot of useful information about surgery and endoprostheses, which are usually used to enlarge the mammary glands.

    Implants: what are they?

    What is a breast implant? It is a prosthesis used to be inserted into a woman's breast. The implant consists of an outer shell as well as a filler. Various substances are used as the latter, and all of them must be compatible with natural tissues of the body, meet safety requirements and comply with generally accepted medical standards. Otherwise, there are risks of harm to health or even life. The shell must also be safe, hypoallergenic and strong enough so that the filler does not leak beyond its boundaries.

    Breast implants are used in plastic surgery most often during breast augmentation surgery, when the patient is dissatisfied with its size and wants to get a larger volume. But endoprostheses can also correct the unattractive shape of the mammary glands. Implants can also correct other defects, for example, severe asymmetry, ptosis (drooping). Doctors use them after a radical or partial mastectomy for cancer treatment to restore and reconstruct the mammary glands after they have been removed.

    How did breast implants come about?

    The history of the development of breast implants began in the nineteenth century. The first unique surgical operation aimed at enlarging female breasts took place back in 1889. This procedure to add breast volume was performed using liquid paraffin as a material. Over time, doctors began to use other materials, sometimes unexpected and strange ones - wool, rubber, ivory fragments, glass beads. Only in the 61st year of the last century, specialists developed the world's first silicone breast implants.

    The production of breast implants was also established in the Soviet Union, where bovine pericardium was first used to make the shells. Vegetable oils were used as filling. Next, the shells were modernized and made of latex rubber, natural rubber. Fillers were made from all kinds of materials, and saline solutions became the safest. But technology does not stand still: new fillers are constantly appearing, which are of high quality, have a structure close to natural and are not rejected by the human body.

    Should I use breast implants for mammoplasty: all the benefits

    If you have not yet decided whether to enlarge your breasts with implants, then appreciate all the undeniable advantages of such plastic surgeries:

    • The ability to solve a variety of patient problems - eliminating ptosis and asymmetry, increasing the size or restoring removed mammary glands due to cancer. All this can be discussed on the day of consultation with the doctor.
    • A good result after just one operation: an increase in several sizes at once, a beautiful symmetrical shape, a toned, appetizing bust.
    • Absolute safety. All implants used in clinics and plastic surgery centers are biocompatible, durable and of high quality, and also comply with standards and regulations. Certified endoprostheses undergo studies confirming the absence of health risks. And the surgical technique is refined to the smallest detail: surgeons with extensive experience and a high level of qualifications perform surgical interventions regularly, which ensures a result with 100% success during mammoplasty surgery and the absence of errors.
    • Natural aesthetic appearance. Properly selected and well-installed implants are difficult to distinguish by eye and even by palpation from your own breast (especially if anatomical models are used).
    • Maximum comfort. If the implants are optimally selected in size, texture and shape, then after the postoperative period they are not felt at all in the mammary glands and do not cause discomfort or unpleasant sensations.
    • Low invasiveness of the operation. The installation of implants is performed under general anesthesia of the patient, and after the intervention, the plastic surgeon may prescribe painkillers to minimize the pain that occurs. The incisions in the access areas are small, so after surgery the sutures heal in a short time.
    • Minimum risk of damage and especially rupture. The shell of silicone and other implants is very durable, due to which it is able to withstand mechanical stress (for example, mild impacts), does not burst due to pressure changes, and does not deform during active movements of the patient. A woman can absolutely lead a normal and familiar lifestyle.
    • The probability of complications is close to zero. If there was a detailed consultation with a doctor, the operation was performed in a licensed clinic by an experienced and highly qualified plastic surgeon, high-quality implants were used, and the woman followed all the rules for successful rehabilitation after the intervention, then there are no risks of undesirable consequences.

    Currently, there is simply no alternative to augmentation surgery performed with implants. If reduction or mastopexy (lift surgery) is sometimes possible to perform without endoprostheses, then increasing the bust by several sizes, as well as significantly adjusting its shape, is only possible with silicone implants.

    What you need to know when choosing breast implants

    Many websites provide sizing tables for endoprostheses, using which patients try to independently select the implants they need. In most cases, this turns out to be a waste of time and effort, since only an experienced surgeon can choose the desired shape, size and profile and only after a personal examination of the patient.

    Selection factors:

    • body parameters;
    • original shape and size of the bust;
    • the amount of dermis, muscle and fat layer;
    • volume and density of the mammary glands;
    • lifestyle and physical activity of the patient;
    • woman's personal wishes.

    When changing the volume of the bust, it is worth considering that during primary plastic surgery it is not recommended to enlarge the breasts by more than three sizes. Installing larger implants can cause damage to the skin, muscles and other tissues.

    Calculations for choosing endoprostheses

    If a woman still wants to try to independently select the desired shape and size of silicone implants, she can try taking a number of simple measurements at home.

    • Line A is straight between the jugular notch and the navel.
    • Line B is straight along the inner edge of the mammary gland, parallel to line A.
    • Point 1 is the intersection of line B and an imaginary straight line passing through the center of the nipple.
    • Line B is the upper border of the mammary gland. In most women it is located in the area of ​​the third rib.
    • Point 2 is the intersection of line B and an imaginary straight line passing through the center of the nipple.
    • Line D is a skin fold under the mammary gland, usually located 4-6 cm below the areola of the nipple. You also need to put point 3 on it (the point of intersection with an imaginary perpendicular line from the center of the nipple).
    • Line D is the outer edge of the mammary gland, corresponds to the anterior axillary line. Here we also draw a straight line from the center of the nipple and mark point 4.

    Points 1, 2, 3 and 4 give an idea of ​​the internal boundaries of the cavity that the surgeon will create during the operation to install the selected implants. Based on the distance between points 1-4 and 2-3, the required size of endoprostheses is selected. The use of smaller or larger foreign bodies often results in contouring and an unnatural appearance of the new bust.

    Sizers (try-on implants) allow you to ensure the correct choice of size and shape of grafts. They are smooth silicone pads, which, together with a special compression top, help to see the desired effect before the planned plastic surgery. 3D modeling, augmented reality technology or the 3D-Form computer system also helps to evaluate the result in advance and make the necessary adjustments.

    What are breast implants: the main differences

    What types of breast implants are used in plastic surgery, and how do they differ from each other?

    Each prosthesis has its own basic parameters in which they differ:

    • form;
    • filler material;
    • type of shell surface;
    • profile height;
    • size.

    Currently, there are a large number of different models of breast implants with different characteristics on the global and Russian market, so it is especially important to choose the most suitable option in a particular case so that the results of the operation meet the patient’s expectations, the aesthetic effect corresponds to the patient’s preferences, and the risks of postoperative complications are minimal .

    Rehabilitation period after breast augmentation with implants

    The duration of rehabilitation can vary significantly depending on the chosen access location and breast augmentation method. The period of complete rehabilitation can take up to 12 months after surgery. The first few days after breast augmentation, the patient is under medical supervision. The use of antibiotics and sedatives is indicated to relieve possible pain and level the likelihood of postoperative complications. The sutures can be removed a week after surgery; until then, you should refrain from showering. For 1.5 months, wearing compression garments is recommended, which can be removed at night approximately 21 days after surgery. Throughout the recovery period, it is recommended to sleep on your stomach; in addition, it is necessary to avoid any pressure on the chest and thermal effects, and also limit physical activity.

    Form options




    Until recently, there were only two options for the shape of implants, but recently a third one has appeared. Let's look at everything:

    • Round form. Round implants have a hemispherical configuration and have the so-called “push-up” effect, that is, the final result creates the most elevated breasts, making them more voluminous - this is their main distinguishing characteristic. Endoprostheses of this form are used for augmentation mammoplasty, if it is necessary to correct asymmetry, increase the size by several points at once, eliminate ptosis after pregnancy or that has arisen against the background of inevitable age-related changes. A big advantage of round-shaped implants is the preservation of their natural original appearance even during rotation: displacements and changes in position almost do not change the contours of the prosthesis in the chest, and migrations remain almost unnoticeable. Therefore, this form is recommended if the desired goal of breast surgery is to increase the size with preferential filling of the central region and the upper pole of the gland. The cost is low compared to other types.
    • Drop shape. It is also called anatomical, and it is considered the most natural, since it looks as natural as possible and is practically no different from the natural female breast, according to numerous reviews from women. Anatomical implants allow you to correct asymmetry, model the shape, shift the focus to the lower segment and reduce the distance between the glands, which is of great importance in terms of aesthetics. But the choice of teardrop-shaped prostheses is not suitable for low-set busts, and is also not used for severe ptosis. Anatomically shaped implants also have a significant drawback: when displaced, they look unnatural, since the contours appear through the mammary gland and cause changes in its outline. In addition, after installation of anatomical drop-shaped endoprostheses, it is undesirable to wear push-up bras, as they can deform the implants. The price of such implants is higher when compared with round models.
    • Cone shape. This is a relatively new development designed for women who have tubular breasts, that is, a pointed shape. But not all manufacturers have such models in their lineups, and their prices are quite high. The cost of round and anatomical endoprostheses is lower.

    Good to know!

    When implants that have an anatomical shape are displaced, a repeat mammoplasty operation is almost always necessary - re-endoprosthetics. Moreover, previously installed endoprostheses are often replaced.

    Teardrop implants for breast enlargement: pros and cons

    Breast augmentation is perhaps the most subjective type of correction. If an operation such as, for example, blepharoplasty, in most cases is aimed at solving a certain range of problems (wrinkles, skin folds, fatty hernias), then augmentation breast surgery can pursue a variety of goals.


    • increase in breast size in general (by one or more sizes),
    • restoration of breasts that sag after childbirth and breastfeeding,
    • elimination of breast asymmetry,
    • creating a more aesthetic breast shape,
    • creating a more aesthetic projection of the breast (increasing the volume in the upper part),
    • correction of sunken breasts,
    • restoration of a lost breast (for example, after injury or treatment for breast cancer).

    Accordingly, there are a huge variety of methods for performing this type of operation. One of the most significant grounds for distinguishing between types of mammoplasty is the shape of the implants that are used for breast augmentation: round or anatomical.

    With round implants, everything is more or less clear: they allow you to create the highest and fullest breast possible, correct the lack of volume in the upper part well, and do not affect the shape of the breast when displaced.

    But how do anatomical implants and why do many patients prefer them, despite their higher cost?

    Anatomical implants live up to their name: they have a more natural shape. In the lower part, the volume of the implant is maximum and creates a beautiful roundness; the upper part of the implant does not have a pronounced volume, therefore the upper part of the breast (above the nipple) is only slightly raised after plastic surgery.

    Anatomical implants allow you to create the most natural projection of the breast and hide the fact of plastic surgery. Due to the presence of volume in the lower part, the implant raises the areolas and nipples, giving them a more aesthetic and proportional position. This is one of the reasons why this type of implant is recommended for the correction of breasts that sag after childbirth.

    But, despite the fact that these implants cope excellently with the task in a number of cases, they also have their disadvantages and limitations.

    • Anatomical implants usually have a textured surface, and this, although it facilitates more reliable fixation of the implant in the formed pocket, often causes the appearance of “ripples” on the surface of the skin.
    • Anatomical implants, unlike round ones, significantly distort the shape of the breast even with a slight change in position inside the pocket.
    • Anatomical implants are not recommended for use in cases of severe breast ptosis, since the teardrop shape will not correct sagging, but will only aggravate it.
    • Anatomical implants are not suitable if the goal is to create high, full breasts. They are simply designed to solve other problems.

    Variety of filler materials

    There are several different types of fillers available for breast implants, but only two of them are fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration (called the FDA for short). This is a saline solution, as well as the usual and widespread silicone. But below we will look at all the options.

    For your information!

    Implant shells are made of dense silicone, usually multilayer.

    Saline solution

    A saline solution, also called saline or sodium chloride, is placed into the implant shell through a valve after the prosthesis is installed. The advantages of this choice include safety and spontaneous removal of material by the body if the endoprosthesis ruptures. It is also possible to place implants in the breast through small incisions, including near the areola. The affordable price is also a plus.

    There are also disadvantages. The first is the likelihood of gurgling sounds when the prosthesis is not filled enough. The second is less strength when compared with silicone models. The third is minimal elasticity, which affects tactile sensations and shape. Contouring and deformations are possible.


    Initially, liquid silicone was used to enlarge the mammary gland, but it often “sweated,” that is, seeped through the membrane and got into the breast tissue. Therefore, recently only modern and safe silicone compounds have been used. These are cohesive gels that differ in density, that is, cohesiveness.

    Each manufacturer uses its own classification of cohesive gels for breast plastic surgery, but usually there are the following three degrees of density:

    • "Soft touch". Such silicone gels are the least dense and very soft, therefore they resemble natural female breasts to the touch and also behave naturally when moving.
    • Medium-cohesive, that is, standard silicone gels have a medium degree of density, very similar in structure to the glandular tissue of the breast.
    • Highly cohesive gels. A silicone implant filled with this type of gel has a high density, due to which a memory effect is achieved (Memory Gel): the shape is maintained in a constant state and is not subject to deformation.

    The advantages include elasticity, aesthetic appearance, natural tactile sensations, which is confirmed by reviews, videos and photos of surgeons’ work. In addition, even if the implant is damaged, due to the integrity of the gel with the shell and the high density of the material, silicone will not migrate throughout the body, remaining in the mammary gland area.

    But there are also disadvantages. Firstly, the incisions for installing silicone implants must be larger than for saline implants. Secondly, ruptures of silicone endoprostheses often go unnoticed.


    Biocompatible hydrogel is also called biogel or bioimplant. Such endoprostheses are produced on the basis of carboxymethylcellulose, a naturally occurring polymer.

    There are many advantages. Firstly, when the biogel migrates outside the shell, the gel breaks up into separate components - water with carbon dioxide and glucose. All these substances are eliminated very quickly and naturally without causing harm. Secondly, due to its high elasticity, access can be created with small incisions. Thirdly, the structure of the biogel is similar to the glandular tissues of the breast, which creates a natural appearance and natural shape. Fourthly, when bioimplants are installed, capsular contracture develops less frequently.

    There are also disadvantages. The first is the lack of official FDA certification. For this reason, the choice of bioimplants is not allowed for breast augmentation in some countries. The second disadvantage is the possibility of damage to the shell. The third negative point is the gradual dissolution of the biogel with a subsequent decrease in the size of the mammary gland. And such endoprostheses are also the most expensive.

    Silica gel

    Silica gel dentures are filled with gel and special small silicate balls. The advantages include low weight (30% lighter than saline and silicone endoprostheses), minimal risks of breast ptosis and the possibility of using large implants. In addition, such prostheses give a woman’s breasts a natural appearance.

    But silica gel models began to be used recently, so they have not undergone large-scale and long-term clinical trials. It is impossible to say exactly how such an implant for female breast enlargement will behave after a year, 10, 15 or 20 years.

    What could the texture be?

    The surface of the shell of any breast implant may have the following texture:

    • Rough, that is, textured. Thanks to such a surface, the implant takes root much faster and practically does not migrate and does not provoke capsular contracture. But implants with such shells are denser and harder to the touch.
    • Nanotextured. The surface is rough and microporous; it also reduces the risk of contracture, is more pleasant to the touch and is also well fixed.
    • Smooth. This surface is pleasant and soft to the touch, but often provokes the formation of capsular contracture and also increases the risk of displacement of prostheses in the chest.

    In the near future, approximately within a month or two after surgery, a capsule consisting of connective tissue cells will in any case form around the implant. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body to the invasion of a foreign object. But the capsule shell may be too dense, deforming the implant. This process, called capsular contracture, will require a capsulotomy - removal of the hard capsule that has formed. Surgeons also often suggest replacing implants in order to install others that are not likely to cause the same unwanted connective tissue reaction.

    Results of breast augmentation with anatomical implants Mentor 330 ml and patient report

    OP 02/09/2016

    January 11, 2016 I went for a consultation twice, and twice the same answer was 280 mm teardrop-shaped mentor under the muscle. It seems to me that it is so small that no one will notice. I have a height of 167, weight 48-49 kg, underbust girth 72, breasts 79 .. The base said 12 cm. I showed the doctor a photo of a girl, in my opinion with the same source as mine, she has 330 anatomist mentor. And the doctor refers to the fact that I have a narrow chest and little tissue and he won’t even do more (Do you think he can still insist on at least 300 mm? Now I’ll try to attach a photo of the original. Operation on February 9

    January 12, 2016 I felt that 280 mm would be a little bit too much for me (( Maybe I can make an appointment with another surgeon? But the operation will be 100% tolerated. I’m from Chelyabinsk, I decided to do it, I read that he is a minimalist and practically doesn’t do large ones , but his results are always excellent! I’m sitting like a fool, confused as to why I didn’t write here earlier.. I had the idea that 280 mm would be a minimum size of 2.5 for me! I trusted the doctor when he said that only in my version and no other way (and don’t read the forums! I said lastly). Now either I’ll make an appointment with him again and defend 320 and no less, or I’ll urgently look for another doctor.. PS when I looked at the mentor table, the base was 12 cm it was 280 mm, apparently I calmed down.. Girls, I looked at your photos, and now I understand for sure that 280 mm are tears.. I remembered our conversation with the doc - you have very little of your own tissue, and that there is nowhere to put more than 280. Small breasts elastic, like a girl who has not given birth. You walk around with these and then, in 1-1.5 years, you will do more!
    I’m not a millionaire, and having the operation again in a year is too much for me. Thank you very much for your answers!!! On Tuesday I already made an appointment with another doctor for a consultation. And also, remembering our conversation with the doctor, I remember how he said that my tits were elastic and not sagging, as if I had not given birth, and that there was very little tissue of my own. But looking at the source photos, I see even less of mine!! Perhaps this prompted him to offer a low profile.. Maybe this would be less hassle for him.. Although when I arrived, I initially showed him what I wanted. The girl is about the same as me.. But after measuring all the parameters, feeling, etc., I came up with these numbers.. January 17, 2016 I’m going on Tuesday) I can’t wait. The operation in the previous clinic is scheduled for February 9, in this one, if everything suits me, they also promised to take me around these dates. I looked and read about the doctor, his results and reviews are good). So I’ll immediately write down what he offers me. But I’m inclined (if I’m a mentor), then to the medium plus profile of 330 mm... I read everything and wrote a list of questions on a piece of paper.

    I found a photo, in terms of parameters we are almost the same) The girl was operated on by the doctor I saw for the first time (this is 280 ml and no more). She has a mentor anatomist 330 ml. 2 months after surgery. It seems to me that everything looks very good, and if they were less likely to get lost... The first photo is mine, the second is what I would like). I'll take it with me to the cons))

    January 18, 2016 Today I had a consultation with another doctor. For my 12 cm base, he suggested Mentor CPG 313 anatom 310 mm. Low height high projection. He measured everything and said that a low height is better, because... the chest is not high and so that the implants do not start from the collarbone. Something like this... By the way, he offered a little more, but warned that it would be more difficult to place it. Girls, what do you think about this doctor’s choice? Wouldn't a high profile stick out like two torpedoes? I’m already so worried about the OP that I’m confused about everything, how and what I want...(

    January 26, 2016 I always wonder where so much leather comes from?! The source doesn’t seem to be big, nothing hangs, but 600 ml fit in! Fantastic))

    January 29, 2016 How great it is when you get such amazing results! And when they put in a larger volume than you expected - it’s actually a dream) Girls, I look at you and imagine myself already with mounds on my chest in a bandage) I can’t wait for this moment.

    February 13, 2016 Three hours ago I woke up after surgery!! Before that, I wrote in the thread that I couldn’t decide on an implant.. Well, they gave me the Mentor anatomical 330 ml medium plus profile! Which makes me incredibly happy!! Previously they offered a 280 ml medium profile. I did the OP with my first doctor, my intuition told me) I’m lying there and can’t move, everything hurts as if all my bones were broken.. They gave me an injection, it seemed to feel better. In appearance, after my “zero” it’s very good)) although I haven’t seen them yet, in a corset and bandages, but happiness is already breaking through the pain)) I don’t know what it will be like tomorrow, but today I can’t even breathe.. Concrete slab on the chest.. My back is numb, for some reason my armpits really ache, I have access under my chest. One of these days I'll try to take my first photos! I can't wait to meet them already.

    February 14, 2016 I’m very happy too! I can’t post a photo from my phone, although I converted it into a gif.. today they removed the drainage and I just felt relief)) I’m lying there and can’t believe that it’s all mine! Now the compression garment is worn on a naked body, without bandages, and I really like the size) girls, what antibiotics are usually prescribed? my nurse told me that it’s not necessary and that it’s unnecessary, but it seems to me that after the OP everyone drinks... when I’m discharged, I’ll ask the doctor, of course, the rate is 37 now, the second day after the OP.. with antibiotics it will be calmer at home) and also, What painkillers should I stock up on at home? now they inject ketans like

    February 15, 2016 The final decision, of course, is made by your doctor, based on your chest characteristics, the presence of your tissues, breast shape, etc. There are many factors for selecting an implant. Of course, the doctor will listen to your wishes in terms of volume and shape, but the doctor knows better how the implant will ultimately look on you. Go to several doctors, as I did at one time, and analyze all the options offered. In general, there is a topic here about the choice of implants. There, many girls described everything in detail. Here are my first photographs) For some reason, I imagined them much larger by touch. But of course, after my “0”, this is heaven and earth.. Today is exactly two days after the OP. I feel much better, although I take painkillers twice a day. The upper pole seemed very lumpy, to which the doctor smiled and said, everything will fall into place, wear the compress and wait for the muscle to relax and the implant to take its desired position)

    and a little more from a different angle. I’m just getting acquainted with them)) My source is in the attachments

    February 16, 2016 Tomorrow I’ll go for a dressing change, I’ll ask everything.. And about the upper pole and when it will become a trampoline) Actually, never at all?) for a minute it’s okay, nothing will definitely happen)) I wouldn’t stand it. But this corset doesn’t even allow me to breathe, I can’t imagine how I’ll walk in it for 2 months... But as I understand, it’s what forms a beautiful cleavage and lowers the edge of the implant. Today I took my daughter to school, overestimated my strength... It’s still hard, some kind of shortness of breath, my chest is like stone, pulling me down... And there’s ice, all the way I was afraid of slipping and pulling a muscle. the fourth day they went like I did with them))

    February 17, 2016 No matter how many doctors I went through, I intuitively leaned towards this, he became like my own)) today I’ll go to him for a bandage. And as for removing the compra, in the hospital the doctor showed me in detail how to put my wealth back later if I suddenly want to unfasten it. But I won’t do this anymore, really, you never know.. Girls, this question is tormenting my soul: can stretch marks appear on the chest after the OP? It’s just that the skin is soooo tight, and this happened suddenly, the breasts did not grow smoothly.. Has anyone had this? It can be smeared with something... But under compra, how? Everything there will sweat from the fatty creams.

    February 18, 2016 Yesterday at the doctor’s office I asked the same question. As he said, this does happen, but very rarely. So I need to calm down and stop panicking nervously from all the thoughts that come into my head))) during the examination, the breasts became somehow different, it seemed more beautiful to me) Compru, or rather, tightened the tape tighter than before. In order for the lower pole to fill up, the lower one must go down.. Now, in general, armor is just like armor..) time flies, it’s already a week soon)

    February 19, 2016 The doc also told me that I can take a shower and stick on a new cosmopore patch, but I don’t dare yet. I take a shower up to my waist, I’m afraid to stand for more than a couple of minutes without a compress. They are in this compression bag, it feels like they are torn and are about to burst in it, I’m calmer for now)

    February 21, 2016 Today is exactly one week after my OP! Life is already much easier than it was in the first days)) after three days the doctor told me not to wear the top tape of my underwear! She says she completed her mission. The only thing that really bothers me is my stomach. It hasn’t been there since birth, but here it’s like in the fifth month..(I can’t even pull anything in, you look at yourself in the mirror and get scared.. I can’t straighten my back, I can’t pull my stomach in. Who had such a belly, how did you fight it? And when has he gotten into shape? I read about Wobenzym, I’m thinking of starting to drink it

    February 23, 2016 My belly is getting a little smaller. I still can’t sleep on my side, everything immediately starts to burst and put pressure... Apparently my time hasn’t come yet)). My swelling began to decrease on the fifth or sixth day. The chest even became different in shape and not so concrete or something...) The stomach deflated by the tenth day. I’m already confidently taking a shower, which makes me very happy. Now I’ll attach a photo of my metamorphoses. For some reason, when you look at your breasts in the mirror, they seem larger than in the photo... or this is an optical illusion.

    And then it will only get better and better)) every day! They put me on diphenhydramine at night, I slept on it, raised the head of the bed, and, together with m/s, lay down comfortably. Some were given phenazepam. You ask for something for sleep, I think this is important in the first days.

    February 25, 2016 I have stitches under my breasts, everything has dried up a long time ago, but after a shower there is always some ichor on the patch in the morning.. I asked the doctor during a consultation, he said to take a quick shower and not to wash it for 15 minutes. Wash your breasts like this in just a minute. The skin is very thin, and exudate is released from water.

    February 6, 2016 I have bruises on my sides and lower abdomen. The doctor said that it would go away within a month or even later... And yesterday I saw that a hematoma had appeared in the area of ​​the stitches under the breast. Everything changes every day). I don’t pay much attention to them, as long as the breasts evenly take on a beautiful shape.

    February 29, 2016 I have the source in attachments, I initially had about 0.5, or maybe even zero. There was also very little tissue of my own, the breasts were firm, although I nursed my daughter until she was 8 months old. On visits to the doctor (there were several of them), he always leaned only 290 ml average profile and that’s it. Thanks to the forum, girls, I realized that this is not the limit and you can ask for more, I went to another doctor who offered 310 and a high profile. I still had the operation done with the first one, but we agreed with him - during the operation, when he forms a pocket, if he can, he will put 330 ml, medium plus profile. That’s how it happened) and I’m very happy about it. This profile is larger in projection and in length of the arch. And now I look at my breast and understand that it’s spot on)) and the doc said the same thing) So ask for more, you definitely won’t regret it! And doctors apparently are increasingly inclined towards a smaller volume

    March 03, 2016 I'm almost 3 weeks old!! How time flies Every day it becomes easier and easier, the breast on top has already become soft, the bottom and sides are still stone, of course. Yesterday I washed my compression suit, then dried it with a hairdryer for about 30 minutes, it doesn’t dry at all, you put it on and you still feel the moisture. I decided to try on a sports top. I was so worried that maybe I couldn’t wear it, the implant would not fit properly or would press in the wrong place.. But everything seemed to be ugh ugh, I slept half the night in it, then I changed my clothes. I’m more comfortable in my own underwear, I’m even used to it))

    March 04, 2016 And here I am looking at my mounds without underwear, they seem so big compared to what they were. But I don’t see a difference in clothes... Just like before in a bra)) maybe later in good underwear the result will be visible))) I’m incredibly grateful to my doctor, to all of you girls!!! This forum simply did its job, fulfilled its mission in my life. I wish everyone who is just planning to make an OP to carefully read all the topics, listen to the opinions of “experienced people”))) I found answers to all my questions at the right time, which I am very happy about. Girls, change your life for the better, don’t be afraid of anything!! Summer, sea and swimsuit are worth it))).

    06 March 2016 Do you wear a ribbon over your chest? As the doctor told me, for the first week and a half, it should be tightened tightly enough to put pressure on the upper pole. Under its pressure, the lower pole is gradually filled, and the nipples should point upward over time.

    March 09, 2016 My chest is almost a month old, it’s already soft on top, there’s not even a hint on the bottom and sides.. Today I tried to try on swimsuits, one is just a bandeau, without even a thick cup. But nothing came of it, the chest doesn’t fit in any way. They stand rooted to the spot. So the question arose, when will it start moving? So that you can take it with your hand and lift it up or move it?

    March 15, 2016 Girls, I’m trying on a T-shirt for the first time) Of course I won’t walk down the street in one of these, but at home it’s the best thing in the future. Even my husband got stuck when he looked at it. Yesterday I started sleeping on my side, at first it hurt, then the discomfort went away. I don’t know if it’s possible to lie on your side in a month? I’ll go to the doctor for a check-up tomorrow, maybe I’ll start scolding that it’s too early to turn over from my back, I’m such an alarmist.

    March 28, 2016 It seems like he told me about underwear with underwires half a year later, not earlier..(I’m now 1.5 months after the OP, I’m wearing compression for now. I don’t know about the sports top, whether it’s possible or not. But the doctor himself told me he said that at 2 months you can buy a bra from DIM, it is somewhat similar to a top) Girls, remember in Intimisi they advertised a bra without wires, without seams, which holds its shape very well. Has anyone tried this on?

    April 02, 2016 For a long time I couldn’t find underwear without wires after compression. Soon I will be 2 months post-op, so I finally found what I wanted)) I tried on everything, from expensive to inexpensive, and in the end, my daughter and I went to New Yorker and bought them for pennies, but such comfortable blouses can be feel free to wear) I’m already dreaming of underwear with underwires, so that I can move my breasts and raise them

    and here’s another white one, walk like that

    April 07, 2016 Girls, everything was fine, April 13 will be 2 months after the OP. But then, today, while taking off the compression garments, in the area of ​​the seam I discovered seals as if the lace was inside under the skin and was sticking out. It’s soft to the touch, you press it, it doesn’t go away.. It made me feel sick.. Before that, I sat at the computer for a long time, sitting bent over, as we usually sit. Maybe the rubber band from the compra got stuck somewhere and crushed the lower pole? This is the same on both breasts from below. I’ll go to the doctor urgently tomorrow, but in the meantime, does anyone know what it is? I can’t find a place for myself from excitement. The photo shows how lower than the seams, such a protruding strip runs parallel.

    April 07, 2016 Now I walked around without compra for about half an hour or so, they became smaller... Maybe it’s really because of the elastic band at the bottom? I dug into something, crushed it... Although this is the first time this has happened ((I’m such an alarmist, I’ve already come up with a bunch of terrible diagnoses (Now it seems to have completely passed... I still don’t understand what it was. Apparently I’ll stop walking around in this computer.

    April 15, 2016 Today I am 2 months old. My breasts are already like my own, firm of course, but with Cohesive III I don’t expect softness yet)) The breasts can already be moved together, which is also pleasing. For now I wear underwear in the form of medium support tops, mainly at home and at night in compres - I’ve already gotten used to it. At the follow-up examination with the doctor, everything is going according to plan (ugh, ugh). The next visit to him will be at three months, by which time, I hope, my balls will be softer) I’m looking forward to going to choose swimsuits before the start of the season.

    April 16, 2016 If you squeeze them, they of course shrink, they are no longer the same as they were)) the sensations can be compared to a balloon that has not been inflated so much. Together they can even be pulled together into a thread, but they hardly move up/down).

    April 19, 2016 I, too, spent the first week after fractures of my whole body... I couldn’t stand up, I couldn’t lie down, I couldn’t bend over and put on my shoes. So, take care of yourself, stay at home for a week without any chores, etc.. Of course, it’s better when you have help from your loved ones! Otherwise, everything is very difficult.. And you correctly wrote that you don’t need extra mobility and muscle tension. Take care of yourself, especially the first week!

    April 21, 2016 I wore an elastic band at the top for a month, then the doctor said it was time to cut it off). I still wear compra, at home and every day, if the clothes allow me to hide these thick straps)). You yourself will even understand when the elastic band on top needs to be removed or loosened. As soon as the upper pole is smoother, the tubercle is smoothed out, then it’s time).

    09 June 2016 Photos of the swimming season I declare open)) photo with Taya with my babies))

    June 28, 2016 I haven’t been here for so long, it seems like an eternity. After the OP, 5 months have passed, my breasts have become like my own for a long time. I sleep on my stomach, do sports, in general, everything is the same as before) Sometimes there are unpleasant sensations in the chest, but they quickly pass. Became movable and easy to put together. I hardly wear a bra yet, it’s summer! Now I’m thinking, how did I live with my zero before? I look at the photo, and now my 330 is not enough for me)) 430-450 would be done now.. My husband is shocked, of course) but that’s just me, just thoughts)

    August 23, 2016 If this helps with the choice, I’ll post my photos after 7 months. Anatomy, 330 ml

    August 23, 2016 Luckily the nipples don’t stick out that much)) only sometimes when I get goosebumps). And from the point of view of gravity, the doctor said not to worry about it. I’m not going to give birth anymore, my hormones are okay, so my breasts will remain this shape until the end. But closer to autumn, I’ll still wear a bust... So as not to risk it at all)).

    August 23, 2016 Here’s another photo)) My husband is happy Our common dream, as it turned out, has come true)) Beauty requires not sacrifice, but money and a good doctor))))

    September 13, 2016 I always dreamed of breasts) until I was 33 years old I waited for this and didn’t even think that someday I would be able to choose swimsuits without double push-up, that I would be able to wear dresses with a cutout on the back and show not only my back. After the operation I became sexier, even more self-confident) I don’t regret it one bit, I regret that I didn’t do it earlier.

    The story of patient “Katty” was taken from the forum.


    The profile is a value that shows how much the breast protrudes forward after the installation of implants. The higher this indicator, the more convex the mammary glands. There are four options:





    • The ultra-high profile has the highest degree of protrusion: the chest becomes as prominent as possible.
    • The high profile is shaped like half a sphere (ball).
    • The middle profile is flatter, giving it a natural look.
    • Short. Implants of this profile do not protrude much above the level of the chest area.

    Types of breast implants

    Today, plastic surgery offers a fairly large number of types of implants, which differ in shape, structure, size, and the correct selection of which largely determines the result of plastic surgery. Each type of breast implant has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account before surgery. To do this, the surgeon conducts a preliminary consultation, during which he learns about the patient’s preferences and offers the most optimal option for breast augmentation. Depending on the shape, implants are divided into 2 types:

    • anatomical - have a drop-shaped shape that follows the natural slope of the mammary glands, the shape is maintained even in a lying position;
    • round - the maximum point of projection is located in the center, which allows you to fill the volume of the upper pole of the mammary glands, create a push up effect and correct ptosis.

    According to their structure, implants are divided into 2 groups:

    • smooth - after endoprosthetics, the breast retains its natural softness, however, a significant drawback is the likelihood of a complication such as capsular contracture, since the fibrous membrane often grows around a smooth rather than rough surface, squeezing the implant;
    • textured - have a porous and rough surface to the touch, which provides better adhesion between the implant and the capsule and significantly reduces the likelihood of developing capsular contracture.

    In addition, there is a classification of implants based on the profile (projection), that is, the percentage ratio of height to diameter. This criterion determines how “protruding” the breasts will be after implants are installed. There are 5 profile types: extra low, low, medium, high and extra high.

    What volume to choose

    Implant sizes are measured in milliliters. On average, a volume of 150 ml corresponds to the first breast size. The next step is 100-200 milliliters, depending on the shape, profile and other parameters.

    It is believed that the larger the breast size with installed implants, the more attractive the bust. But in fact, overly voluminous endoprostheses can look unnatural. And in order to find the golden mean, one should take into account the initial size of a woman’s own mammary glands, the elasticity of her skin, build, width of the sternum, as well as other anatomical individual features.

    Important! It is worth noting that the final actual size depends on many factors, and the same implants may look different for different women.

    How does breast enlargement occur with implants?

    On the day of the operation, the surgeon holds a final consultation. Immediately before administering anesthesia, the surgeon applies a special marking, which eliminates the risk of asymmetry during correction. After the full effect of anesthesia has set in, the surgeon begins to form a “pocket” for the implant. For this purpose, places where natural skin folds form are used: under the breasts, along the edge of the areola, in the armpit. The choice of access location is directly related to the layer of implant placement. Depending on the tasks assigned to the surgeon, the implant can be placed under the glandular tissue, under the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle, completely under the muscle, or in two planes (the upper edge is under the pectoralis major muscle, the lower edge is under the gland). Through the created access, the surgeon installs the implant, then treats the wounds and applies sutures. Immediately after surgery, the patient is put on compression garments.

    Breast augmentation with implants. Dr. Youssef Dergam

    Breast augmentation before and after. Dr. Amjad Al-Yousef


    The implants used for female breast augmentation surgeries are manufactured by different companies. The most popular and proven are “Mentor”, “Natrelle” (“Allergan”). Endoprostheses from different manufacturers vary in materials, shapes and prices.

    One of the best and leading brands with an excellent reputation, according to reviews from plastic surgeons and women, is “Silimed”. These implants are of high quality, have quality certificates, have excellent strength and reliability, and also perfectly imitate natural female breasts both visually and to the touch. The Silimed line includes many models, among which you will definitely be able to choose the best option. The official manufacturer provides a guarantee for implants, which indicates high quality.


    How much does a breast implant cost? The price depends on the city in which the clinic is located, on the manufacturer, as well as on the specific model and its parameters (profile, shape, filler).

    Approximate prices for surgery in different countries:

    A countryApproximate prices
    Indiafrom 1,300 $
    Türkiyefrom $2,300
    Thailandfrom $3,200
    South Koreafrom $3,300
    Mexicofrom $3,500
    Ukrainefrom $3,500
    Czechfrom $3,550
    UAEfrom $3,700
    Germanyfrom $8,500
    Israelfrom $8,500
    Spainfrom $9,450
    Austriafrom $11,100
    Italyfrom $12,900
    Switzerlandfrom $17,000
    RFfrom $17,100
    Collapse listView entire list

    In Moscow, the average cost of a pair of round endoprostheses made of silicone with a textured shell is about 1000 euros, and anatomical ones - about 1200 euros. Bioimplants cost about 3500-4000 euros.

    NewMe Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology Clinicfrom
    Breast augmentation + cost of implants included300000 ₽
    Perioareolar (circular) lift + breast augmentation330000 ₽
    Vertical lift + breast augmentation330000 ₽
    Vertical breast lift265000 ₽
    T-inverse breast lift265000 ₽
    Areola correction150000 ₽
    Plastic surgery of inverted nipples100000 ₽
    Endoscopic breast augmentation, axillary augmentation305000 ₽
    Breast reduction (reduction)300000 ₽
    Breast reconstruction560000 ₽
    Elimination of Poland syndrome500000 ₽

    Service life: will replacement of implants be required?

    The service life depends on the generation and manufacturer of the implants. For endoprostheses of previous generations, the duration of use usually does not exceed 10-15 years. More modern models can last up to 20-30 years.

    Some manufacturers provide a lifetime guarantee, but even with maximum service life of the implants, repeated revision breast surgery may be indicated.

    The need for re-endoprosthetics arises under a number of conditions:

    • Ptosis is sagging of the breasts due to the weight of implants. A lift will be required with the installation of new implants.
    • Rotation (change of position). Either one breast implant or both at once can move.
    • Deformation or damage to the prosthesis under certain circumstances, for example, after injury.
    • Mistakes made by the surgeon when choosing implants or installing them.
    • A woman’s voluntary desire to re-adjust the shape, increase or decrease the size.
    • Broken integrity of the breast prosthesis shell, penetration of the filler into the breast tissue.
    • Complications that arise after plastic surgery, due to the individual characteristics of the body or the patient’s failure to comply with the surgeon’s recommendations. The list of consequences may include tissue infection, suture dehiscence, and inflammatory reactions.
    • The appearance of severe capsular contracture.
    • The appearance of various aesthetic defects, for example, folds, asymmetry, double contour.


    In most cases, it is unrealistic to influence the service life in any way, but you can avoid damage to breast implants and their premature replacement if you go to a good clinic and an experienced surgeon, follow the rules of rehabilitation after plastic surgery, and also avoid mechanical stress.

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