A systematic approach to the manufacture of complete removable dentures

Chief editor of the site:

Snitkovsky Arkady Alexandrovich

Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, dentist, orthopedic dentist

Author of the article:

Scientific team of dentistry “22 Century”

Dentists, candidates and doctors of medical sciences, professors

Dental prosthetics is a sequential multi-stage process. It is the high-quality implementation of each of them that leads to an excellent final result. There are main stages of prosthetics , some of them have their intermediate stages. They can also be clinical, that is, performed in a doctor’s office, and laboratory, in a dental laboratory. The main ones include: examination, preliminary treatment, prosthetics. The last stage includes the restoration of supporting teeth , their preparation, taking impressions, determining the closure of the jaws, fixing temporary structures, fitting and fixing permanent dentures and an adaptation period. Laboratory stages are carried out by a dental technician after taking impressions and determining occlusion (closing of the jaws). Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to draw up a treatment plan.

Oral examination

Any treatment process must begin with an examination. A preliminary examination allows you to determine the need for prosthetics, choose the optimal type of design and amount of work.

Examination of the oral cavity in dentistry Additional examination (instrumental, x-ray, etc.) provides information about the condition of the supporting teeth, periodontal tissue, bone tissue, the need for root canal treatment, and the possible presence of inflammatory elements at the tops of the root canals or in the bone.
This is an integral stage of successful prosthetics, as it allows not only to identify and eliminate hidden problems, but also to avoid possible complications in the future, after installation of the prosthesis .

Nakagomi Tashio

ISBN: 978-9939-9216-1-7

Pages: 128

Cover Type: Paperback

Year of release: 2020

Publisher: Dentax

Scientific editing:

  • Omelyanenko Olga Anatolyevna
  • Trezubov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Cost: 6,000 rub.

Preliminary treatment

Dental treatment is an important point not only before prosthetics or implantation, but throughout life. Timely sanitation of the oral cavity preserves the health and integrity of the dental system, avoids possible complications, as well as the spread of infection throughout the body. Treatment of abutment teeth , hidden and obvious carious cavities, acute inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues or bones is mandatory before starting any prosthetics. This will allow not only to eliminate defects or diseases that have arisen in a timely manner, but also to extend the service life of the prosthesis. Also, some fixed structures require mandatory endodontic treatment.

Materials for the manufacture of prostheses

For permanent restorations, metals, ceramics and zirconium dioxide are used. Metal-ceramic crowns consist of 2 layers: a metal base, which is lined with a ceramic composition. Thick double walls require strong turning. Zirconium crowns are very durable, so the teeth need to be prepared minimally for them. New ceramic compositions, such as E-max, are quite durable and at the same time make it possible to choose the color of teeth of any shade.

The same materials can be used for conditionally removable prosthetics.

For removable dentures, the most important element is the base. The base is made from:

  • Acrylic
  • Acry Free
  • Nylon

The hardest material is acrylic. Its disadvantages are microporosity and rapid wear. Acrylic contains substances that cause allergies. Pros: low cost and ease of processing.

Acry Free is a material that contains no allergens, it is softer and thinner than acrylic. It is easier to get used to such a product.

Nylon restorations fit comfortably in the mouth and do not cause allergies, but do not distribute the chewing load well enough due to their softness.

Metals and plastics are used for fastening elements of partial removable structures. And for the base - the same acrylic and plastics based on acrylic resins.

The service life of acrylic restorations is about 3 years, Acry Free and nylon restorations are 5 years. Dentures are replaced for several reasons. This could be a breakdown, an allergy, or a desire to replace an old design with a more modern one. The main thing is that removable structures do not stop bone loss. The relief of the oral cavity changes, the gums sag, and the restoration no longer fits.

Stages of dental prosthetics

Rarely does dental prosthetics happen in a single stage; generally, it is a sequential, multi-stage process. After preliminary endodontic treatment, it is necessary to restore the supporting teeth using inlays or pins. Then the doctor prepares (grinds) them to create a place for the prosthetic structure, takes impressions from both jaws and the prosthetic area, and determines the color of the artificial teeth. A very important step in prosthetics is determining the occlusion (the relationship of the jaws), which allows you not to interfere with the prosthesis during chewing. The impressions are sent to the dental laboratory. This is a kind of information for a dental technician about the shape and size of the teeth, the anatomical features of the prosthetic bed, the location and type of structure. Based on the impressions obtained, the dental technician casts diagnostic and working models from plaster, which are an exact copy of the teeth, and in the case of complete edentia, the gums. Next, the structure itself is modeled with wax and the prosthesis itself is created using various methods and techniques. Sometimes during its manufacture it requires checking, fitting and fitting. The finished structure is fixed in the oral cavity. In some cases, additional correction of the prosthesis is required during the adaptation period.

Technique for casting prosthetic structures

Cast dental bridges, single-tooth metal crowns and partial dentures are made using lost wax casting. Since cast dentures have been used for a long time, many techniques and rules have been developed that allow such structures to be performed with the highest quality. Several factors play an important role in this process. One of the primary ones is the choice of investment material. Today they can be phosphate, silicone and gypsum-based. Regardless of which type of forging material the dental technician chooses for oral treatment, they have a number of common characteristics:

  • Stable thick consistency;
  • Long working hours;
  • Good mixability;

Stable expansion rates during heat treatment. All investments are mixed only in vacuum mixers. This is done in order to prevent the formation of air bubbles, which expand when heated and lead to inaccurate dental prostheses. Therefore, it is important to choose a high-quality device for mixing material under vacuum.

In addition, the intensity of mixing the material plays an important role in the manufacture of dentures. Modern materials allow vibration to be applied only before the wax surface is introduced. Then the vibration turns off. This avoids the formation of voids and cracking of the prosthetic structure for the teeth.

The choice of material from which cast fixed dentures will be made is important for the reason that the durability of the products and their comfort in wearing and antiseptic properties depend on it. Before installing dentures in your mouth, you need to discuss these nuances with your dentist and dental technician. After this, a bridge or other prosthetic structure for the teeth is cast. At the request of the patient, the cast denture can be lined with ceramic or plastic material.

Thus, the work of dental technicians in the manufacture of such prosthetic structures for teeth requires the use of a large amount of medical equipment and various high-tech materials.

Stages of dental prosthetics with metal-ceramics

process of metal-ceramic dentures begins with the preparation of previously prepared abutment teeth and obtaining a two-layer impression.

Bridges They are removed with special elastic masses, which allows the dental technician to accurately convey information about the shape, size and location of the teeth and the orthopedic structure.
Next, temporary crowns or bridges are fixed onto the prepared teeth in order to temporarily restore the cosmetic defect and prevent changes and displacement of the tissues of the prosthetic bed. Central occlusion is determined - the nature of the closure of the teeth of both jaws. All received data is transferred to the dental laboratory. At the next visit, the solid metal frame of the prosthesis is fitted and the color of the ceramic veneer is determined and sent back to the laboratory for ceramic veneering. On the third visit, the doctor fits and temporarily fixes the finished metal-ceramic prosthesis . Sometimes at this visit the prosthesis is fixed with permanent cement. Temporary fixation allows, if necessary, to adjust the prosthesis during the adaptation period.

Stages of dental prosthetics with inlays

Ceramic inlays are a type of microprosthetics, which is a modern alternative to conventional fillings. They fill previously prepared cavities in the teeth, restoring their shape and function. The indication for ceramic inlays is the ability to save a tooth with significant destruction of its coronal part (up to 65%).

At the initial stage of tooth preparation, the doctor removes all tissue destroyed by the carious process and, if necessary, carries out endodontic treatment. After the tooth is cured, an impression is taken and sent to the laboratory, where a ceramic inlay is made . At the next visit, the finished structure is fixed to the tooth using special cement. Ceramic inlays have high strength and durability, and are color resistant to food coloring. They are also highly aesthetic.

Stages of dental prosthetics with complete edentia

The production of a complete removable denture begins with an examination of the patient’s oral cavity, diagnosis of the condition of the dental system, and selection of a suitable design. The first impression is taken with a standard impression tray. Depending on which design is chosen, the impression mass is selected. The impressions are sent to the laboratory, where a dental technician casts plaster models and makes a wax base with occlusal ridges and custom impression trays.

On the second visit, using these trays, the doctor takes functional impressions, and using rollers, determines and fixes the occlusion. All information is transmitted to the dental technician. He makes the future prosthesis from wax with acrylic (plastic) teeth .

On the third visit, the structure in the oral cavity is checked, occlusion, fit, and the appearance of the patient’s face are assessed. The doctor makes the necessary notes and corrections and transfers the future design to the laboratory. The dental technician finally models the wax structure, plaster it into a cuvette where the wax is replaced with plastic. Next, he grinds and polishes the finished prosthesis.

At the next visit, the prosthesis is handed over. Finished structures are fitted, fit, occlusion and aesthetics are checked. The doctor will tell the patient how to use and care for the new prosthesis. During the adaptation period, additional corrections are possible.

Stages of prosthetics with veneers

Veneers are thin ceramic plates that are fixed to the front surface of previously prepared teeth and allow them to correct cosmetic defects, change shape, size and color.

Crowns and veneers The first stage, as with any prosthetics, is a survey, examination and
diagnosis of the oral cavity .
If necessary, X-ray and laboratory tests are performed. A very important stage is planning future structures, taking into account not only the condition of the teeth and oral cavity, but also the gender, age, and character of the patient. The shape of the face, the gingival margin and smile line, and the individual characteristics of the teeth are assessed. The size of the veneers is predicted and calculated. A photographic record is being taken. The doctor models the future restoration on a computer using a special program and demonstrates the result to the patient. At the next visit, the teeth are prepared, starting with cleaning their surfaces from plaque. The required shade of filling material is selected. Under anesthesia, the front surface of the teeth is prepared and the required amount of enamel is removed. The next step is taking impressions. Based on the dental impressions obtained, a plaster model is cast in the laboratory to obtain an exact copy of the patient’s teeth, on which the dental technician makes future veneers. After the doctor has prepared the teeth, temporary veneers . A dental technician, using computer systems, special scanners, sensors and ovens, produces structures strictly according to the specified parameters.

At the next visit, the doctor tries on the finished structures. If necessary, adjustments are made, deficiencies are eliminated, and the bite is checked. Veneers are fixed to the teeth using special cement.

What do patients say?

Patient reviews of partially removable laminar dentures are ambiguous. Some patients report severe discomfort when wearing products (gums hurt, impaired diction appears) at the stage of getting used to the design. Most patients manage to get used to the dentures after 2 months of wearing them regularly.

Patients who chose nylon products praise their appearance and note the plasticity and softness of the material. Cases of complications have not been described by patients.

Considering the characteristics of plate products, dentists advise using them as temporary structures until it becomes possible to install fixed dentures.

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