Analysis of the word “dentist”: for transfer, into syllables, according to composition

In our everyday speech, we use a huge number of different phrases and constructions in order to convey information and a certain thought. In oral conversation, errors in pronunciation are not as critical and are not always audible when speaking quickly, as in written text. Therefore, in order not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation, you need to check the correct spelling of expressions. In this article we will look at how to spell the word “dentist”.

The only correct spelling is “dentist”

Doctor Dentist Therapist How to Spell Correctly

In our everyday speech, we use a huge number of different phrases and constructions in order to convey information and a certain thought.
In oral conversation, errors in pronunciation are not as critical and are not always audible when speaking quickly, as in written text. Therefore, in order not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation, you need to check the correct spelling of expressions. In this article we will look at how to spell the word “dentist”. The only correct spelling is “dentist”

Associations to the word “dentist”

  • Clinic
  • Therapist
  • Gum
  • tooth
  • Prosthesis
  • Tong
  • Surgeon
  • Zubov
  • Paste
  • Nahum
  • Hairdresser
  • Patient
  • Bro
  • Surgery
  • Sadist
  • Tooth
  • Visit
  • Healthcare
  • Cavity
  • Congress
  • Doctor
  • Association
  • Bumper
  • Video clip
  • Speciality
  • Clinic
  • Cube
  • Visit
  • Assistant
  • Profession
  • Nurse
  • Treatment
  • Jeweler
  • Inspection
  • Jaw
  • Syringe
  • Supermarket
  • Vise
  • Camouflage
  • Student
  • Diagnosis
  • Psychologist
  • Georgi
  • Sanatorium
  • Injection
  • Removal
  • Lyudmila
  • Reception
  • Cabinet
  • Card
  • Tablet
  • Service
  • Valya
  • Specialist
  • cotton wool
  • Notebook
  • Donald
  • Cleaning
  • Candy
  • teacher
  • Indigenous
  • Margarita
  • Armchair
  • Medicine
  • Cleaning
  • Conference
  • Fang
  • Practitioner
  • Elderly
  • seat
  • Yakov
  • Crap
  • Dental
  • Root
  • X-ray
  • Rotten
  • Medical
  • Surgical
  • Cool
  • Numb
  • Clinical
  • Wrong
  • Delete
  • Poking around
  • Treat
  • Clean
  • Visit
  • Learn
  • Search
  • Recommend
  • Save
  • Call
  • Drill
  • Get sick
  • Lay out
  • Bare your teeth
  • Fall out
  • Introduce
  • Demonstrate


Consists of four vowels “o”, “a”, “o”, “o” and six consonants “s”, “t”, “m”, “t”, “l”, “g”. Among them there are three voiced ones - “m”, “l”, “g” and three voiceless ones - “s”, “t”, “t”. Contains ten letters in total. It is recommended to carry out transfers in this way: “one hundred”, “ma”, “to”, “log”. The stress falls on the third syllable “to”, which has four syllables in total. This noun is masculine, inflected, can be used in the plural, and is animate.

It is possible to form an adjective from the lexical unit in question by adding the “cical” part to the stems.

This compound word has two roots - “stom”, “log”. The suffix is ​​“at”, the ending is zero, the stem is “stom”, “log”, the connecting letter is “o”.

In order to avoid repetition in the text, you can replace it with synonyms. The closest in meaning would be dentist, dentist, dental specialist.

Sentences containing "dentist"

In order to better and faster remember how to spell “dentist”, we give examples of use in texts:

  • Victoria really did not like visiting the dentist, so now she has serious problems with her teeth.
  • My dentist strongly suggested that I take a teeth cleaning course.
  • Since childhood, Vasily dreamed of becoming a doctor; his choice was the profession of a dentist.
  • The honored dentist of our city was congratulated on his anniversary and presented with a huge cake.
  • Alexandra married a famous dentist.

Phonetic analysis of the word “dentist” into letters and sounds (Sound-letter)

LetterSoundSound characteristicsColor
With[With]consonant, voiceless paired, hard, noisyWith
T[T]consonant, voiceless paired, hard, noisyT
O[A]vowel, unstressedO
m[m]consonant, voiced unpaired (sonorant), hardm
A[A]vowel, unstressedA
T[T]consonant, voiceless paired, hard, noisyT
O[`o]vowel, stressedO
l[l]consonant, voiced unpaired (sonorant), hardl
O[A]vowel, unstressedO
G[To]consonant, voiceless paired, hard, noisyG

Number of letters and sounds:

Based on the analysis done, we conclude that the word has 10 letters and 10 sounds.

Letters: 4 vowels, 6 consonants.

Sounds: 4 vowels, 6 consonants.

Spelling the word "doctor"

Let's observe the change in this animate noun in singular forms:

  • i.p. (who?) doctor
  • r.p. recommendation of (who?) doctor
  • d.p. to see (who?) a doctor
  • v.p. I’m listening to (who?) the doctor
  • etc. proud of (who?) doctor
  • p.p. I find out (about whom?) about the doctor

The spelling problem involves writing the letter after the sibilant in the instrumental case of a noun.

To make the right choice in writing the ending, remember the rule of writing the letters o-e (ё) after sibilants in suffixes and endings of nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

Having placed the accent in the word “doctor”, under the stress at the end of the noun in the instrumental case form, after the sibilant we will write the letter “o”.


The word "doctor" is correctly spelled with the letter "o" after the sibilant consonantal root.

Similarly, under the accent, we will select the letter “o” at the endings of the following words:

  • sealing wax - seal with sealing wax
  • brick - cart with bricks
  • candle - admire the candle
  • borscht - enjoying borscht
  • cloak - wrap myself in a cloak
  • ivy - entwined with ivy
  • reed - a bank overgrown with reeds
  • baby - you are walking with the baby.

And, on the contrary, in the unstressed position at the endings of nouns in the instrumental case, after the sibilant stems, the letter “e” is written:

  • barge - proud of the barge
  • roof - above the roof
  • Pushcha - let's go through the Pushcha
  • cloud - they flew in like a cloud.

To learn the correct spelling of the word being studied, let’s read example sentences.

Sentences containing "dentist"

The most common diagnosis we hear in the dentist's office. Happy is the person who does not have this misfortune! So what is tooth decay?

Source: Yuri Konstantinov, Beauty and dental health. Snow-white smile, 2013.

Every person needs to visit a dentist approximately once every six months.

Source: K. M. Kapustin, Dentistry: lecture notes.

It’s a very clever move to sit out the raid in the dentist’s chair while they look for you.

Source: T. I. Lugantseva, Crown of the Vampire Empire, 2006.


“Dentist” you need to remember how to write correctly. This expression is a dictionary expression, that is, correct use in a written text must be checked in spelling dictionaries or other authoritative sources. There is only one correct use - the second “a”, in all other syllables the vowels are “o”, at the end - the consonant “g”. Many dictionary constructions have different pronunciation and written fixation, so the rule “we write as we hear” does not work in Russian. Tokens that cause difficulties should be taken apart, put the correct emphasis, and, if possible, select a test phrase or modify the expression.

Dentist therapist - who is he?

Depending on their specialization, dentists are divided into therapists, surgeons, orthopedists and orthodontists. The therapist treats the most common dental disease - caries. Cleaning dental canals, removing diseased nerves, and filling are also within his competence. A dental therapist can also restore teeth using filling materials to save a tooth that has begun to decay. Much in this case depends on the quality of materials and the skill of the doctor.

Alexander Mikhailov. Issues processed: Reviews:

What is the difference between a dentist and a dental therapist? This formulation of the question is not entirely correct in its essence, and here’s why. Previously, in the common understanding, there was only one specialist who was approached with oral problems. Such a medical worker was simply called a dentist.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dental therapist?

We had more than an hour, since the priest was very responsible, explained and talked about everything. You can sit there and you don’t have to stand at all! If you were offered to repeat such a trip again, would you agree? For me, to be honest, there is a lot of tension in this whole story.

WATCH THE VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Dentistry. The appointment is conducted by a dentist

We are called Dentistry St. Petersburg Write to us - kibelaspb gmail. Our patients are not only residents of our city, but also those who specially come from other cities and countries. Many thanks to our patients for their trust and respect for us. Thanks to your attitude towards us, we have the desire and strength for further development and improvement in our profession. The clinic is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Manipulations in the therapist's office

A diseased tooth that cannot be cured must be removed, and then you will need to go to the surgical office. But if it is possible to restore the chewing ability of a tooth and relieve a person from pain, and preserve the root in the gum, then a therapeutic specialist can do a number of manipulations:

  • remove the dental nerve;
  • treatment and restoration of root canals;
  • drilling of dental tissue affected by caries;
  • filling the disinfected cavity with filling material.

A dental therapist can place a filling without anesthesia, but to remove the dental nerve, modern dentistry involves the use of painkillers. For manipulations, you will need a dental instrument of the appropriate type and quality.

A modern clinic has all the necessary tools. Special equipment today makes it possible to make treatment in a doctor’s office painless. But the dentist must also have the proper experience and good training to ensure painlessness for the patient.

The tasks of such a doctor include not only making diagnoses and installing fillings. The doctor may prescribe a course of treatment aimed at therapy during the treatment of periodontitis, stomatitis and other diseases or infections.

What does a dental surgeon treat?

The surgical profile is a serious and extensive branch in general dentistry. The first thing a dental surgeon is most often associated with is tooth extraction. As mentioned earlier, doctors always try to do the maximum to save the entire molar or at least part of it. But if everything is too critical, then the specialist has no choice but to resort to surgery.

Pulling out a molar is not that easy, so this job can be compared to any other surgery on the body. First, you need to choose the right anesthetic or anesthesia, then find an approach to the affected tooth. Sometimes it can be difficult to reach, or grow in the wrong direction. During the procedure, all measures must be taken to prevent infection of the patient or the development of inflammation.

People are referred to a dental surgeon:

  • with damage to the jaw, for example, after injuries;
  • with congenital or acquired cosmetic abnormalities;
  • with inflammatory disease of the periodontium, salivary glands, trigeminal nerve, infectious lesions of the soft and bone tissues of the jaw, as well as abscesses;
  • to correct abnormal jaw structure;
  • if implantation is necessary, to prepare the oral cavity and install the implant;
  • to remove a cyst or tumor from the periodontium;
  • for trimming the frenulum of the tongue or lip, due to which speech distortion occurs, diastema or inflammatory process develops;
  • for gum surgery.

What are its functions and responsibilities?

A professional in the specialty in question deals with all issues related to dental problems. The issues of treatment of caries, pulpitis, and periodontal disease are fully resolved.

He also provides consultations on the prevention of all diseases listed above.

Such medical workers examine the patient who contacts them and, if such a need arises, refer the person for examination to doctors of related fields.

The main responsibility of such a professional is the treatment of caries and all possible complications.

These include:

  • pulpitis, which is an inflammatory process in the nerves of the teeth, occurs against a background of constant pain, with pressure the pain becomes stronger, in addition, doctors are responsible for filling the canal and eliminating injured nerve endings;
  • periodontitis, which are inflammatory processes around the dental tissues, which results in the destruction of all the ligaments that connect the tooth to the place of attachment to the gum and protect it from falling out; such conditions can be the result of caries in the most advanced form, as well as injuries received;
  • Periostitis, which is an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the periosteum, called flux, often manifests itself due to infection, is observed in the case of the development of an advanced form of pulpitis or periodontitis, therapeutic procedures include pumping out purulent masses and eliminating affected teeth.

What does a dental surgeon do and what does he do?

All traditional operations performed by a dental surgeon have been listed above. However, there are also innovations and innovations in this direction. Recently, due to the fact that people are trying to be perfect, cosmetic manipulations are becoming more and more in demand and often used. These include:

  • Gingivoplasty is a plastic surgical procedure performed on periodontal tissue. With its help, they improve the appearance of the gums, that is, they raise, lower or level out defects on its surface so that the dentition looks aesthetically pleasing.
  • Vestibuloplasty is a surgical intervention in the tissues of the oral cavity, namely in the space between the gums, lips and cheeks, in order to move the soft tissues. It may be indicated for speech disorders, to improve the attachment of prostheses, or in the case of a specific disease;
  • Frenuloplasty is a dental operation, the essence of which is the excision of the frenulum of the tongue in case of problems in its structure.

Usually, for an appointment with a dental surgeon, the patient comes with a referral from another specialist. He, in turn, also conducts diagnostics, during which he visually identifies the problem and, if necessary, uses radiography, CT and MRI of the teeth. Then he is entrusted with the serious task of making an important decision about the necessity or unnecessaryness of the operation.

If the result is positive, the person needs to donate blood for a general analysis and an HIV test. Bacteriological culture is also performed, and people prone to allergies must undergo testing for reactions to drugs, in particular to anesthetics.


The specialist performs the same manipulations as a dentist. In addition, a dental therapist deals with more complex problems with teeth and gums.

The doctor has a wide range of responsibilities:

  • treats dental diseases: deep caries, pulpitis;
  • selects and places fillings for severe tooth decay;
  • carries out endodontic treatment;
  • treats severe inflammation of the gums, mucous membranes, tongue;
  • whitens teeth;
  • carries out sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • performs professional teeth cleaning with ultrasound or using Air Flow technology;
  • conducts preventive examinations and gives recommendations on oral care;
  • when identifying malocclusions or diseased teeth that cannot be restored, he refers the patient to specialized dentists: an orthodontist and a surgeon;
  • in the absence of one or more units of the dentition, the dentist-therapist recommends a consultation with an orthopedic dentist, or “in popular parlance” – a prosthetist.

Who is a dental surgeon?

A dental surgeon is a specialist working in a dental clinic, whose main functions are:

  • Surgical treatment of diseases affecting the oral cavity;
  • Tooth extraction;
  • Performing operations on the jaw, facial joints and nerve fibers;
  • Elimination of the consequences of injuries in the maxillofacial area, and defects of any nature;
  • Surgical treatment of tumors and cysts in the oral cavity, in particular on the gums;
  • Relief of inflammatory and infectious processes of the dental profile;
  • The use of surgical procedures for diseases of the salivary glands.

This doctor also works closely with his colleagues in the orthopedic field. His help is necessary in case of upcoming dental implantation, to prepare the jaw for manipulation, or if it is necessary to remove the implant.

Due to the rapid development of dental medicine, they try to resort to traditional surgery as little as possible. Doctors are doing everything possible to save even the most hopeless incisor. For such cases, there is a special tooth-preserving operation, during which only the affected area is removed, usually part of the root or one of the roots.

What does it treat?

A professional in this specialty treats a wide variety of diseases and pathologies of the oral area.

In particular, it is strongly recommended to contact such a specialist in the following cases:

  • with bleeding gums, if blood appears on the gums while brushing your teeth, this is a direct sign of emerging problems with the gum tissue;
  • with acute, aching pain in the oral cavity, in such situations it is possible to develop inflammatory processes in the mouth, as well as possible pathologies in this area;
  • when tumors form on the gums and around the oral cavity, in such cases we can talk about the formation of an abscess and the need to visit a dentist;
  • in case of injury to the oral cavity and mechanical damage to the gums;
  • in case of traumatic damage to the dentition;
  • in case of white and yellow stains on the tooth enamel, as well as other defects in the external cosmetic appearance of the dentition;
  • if you have bad breath;
  • in case of development of glossitis in any available final variety;
  • if you have high tooth sensitivity, especially when alternating between eating foods at different temperatures;
  • for irritation of the oral mucosa, which is the result of the development of stomatitis and other diseases of the oral area.

Advice from a dental surgeon

Teeth and gums are the most valuable structures for the body. In addition to the fact that they determine a person’s appearance, they play a vital role in the digestion process. It has been repeatedly proven that your natural tooth, even if treated many times, is better than a perfect-looking artificial one. Therefore, oral health must be taken very seriously, and from a very early age. If it so happens that your teeth become sick, you need to start treating them as soon as the first symptoms appear, in order to avoid loss.

  • Brushing your teeth should be done twice a day. It is better to choose a brush with artificial bristles and store it open;
  • After eating, rinse your mouth; it is recommended to use alkaline water;
  • Chewing gum will not help whiten or cure teeth; its purpose is to regulate the acid-base balance, which is unsuitable for bacteria to live;
  • To strengthen bone structures, enrich your diet with river fish, cottage cheese, buckwheat and milk;
  • In order to self-clean tooth enamel, you need to eat apples, cabbage, radishes, cucumbers and watermelon;
  • Nicotine negatively affects the gums, leading to spasm in its vessels;
  • Before pregnancy, see a dentist.

Doctor's tasks

Typical tasks of a physician in the specialty in question include the following:

  1. Dental treatment, which involves eliminating carious cavities.
  2. Removal of nerves exposed to the inflammatory process.
  3. Restorative procedures affecting areas of tooth enamel, in particular for damaged teeth; his responsibilities also include teeth whitening.
  4. One of the most important tasks of this medical professional is to perform a depulpation procedure, which includes extracting the damaged nerve, as well as preserving the lining of the dentition.

Treatment of caries and all possible complications is the main task of this medical professional.

They are dangerous to the patient’s health, and the tasks of a professional in this particular area include eliminating such possible consequences.

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