What is dental implantation, how is the operation performed, which implants to choose?

In the previous block, I examined all those general questions that, as a rule, arise in a patient before deciding to use dental implantation technology. Let’s say you have now decided that you have no other way but to see an implantologist. Now it’s time to talk about the operation itself to install a dental implant , how it goes, whether it is possible to install an implant simultaneously with tooth extraction, what a surgical template is, how long you need to wait to find out whether the implant has “taken root”...

In general, we will continue to create a FAQ on dental implantation.

How is dental implantation performed and why is it needed?

This question is quite complicated, let’s first figure out how implantation is generally carried out and why it is needed. Dental implantation is often not a whim, but a vital necessity. The most common reason people get dental implants is appearance. Many of us work in direct contact with people, so it is very important to always look great. And a lost tooth, especially if one of your front teeth was removed, makes your smile not the most beautiful. And here you have to somehow get out of the situation, which is why many decide to have dental implants. Moreover, with the correct selection of implants and their color, few people will be able to understand that the tooth is not actually real.

Consultation and diagnostics

Inspection (duration – 30-60 minutes).

  • Visual examination by a dentist.
  • Filling out a survey card indicating chronic diseases.
  • Referral for CT scan and tests.
  • Also at this stage, the doctor can advise which implants are best placed on the chewing teeth and which on the front teeth.

CT scan. Obtaining three-dimensional images that help to accurately determine the density and volume of the jaw bone, as well as detect the presence of cracks in the roots of the teeth. In addition, CT helps to choose which implants to place on the front teeth or molars (the exact angle of inclination of the titanium rod, its size, thickness and place of implantation are determined).

Analyzes (from 2 hours to 7 days). The doctor can give a referral for a blood test (testing for HIV and hepatitis, establishing glucose or fibrinogen levels, biochemistry).

The list is purely individual and depends on the clinical picture.

It is worth noting that in the absence of chronic diseases and pathologies, testing takes a minimum of time.

How are dental implants placed?

Very often people ask what to do if one tooth is lost. Is it possible to restore it using implantation, without grinding down healthy teeth?

First of all, you need to consult with an orthopedic surgeon involved in implantation. After examining the oral cavity, he will tell you how dental implants are placed. It will also be necessary to undergo a preliminary examination with x-rays, a tomograph, and donate blood for tests. After this, the implantation procedure will begin. If insufficient bone tissue volume is detected, it will be increased before installing the implant.

How does this operation take place?

First, the doctor needs to implant an artificial root, which will be the basis for the future prosthesis. To do this, you need to cut the gum and place a screw implant. With the help of modern technology such as the laser scalpel, this has become much easier. Firstly, after working with a laser scalpel, the healing process is much faster. This completely eliminates the possibility of any infections. This operation is carried out in just an hour, and it is absolutely bloodless, so it is much easier for the dentist to carry out implantation.

After the implantation stage has been successfully completed, you will be sent to the second stage, which will allow you to form the gums for the future crown. Only after this, in the third stage, will a permanent crown be installed. Since a dental implant is installed in several stages, if the patient wishes, a temporary crown can be installed at the intermediate stages of implantation. After all, the installation period for such a prosthesis ranges from three to 12 months, depending on the specific situation with the tooth. Sometimes the cause of tooth loss is periodontal disease. It leads to loosening of teeth and subsequent loss. Many patients are interested in how implants are placed in this case? Implantation is an indication for periodontal disease. It is with the help of this modern method of tooth restoration that the problem of bone tissue atrophy, which occurs as a result of periodontal disease, can be solved once and for all. The technology of installing dental implants allows you to build up thinned bone tissue. Foci of the disease will be removed during the implantation procedure. The doctor will give the patient more complete information after examining the oral cavity.

Patients are often interested in the question of how a dental implant is inserted: do such dentures last long or not? Will they have to be changed after a certain time?

The service life of implants largely depends on how accurately a person follows all the recommendations of the dentist after installation of the implants. On average, the service life of implants is 20-25 years. Once you learn how a dental implant is installed, you will understand that, if necessary, you can replace the crown that is attached to the implant itself. It is thanks to the technology of implantation into the jawbone that such a prosthesis can be considered almost eternal.

How is dental implantation done?

Many patients, having decided on implant-based prosthetics, would like to know in detail how dental implantation is done?
Implantation takes place in three stages and includes insertion of the implant into the jawbone, installation of the abutment and subsequent installation of the prosthesis itself. Also, many patients are interested in questions: what is the percentage of successful implantation and how does dental implantation occur?

According to medical statistics, prostheses based on implanted implants last a very long time. The operations performed are successful in 80-96% of cases.

Many patients are interested in the question of how dental implantation is done if it is necessary to remove a tooth on which a crown stood?

In order to install an implant, you need to perform a classic implantation. First you need to remove the roots, and then wait for the hole from the removed roots to heal. This usually takes two to three months. Then the implant can be installed, on which, at the client’s request, a temporary crown is placed. A permanent crown is installed after a period of implantation of such a base for a new tooth into the jaw bone. Dental implantation will take three to four months. The attending dentist will tell you how this can be done faster when using the one-step implantation method. Typically, the dentist will consider the condition of his patient's oral cavity before recommending a specific implantation technique.

You can often hear the question: How does dental implantation occur if there are teeth in the mouth affected by caries? And is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth with this method of restoring lost teeth?

Before proceeding with the implantation operation, it is necessary to carry out a complete sanitation of the mouth. Existing carious lesions on the teeth must be healed. The dentist makes a decision about wisdom teeth after examining the patient’s mouth. If the eights are not in the bite, then most likely they will have to be removed before implantation.

Patients often ask whether it is possible to put two crowns on one implant if they need to restore two chewing teeth. They are interested in how teeth are implanted in this case?

In order to securely secure a dental bridge, the orthopedist will need two denture supports. Otherwise, the structure will turn out to be unreliable and unstable, which can damage not only the bridge itself, but also the implant implanted into the jawbone.

How much does dental implantation cost?

Today, this question is asked by every person who has dental problems and is interested in solving them. It is important to understand that, like any quality service, dental implantation is not cheap.

It is quite difficult to find information about the specific price of this procedure. In all dental clinics, only the cost of dental implantation surgery is charged for this procedure. Prices for the screws, crowns, abutments and other related products and services themselves represent a separate component of the entire dental implantation procedure. That is why it is most often not possible to give an independent answer to the question that interests many: how much does it cost to implant a tooth?

Indications for implant installation

  1. Loss of one tooth - front or chewing on the upper or lower jaw.
  2. The absence of several teeth, both single spaces and those formed by the absence of 2, 3, 4 or more teeth in a row;
  3. End defect - loss of the extreme, end teeth on one or both sides of the jaw.
  4. Complete edentia is the absence of all dental units on the jaw.
  5. Inability to install removable dentures, for example, due to sensitivity of the gums, gag reflex, or intolerance to the material used to make removable dentures;

How much does it cost to implant one tooth?

Instant or express dental implantation, the cost of which can vary significantly from 40 to 100 thousand rubles, is considered a fairly economical option compared to other methods. Express implantation saves time, since the implantation process can take place in just a few days, without losing the quality of the installation. Thanks to a small incision in the gum, the implant and the tooth crown itself are installed in a short period of time. Among those who need effective and quick results, this method of dental implantation is considered very popular.

How does dental implantation occur?

Dental implantation is the process of implanting an implant that performs the function of a tooth root. This procedure can take place either in one stage or in two stages. Dental implantation, the cost of which is quite affordable, is today considered a leading trend in dentistry.

What is turnkey implantation?

But turnkey implantation is still considered the most convenient and popular. This method of implant installation involves performing all the necessary procedures in one clinic at a set price. Turnkey implantation may include: a consultation with a doctor who assesses the condition of the oral cavity and considers the possibilities of carrying out the necessary procedure; X-ray of the jaw bones to determine its condition and the condition of the gums; directly, the implantation itself, depending on the type of operation chosen. Thus, the dentist performing turnkey implantation conducts full monitoring of the implantation process, manufactures and installs a crown, and brings the installation to its full logical conclusion, namely, the complete restoration of the patient’s attractive smile.

Question answer

Basal implantation was recommended. Is this method suitable for everyone?

Basal implantation is a technique practiced by some Moscow clinics. This method is the complete opposite of time-tested classical implantation. Implant installation is carried out without bone tissue augmentation in case of its deficiency. Artificial roots are placed in that part of the jaw where atrophy does not occur - the basal one, often at an angle, which contradicts the natural location of the tooth root (it doesn’t matter - natural or artificial).

Levin Dmitry Valerievich

Maxillofacial surgeon, chief physician of the Center

How to calculate the cost of implantation?

When dental implantation is performed on a turn-key basis, the cost that is initially set may increase due to other additional operations and services. The cost of additional procedures is negotiated separately and is charged on top of the established price. In general, when choosing this method, the patient receives guarantees of high-quality execution of the procedure, since it is much easier for the doctor performing the operation to monitor the patient’s condition.

To calculate the cost of any type of implant installation, you can use a special calculator. Dental implantation is a rather complex procedure, when calculating the cost of which many points must be taken into account - the cost calculated on the calculator is highly accurate, since all these points are taken into account. However, do not forget that the exact price of dental implantation is discussed with a specialist doctor during the initial examination.

How much do dental implants cost?

The question is quite controversial, since there are many manufacturers, as well as promotional offers from various clinics. Price components include the cost of implants, crowns and other materials.

Of course, an implant can be found at a price of about 20,000 rubles per unit, but it is unlikely that anyone will be responsible for the quality. Moreover, it is worth paying more attention to new, unverified manufacturers. On the Russian market, these are representatives of South Korean brands that quite actively import dental implants. The cost of their products can range from 20 to 50 thousand rubles per implant. In addition to these countries, implants are produced by the USA (SuperLine, Bicon) - cost 50 and 75 thousand, respectively, Israel (Alpha Bio, MIS) - cost 25-36 thousand rubles, Switzerland (Strauman, Nobel Biocare) - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles per one implant, France (Anthogyr) – 48 thousand rubles, Germany (Ankylos) – 60 thousand rubles, Sweden (Astra Tech) – 65 thousand rubles.

Which brand to choose is up to you to decide, but it may be a good idea to read reviews from patients on specialized forums who have already undergone this procedure and can share their experience and recommendations on this issue. How much does a dental implant cost? This is a very pressing question for people who have decided to reconstruct their oral cavity by installing new implants. Another question immediately arises - which manufacturer to choose? Firstly, you can pay attention to the products of the Implantium brand, which are used by many dentists. In addition, SuperLine, which uses modern developments in the field of implantation and produces fairly reliable dental implants, also shows good results. Their cost can be 20 - 25 thousand rubles. Another additional positive quality of their products is the general uniformity of the internal diameter of the required holes. The quality of these brands has been tested by practice in Russian markets.

But this concerns the material itself, and how much does it cost to install a dental implant?

The operation itself will most likely cost approximately 35-50 thousand rubles. This includes a full examination of the oral cavity with diagnosis, selection of a suitable model, the operation itself and post-operative care and adjustment if necessary. These activities practically double the total cost, but are absolutely necessary.

How much does a dental implant cost?

Surely this question worries everyone who plans to acquire a “Hollywood” smile in the near future. The quality of the material from which the dental implant is made has a great influence on the price. The cost of many Russian manufacturers may be at the level of 23 thousand rubles. Provided that the installation will be carried out without a crown. This is several thousand cheaper than the average market price of dental implants from European brands and even South Korean companies. However, their main problem may be the inconsistency of their surface treatment with modern quality standards established for this area, plus the services of an orthopedist immediately add to the cost.

As for the prices of crowns, it directly depends on the materials used and is divided into three types: the simplest is metal-ceramics (22 - 29 thousand rubles); the next one is metal ceramics with a gold base, which naturally increases the cost of the design (35 - 47 thousand rubles); and, finally, a crown using a zirconium frame (its cost ranges from 30 to 45 thousand rubles).

Where to do implantation?

Now how to choose a clinic for implantation? This is a very serious matter, so you should not save money and go to a clinic with the lowest prices, because the quality of work and materials in them is an order of magnitude higher, so in a couple of years you will have to carry out implantation again. The clinic where you will undergo dental implantation should be chosen carefully, because this operation is not cheap and it is very important how long your new prosthesis will last. The service life largely depends not only on the material from which the implant is made, but also on the qualifications of the doctor, that is, on the quality of his work. If the dentist's work is done poorly, you will most likely have to replace the implant within three years. With high-quality work and good implant materials, it can serve you for 10 or even 15 years. Don’t be fooled by low prices, nothing comes for nothing, if the price in the clinic is low, then the quality of the specialists’ work will be the same. It is better to choose a good clinic with higher prices, but this will give you confidence that your implant will last a long time.

Where is the best place to do implantation?

Dental implantation is a very complex process that requires a highly qualified dentist. If the quality of the doctor’s work is poor, the implant will have to be changed after a couple of years. You need to choose a clinic carefully and most importantly, do not be fooled by advertising that promises high quality for little money. This simply doesn't happen. Surf the Internet, read reviews about clinics, this will help you choose the best clinic for implantation.

Recommendations after replacing all teeth with implants

After implantation, in the absence of teeth, tissue healing and osseointegration occur—the implantation of a titanium root into the jaw tissue. The speed of these processes largely depends on the correct implementation of the dentist’s recommendations for oral care and adherence to the regimen.

You should also know that after dental implantation surgery, you may experience pain, tissue swelling, and even loss of sensitivity for three to five days. Sometimes a slight fever rises. All this is considered the norm.

During the normal course of the post-implantation period, in the first days, for rapid tissue healing, elimination of inflammation, swelling and pain, experts recommend:

  • be in such a position that your head is higher than your body, and sleep on a high pillow at night; this way there will be less swelling and pain;
  • apply cold to the cheek - ice or a napkin dipped in cold water;
  • take baths with miramistin, furatsillin or chlorophyllipt several times a day;
  • You can drink water at room temperature after 3 hours, eat - after 5 hours after implantation; food should be crushed, soft, not hot;
  • take an analgesic if the pain seems very strong - Naise 100 mg tablet or long-acting Ketorol capsule 150 mg.

You should not: smoke, drink alcohol, rinse your mouth (this can mechanically damage injured tissue), chew solid food.

In order for root implantation to proceed as quickly as possible, you need to:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle, move more, spend more time in the fresh air, avoid high physical activity and severe stress - all this reduces the body’s ability to regenerate;
  • eat properly, fully, but avoid too hard foods; the first month the food should be soft, then the hardness can be increased very gradually;
  • reduce the number of cigarettes smoked as much as possible (or better yet, not smoke at all);
  • It is undesirable to frequently drink alcohol, strong tea and coffee - vasoconstriction will adversely affect osseointegration;
  • Be careful with thermal water procedures, especially in the first month after surgery (bath, sauna, hot bath).

Caring for implants installed on several teeth

  • the first week after surgery - only oral baths with antiseptic solutions;
  • from the second week you can clean the denture (without removing it) twice a day with a soft-bristled brush;
  • from the third week you can use special devices for washing hard-to-reach places in the prosthesis - irrigators;
  • Have a comprehensive professional cleaning twice a year (performed by a dental hygienist).

3 weeks after implantation you can use irrigators

Dental implantation – rating of clinics.

Clinic ratings are a special list that is compiled based on patient reviews and ratings.
It is with the help of the rating that you can find out which clinic provides quality services and which one is better not to contact. They try in every possible way to make the rating as honest as possible; for this purpose there is a team of moderators that blocks all suspicious ratings and reviews. You can read reviews about any clinic and choose the best one for yourself. Our network of dental clinics received a rating of 4.3 out of 5.

During the operation of our medical centers, more than 5,000 thousand operations related to dental implantation were performed.
Our branches are represented in the South-Western Administrative District, Southern Administrative District, and Northern Administrative District of Moscow.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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