Why do you need a special toothpaste for smokers? Review of TOP 5 products

December 18, 2017

Most people who smoke cannot boast of either a fresh complexion or a flawless smile, since within a few months after starting regular smoking an unpleasant yellow plaque begins to appear on their teeth, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of after just a couple of years.

Bad habit - smoking

UltraSmile.ru portal decided to conduct a little research and find out how those who do not want to give up a bad habit can fight yellow teeth. We present several toothpastes that, although slightly, will help solve the problem of “smoker's plaque.”

Why does smoking cause teeth to turn yellow?

For a heavy smoker, the inside enamel has a dark or yellow tint, and the whitening procedure is almost impossible (at least at home). The change in shade is influenced by many factors, including the duration of the bad habit, the initial state of the tooth enamel, the intensity of smoking and even the quality of cigarettes! But in any case, yellowing of teeth will not take long to occur.

The most obvious cause of yellow enamel is the negative effects of nicotine tar. In the process of smoking, not only does cigarette smoke burn the mouth, but it also actively deposits on the tooth enamel, causing it to gradually turn into various shades of yellow. In addition, nicotine noticeably suppresses the amount of saliva and changes its composition. And, as you know, saliva is a natural cleanser of the oral cavity. Since it completely fails to cope with its duties, plaque accumulates on the teeth and gums - it also has a characteristic yellow color.

Yellow teeth from smoking

When nicotine and other compounds get on tooth enamel, they make it loose and therefore more vulnerable to damage. This means an increased risk of developing tooth sensitivity, as well as carious processes.

How to help your gums?

Do not forget that smoking can provoke such unpleasant gum inflammation as gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Gingivitis is an inflammatory process that affects the gums. The gums become inflamed and recede slightly, making the tissue more susceptible to external influences. If the inflammation reaches the periodontium, bacteria will begin to accumulate in the pocket formed between the gum and the exposed root, which will be impossible to clean with a simple brush.

Periodontal disease, unlike gingivitis, is not an inflammatory disease. Its main cause is impaired blood supply to the gums, and smoking plays an important role in this process. The gums recede, begin to move away from the teeth, the root becomes a place where microbes accumulate, and as the disease progresses, teeth become loose and fall out, as the ligaments holding the roots are destroyed.

ASEPTA FRESH mouthwash will be an excellent daily helper for gums and teeth. The product has a unique combination of xylitol and potassium citrate, which reduces tooth sensitivity and protects tooth enamel from the negative effects of bacteria and acids without irritating the mucous membrane.

Let bad habits cause minimal harm to your teeth. Choose a good toothpaste for smokers, get regular dental check-ups, and you will be able to cure all oral diseases at an early stage.

TOP 3 special pastes in the fight against yellow teeth

If previously the only option for a smoker was to quit smoking, now there are various pastes that can minimize the negative effects of tar, nicotine and other harmful substances contained in tobacco. The following prices are current as of the end of 2022.


Toothpastes can only reduce the negative effects of nicotine.
But they will not stop the tooth decay that occurs due to smoking. Let's consider how and with what you can whiten yellow teeth after smoking.

ROCS "Antitobacco"

The effectiveness of the paste is ensured due to the presence of a component such as bromelain. It not only slows down the appearance of plaque, but also helps remove existing plaque. Silicon dioxide gently polishes tooth enamel. This paste also perfectly restores the condition of the gums. The cost is about 250 rubles.

ROCS “Antitobacco” toothpaste

Dentavit for smokers

Contains components such as sodium chloride, bergamot oil and sodium pyrophosphate, which provide effective cleaning of plaque from teeth. The paste does not contain sweeteners or dyes. This is the most affordable of all options - this paste costs about 50 rubles.

Dentavit toothpaste for smokers

Zact for smokers

One of the most effective pastes for those who smoke and also often drink coffee or tea. It contains calcium hydrogen phosphate and aluminum oxide, which do an excellent job of removing deposits on teeth and have a whitening effect. The company offers a fairly large assortment of toothpastes for smokers - with mint, eucalyptus, and elements to strengthen enamel. Cost – from 100 rubles and above.

Zact toothpaste for smokers

On a note!

People who smoke are advised to improve their oral hygiene and undergo regular dental checkups.
2-3 times a year, a mandatory procedure is teeth cleaning using ultrasound and Air Flow, which will get rid of plaque more effectively. Now smokers also have the opportunity to have healthy and beautiful teeth. Thanks to the use of various whitening toothpastes, you can not only clean, but also strengthen tooth enamel, achieving fairly good results.

Why do we need toothpastes for smokers?

Special toothpastes for smokers help partly solve the problem: reduce the likelihood of caries, gum inflammation and whiten enamel.

Common aesthetic problems associated with smoking are:

  • Yellowing of enamel. Teeth acquire a new color due to cadmium sulfate, which is released when smoke comes into contact with saliva.
  • Bad breath. This smell appears due to the activity of bacteria that appear in saliva when interacting with the combustion products of tobacco.
  • Smokers should be especially attentive to the condition of their oral cavity, because, as we have already said, they are especially susceptible to a variety of diseases - from banal caries to complex periodontitis and periodontal disease. A bad habit provokes a narrowing of blood vessels, which makes it difficult to diagnose various diseases.

Toothpastes for smokers are divided into several types:

  • Whitening pastes are suitable for smokers and those who consume a lot of coffee and various coloring foods. Typically contain fluoride.
  • Anti-plaque pastes. These products contain various polishing and enzymatic substances that help remove plaque and make teeth shiny and smooth.
  • Teeth brightening pastes. These products include carbamide peroxide and whiten the enamel several shades.

If you regularly consume coffee, tea, tobacco and red wine, we recommend that you use professional toothpaste “ASEPTA Plus ®” Coffee and tobacco.

The paste contains fluoride (1000 ppm), which helps strengthen tooth enamel and prevents the formation of caries. The paste neutralizes unpleasant odor, dry mouth and prevents possible inflammation in the oral cavity and prevents the formation of plaque and tartar.

Watch a video about proper brushing of teeth


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dental plaque, prevention

Clinical researches

Clinical studies have proven that regular use of professional toothpaste ASEPTA COFFEE AND TOBACCO for a month improved the hydration of the mucous membrane by 3.3 times, the remineralizing efficiency increased by 3.9 times, at the same time, the cleansing effect has increasing dynamics and reaches 60 .5% at 4 weeks of use.


  1. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” COFFEE and TOBACCO Author: doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry
  2. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” GENTLE WHITENING” Author: doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry
  3. Report on the determination/confirmation of the preventive properties of personal oral hygiene products “ASEPTA PLUS” Remineralization doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry

Dentavit for smokers

Dentavit toothpaste for smokers is produced by the Belarusian company. The company’s specialists themselves develop, master the production and organize sales of their cosmetic products.

According to the manufacturer, Dentavit for smokers inhibits the growth of bacteria, effectively removes staining pigment plaque, and prevents the formation of tartar. The product does not contain sweeteners. Main active ingredients: sodium fluoride and pyrophosphate, as well as bergamot oil. What is special about this product, and why the manufacturer recommends it specifically for smokers, is unclear. After all, two main problems - suppression of bacterial growth and whitening - are solved by most whitening pastes of the same brand.

Judging by people's reviews, this Dentavit for smokers copes with its task quite well. 77% of users are ready to recommend it to friends.

White Glo

We couldn’t find anything more compelling about this toothpaste, other than the fact that White Glo is created on an organic basis.

Despite the fact that, according to the manufacturer, White Glo has extra whitening properties, not all users are completely satisfied with it. Many agree that White Glo cleans enamel well, but some believe that it does not particularly stand out among its peers. Some people don't like the taste of this toothpaste.

What to look for when choosing a whitening toothpaste

To make the enamel lighter, use whitening toothpastes. Every year new products appear on the market, but not all of them provide noticeable and long-term results.

Ordinary toothpastes cannot make teeth whiter. They only remove bacterial plaque. To make your smile snow-white, you need to use special whitening toothpastes. Before buying them, evaluate the condition of the teeth:

  • Enamel layer thickness
  • Presence of cracks and chips
  • Gum disease, periodontal disease, wedge-shaped defects

Don't buy the most expensive pasta. It is better to pay attention to its purpose and composition. For people whose teeth are hypersensitive, it is advisable to use products with sodium fluoride, which strengthens the enamel. The exception will be residents of regions with high levels of fluoride in water. Sodium citrate and strontium chloride help reduce sensitivity.

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