How to choose toothpaste for sensitive enamel

Maintaining dental and oral health is an important part of maintaining a sparkling white smile. And one of the methods to prevent the development of various diseases is the use of properly selected toothpaste.

Therapeutic and prophylactic means for cleaning teeth help eliminate existing problems in the oral cavity and prevent their further development. These medications include products from the Parodontax brand.

Purpose and application

Compared to regular toothpastes, therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes are slightly different in composition. Additional ingredients include infusions and extracts of plants, vitamins and microelements, salts and enzymes.

In order to understand the variety of such products on the Russian markets, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to their composition, properties and indications for use.

Many of them combine synthetic foaming and highly active fluoride compounds, which, along with their benefits, can be harmful to the body as a whole. In fact, they kill both pathogenic and healthy microflora of the oral cavity at the same time (which can lead to dysbiosis).

Pastes with natural ingredients have a great advantage: they contain a reasonable amount of elements that cleanse well and help in treatment, but do not in any way affect the general condition of the body. One of the leading positions is occupied by Parodontax, a toothpaste from a UK manufacturer.


The majority of the Parodontax toothpaste consists of herbal ingredients, which are ideal for the prevention of gum disease and have remained unchanged for 40 years during the production of this product. They provide the following effects:

  1. Echinacea is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory . It increases the body's resistance, so it will help get rid of pathogenic flora in the oral cavity.
  2. Myrrh – protective . The high gum content in this plant helps strengthen gums and eliminate bleeding.
  3. Chamomile – soothing, anti-inflammatory and tonic . The most popular plant in folk medicine: it helps reduce tooth sensitivity, relieves and alleviates inflammation, and promotes healing of oral mucosal tissue.
  4. Rataniya – tonic . The rhizomes of this plant have astringent properties, so the gums become firmer and more elastic.
  5. Mint is deodorizing and anti-inflammatory . The best product for fresh breath. In addition, it helps relieve inflammation and pain.
  6. Sage – cleansing and strengthening.

Two components act as antibacterial protection:

  • Sodium fluoride is necessary to activate the process of remineralization of damaged teeth, which the body cannot cope with on its own. That is, it saturates tooth enamel with minerals and helps restore its strength and density.
  • Sodium bicarbonate is considered a good antiseptic, so it helps fight the presence of unpleasant odors and has a slight whitening effect.

Due to the very specific composition and lack of sweeteners, the taste of this paste differs significantly from standard products. Instead of the usual sweet sensation, it gives a strong salty taste (due to the minerals and salts it contains).

But if you use it regularly, then you get used to such unusual and not entirely pleasant sensations: the manufacturer promises that this will happen after the first week. The composition does not contain the usual parabens and glycols, so the paste does not foam very much.

In addition, the color of the paste is also far from the classic white and blue shades. It has a reddish-pink color, but not due to an excess of coloring agents, but due to a natural mineral dye.

Therefore, the Parodontax line can rightfully be considered useful, effective and have a more harmless composition compared to classic pastes.

Benefits and action

Thanks to the carefully selected composition of Parodontax brand toothpastes, these products are aimed at combating periodontitis and gingivitis. As a result of their use, there is a decrease in bleeding of soft tissues, a decrease in their swelling and pain.

Antibacterial additives and sodium bicarbonate help effectively remove soft plaque from the surface. As a result of using the drug, the risk of developing enamel caries is reduced.

The product is suitable for daily use. After several weeks of regular use, you will notice the following results:

  • healing of damage to the mucous membrane and gums;
  • reduction of pain;
  • significant reduction in the amount of plaque on enamel;
  • freshens breath.

Find out why your teeth hurt at night and what remedies can quickly relieve the pain. Come here if you are interested in the procedure for prosthetics for children's teeth.

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How does it work?

The effectiveness of Parodontax paste has been tested and confirmed more than once by clinical studies of dental centers and specialized scientific institutions around the world. Therefore, it is recognized as one of the best remedies in the fight against gingivitis and periodontal disease.

But there is one small nuance - it helps to cope only with the external manifestations of these diseases . That is, with the help of Parodontax it is impossible to cure the cause of inflammation and bleeding (most often these are stones and hard plaque).

This can lead to the fact that all external signs decrease slightly, and the disease will pass in a latent form until the teeth begin to “move”.

Therefore, if you have any problems with the oral cavity, you must definitely go to the dentist and find out an accurate diagnosis. It is he who can recommend not only the use of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, but also prescribe special medications and teach proper hygiene, non-compliance with which in most cases is the root cause of diseases.

If you use Parodontax regularly, you will notice significant improvements:

  1. The risk of caries is reduced.
  2. Damage to the gums and mucous membranes heals.
  3. Pain sensations are relieved.
  4. The plaque on the teeth is removed, and the appearance of a new one becomes impossible.
  5. It helps cope with bleeding gums.

Instructions for use

First of all, Parodontax toothpaste is suitable for people who suffer from bleeding gums. But it can be used both as a caries prevention and for everyday oral hygiene. The maximum amount of use is three times a day.

Despite the fact that such a paste is a good preventive measure, it is absolutely not suitable for children's teeth. Due to the high fluorine content (1400 ppm), it cannot be used by children under 12 years of age, since for them the acceptable level of this component is 200-500 ppm.

Question No. 4. Is it true that toothpastes with healthy additives clean your teeth better?

Yes, if we are talking about extracts of medicinal plants such as sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, which have beneficial properties. For example, Forest Balsam paste with the addition of sage or St. John's wort does an excellent job.

However, those pastes that contain additives, such as sea salt (Dentalys paste), can cause an allergic reaction and even increased tooth sensitivity. Such pastes must be used according to the doctor’s recommendations, as a rule, no more than 1-2 times a week.”


Among the line of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes, there are several types of this product:

With fluoride (Fluoride)

Photo: Parodontax toothpaste with fluoride

Presented by the manufacturer in two versions: a tube of 50 ml and 75 ml in white and green colors.

A distinctive feature of this paste is a moderate amount of fluoride (0.14%), which is necessary for dental health. It helps prevent caries (inhibits the growth of microbes) and strengthens damaged tooth enamel (makes it more resistant to various acids).

In most regions of Russia, drinking water contains too low a concentration of fluoride, so dentists recommend using fluoride-containing toothpastes.

But for those people who take fluoride-containing medications, it is better to consult a dentist before purchasing this version of Parodontax paste.

Herbal and mineral extracts in this toothpaste help solve problems with gum disease and freshen breath, but at the same time give a specific salty taste.

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Here: - it says when to start brushing your child’s teeth .

Fluoride-free (Classic)

Photo: Parodontax Classic toothpaste

This remedy is suitable for eliminating bleeding gums and inflammation . A distinctive feature is the absence of such a component as fluorine.

It is recommended to use it for residents of regions where drinking water already has an excess of fluorides in its composition (more than 1 mg/l). These include the cities of Western Siberia, the Urals and some areas of the Moscow and Tambov regions.

In order to more accurately find out which regions of Russia are characterized by increased indicators, special tables have been developed for the content of this element in water. They can be found freely available on the Internet.

This mandatory condition for use is due to the fact that excessive fluorine content in the body leads to its intoxication, that is, poisoning. In all other cases, the use of toothpaste without fluoride is unjustified and even ineffective in protecting tooth enamel.

On sale you can find tubes of 50 and 75 ml in white and red colors. Like the previous option, it has a salty taste.

Gentle whitening

Photo: Parodontax toothpaste for teeth whitening

Like all therapeutic and prophylactic pastes in the Parodontax line, this product helps fight bleeding and sore gums . But in addition to this, it has an additional effect - it carefully whitens teeth to a natural shade.

Contains fluoride. Available in white and silver tubes of 50 and 75 ml.

Extra Fresh

Photo: Parodontax Extra Fresh toothpaste

This is an updated version of the Parodontax treatment and prophylactic paste with fluoride. Essentially, it has the same purpose, but the percentage of mint extracts in the composition has been increased, so it has an even more refreshing effect. In addition, the design of the packaging (50 and 70 ml) is also different - in white and blue colors.

Which pasta should you choose?

These products are approved for daily use starting from adolescence. To choose the right option, you should focus on the desired result, not forgetting to take into account the condition of the teeth and gums.

  1. For example, Fluoride, with a green label, is recommended for those who live in areas poor in fluoride. The use of such a paste will partially compensate for the deficiency of this mineral in tooth enamel.
  2. The Classic option, on the contrary, is intended for people living in areas with excess fluoride (more than 1 mg per liter of water). It can be easily recognized by its red markings.
  3. Parodontax for soft whitening is effective and gentle. Suitable for anyone who cares about the health of their gums and wants to improve the color of their teeth without damaging them.
  4. Paradontax Ultra actively cleans and brightens the enamel surface, so it is recommended for people over 14 years old, with a sufficient layer of enamel.

For those who have sensitive teeth and tender gums, it is recommended to purchase special brushes that will act as gently as possible, without creating discomfort or pain.

Today, teeth cleaning and oral care products can be purchased in regular and virtual pharmacies and stores.

Prices for Parodontax pastes on the Internet fluctuate:

  • from 120 to 230 rubles per 75 ml tube;
  • from 75 to 120 rubles per 50 ml.

In regular pharmacies and stores, for obvious reasons, their cost will be higher.

Parodontax pastes are popular in Russia and sell well. This is facilitated by positive reviews from those who have been using them for a long time.

Alyona. My gums were just a problem, so I started using Parodontax medicinal pastes. This saved time that was previously spent on additional rinsing with herbal decoctions. I didn’t really believe in the miraculous effect, but I saw it within a week - my gums began to hurt and bleed much less. Believe it or not, after six months the problems went away completely.

Kira. I take care of my teeth and cherish them. I clean them with Parodontax Classic paste, as the dentist advised. There is no fluoride in it, and that's fine with me. True, it took some time to appreciate the taste (I'm used to fruity ones). I never cease to be amazed at the sensations - after brushing, my teeth are smooth, and it seems that everything in my mouth is sterile and shining! I also like that the tube lasts a long time. This fully justifies the high cost.

Zarina. After pregnancy and childbirth, problems with gums and teeth appeared. They have become too sensitive. They responded to literally everything. The doctor advised me to replace the usual paste with Parodontax. I did it and never regretted it. Now, as in the advertisement: I can bite a juicy and hard apple without fear of consequences!

Proper and regular oral hygiene is very important for healthy teeth and gums. Parodontax pastes will keep them in perfect condition.

Price issue

The price of Parodontax toothpastes may vary depending on the seller (markup percentages, delivery conditions, etc.). At the moment, the average price for it may fluctuate (based on the results of large Russian pharmacy chains). You can buy Parodontax toothpaste:

  • 50 ml tube – from 110 to 150 rubles;
  • 70 ml tube – over 150 rubles.

In addition, prices may vary depending on additional effects, that is, for “Gentle Whitening” and “Extra Fresh” products.

Let us tell you about Zoom teeth whitening technology and what its price consists of.

This article contains instructions for using the drug Stomatofit.

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Question No. 3 What is better: toothpastes or gels?

According to experts, both clean teeth equally well. And besides the taste and structure (gel pastes are more transparent than regular ones due to the absence of calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide in them, which give the paste a white color), there are no significant differences between them. So whether to use toothpaste or gel is a matter of everyone’s taste! Among the most popular among patients are such dental gels as Colgate Total 12 Pro-Clean Gel, Splat Liquium-gel, Weleda paste-gel, LACALUT fluor Gel.”


Many people suffer from oral diseases and cope with these ailments in different ways. If you have encountered the problem of bleeding gums and tried to fight it with the help of Parodontax therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste, you can share your impressions in the comments to this article.

In the next video you will also find a review of Parodontax paste:

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