Penis piercing: Frenum, “Prince Albert”, how to get orgasms

Genital piercing of the penis is the piercing of soft tissues in different parts of the intimate area with the subsequent installation of jewelry. This method of body modification helps to diversify your sex life, adding new emotions and sensations to it. Genital piercings have been practiced since ancient times, but later people forgot about them until the end of the last century. Today, men are increasingly turning to piercers to install earrings on their penis and scrotum.

Features of male piercing

Male intimate piercing was glorified by Prince Albert, the future husband of the English heir to the throne Victoria, who loved to show off in fashionable tight trousers, where his genital organ stood out. Long-term inconvenience led him to the idea of ​​making a puncture in the head of his penis and inserting a ring. The earring made it possible to fix the organ to the hips; it did not interfere with walking, dancing at balls, or riding a horse.

In the modern world, people think of piercings as jewelry. The product additionally stimulates the man during erection and has a pleasant effect on the intimate parts of the partner.

Most often, clients over 35 years of age turn to the masters. This is explained by the desire to give sexual attractiveness and impress potential partners. The presence of a piercing on the penis expands the possibilities of sexual life and gives the opportunity to experiment.

Most holes heal quickly without complications. When the canal passes through the urethra, natural disinfection of the wound occurs.

Inflammation and rejection are a direct consequence of insufficient care and lack of personal hygiene.

Why should you contact us?

Having decided to take this bold step, any man must remember that this procedure can be carried out by first-class specialists who know all the nuances of this art and have a medical education. Do not try to pierce the penis yourself, it is better to find a good master!

In our tattoo and piercing salon “Territory Tattoo” you can decorate your penis with first-class inexpensive piercings, which will become the most spectacular decoration and will help diversify your sex life.

While viewing the catalog with our works, you can choose the option that caught your attention at first glance with its originality and elegance.

Remember: if you decide to take such an important step as intimate piercing in Moscow and the region, you should not contact little-known tattoo parlors or artists without medical education.

Types and places of puncture

Genital piercing, judging by the photo, is varied. Almost any area in the intimate area is suitable for implantation of jewelry. The punctures differ in location and functionality.

Popular male genital piercing options:

  • The area between the anus and the scrotum. The variety is called Gooch. This place is comparable to the female clitoris and has increased sensitivity due to the accumulation of blood vessels and nerve endings. Light stroking and fiddling with the jewelry greatly increases arousal and speeds up orgasm.
  • Piercing in the frenulum of the penis - Frenulum. It gives you the ability to control arousal and prolong pleasure. Care must be taken during penetration due to the risk of damaging thin skin.
  • The fold separating the base of the organ and the scrotum, Hofada. This intimate piercing does not provide the member with additional benefits; it acts as a decorative element.
  • Pubis. The hole is called Pubik. It is done to stimulate the female clitoris during sexual intercourse. This is a nice, original gift for a partner, but it comes with a number of problems for the owner. The decoration takes root only if the puncture is done correctly, otherwise rejection and inflammation occur.
  • The scrotum is decorated with Scrotal. The product in the genitals brings an unforgettable sensation of stimulation.
  • Head. There are several options for earring placement for this part of the manhood: Prince Albert with a passage through the urethra from the frenulum to the top. Often this type of piercing is called King Arthur; Apadraviya – vertical arrangement of the bar with a ball under the base; Dido – double piercing of the head; Ampallang - horizontal piercing of the head of the penis, possibly passing through the urethra.

Which place to choose and how to position the hole is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but when choosing, one should take into account the individual anatomical structure of the organ and the state of health.

How to prepare for plastic surgery

Although the operation to correct (plasty) the frenulum of the penis is a simple one, it is performed under local anesthesia and usually takes no more than 15-20 minutes, before it it is recommended to undergo a full examination by specialists. This will identify possible contraindications, for example, problems with the cardiovascular system or blood clotting disorders, which may cause complications during the operation.

It is recommended to undergo the examination 2-3 weeks before the planned operation. This time is quite enough to, on the recommendation of a specialist, adjust your weight and give up (at least during the preparation for surgery and the rehabilitation period) bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, and certain medications that affect blood clotting.

Technique and rules of execution

When choosing a salon and artist, you should clarify how penis piercing is done and whether sanitary standards are observed. Not every specialist has the skill to work with intimate areas. Examine the photographs in the portfolio.

The gun is used only to create superficial holes in the scrotum. In other cases, needles equipped with a catheter or hollow needles are used.

There are peculiarities when working in each individual zone.

Male genital glans piercing is performed as follows:

  1. Using a clamp, the organ is fixed and brought into a comfortable position. The location of the grip and the location of the instrument depend on the type of puncture.
  2. With a quick movement, the master pierces the tissue through the urethra or nearby.
  3. Without removing the needle, the earring is inserted.

Foreskin piercing:

  • The clamp grasps the fold.
  • The needle passes through the skin and cannot be removed.
  • A decoration is inserted into the hollow part, passed through the hole and fixed.

This type of piercing is only suitable for uncircumcised men. It is possible to create different compositions and paths from decorative products.

How to pierce the pubis:

  1. Before the procedure, the hair is shaved. The use of creams, gels and oils is not recommended.
  2. The place where the needle passes is disinfected.
  3. The clamp grasps a fold of skin.
  4. The master creates a hole.
  5. An earring is inserted into the canal. The best option is a curved U-shaped rod.

There is a high risk of wound infection from regular shaving.

Scrotum piercing, main stages:

  1. The window clamp grasps the skin.
  2. A transmassual puncture is made with a special needle.
  3. An earring is inserted into the hole.

Purpose of intimate piercing

When making a piercing, decorative jewelry is attached to the pubic area or scrotum.

A puncture of the frenulum or glans should stimulate the genitals during masturbation or sex and enhance the orgasmic experiences of partners. There is an opinion that jewelry on the genitals increases their sensitivity.

However, scientists do not confirm this point of view. Piercing is completely contraindicated for:

  • blood diseases or poor clotting;
  • skin diseases;
  • genital herpes;
  • ARVI;
  • injuries in the area of ​​the intended puncture;
  • hepatitis of various types;
  • HIV.

Penis piercing is a serious procedure and should only be performed by specialists.

Contraindications and care

When deciding to decorate your penis with piercing, it is recommended to consult with your doctor regarding restrictions on the procedure and possible complications.

When not to pierce the penis:

  • mental pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • problems of internal organs in the acute stage;
  • tendency to prolonged healing of damage and the formation of keloid scars;
  • diabetes;
  • skin, venereal diseases;
  • viruses and infections in the acute phase;
  • allergic reactions to components of the material used to make earrings.

If contraindications to intimate piercing are left unspoken, a man faces serious complications that affect the functionality and reproductive abilities of the reproductive organ.

  • regular treatment of the wound and the part of the leg adjacent to it with an antiseptic;
  • compresses with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine;
  • wearing soft underwear;
  • ban on visiting swimming pools, public baths, swimming in reservoirs;
  • do not pull out the earring or twist it until the wound is completely healed;
  • abstain from sexual intercourse for at least a month.

This list of restrictions and recommendations will help speed up the regeneration process and recover faster.

Which doctor performs frenuloplasty?

If you have problems with the frenulum on the foreskin, you should consult a urologist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination and, if necessary, prescribe additional diagnostic measures, on the basis of which a decision will be made on the possibility of performing frenuloplasty.

After the operation, the urologist will consult the patient and give recommendations for the entire period of rehabilitation. If you fully comply with the doctor’s instructions, the surgical intervention will be carried out quickly and painlessly, eliminating possible complications in the future.

Choosing and changing decorations

For the intimate sensitive area, mainly barbells and horseshoes are used, rarely rings. The size and thickness are selected by the master depending on the type of puncture.

Particular attention is paid to the material of the product. The best option is implantation titanium. It does not release dangerous substances into the blood, which reduces the risk of inflammation and rejection. It is allowed to insert earrings made of gold of the highest standard into a healed puncture.

Every man is looking for a way to become special for his beloved or casual partner. It is difficult to surprise a woman, and piercing in the intimate area comes to the rescue. If you decide to get a puncture, choose an experienced specialist. Under no circumstances do the procedure yourself. Violation of the technique threatens scarring of the urethra, rupture of the frenulum, damage to the testicles, nerve endings, and arteries.

Penis modification is a popular and risky physical modification to a man's sexual organ. When performing it, the existing structure of the penis is often disrupted. Modification of the penis is not prohibited by law, since every man has the right to change his own penis at his own discretion. The right to change the body in any existing way is determined by morphological freedom. But, unfortunately, a tolerant attitude towards various kinds of changes pushes men to extremes.

A practical way to choose a clinic

Such a delicate problem, requiring a delicate attitude and correct solution, requires contacting a specialist, the necessary qualifications and preferably in a comfortable environment without additional expenditure of free time. Such services can be obtained within a private specialized institution, but how to decide on its choice?

Our Help Desk for private clinics in Moscow “Your Doctor” has all the necessary information; by visiting the site you can not only determine the location of a particular center, but also see all the listed characteristics, as well as make an appointment with a specialist or arrange a home call from a urologist, without leaving the page.

Publication date: 2019-12-11

Useful information on problems associated with the frenulum of the penis:

  • Calling a urologist to your home
  • Balanitis
  • Balanoposthitis
  • Frenum plastic surgery
  • Urethral swab
  • Prostate massage
  • Circumcision
  • Tests for STIs
  • Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Ultrasound at home
  • Frenum of the penis
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Ultrasound of the bladder
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
  • How to prepare for an appointment with a urologist?
  • How to get tested for urological diseases?
  • What tests can be done by a urologist?
  • What diseases does a urologist treat?
  • What symptoms should you consult a urologist for?
  • How to make an appointment with a urologist at the clinic?

Balls, sleepers in the penis

Now a tattoo on a penis is no longer very shocking to modern society. Much more surprising are men who have homemade balls in their penis. Yes, yes, your eyesight did not let you down - homemade ones. Despite the fact that the procedure has long been carried out in medical centers and salons, daredevils still perform it on their own, having heard enough stories from their friends who served time.

Balls under the penis in the zone are prepared from plastic toothbrush handles or poured from the body of a fountain pen. The size of the ball should not exceed a pea. Usually no more than three balls are driven into the penis. To prevent the implant from injuring the tissues of the penis from the inside, it is carefully polished on a concrete floor, lime walls and treated with fabric. The last stage of sanding can be done using the tongue. Penis penetrations for balls are often performed with the same sharpened toothbrush handle.

No less popular are sleepers in the penis, which are often combined with balls. Both modifications are aimed at improving stimulation of the partner. Penile piercings are also performed in prison settings. Performing the procedure by non-professionals in unsanitary conditions and without piercing kits, special balls, sleepers, or sterile instruments often leads to infection, rotting of the genital organ, and necrosis.

Having decided that you simply need a ball in the penis, contact an experienced body modification specialist. He will not use dangerous balls from brushes or make holes with plastic sharpening. The specialist uses factory-made sterile implants that are not rejected by the body.

After installing balls, sleepers, the genital organ should be used with caution to prevent swelling and redness. Intimate life stops for the period of healing and removal of the threads (no less than two to three weeks). Otherwise, the foreign body will be rejected, as a result of which additional stimulation of the partner will become impossible.

Intimate puncture - does it hurt?

The most pressing question: “Is intimate piercing painful?” A huge number of nerve endings causes the procedure to be painful in this area. Rating pain on a 10-point scale, intimate piercings for women can deservedly receive a ten. But it all depends on the individual characteristics and pain threshold of each woman. Some note that wound healing is much more painful than the five-second puncture itself. If necessary, the specialist can give you local anesthesia.

How is a penis piercing done?

This is the question I asked myself first. There were terrible pictures in my head of a head threaded on a needle, like meat on a skewer. And this happens, but in general the situation is not so terrible. Men do intimate piercings in almost the same way as any friend. First, the thickness and size of the surgical steel needle is selected.

Then the type of decoration is determined. The most bladeless ones are made of implantation titanium. Now is the time to go to the master. In the tattoo parlor, do not forget to check how well the instruments are disinfected. It’s better to choose trusted places and professionals, take care of your health.

This type of piercing takes from 4 weeks to 6 months to heal , it all depends on the quality of the work, the type of piercing and the individual characteristics of your body. A sad but important note - you should not have sex while it's healing. At all. Absolutely right. This is not even discussed. Although wounds in the groin heal quickly (for comparison, even after piercing the earlobe, you need to take care of it for 3 months), but they are very sensitive. Female and male intimate fluids can lead to infection. Even after a period of danger, it is better to use condoms for a while. Thick and not ribbed, of course.

Consequences of the procedure

Genital piercing is always a risky decision. If a puncture is performed incorrectly, a man risks getting:

  • Impotence;
  • Infertility;
  • Decreased sensitivity of nerve endings on the head;
  • Inflammation of the urethra;
  • Uncontrolled urination;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse or going to the toilet “in a small way.”

There is also a chance that germs and other pathogens will get into the wound. This will lead to suppuration, swelling, inflammation of soft tissues, ulcers and fistulas. In some cases, oxidation of the earring occurs if it is made of low-quality material, or the body rejects it. Because of this, the skin begins to turn red, itching and pain appear.

To avoid the negative consequences of genital piercing, you need to carefully choose the artist and follow the recommendations for caring for the wound after the procedure:

  • Temporarily abstain from sexual intercourse;
  • Maintain intimate hygiene;
  • Treat the puncture area with an antiseptic (peroxide or Chlorhexedine) several times a day;
  • Wear loose cotton underwear;
  • Avoid using hygiene creams, gels or talc.

Why do penis piercings be done?

Everyone here has their own reasons. For example, I was just curious, but I chose not the most “hard” type of piercing. Some people want additional sensations, which can be obtained from iron rings at certain points of the penis (but not all). Some people just can't resist trying all kinds of piercings. They say that such controlled and short-lived pain can be addictive. Some people have extravagant ideas about beauty.

Rules for successful intimate piercing

In order for intimate piercings for girls to bring pleasure and not disappointment, it is necessary:

  • Get checked for genital tract infections.
  • Follow the instructions step by step for caring for the puncture site with your own hands.
  • The manipulation should only be carried out in specialized salons; there is no question of any independent puncture.
  • Do not skimp on jewelry; purchase only high-quality barbells or rings made of gold, titanium or implantium.
  • Follow all recommendations: avoid visiting the sauna, solarium, and swimming pool during the healing period.
  • Do not have sex until the wound is completely healed.
  • Do not remove jewelry until the wound has completely healed.

What types of penis piercings are there?

I personally counted 5 main ones. There are many variations and they can be combined. They say that especially cool masters, of which there are only a few in the world, also do several others. But here are the ones worth knowing about:

Prince Albert glans piercing

His Majesty "Prince Albert". The history of this piercing is quite funny. It was indeed once made by Prince Albert, but not for sexual reasons. They say that in his time very tight trousers made of thin fabric came into fashion. The fashionistas were faced with a problem - the correct silhouette of their beautiful legs was disrupted by a “little nuisance” - the hump of the penis, which stood out strongly from the fabric.

Indignant at this mistake of nature, Albert ordered his penis to be pierced so that it could be tied to the inside of his thigh. That's it, the problem is solved, the fashionistas rejoiced. With this type of piercing, the urethra is pierced, with the other end of a metal rod coming out of the frenulum of the penis or its center. It is this type that helps to give yourself and your partner extraordinary pleasure.

Ampallang glans piercing

This is so brutal. Without long conversations, the head is pierced through , sometimes heating the urethra. Sometimes the rod passes through the shaft of the penis. Another variation is apadravia. The same thing, only the puncture is not horizontal, but vertical. This type also has a very good effect on sensations during sex, but the process of penetration itself is so painful that it’s better to think carefully first. Of course, only a master can penetrate a penis like this.

Frenum frenulum piercing

The neatest type, a small banana or ring can be inserted into the piercing on the frenulum. The man will not receive additional sensations, but his partner can.

Hafada scrotal piercing

Without further ado, this is a scrotal piercing. There will be no exotic pleasure from it, except that it looks beautiful (as some people think).

Dydoe glans piercing

The edge of the head breaks through. Often they even do several punctures at a time, because they are not very painful. This is exactly the look I made. With the right approach you can get a good buzz.

That's all. If you are planning to do such a piercing, I advise you to prepare well - including mentally - and do not forget to tell your partner your decision (so that there are no fainting spells). Also, I really stress the importance of taking care of your penis while it heals. Avoid bathing, but wash the area frequently in the shower, change your underwear frequently, and listen to your piercer's instructions.

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Corypheus Alberti

Where does such an unusual way of self-expression come from? The first who elevated this to a cult (and even invented it) was the outstanding (and in some places too outstanding) Prince Albert, who lived during the Victorian era and was also the husband of Queen Victoria. However, he came up with this not for aesthetic and erotic reasons, but for practical ones. The fact is that His Highness had outstanding size in the area below the waist.

Such a seemingly wonderful distinctive feature should have brought joy and delight, but no. His big penis prevented him from living a normal life. Ordinary movement, riding a horse or other physical activity was difficult and uncomfortable for him.

Then an obsessive thought entered his head - to fix the organ in a certain position. To do this, we had to resort to piercing the tender spot and attaching a special ring to it, with which Albert could fix his impressive unit. Now he could fasten his penis to his trousers and forget about his problem.

To celebrate, the prince told everyone about his miracle invention, and a chain reaction occurred. Everyone who became interested immediately picked up this idea and brought it to life. Already in that era, piercing became very popular among men, and even today it does not lose its original relevance.

Prince Albert

Thanks to this story, humanity was able to experience an extreme form of individualization. And the name comes from the founder of this trend – Prince Albert.

Piercing a cheek or two

This modification includes all kinds of punctures in the cheek area. However, one of the most convenient piercings practiced in this part of the face is through-the-mouth piercing. Most often it is done on both sides in parallel, thus creating the effect of dimples. Such a puncture has a significant problem during healing: due to the fact that the earring goes into the mouth, a copious amount of lymph begins to be released, which resembles saliva and has a specific smell.

Labret is a special decoration. On one side it has a flat base, on the other, an earring is installed.

A poorly made piercing can come into contact with the teeth and gums, which will subsequently lead to their damage.

When removing the piercing, the consequences are minimal: only small scars remain (about 1-2 millimeters).

The constant wearing of this puncture appeared relatively recently. Previously, it was practiced in rituals. For example, at the vegetarian festival in the Thai city of Phuket, monks and mediums make numerous punctures in the cheek area, while being in a state of trance.

History of genital piercing

Penis piercing came into fashion during the lifetime of the Saxon Prince Albert (19th century). He liked to appear in public in tight, thin pants so that his manhood could be seen by everyone. However, due to the large size of his penis, Albert was unable to dance for a long time or ride a horse without problems. Therefore, he decided to pierce the head and attach an earring to it, with which his penis was tied to his hips.

If previously a ring or barbell in the penis played the role of a phallus retainer, now it is an ordinary decoration and an additional stimulator of erection at the moment of intimacy. In addition, genital piercing is a good way to give your partner a lot of pleasure during intercourse. During vaginal penetration, the earring rubs against the vaginal walls and causes pleasant sensations.

Piercing and sex life

Intimate punctures are most often done either to decorate intimate places or to enhance sensations in bed. Regarding sexual sensations and new emotions during sex, there are pros and cons that should be considered:

  • Argument FOR. Many people really get sexual pleasure from a small piece of metal in an intimate place, which provides stimulation of erogenous zones. Some people are turned on by the mere thought of their partner having intimate piercing jewelry.
  • Argument AGAINST. Others, on the contrary, are frightened by even the thought of having a piece of metal on their partner’s body. The fear of getting injured does not allow you to completely relax and get maximum pleasure from sex.

That is why, before getting a genital piercing, consult with your partner. If he is open to such experiments, why not diversify his sex life in this way?

As many people as there are in the world, you will hear as many opinions about intimate piercings. One way or another, intimate female piercing is intimate so that you personally decide whether or not to have it on your body.

Oral piercing

Vertical labret, or “Ashley,” is a lip piercing that pierces vertically. According to the standard, the lip is pierced exactly in the middle and strictly perpendicular to it. The needle enters the bottom area and exits centered at the top. Microbananas are used for this type of piercing. Their size depends on the thickness of the wearer's lips.

Horizontal labret - a puncture made in a horizontal plane. The injection is carried out parallel to the lip. If penetration is not deep enough, there is a high chance of rejection. In addition, all piercings that come into contact in one way or another with saliva heal much more problematically, because the liquid carries a lot of bacteria.

A frenulum piercing is a piercing in the upper or lower frenulum. Due to the fact that there are no nerve endings in it, this modification is painless. When punctured at the top, this type of modification on the body is called a “smile”.

Tongue piercing is one of the most common body piercings, following behind ear piercings. It was practiced for a long time by the Aztec, Olmec and Mayan tribes for ritual purposes.

Piercing in the oral cavity itself heals quite quickly, usually this process takes about 2-4 weeks. The frenulum of the tongue (frenulum) can also be pierced.

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