Piercing “Medusa”: features and care recommendations

Jellyfish piercing is one of the most popular types of decorative piercings on the face. The hole and decoration are installed in the hollow between the upper lip and the nasal septum. Typically, titanium, steel, Teflon, and, less commonly, silver or gold labrets, in which only a ball is visible in the cavity, are used as decoration. It looks very attractive and, as a rule, “jellyfish” is made by young girls who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex to their beautiful plump lips (as in the photo). Often, in parallel with the jellyfish, a piercing of the lower lip is made, in which a labret with a decorative ball is placed in the cavity between the chin and lower lip. Symmetrical decorations look impressive.

How is an upper lip piercing done?

This is a fairly simple procedure that takes no more than 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to carry out this manipulation in a specialized cosmetology salon, where sanitary requirements are carefully observed and sterile instruments are used. The procedure uses a medium-thick needle with a catheter, which allows you to easily and painlessly insert the jewelry.

Because the area above the upper lip is a fairly sensitive area, endowed with many nerve endings. A puncture in this area can be quite painful, so before the procedure, the specialist usually suggests using lidocaine as a local anesthetic.

The procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  • the specialist marks a point above the lip with a special felt-tip pen;
  • the skin is disinfected with an anesthetic;
  • Using a special clamp with a hole, the master clamps and pulls back the upper lip;
  • using a needle with a catheter, perforation of the skin and soft tissues is made through;
  • a decoration is inserted through the catheter, a ball is screwed onto the surface above the lip;
  • the puncture area is re-treated with a disinfectant.

After manipulation, it is necessary to monitor hygiene, adhere to a certain diet and regularly treat the skin and oral cavity to prevent infection.

Piercing Care

Healing takes different amounts of time for different people. If you follow the recommendations for caring for the puncture, it will heal in 1.5-2 weeks; for some people the process takes about a month. To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • four days after piercing, it is necessary to avoid contact with water, so it is advisable to avoid washing and showering, and clean your face with a cotton pad with milk or other cosmetic product;
  • during the healing period (1-2 weeks), it is recommended to avoid sour, salty, too hot foods that can cause irritation;
  • to prevent organic particles from getting into the wound, it is advisable to rinse your mouth after each meal;
  • the puncture area must be treated with an antiseptic solution without alcohol, in parallel with it it is allowed to use wound healing agents with vitamin B or E;
  • It is advisable not to touch the jewelry with unwashed hands, do not rub your nose, and in case of a runny nose, use drying drops to prevent excessive mucus secretion;
  • the decoration does not need to be scrolled, removed and changed until a channel is formed.

Price for lip piercing in St. Petersburg, West End salon

Lip piercing


Lip piercing1300 ₽
Monroe piercing1300 ₽
Jellyfish piercing1300 ₽

Decoration as a gift!

Pre-registration by phone +7

*The price of the puncture includes jewelry made of medical steel. The use of an earring made of surgical steel guarantees successful healing of the puncture in the shortest possible time.

If you bring your own jewelry, the cost of a piercing will be 200 rubles cheaper. However, we do not provide a guarantee for healing.

Lip piercing is a very popular facial piercing solution that is immediately noticeable. People do such piercings for various reasons - some want to make their image more informal, others crave new sensations when kissing - the reasons may be different.

But it is definitely clear that this solution will not go out of fashion for a long time and will enjoy stable success among young people (and not only) for more than one generation. So if you live in St. Petersburg, be sure to contact our masters - and then you will look fashionable and stylish.


Lip piercing has a long history. Initially it was done ritually. The first such punctures were discovered back in the Neolithic era, they are attributed to the Ethiopian Mursi tribe.

Then this tradition spread throughout Africa, Brazil and so on.

In Ancient Rome, such a puncture would mean worshiping foreign gods, which is why it was prohibited.

But then the tradition of such piercing returned with new popularity.


Lip piercing has several different variations, among which are the main, most common ones. The first thing that may differ is where exactly the puncture is made.

For example, if the upper lip is pierced, then it looks more optimistic, cheerful - sometimes it is even called a “smile” because it is visible when a person smiles.

When the lower lip is pierced, it is constantly visible, and its “image” is darker and more serious.

So you can create a certain image only by changing the location of the puncture. But the implementation of this procedure varies not only in this way. Other variations available:

  • Monroe is a type of piercing so named because it imitates the mole above the lip of the famous singer/actress, but if it is done over another part of the lip, then it is usually called “Madonna”;
  • Medusa is a type of piercing in which a labret (the so-called jewelry that is inserted into the lip) is placed in the middle of the philtrum, just under the septum of the nose.

You can also distinguish between vertical and horizontal punctures, punctures directly on the lip and its frenulum - the name speaks for itself. Other variations are possible depending on the wishes of a particular person. So it’s best to first study photos of existing examples in order to understand how a particular puncture will look.


How is lip piercing done? It is carried out using a sterile catheter. With a horizontal puncture, it is inserted parallel to the lip, with a vertical puncture, it is usually made exactly in the center, starting from the lower border and ending with the upper vertical point.

After the puncture is made, a labret of suitable thickness is inserted into the lip. Options with a ring are also possible.

In any case, jewelry must certainly be made of hypoallergenic material, such as titanium.

You can do multiple lip punctures, but you should not do more than two, otherwise the tissue will tighten during healing, which will interfere with the formation of the canals.


After a lip piercing is performed, it requires special care for some time. In particular, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic several times a day, as well as apply compresses on both sides of the puncture.

After the procedure has been performed for the first time, it is not recommended to eat any food for at least four hours - the exception is ice cream, after which it is imperative to rinse your mouth. You should also not smoke or drink alcohol. The latter is not advisable to do during the entire healing period.

Ideally, you should refrain from kissing at first, because it can open the wound, which can potentially lead to infection.

As a result, lip piercing is a not very painful, but stylish and eye-catching method of facial decoration, the cost of which is also not very high.

If you live in St. Petersburg, then our masters will help you perform upper lip piercing or lower lip piercing quickly, efficiently and professionally.

Tattoo studio master Eduard WORKS: More than 10 years of experience. Has a higher art education. Eduard is a repeated winner of St. Petersburg tattoo festivals. PREFERRED: The artist places emphasis on the vitality and clarity of his work even after many years. She also has extensive experience in covering up low-quality tattoos and camouflaging scars.

MAIN DIRECTIONS: Black and gray, Color, Japanese, Oriental, Irezumi, Ornamental, Old school, New school

Tattoo studio artist Sandra WORKS: Beginner. Has been tattooing since March 2022. PREFERS: Engraving, Graphics, Linework, Miniature tattoos.


Tattoo studio master Anton Strelkov WORKS: has been a master of artistic tattooing for more than 7 years. Prize-winner of the St. Petersburg Tattoo Festival. Resident of the BioMechCollective portal. PREFERS: the master works in his own style. Most tattoos are done freehand (work without a sketch, the design is created directly on the body, taking into account anatomical features).


Tattoo artist at the studio Alexandra Potalinskaya WORKS: Has been tattooing since 2011 PREFERS: Whipshading, Watercolor, Graphics (black and white and color tattoos)


Tattoo studio artist Ilya Karpekin WORKS: Professionally tattoos since 2014 PREFERS: Universal tattoo artist, feels confident with both color and black and white. Loves to experiment and mix styles.


Tattoo studio master Tatyana WORKS: Beginner, working since March 2022. PREFERS: Minimalism, Old school, New school, Traditional, Neo-Traditional, Graphics Tattoo studio master Denis Raspopov Performs work mainly in black and white style Styles: Dotwork, Linework, Graphics, Engraving, Neo-traditional, Newschool, Oldschool


Piercer Anna Stein performs all types of punctures that are included in our list of services. The master has a “light hand”, which means the procedure will be quick, accurate and painless.


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Source: https://westendstudio.ru/ceny/pirsing-guby

Possible complications

As with other types of piercings, the most common type of complication for the jellyfish is infection. Bacteria can enter the tissue either during the procedure (for example, if the specialist does not sterilize the instrument thoroughly enough) or during the healing period.

A specific type of complication from a jellyfish piercing is damage to the tooth enamel and gums above the upper front teeth. A metal object that is constantly in contact with the teeth leads to the appearance of microscopic cracks in which anaerobic bacteria accumulate, causing caries. Like other types of oral piercings, jellyfish can lead to loose teeth and other negative consequences that dentists warn about.

Emergence of a trend

This unusual type of piercing dates back to the 1990s.
Canadian stylist Kerrick did similar piercings for his clients - fashion models and representatives of subcultures. This original piercing became very popular among both sexes, and by the late 90s, thousands of people were wearing medusa piercings around the world. The decoration gives the wearer a special character:

  • audacity, courage;
  • mystery, mystery;
  • non-trivial aesthetics;
  • special style, original image.

The name jellyfish piercing comes from the shape of the jewelry that is inserted into the septum of the nose. The visible area has the shape of a sphere on a leg, and inside the product is flat, reminiscent of a nail head.


As with other types of piercing, the “jellyfish” has the following contraindications:

  • acute diseases accompanied by high body temperature and fever;
  • oncological diseases;
  • allergy to anesthetics (if used, they can cause anaphylactic shock);
  • problems with blood clotting, tendency to bleed, taking anticoagulants (aspirin, etc.);
  • violations of the integrity of the skin, scratches, rashes in the area of ​​the intended puncture;
  • infectious diseases (including hepatitis B and C, HIV).

Girls are not recommended to get piercings during menstruation or pregnancy. At this time, significant changes in hormonal levels occur, due to which blood clotting decreases, as well as vulnerability to infections.

How to choose jewelry?

All modern types of piercing are performed using safe metals and alloys that do not oxidize upon contact with air and do not cause rejection upon contact with body tissue. These include:

  • medical steel;
  • titanium;
  • Teflon;
  • zirconium.

Silver and gold are not recommended, especially immediately after a piercing, because... they can cause suppuration and abscess. After the puncture area has healed and a channel has been formed, more complex jewelry can be inserted - with crystals, rhinestones, flowers, beads. If the jewelry changes color (most often silver darkens), it is advisable to replace it with something else by contacting an experienced piercer.

Is it painful to do the procedure?

The entire procedure takes a few minutes, from initial processing to insertion of jewelry. Whether it hurts to get a puncture depends on the person’s sensitivity threshold. The master will not refuse your desire to use local anesthesia.

Classic jellyfish surgery above the lip does not cause severe pain and is often performed without the use of painkillers. There are no blood vessels or nerves that would respond to damage with pain. During the passage of the needle, only discomfort is felt.

When performing the lower medusa procedure, anesthesia is required. Since this is the very center of the plexus of nerves and blood vessels, the procedure in this area is quite painful. Before visiting the specialist’s office, you should visit an allergist to exclude negative reactions to anesthesia. Do not be skeptical about this recommendation, since many application preparations can cause swelling, itching and rash, which can lead to serious complications.

There will be pain after the procedure as soon as the medications wear off.

Where to get a piercing?

The best option is a specialized salon, staffed by qualified craftsmen who have access to certified equipment. The key requirement is compliance with the rules of sterilization of instruments and maintaining the necessary sanitary and hygienic environment. The client has every right to make sure that the instruments are sterile without fear of offending the specialist. If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to go to another salon.

The master must comply with the following requirements:

  • use clean cotton pads to apply the anesthetic, or use the product in spray form;
  • use only sterile needles, unpack them in the presence of the client so that he can see;
  • store instruments in a sterile area (under a UV lamp);
  • work in disposable latex or rubber gloves, take new ones from the packaging for each client.

If these requirements are met, the risk of tissue infection during the procedure is minimal. Otherwise, bacteria may enter the wound and an infection may develop. Its symptoms:

  • increased pain in the puncture area;
  • swelling and swelling of the upper lip;
  • discharge of pus;
  • tissue compaction at the puncture site;
  • increased body temperature;
  • symptoms of intoxication - weakness, headache.

In this case, it is recommended to urgently consult a doctor - surgeon, cosmetologist, dermatologist. He must examine the area above the upper lip, if necessary, remove the jewelry, clean the wound, remove pus and disinfect the tissue. The doctor may prescribe local antibacterial agents or oral antibiotics. In this case, the decoration will have to be thrown away or replaced with something else.

Requirements for the performer

A number of objective conditions that are important to observe when performing a jellyfish piercing operation:

  • the room must be sterile (medical room in a clinic);
  • all instruments are taken from sterile boxes;
  • the master must use disposable sterile gloves;
  • special surgical markers are used for marks;
  • antiseptic is actively used.

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