Postitis, postitis treatment, inflammation of the penis

Men often experience acne on the penis. Regardless of whether this phenomenon is harmless or is a sign of dangerous pathological processes in the body, in any case, pimples on the penis cause discomfort both due to their unaesthetic appearance and due to physiological inconvenience.

A urologist, andrologist or venereologist can identify the exact cause of formations on the skin after conducting an examination and receiving all the necessary tests and studies.

The following are possible causes of acne:

● Inflammation of the sebaceous glands or folliculitis, dermatitis and other non-infectious diseases;

● Allergies;

● Failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;

● Ingrown hair. A fairly common cause, especially in people who remove hair from the genitals. At the junction of the skin of the penis and the skin of the pubis, a certain angle is formed, the hair bends, grows into the skin, redness and itching appear.

● Sexually transmitted infections;

● Changes in a man's hormonal levels;

● Fungus (mycosis) on the penis;

● Ticks and pubic lice. Infection with these parasites is not always associated with sexual contact; they can also be acquired in public places such as a sauna, swimming pool, locker room.

Types of rashes

Depending on the cause that caused the appearance of this pathology, the rashes have different sizes, shapes, colors and are accompanied by various symptoms.

White pimples

Most often, men encounter white rashes. In most cases they are safe. White pimples on the penis can appear due to neglect of intimate hygiene, under stress, or due to excessive sweating in hot weather.

Puberty boys often notice white pimples on the shaft and under the head of the penis. These formations are called Fordyce granules, are the absolute norm and go away on their own over time.

When using certain hygiene products, lubricants or contraceptives, an allergic reaction is possible, which is also accompanied by a frequent white rash and itching.

Red pimples

The appearance of a sick red pimple on the penis may be associated with banal irritation. You should not try to remove it yourself, as squeezing it out will create an open wound, where infection can easily get in and cause even greater complications.

However, if, in addition to red pimples, there is burning, itching and swelling, it can be assumed that this manifestation is caused by the presence of a sexually transmitted infection or fungal infection.

● Human papillomavirus (HPV). With this disease, the formation may outwardly look like a pimple, but in fact it is a small red or flesh-colored wart, which is a consequence of infection with the human papillomavirus.

● Gonorrhea. This disease is accompanied not only by changes in the skin of the penis, but also by the presence of discharge with an unpleasant odor and painful urination.

● Syphilis. The appearance of small and very painful ulcers on the genitals, low-grade fever and general malaise may indicate infection with syphilis.

● Thrush (candidiasis). A small scattering of red pimples on the head of the penis occurs with candidiasis. Men also note the presence of white, cheesy discharge.

Purulent acne

Acne can occur not only on the face or back, but also on the genitals. This is due to blockage of the pores, due to which the natural sebum produced by the sebaceous glands cannot be released onto the surface of the epidermis, the pores become inflamed and suppurate, and a purulent pimple forms on the penis.

A purulent red rash can be caused by balanitis. This disease is provoked by sexually transmitted infections, aggressive effects of components of hygiene products, dermatological diseases, including skin cancer.

Watery rashes

A large number of small pimples with colorless or yellowish contents indicate the presence of the herpes virus. These formations do not cause pain, but after some time they burst, the fluid comes out and small open sores remain in their place. These wounds cause severe discomfort, pain and itching.

Also, in this way, an allergic reaction to contraceptives and lubricants appears on the skin of the penis. This condition does not require special treatment; it is enough to remove the allergen and the symptom will go away on its own.

A white blister can also appear when wearing uncomfortable, chafing underwear or when the skin is injured by a trouser zipper.

Single pimple

One pimple may appear due to inflammation of the hair follicle at the site of an ingrown hair or as a result of trauma to the skin during depilation. Also, in adolescence, single pimples often appear. With sufficient hygiene, after 1-2 weeks this formation goes away on its own, without special treatment.

Redness of the head and foreskin: causes

One of the most common pathologies is infectious lesions of the genitourinary system.

Today, most males suffer from them.

In addition to sexually transmitted diseases, the causes of redness of the genital organ are:

  1. 1. Injuries;
  2. 2. Inflammatory processes;
  3. 3. Rubbing;
  4. 4. Allergies.

If redness of the head or foreskin appears, the causes and treatment can be varied.

If redness appears on the head, this may be a signal of an infection.

Such diseases include:

  • Gonorrhea;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Chlamydia.

Redness and pain of the head in such diseases is one of the leading symptoms.

In this case, burning and itching occurs.

You can often notice the presence of hyperemia on the head of the genital organ.

Let's take a closer look at what causes the appearance of redness and itching on the head of the penis.

Redness on the head due to rubbing

Rubbing the genitals is quite easy.

At the same time, various unpleasant symptoms begin to be felt.

A man may feel a burning sensation and swelling in the foreskin area.

Redness of the mucous membrane and skin of the penis appears.

After some time, small bubbles appear followed by the formation of erosions.

There are several reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Mechanical damage can occur as a result of prolonged sexual intercourse or masturbation.

Chafing of the penis can be noticed after sexual intercourse.

If there are no pathological processes, then the skin of the penis will be slightly hyperemic with slight swelling.

In this case, transparent discharge will appear.

The problem may occur due to insufficient lubrication.

Another reason for the appearance of chafing may be poor-quality synthetic underwear.

Wearing such underwear leads to skin irritation.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules contributes to the growth of bacteria.

As a result, redness and itching appears.

Chafing of the penis brings a lot of discomfort.

This condition should normally go away after a few hours.

There are cases when the symptoms are pathological and require immediate treatment.

Pathological signs include:

  1. 1. The presence of an unpleasant odor;
  2. 2. Painful excretion of urine;
  3. 3. Presence of redness and ulcers.

If such signs appear, it is recommended to shave and see a doctor.

Redness on the head due to allergies

Often the cause of redness at the tip of the head is an allergic reaction.

Appears when the genital organ is exposed to allergens.

One of the reasons is the use of various lubricants, creams and lotions.

Medicines can also have an effect on the penis.

The appearance of redness on the head of the penis may be a consequence of the administration of vitamins and vaccines.

How to distinguish allergies?

When exposed to skin, erythema appears, which is the formation of red spots on the skin of the penis.

Symptoms develop very quickly.

After using antihistamines, itching and other symptoms disappear.

After some time, the rashes disappear, leaving no traces behind.

If the reaction is severe, medical attention may be needed.

It is recommended to consult a doctor if the symptoms persist.

If personal hygiene is not carried out regularly, allergies will not be long in coming.

This occurs due to the fact that secretions begin to accumulate in the foreskin, provoking the proliferation of bacteria.

If the head itches and redness appears, it is necessary to identify the allergen and limit its effect on the genital organ.

Redness on the head may occur when using hormonal ointments.

You should not use these drugs for a long time and without a doctor's prescription.

If a reaction occurs, you should see a doctor.

Redness on the head due to an STD

The appearance of redness, itching of the glans and foreskin is a sign of sexually transmitted infections.

Often the cause of transmission of an infectious agent through sexual contact will be a defect in the mucous membrane.

The onset of symptoms causes severe discomfort.

There are a number of reasons for the appearance of blisters, redness and itching of the head of the penis.

These include:

  • Injury to mucous membranes and skin;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • Narrowing of the foreskin.

The appearance of a white coating and redness on the head may be the result of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Infection occurs from a sexual partner.

The presence of such signs is a consequence of infection with one of the diseases:

  1. 1. Trichomoniasis;
  2. 2. Gonorrhea;
  3. 3. Chlamydia;
  4. 4. Genital herpes;
  5. 5. Gardnerellosis;
  6. 6. Mycoplasmosis;
  7. 7. Candidiasis.

When infectious agents are introduced, an infectious process begins to develop.

There is a problem with urination.

The appearance of discharge of various types is noted.

Attention! For each disease, the discharge will have a characteristic color and consistency.

Sometimes severe rashes appear in the groove.

This is typical when affected by herpes.

Pimples on the penis in a child

This alarming symptom in a child may indicate simple heat rash. During the hot season, due to increased sweating, children's delicate skin becomes irritated, causing small pimples to appear.

A more dangerous cause is intestinal mycosis. This manifestation is also characteristic of a very contagious disease - frequency. Only a doctor can identify the specific cause, so first of all the child must be shown to a specialist.

Redness on the glans, glans in men, boys and itching of the foreskin

If you notice severe redness on the glans , slight redness of the glans in men and boys, incomprehensible redness of the head of the penis , noticeable redness of the head of the penis, redness on the glans and itching of the foreskin, redness around the head of the skin of the head of the penis, redness on the head of the penis, near the glans, under the head, on the head of a child boy, child, redness of the tip of the head after sex, white coating, slight redness, flaking of the head, under the head of the penis, around the head of the penis, edge of the head, skin, redness and dryness, rash, itching, burning, call doctor so that he can prescribe effective treatment.

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Photo: Shmeljov |\ The people depicted in the photo are models, do not suffer from the diseases described and/or all similarities are excluded.

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Postitis: treatment, inflammation of the penis, how to treat postitis, itching on the head, burning of the head, pain, redness

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Preventing rashes

In order to protect yourself from the occurrence of rashes on the penis, you should adhere to a number of rules:

● it is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, take a shower periodically, use exclusively personal hygiene items, and change your underwear frequently;

● avoid diaper rash and sweat accumulation in the groin;

● select suitable underwear;

● use special moisturizing creams, avoid dryness of the groin area;

● when visiting public saunas, baths, swimming pools, gyms, try to minimize contact with common objects and go only to places where a sufficient level of sanitation is maintained;

● exclude promiscuity and use barrier contraception;

● lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminate bad habits, eat a balanced diet;

● regularly undergo preventive examinations for diseases and infections.

Treatment methods

You should not try to treat rashes on the penis on your own. If this is caused by an infection or disease, there is a risk that incorrectly selected medications will give a blurred clinical picture and, subsequently, lead to chronicity of the disease. Therefore, when this pathology is detected, the only correct decision is to contact a specialist.

Before drawing up a treatment plan, the doctor will prescribe the patient to undergo the necessary laboratory tests - blood test, smear, scraping. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to choose an effective treatment method - medication or surgery.

Drug therapy includes:

● taking antibiotics for infectious diseases;

● local use of antifungal ointments and taking appropriate tablets for fungal infections;

● if there is a virus, use antiviral drugs and ointments;

● in case of an allergic reaction, avoid contact with the allergen and take antihistamines;

● disruption of the sebaceous glands can be corrected with special ointments.

It is often recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse during the treatment period. If itching and burning are present, taking a warm bath twice a day will help relieve symptoms. When swimming, you should use antibacterial hygiene products.

If it is not possible to solve the problem conservatively, surgical methods are used. Most often this concerns genital warts. In this case, surgical resection is supplemented by taking immunomodulatory drugs.

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