Top 10 Countries for a Profitable Dental Practice

There are a number of countries whose health services really pay a lot of attention to caring for the dental health of the population and offer dentists the best working conditions. These countries are ready to pay specialists more, therefore, many young (and not only) dentists are thinking about moving.

So if you are a dentist who wants to change environment/country/citizenship, move to a metropolis, rural area or, for example, closer to the beach, you should study this list.

The results below are based on the average annual salary for a dentist in a given country. Let's start with an honorable tenth place.


The average annual salary for a dentist is $73,600. In Australia, dentistry is one of the best sources of income in medicine. The Dental Council of Australia oversees dentistry in the country. To practice there, you must obtain a license and registration from this board. However, they will not grant registration to an international graduate until he or she has passed the ADC exams or completed two years of training and education at a local accredited dental school.

How treatment is carried out abroad: patient perceptions

Many people believe that it is better to undergo dental treatment abroad. Allegedly, more professional doctors work there, the most modern equipment is installed, and the highest quality and most durable materials are used. Plus, the most complex clinical cases are solved.

Most often they travel abroad for the purpose of dental implantation. Many patients believe that there they will receive original models of artificial roots from the best manufacturers in the world, for example, Nobel Biocare or Straumann. Plus, implantation procedures have been practiced abroad for a longer time than in Russia. All this together, according to patients and advertisers, guarantees long-lasting results and protects against errors and complications.

Expert opinion
Nikolay Vladimirovich Namdakov
Specializations: Oral and maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist, orthopedist

Experience: 18+

“20 years ago, the quality of paid dental care in Russia was really low. However, today the situation is radically different. Thus, in large cities (and especially in the capital) some of the best specialists in the world work, who constantly improve their skills, including abroad. A variety of treatment methods are practiced in our country, and the most complex clinical cases are solved. Here you can just as easily install original Nobel Biocare or Straumann implants, Hollywood Lumineers, prostheses made from the most modern materials, and also quickly find all the necessary components.”


The average annual salary for a dentist is as much as $176,000. This is a significant difference compared to other countries. It's no surprise that more and more dentists are moving to Spain. Not only are salaries almost double those of Switzerland, but the country has relatively low taxes and a lower cost of living. When it comes to money alone, Spain is obviously the best country to practice dentistry.

Of course, you should remember that average annual salary should not be the only factor in your decision to move. One must also take into account the cost of living, local culture and characteristics of potential patients, as well as the number of dentists per square kilometer in a particular region of the country.

What conditions have long been available in your homeland?

Many patients are interested in which country is better for dental treatment. In fact, experts believe that this can be successfully done almost anywhere in the world, including, of course, in Russia. But, of course, not in every clinic.

Sometimes it is better to choose a good specialist in your homeland

Today there are domestic dentistries that meet international quality standards. In them you can get services and conditions that were previously considered unique, which is why some patients sought treatment abroad. Let's list these points:

  • carrying out procedures under anesthesia or sedation,
  • one-stage dental implantation immediately after extraction or one-stage with a lack of jaw bone tissue and periodontitis, with fixed prosthetics in a short time,
  • the entire necessary set of medications and care products immediately after treatment,
  • turnkey treatment
  • 3D technologies[1] and digital diagnostics, optical technology (microscope), laser, smile modeling programs: all this ensures the accuracy of treatment and reduces the risks of complications. Using modeling programs, you can see the result even before the start of dental procedures,
  • escort of out-of-town patients, transfer, hotel accommodation,
  • the presence of a personal manager or curator responsible for working with each specific patient, always remaining in touch and resolving important issues,
  • comfortable environment, complete sterility,
  • service maintenance.

All this is available today in advanced clinics not only abroad, but also in Russia. For patients from the regions, it is easier to come to Moscow than to fly abroad, where the level of medicine today is no different at all.

The experience of a famous blogger about how all-on-4 implantation works at Smile-at-Once and why treatment in Russia is more profitable in all aspects than in the USA!

“My aunt has been living in Canada for 15 years. She talked about how teeth are treated abroad. It is insanely expensive even for local residents, not to mention visitors. And the attitude there is purely formal, everything is strict, but here in Russia it’s very soulful! But the quality in both places has long been equal. She and her husband, in order to save money, come to us for treatment in Moscow, and are always very happy!”

Maria R., review from the dental portal

How effective and safe are the most popular “cosmetic” dental procedures?

Dental restoration is the most popular aesthetic dentistry service today, aimed at restoring the natural appearance of teeth. It allows you to eliminate chips, cracks and unevenness on the teeth, restore tooth enamel, hide interdental gaps without the need to wear braces, correct the shape of the tooth and even visually align it in the dentition. To achieve this effect, the doctor applies a special material to the surface of the tooth or teeth - a photopolymer, which “sticks” to the enamel under the influence of light.

Dental restoration with photopolymer materials is a fairly effective and safe way to make your smile more beautiful. Usually, the dentist does not need to file away a large amount of enamel (if any) to make a correction - this allows you to preserve the maximum surface of your own tooth. Restoring a smile in this way does not take much time; the doctor can do it in one appointment. But the method also has limitations: the material is not as durable as, for example, veneers and crowns, and may not withstand heavy loads. This photopolymer also tends to get dirty from food and drinks. So, if you decide to make a restoration, it is better to carry it out on teeth that are little involved in chewing - for example, on the incisors and canines: they are least exposed to stress, and besides, it is these teeth that form the appearance of the smile. Also, people who have undergone dental restoration are advised to be more careful about their hygiene, using floss and mouthwash in addition to regular brushing.


is a more advanced way to restore a beautiful smile. When filling irregularities with photopolymer material does not cope with the task, the dentist can resort to installing special plates, veneers, on the surface of the teeth - they, as it were, create a new “facade”. Therefore, veneers are again installed mainly on the incisors and, possibly, on the fangs.

This procedure is more complicated than restoration: veneers are made individually from dental impressions, so it can take several weeks from your first visit to the dentist to your new smile. It is also, of course, more expensive than conventional restoration with photopolymers. And most importantly, it carries significant risks for dental health: the fact is that before installing veneers, part of the natural enamel is cut down - this is necessary in order to attach the plates to the teeth. This can make your teeth more sensitive to high and low temperatures, and if they develop tooth decay, they may need to be removed and replaced with crowns. Therefore, installation of veneers is not recommended for people with problem gums and teeth prone to caries. But despite the fact that after the first boom of veneers, doctors issued warnings about their danger to dental health, the popularity of veneers has not decreased. “I would say that interest in veneers has, on the contrary, increased in recent years: everything

they want a beautiful, wide, bright and snow-white smile - and, unfortunately, this cannot always be achieved with orthodontic treatment or whitening,” says Anastasia Markova, dentist at the Bernatsky Clinic (Queen Nella Clinic). The chief physician of the dental department of Meditsina JSC, Irina Erilina, adds that aesthetics is not the only reason to install veneers and, in addition to the risks, they can also bring benefits to dental health. “Increased fragility and wear of teeth is a good reason to protect them with a reliable ceramic veneer,” explains Erilina.


is the most controversial tool in the arsenal of aesthetic dentists. Not enough is known about the effectiveness and safety of many whitening agents, primarily due to a lack of high-quality placebo-controlled studies. Those that are used in dentists' offices work by containing hydrogen peroxide, but they also have significant side effects: increased tooth sensitivity, destruction of enamel and even the bone part of the tooth, dentin. Scientists advise dentists to warn patients about the possible consequences before suggesting they whiten their teeth. Also, for people who want to make their smile snow-white, it makes sense to think about home remedies: many of them contain hydrogen peroxide, but in a lower concentration - 10% versus 35% in professional products. At the same time, according to experiments, the difference in the degree of whitening is small and is visible only in the first week, but home kits are much more gentle and less likely to lead to enamel destruction.

The tools of orthodontists stand apart from purely aesthetic methods in dentistry - these are precisely the doctors who install braces, aligners and use other methods of bite correction. These procedures solve both aesthetic issues and health problems - teeth and more. Those who are not helped by simpler “cosmetic” dentistry should turn to the services of an orthodontist.

Popular countries

Korea, Germany, China, Israel, Canada - this is a list of countries that offer high-quality and safe dental services.

The latest technologies, high professionalism of doctors, robotic equipment are the hallmark of clinics in these countries of the world.

Compared to Russian dental clinics, they are strong competitors, capable of offering competitive prices for the services provided, as well as a decent level of service.

Experience and professionalism are the qualities that put such clinics in first place. The staff has a number of incentives to provide clients with more attentive, caring service:

  • permanent internships;
  • free training and advanced training;
  • decent salary.

Foreign specialists can offer a wide range of services to clients who turn to them for help:

  • installation of dentures and crowns;
  • carrying out operations requiring surgical intervention;
  • safe and painless tooth extraction mechanically or using a laser.

These are countries especially visited by tourists for medical examinations. They have rightfully earned positive customer reviews, recommendations and praise.

For example, Canada is one of the top three countries in terms of the quality of medical services. The provision of dental services here is carried out at the highest level.

Germany is also famous for dental clinics with affordable prices compared to the Russian Federation.

Innovative equipment, honesty and integrity, long-term guarantee are offered in Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal.

In Germany, decent service can be offered in the following cities:

  • Munich;
  • Hamburg;
  • Stuttgart;
  • Dusseldorf.

The most popular multidisciplinary dentists are concentrated in these cities, offering a whole range of services.

In China

China is a very developed country with high technology. People go to Chinese cities not only for tourism purposes, but also for quality medical care. Large dentists are located in Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan.

The advantages of visiting clinics in this country:

  • Korean, Japanese and German prosthetic systems;
  • very low prices compared to Russian clinics;
  • long-term warranty on materials;

The disadvantages include the following:

  • high cost of tickets to China;
  • The national language is one of the most difficult in the world.

Implantation in Chinese clinics is comfortable and fast. Usually within 1 day, regardless of the number of implants. Also, Russian dentistry will not be able to boast such low prices for the services provided.

Similar procedures in China will cost 50%-65% less. Many tourists claim that the cost of the trip to the clinic is offset by reasonable prices for treatment.

The secret of the popularity of Zimmer implants and the protocol for their installation. In this publication, we will find out together whether the price of Semados implants corresponds to their quality.

Here we will tell you how to install Konmet implants.

In Korea

Korea is a favorite destination for medical tourism. For vacationers here:

  • advanced technologies that are not available in European countries;
  • highly qualified personnel;
  • unique methods for dental implantation;
  • acceptable prices.

Clinics are located in Busan, Ulsan, Seoul.

Nanotechnology and the latest prosthetic systems are used here. The cost varies from 300 US dollars to 5000 depending on the complexity of the work and the name of the material.

The climate in Korea is favorable for visiting local dentists. Their advantages are as follows:

  • unique preparations for wound healing (on a natural basis);
  • a huge number of positive reviews from satisfied customers;
  • express system for dental treatment, implantation;
  • the use of combined techniques in dentistry, which allows us to treat both adults and children;
  • the presence of clinics with a special center for Russian-speaking citizens.

In Israel

Israel is not only a favorite country for pilgrims and tourists, but also a high-tech and developed state.

The country is known for its robotic implantation units, advanced and environmentally friendly materials. Clinics offer high-quality diagnostics of teeth and oral cavity.

The most popular dental centers are located in the cities of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem.

Here a foreign citizen can not only relax, but also spend time profitably and take care of his health. Clinics are accepted by appointment and on a first-come, first-served basis.

Among the main prides of Israeli clinics are the following:

  • the presence of unique equipment that has no analogues in other countries of the world;
  • the cost of services is not inflated, despite the quality and expensive materials;
  • implantation takes place in 1 day (despite the number of implants), when other dental clinics perform the same amount of work within 10 or 15 sessions;
  • medical personnel are employees who have undergone internships abroad or at home and have received certificates of suitability for the position being filled;
  • Israeli clinics value their reputation.

Israeli dental centers offer one-stage implantation. The price for one implant is from 850 euros to 1300 euros, crowns for an implant are wholesale 750 euros. The final cost can be found out in the selected Israeli clinic after examination and consultation with a doctor.

The video provides additional information about dental implantation in Israel.

Where to have your teeth treated?

People who live in the capital know that dental treatment in private clinics is expensive, but free under the policy - the quality of the services provided is poor. Then, how can you cure your teeth and still get quality without spending your entire salary?

Dental treatment.

I live in the Moscow region (urban-type settlement) and do not go to our outpatient clinic for dental treatment. Several times I used the services of private dental clinics in Moscow, the price tag here is high.

For example, for installing a filling they charged me 7,000 rubles (plus anesthesia). Cleaning the teeth of the entire oral cavity costs about 3,000 rubles.

Dental tourism

I thought about this question: can I save money on dental treatment? And I found a way out. There is a website called Dentatur - dental tourism to the city of Ryazan. I decided to use it. The company cooperates with the Prime clinic. You can look at reviews about her on the Internet, find pages on social networks, and also see interviews from various television channels. The director of the clinic is Yakovlev Pavel Alekseevich.

So, you need to call the company by phone, tell them the date and what you plan to do: cure the tooth, teeth cleaning or some other service. This day must be made free. Then the manager contacts the clinic in the city of Ryazan and agrees on a date with the doctor.

You can say that you are very afraid of doctors, and they will sign you up to see a family specialist who works with children and also knows well the psychology of cowardly people. I count myself among such people.

Next, the manager contacts you and informs you of the time for which you were booked. After this, you need to pay 890 rubles to your cell phone, and the operator will send by mail tickets for the Moscow-Ryazan express train (they will need to be printed), which takes 3 hours one way from the Kazan station. In the morning there are very few people, some sleep in two places. Drinks and food are served on the train.

A taxi must meet you upon arrival. But there is a problem with the receiving party - taxi drivers refuse to pick up a person who does not pay for the trip (although they have been paid for it in advance). There are many male taxi drivers around, but their prices can be quite high, since visiting people do not know the distance and the actual price for the route. You can also get there by minibus, but you have to ask where and which one goes, wait, and time goes by.

The clinic is located at a distance from the train station, so it is better to use the Yandex taxi service.

The easiest way is to call a taxi using the app and wait. This service is not developed in Ryazan. A taxi will come and take you to the specified address. Payment will be slightly higher than 100 rubles.

What are the prices?

When I came to get a filling, they charged me about 3,000 rubles. I recently came to have my teeth cleaned, and, in addition, they put a special gel on my tooth and took a picture to see the condition of my teeth in 3D format. I paid 2200 rubles for everything.

Payment for my treatment.

I had a return train ticket for 16-40. Therefore, when I left the clinic, I crossed the road and went to the bus stop. I took a minibus, the fare for which cost 23 rubles, and went to the museum (I asked people which minibus goes in that direction). I found the museum through Yandex map.

Then I visited the shopping center, walked around, and went to the Skovoroda cafe. For the first, second and tea I paid 160 rubles. Then I walked to the railway station, which is called “Ryazan 1”, and boarded my train. There were more people than in the morning.

What problems does anti-age dentistry solve?

Bite correction

With age, the height of the bite decreases and the tone of the muscles of the face and neck changes. Because of this, the oval of the face “sinks” and the number of wrinkles increases. They can be smoothed out using cosmetic procedures, but the effect will be temporary. It is much better to deal with the root cause - an uneven bite, advises dentist Kushch.

“The height of the bite and the lower part of the face is increased with veneers, crowns or by restoring missing teeth. For the latter, implants or fixed prostheses are most often used. In addition, veneers and crowns restore the anatomically correct height, width and shape of teeth. If you reduce the tissue of the upper jaw, the upper lip will also drop, and the teeth at the top will become almost invisible. The correct bite will be reflected in the oval of the face: it will become clearer,” says the specialist.

Enamel treatment

The dental hygienist corrects the shade of the enamel, removes darkening, and remineralizes the teeth, the expert says. Teeth become healthy: cracks, chips and abrasions disappear. Thanks to these procedures, your smile is healthy and bright, just like in your youth.

Relaxation of the masticatory muscles

Two methods are used for this: TENS therapy and Botox. The first is electrical neurostimulation through the skin, says Oleg Kushch. With the help of electrical impulses coming from electrodes, painful and tense muscles are affected. The impulses influence the production of endorphins, chemicals that block pain.

“Botox also reduces tension in the facial muscles. Botulinum toxin blocks impulses sent from the nerve to the muscle. As a result, she becomes less active. The face returns to its usual oval,” explains the dentist.

It was inherited. What dental abnormalities can a person be born with? More details

Advantages and disadvantages

No matter how rosyly all the delights of implantation abroad are painted, there are still “pitfalls” that our compatriots definitely need to know about.

Foreign dental centers have both positive and negative qualities. The advantages include:

  • Equipment. Using only patented and high-tech equipment that meets quality and safety standards;
  • Staff . Qualified and trained personnel;
  • Implantation systems . Application of modern systems and methods of dental treatment, high-quality and proven material;
  • Increased attention. Sensitive and caring attitude towards the client, free consultations on the services provided, comfortable and convenient interior, calm atmosphere;
  • Obligations. The warranty period for implants is from 10 to 20 years;
  • Advanced pharmacology. The use of unique drugs of natural origin, sold exclusively in one country;
  • Ideal conditions. Dentists have their own laboratory.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Language barrier. Availability of staff who speak exclusively their native language;
  • Price policy. Prices for some services are quite high (you should also take into account the cost of travel, accommodation and food during treatment);
  • Climatic conditions. In the country where the dental clinic is located, there may be an unfavorable climate or sanitary situation (travel requires vaccinations, consultation with a doctor);
  • Nuances of the treatment period. Some diseases require long-term treatment (more than 1 visit); dental implantation requires several visits to the dentist and further checking by a doctor of the healing process (you need to calculate your income and expenses);
  • The work of intermediaries. Expensive cost of flight, translation and accompanying person services.

Prices for dental implantation in Belarus

Belarus is famous for its low prices for dental services. Due to the crisis in this country in 2015, prices for everything have dropped significantly.

Public dentistry is also widespread in Miska. In such institutions, the quality of services and the condition of equipment is controlled by the state.

The average cost of such a service is around 15,000-19,000 rubles. This is about 2 times cheaper than in a Russian private clinic.

Let me sum it up

I am 34 years old and still have a baby tooth. This is an inheritance from my father. He is now 50 and also has a baby tooth. And when I was 22, he was there too. Many doctors in Moscow offer to remove it and insert an implant, that is, in essence, they want to scam me out of money. The tooth does not hurt, there is a filling on it, and they offer me to remove a healthy tooth. And in general, paid dentists often look at teeth with fillings and offer to redo something there.

There was one doctor in my practice who believed that a woman should not do freezing - it is harmful to the body. She put the filling “on the spot.” It's a shame that doctors like this exist.

Nowadays, every person has a choice. If you have no money at all, you can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy and have your teeth treated at the clinic. If you have the means, time and desire, you can go on a dental tour. Many Muscovites save on going to the dentist in this way.

Read reviews of doctors and clinics on the Internet. At the reception, pay attention to the words and how the information is presented. Choose for yourself which method of dental treatment is best for you.

Treatment and gum surgery

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the entire jaw, and not just the teeth. There are certain procedures that help change the visible edge of the gums and the position of the lips, warns Oleg Kushch. In addition, they relieve inflammation and bleeding. Gums are treated using laser surgery. In the process, missing parts of the gums are built up or growths are cut off.

“First, this procedure reduces the risk of gingivitis, a chronic inflammation of the gums. Secondly, it helps to achieve a symmetrical contour of the gums on identical teeth, which changes with age. This is how the smile becomes healthy and harmonious,” notes the doctor.

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