Teeth whitening zoom: what is it, features, results


The Zoom whitening procedure is based on the use of gels with a high content of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. To activate such a drug, a special lamp is used, the main light spectrum of which is in the ultraviolet zone. Under the influence of light, the gel begins to heat up and release active oxygen ions, which penetrate deep into the dental tissues and destroy coloring pigments. As a result, the enamel acquires a beautiful natural white color.

Is this type of teeth whitening harmful? Subject to all safety rules and procedure technology, the dentist can guarantee the safety of manipulations and harmlessness to tooth enamel. But you can whiten with the Zoom system no more often than once every six months.

Before the whitening procedure, you must undergo a thorough examination by a dentist. If dental or gum disease is detected, it is necessary to undergo treatment and, in some cases, postpone the procedure until complete recovery. It is advisable to have the enamel professionally cleaned of tartar and other deposits within a few days. This will allow the gel to penetrate the tissue more actively and the lightening effect will be more pronounced.

The procedure itself with the preparatory stage takes 1.5-2 hours:

  1. Before whitening, the doctor determines the initial color of the enamel using the standardized VITA scale and discusses with the patient the shade that will be optimal for him.
  2. For the safety of the patient, before dental surgery, lips and cheeks are treated with a special cream with protection from ultraviolet radiation and fixed with a special retractor. It is mandatory to wear protective glasses on the patient's eyes to prevent burns.
  3. A composition is applied to the gums along the contour of the teeth, instantly hardening in air, which prevents the active gel from getting on the delicate mucous membranes.
  4. The gel is applied directly to the surface of the 10 upper and 10 lower teeth (“smile zone”) in an even, thin layer.
  5. A Zoom lamp is brought close to the teeth, which is fixedly fixed to a tripod. Its light falls exclusively on the bleached area.
  6. After 20 minutes, the remaining gel is carefully removed and the drug is applied again. The bleaching procedure is repeated. In total it includes 3 cycles.
  7. After the procedure is completed, the gel and protective substance are removed. A remineralizing solution is applied to the tooth enamel, which will help the teeth recover and reduce the likelihood of increased sensitivity.

How is whitening performed using the Amazing White system?

There are two Amazing White teeth whitening methods – classic and professional.

Classic whitening can be carried out at home using weakly concentrated hydrogen peroxide according to special instructions, strictly following all the rules. A patient who wants to independently carry out a treatment and prophylactic procedure can buy Amazing White for teeth whitening

online on the website of specialized stores. After the classic procedure, the result of lightening the dental crown up to 5 tones is observed.

Professional whitening is performed in dental centers using more concentrated hydrogen peroxide. This composition allows you to lighten tooth enamel by 8-9 shades.

How the professional Amazing White procedure is performed:

1. Removing bacterial film from tooth enamel through soft grinding.

2. Treatment of the oral mucosa with a special product containing vitamin complexes.

3. Apply the gel to the dental crowns with a special applicator.

4. Surface treatment using an LED lamp (15 minutes).

5. The applied product is washed off with water, after which the dental crowns are dried.

Up to 3 applications of the gel are performed in one session. Upon completion of the treatment and prophylactic procedure, the dentist performs fluoridation of the teeth, which helps strengthen the enamel and consolidates the result of crown whitening.

After the procedure, the patient needs to follow some of the doctor’s care recommendations to maintain the whitening results for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

Photo whitening using Zoom technology has become widely known and widespread due to a large list of advantages :

  1. Teeth whitening is possible even in severe cases, when the darkening of the enamel is caused not only by drinking coffee or smoking, but also by taking antibiotics and fluorosis.
  2. It is possible to lighten the enamel by 8-12 tones, which is practically unattainable with other systems.
  3. You can restore the whiteness of your smile in one visit to the dentist’s office, since the procedure takes only 60 minutes.
  4. The effect lasts for 5 years.

Despite all the positive aspects listed above, this whitening system also has some disadvantages :

  1. The procedure may cause some discomfort and even pain in the patient due to heating of dental tissues under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. In case of accidental contact, the active gel has an aggressive effect on the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  3. After whitening, increased sensitivity of tooth enamel to temperature and acid may persist for several days.
  4. In some cases, it is possible to develop a “over-whitening” effect, when teeth acquire an unnatural matte white color.


The teeth whitening method using Zoom 3 technology is in demand in dentistry due to its unique features:

  • During the procedure, a lamp and drugs of the same brand are used, which ensures an optimal combination of hardware and medicinal effects.
  • Hydrogen peroxide makes up only a quarter of the gel’s composition, so its effect on dental tissue is as gentle as possible.
  • Before and after the manipulation, the teeth are treated with a product that contains calcium phosphate, which restores the structure of the enamel and reduces its sensitivity.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and an alkaline ingredient (the basic components of the gel) are in different syringes. Mixing of the components occurs immediately at the time of application: the peroxide is neutralized, the enamel is not destroyed.

The main advantage of the method is a significant cosmetic effect. According to patient reviews, there are no dissatisfied results. If you properly care for your teeth and follow the recommendations of dentists, the wonderful color will last up to five years. Important advantages include the painlessness of the procedure and the speed of achieving the desired effect (maximum two hours, taking into account preliminary preparation).

Who is the Zoom technology contraindicated for?

The Zoom system is by far the most modern technique. But even this is not suitable for all patients.

Main contraindications:

  • patient age under 18 years;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • history of allergic reactions to substances used in teeth whitening;
  • mental illness, epilepsy;
  • defects and chips of enamel;
  • untreated caries;
  • increased gag reflex;
  • the patient has diseases accompanied by increased photosensitivity;
  • taking medications that increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation: tetracycline, ibuprofen, phenothiazines, hormonal oral contraceptives;
  • melanoma and other malignant neoplasms;
  • the patient undergoing photochemotherapy or ultraviolet radiation treatment.

In what cases is the technique not used?

This advanced technology to achieve brilliant white teeth is not indicated for use in the following cases:

  • The presence of caries, many fillings, dentures.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.
  • Hypersensitivity of teeth.

In addition, teeth whitening in this way can only be done by adults (over 18 years of age).

Certain contraindications are relative. You can cure caries and eliminate increased tooth sensitivity (by taking a therapeutic course at a dental clinic).

Latest Zoom 3 technologies

Technologies of previous generations Zoom 1 and Zoom 2 differed little from other photobleaching systems. They used standard gels with a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 35%. In addition, such whitening was not entirely safe for the enamel, since the acid included in the gel additionally washed minerals from the teeth and contributed to their destruction.

But several years ago, an improved modification of the whitening system was released onto the dental market - Philips Zoom 3 . It takes into account all the shortcomings of previous technologies, which makes whitening as safe and comfortable as possible for patients.

Features of the Zoom 3 system:

  • The bleaching process uses equipment and reagents from the same manufacturer, which guarantees their maximum compatibility. This is due to the fact that the gel contains components that are fully activated only in the spectrum of the “native” lamp.
  • Unlike previous generations of systems, where the use of outdated lamps could lead to a lack of whitening effect and a negative impact on the patient, the Philips Zoom whitening device has a short lifespan without replacing the ultraviolet lamp. This guarantees effectiveness and safety for patients.
  • The Zoom 3 system uses a gel with a minimum concentration of hydrogen peroxide - 25%. This allows you to achieve excellent whitening results in a mode that is gentle on the enamel.
  • Patented two-component gel storage system. One syringe contains hydrogen peroxide in an acidic environment, the other contains an alkalizing component. When applied to teeth, both parts mix, the acid is neutralized and does not destroy tooth enamel.
  • Before and after the Zoom 3 whitening procedure, teeth undergo additional treatment with the innovative Relief gel, which contains amorphous calcium phosphate. The application of such a drug helps restore the normal structure of the enamel and reduce its sensitivity to negative influences. As a preventive measure for caries, patients are recommended to additionally use Relief gel at home.

Amazing White system – advantages, features, indications

An innovative method of whitening tooth enamel, Amazing White occupies a leading position in the ranking of the best dental techniques aimed at restoring the snow-white color of tooth enamel. The technique is based on the use of a special gel containing an active substance - hydrogen peroxide, which effectively lightens the tooth crown without compromising the integrity of the tissue structure.

Home whitening

In-office whitening is a very effective procedure, but quite expensive. That's why Philips Zoom has released products that allow you to whiten your tooth enamel in your own home: Day White and Nite White. The set includes the same two-component gel and amorphous calcium phosphate. Such systems are more affordable and more comfortable to use.

Disadvantages of such systems in comparison with professional whitening:

  • the ability to whiten teeth by only 2-4 shades;
  • the need for regular use of the gel for several weeks, since without activation by light it is less active and acts much more slowly;
  • the need to wear a mouth guard for several hours during the day (Day White) or all night (Night White);
  • the result lasts up to 12 months.

Where to do Zoom teeth whitening in Moscow

Mitino Dental Center offers professional teeth whitening services with Zoom 4 gel at an affordable price. All doctors of the clinic are specialists with extensive experience, and all manipulations and procedures are carried out only with the help of modern equipment. Therefore, we guarantee our patients comfort and maximum safety.

For a consultation or to make an appointment with a dentist, fill out the online form on the website or call +8(499)370-48-81.

Dental care after surgery

After teeth have been given dazzling whiteness in the dentist’s office, the patient must follow some rules:

  1. For the first 7 days after whitening, avoid eating too hot or cold foods, as well as foods with a high acid content.
  2. After teeth whitening, you should minimize your consumption of coffee, strong black tea and red wine. And it’s better to quit smoking altogether.
  3. Visit your dentist regularly for professional teeth cleaning and treatment of any problems that arise.
  4. Use high-quality toothpastes, toothbrushes and flosses for regular hygiene, which will ensure complete removal of food debris and prevent the deposition of plaque, which can significantly worsen the color of the enamel.

Saving the effect

It has been proven that professional whitening using the Zoom system allows you to keep your teeth white for 5 years after the procedure. But this is only possible with proper oral care, otherwise the shade of the enamel will change within six months.

You should not smoke, drink coffee, or eat foods that contain natural or artificial dyes. You also need:

  • during the first week (or better yet, a month) do not eat extremely cold or hot food;
  • brush your teeth daily with special toothpastes, use mouthwash and dental floss;
  • rinse your mouth thoroughly after eating for several minutes;
  • Before going to bed, put on a mouth guard with a soothing paste;
  • visit the dentist twice a year to prevent the formation of caries and periodontal disease;
  • carry out fluoridation and remineralization of enamel to maintain its thickness;
  • undergo professional dental cleaning procedures;
  • periodically whiten your teeth at home using special trays and gels recommended by your dentist.

What to choose: Zoom or laser whitening?

A patient who decides to whiten his teeth always faces the question of which method to prefer.

When comparing the Zoom system and laser whitening, you should rely on several criteria:

  • Duration of the procedure . Here both systems are equal. In both cases, the operation lasts about an hour. In this case, the Zoom lamp affects all teeth simultaneously, and the laser acts on each of the teeth being whitened individually.
  • Whitening effect . Both methods, depending on natural data, can lighten tooth enamel up to 12 tones according to the standardized VITA scale.
  • Duration of effect . After Zoom, the whiteness of the enamel lasts up to 4-5 years, while laser whitening allows the smile to remain snow-white for up to 6-7 years. But if hygiene rules are not followed, in both cases the time frame can be significantly reduced.
  • Effect on enamel . Zoom whitening is not always safe for enamel and, if the technology is not followed, can lead to overheating and destruction. The laser technique is more gentle; it does not injure dental tissues, does not cause them to heat up, and helps to compact the enamel.
  • Feelings during the procedure . Laser whitening does not cause any discomfort to patients. When using Zoom technology, there may be increased tooth sensitivity and minor pain.
  • Cost of whitening . The leader here is the Zoom technique, since the price of the laser method can be several times higher.

When choosing the Zoom system for teeth whitening, the patient must be confident in its safety. Therefore, it is worth choosing a clinic that has an official certificate for working with this technique, which monitors the condition of the equipment and can provide a guarantee for all work performed. Otherwise, instead of a dazzling smile, you can get not only a spoiled mood, but also serious health problems.

Cost of the procedure

The price of Zoom teeth whitening depends on the selected range of services and the materials used.

Any violation of the whitening protocol in order to reduce the price can lead to complications.

The Smile Dent clinic is equipped with modern equipment and certified materials. The clinic’s specialists will provide consultations and tell you all the nuances of the procedure, as well as provide the most comfortable conditions for the procedure. By contacting our clinic you will not regret it, as you will receive high-quality services and long-term results.

What determines the price of the service?

It is necessary to understand that advanced technology, which includes high-quality and durable individual consumables, cannot be cheap. The price includes the labor of highly qualified specialists and junior medical staff.

If you have chosen this procedure, you must be confident in its quality and safety. Therefore, pay attention to dentistry that is certified to work using this technology.

Many clinics invite clients to free preliminary consultations and offer a flexible pricing system, various discounts and promotions. Very often, promotions include free cleaning of plaque and mineralized deposits.

The procedure is carried out several days before whitening - the gums should not bleed or cause discomfort. Modern dentistry actively cooperates with banks, so if necessary, you can take out a loan for the clinic’s services.

Prices for whitening with advanced technology depend on many factors, primarily on the initial condition and color of the teeth, the volume of work and usually start from 4000 - 5000 rubles . Those with teeth with natural “yellowness” are recommended to carry out the procedure in several stages, which undoubtedly increases the cost of the procedure.

Do not forget about the fillings installed before the procedure, because... During whitening, only the tooth enamel is lightened, and fillings and crowns do not change their color and will be in color dissonance with the color of the tooth enamel. In this case, the price increases due to dental restoration.

We recommend that you read reviews about laser teeth whitening here and find out what patients say who have regained their dazzling smile within the walls of dentistry.

Real photos before and after Zoom whitening

Teeth whitening “Zoom” helps to achieve a guaranteed result within a couple of hours. The photo shows the actual results of enamel lightening using this technology.

Whitening with the Zoom system allows each person to smile confidently again, pose for photos and not be afraid to open their mouth wide during a conversation. This procedure has many positive reviews and solves not only dental, but also psychological problems.


The best confirmation of the effectiveness and safety of Zoom 3 whitening is the grateful reviews of patients who have used the innovative technology.

The modern approach guarantees excellent long-term results and a dazzling smile that fully meets your expectations!

On this page you can share your impressions of the high-tech procedure, leave reviews and tips that will help visitors to our site.

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