Dental filling as the main method of caries treatment

Many patients do not know that they can put fillings on their front teeth. Its goal is not only to eliminate defects, but also to restore anatomical, physiological and aesthetic properties.

The procedure is quite popular. In order for the result to please the patient, it is necessary to choose a competent specialist with extensive experience. A professional will select the necessary material individually for each type of teeth and install the product so that it will not be noticeable in the smile area.

Installing a temporary filling

A filling between the front teeth is often placed due to carious lesions. For several days, it protects healthy tissues and nerve endings from external influences.

After a session of cleaning the canals and removing the nerve, the structure is replaced with a permanent one.

Life time

temporary product depends on the need for installation. As a rule, it is worn for no more than one month. Lasts about three days if arsenic is present.

When treating pulpitis or advanced stages of caries, the reaction of the unit is checked. Antibiotics are applied under the material. In this case, you need to walk for at least three weeks. The installation method is identical.

The following can be used as the main material:

  • polycarboxylate cement,
  • dentine,
  • vinoxol,
  • karyosan,
  • softened paste

Types of filling materials

Material typeVarietiesDescription
Cement– Zinc phosphate – Silicate – Glass ionomerCurrently, of all types of cement fillings, only glass ionomer fillings are actively used, since they provide good mechanical and chemical bonding with tooth tissues. Zinc-phosphate fillings tend to shrink, so they are almost never used when filling teeth for caries. Silicate materials are considered toxic and also have restrictions in their use.
Metal– Gold – Copper – SilverThey are distinguished by high quality and a very large margin of safety. On the other hand, amalgam fillings shrink over time and are not always airtight, which can lead to the development of secondary caries. Due to low aesthetic indicators, they are used for filling chewing teeth.
Composite materials– Acrylic – Epoxy – Light-curing – Chemical-curingComposite fillings are obtained by mixing organic and inorganic elements. Due to the noticeable disadvantages of filling teeth with composite materials (rapid wear and toxicity for acrylic ones, fragility for epoxy ones), the first two types of fillings are practically not used. Light-curing composites are considered the best: they quickly harden under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and can be used in any part of the jaw. The procedure is often called light dental filling.
CompomerIt is a kind of hybrid of glass ionomer and compositeVery aesthetic and high-quality fillings, which are most often used in the frontal region when restoring teeth after chips. Their only drawback is fragility.
Materials for temporary fillings– Artificial dentin – Soft dentin paste – Cariosan (cement) – Vinoxol (zinc oxide based)They are often placed during pulpitis to check the reaction of the tooth, as well as after filling root canals until a permanent filling is installed. Temporary fillings are also used when filling a tooth under a crown.

Replacing a filling

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change fillings on the front teeth. Replacement is due if it is fixed:

  • Violation of the integrity of the closure of the carious cavity. This process provokes infection.
  • Vertical or horizontal shrinkage of material.
  • Heavy load due to chewing. Because of this, destruction occurs.
  • The development of periodontal tissue diseases - gingivitis, periodontitis.
  • Overhang of the edges on the gum.
  • Wear due to flat occlusal surface.
  • Change in the shade of an artificial tooth (usually darkening).
  • Poor quality of oral hygiene.
  • Diastema of the frontal units.
  • Changing the inclination.
  • Insufficient cleaning of dental plaque in the area adjacent to adjacent molars.

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1 What is a modern tooth filling?

2 What factors influence the cost of a tooth filling in Moscow?

3 Filling on a tooth: prices

4 Filling on a tooth, before and after photos:

5 Types of dental fillings that are in demand today 5.1 Main characteristics of temporary fillings

5.2 Permanent filling: features

6 What stages does installation include?

7 Is anesthesia necessary in all cases?

8 A tooth hurts under a filling, what measures should I take?

Painfulness of the procedure

Most people are afraid of the procedure precisely because of toothache, but modern technology and the use of anesthesia eliminate this ailment.

The session is completely painless. To reduce the likelihood of discomfort, all manipulations are carried out after the administration of an anesthetic. If there is no nerve, the procedure is performed without anesthesia. The patient may feel slight pressure on the gum.

An exception is intolerance to certain medications used for anesthesia. The choice is made in favor of a similar drug with a different active substance.

After the injection, no painful sensations are observed.

It hurts if there is a strong inflammatory process at the root apex and in the canals. Unpleasant sensations occur only when the drug gets into the periodontal tissues. They go away instantly after increasing the dosage of the painkiller.

Some pain is possible if there is a deep stage of carious lesions, depulpation or canal treatment is performed, or sensitivity is increased.

What anesthesia is used?

Anesthesia is not necessary during tooth filling. If the lesions are small, the filling procedure can be performed without pain relief. Often it does not cause any discomfort to the patient and is carried out quite quickly.

In cases where the lesion has many lesions or is very deep, the patient may be given local anesthesia. To do this, one or more injections are made into the gum near the diseased tooth.

In some cases, general anesthesia may be used. However, it is used extremely rarely. Usually it is resorted to when it is necessary to carry out treatment in young children or patients who are terrified of such interventions.

Installation on the front teeth

The procedure takes from half an hour to an hour and a half, depending on the complexity of the problem.

The stages of setting up the frontal units are as follows:

  • Carrying out professional oral hygiene. The hygienist cleans the molars and interdental space from plaque.
  • Determination of tone.
  • Introduction of anesthesia. The anesthetic is selected taking into account the patient's tolerance to the active substance. The injection is given in the gum area.
  • Removal of caries. If the pathology affects only the superficial layers, then the disease is eliminated by grinding.
  • Removal of the inflamed area of ​​the pulp.
  • Preparing the plane. The dentist treats the surface with a drill.
  • Acid and adhesive treatment of dentin and enamel for better adhesion.
  • Treatment with an antiseptic solution. This point is important in order to reduce the risk of microbial development.
  • Application of material. It hardens quickly, so it is important to “shrink” it immediately with a special tool.
  • Bite check. To do this, the doctor asks the patient to bite down on a plate of dye. When a certain area of ​​this element is painted, a violation is considered.
  • Performing grinding and polishing of the artificial surface for proper bite and ideal smoothness.

When restoring the anterior dentition, diastema closure is often performed. This is possible if the spaces between the central molars are small. More material is applied to the incisors to increase their width. Thus, the distance between them disappears.

Why fill it?

Filling is an effective way to restore the anatomical shape of a tooth and its functions. The primitive method of treatment first appeared in the 1st century BC, and low-melting lead was used as a working material. Since those times, dentistry has changed dramatically, and today the strongest and completely safe quick-hardening mixtures are used to install fillings. They are as reliable as possible and look aesthetically pleasing, practically indistinguishable in tone from dental tissue.

If a tooth is destroyed by injury or disease, installing a filling will help restore its integrity. This is a common procedure for both the doctor and the patient. Tooth restoration with a filling is required in many cases:

  • enamel is destroyed by caries;
  • the appearance of non-carious lesions;
  • The filling is placed after root canal treatment.

If you do not seek timely dental care, the tissues will continue to deteriorate and an infection may appear in the oral cavity, which will harm the entire body.

Important! Many patients delay visiting the dentist after noticing small black spots or a small hole in the molars. Delay is fraught with serious consequences, including tooth loss.

Types of fillings for front teeth

The design on the frontal incisors must have such properties as resistance to abrasion and destruction, biocompatibility, thermal conductivity to protect against exposure to different temperatures, and matching the enamel in structure and shade.

There are several types of materials. They have their own characteristics:

  • Cement silicophosphate
    (zinc phosphate or polycarboxylate) material. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the low cost. However, there are many more disadvantages: Firstly, fixation and adherence to the walls is insufficient. Secondly, the color is noticeably different, since the cement quickly acquires a yellowish tint. Thirdly, the surface of the artificially created unit is poorly polished.
  • Composite
    The structure, shape and color of a natural incisor are most clearly conveyed. It is characterized by increased strength. The downside is the risk of roughness if the material is not mixed well.
  • Plastic.
    Its advantages include a tight fit, aesthetic component and mechanical strength of the material. The color palette is wide and you can easily choose a shade to match the color of your teeth. The negative aspects are that the plastic darkens and turns yellow, the surface gradually becomes rough, acrylic releases toxins and also shrinks.

When choosing, you need to know how long different types of fillings last. Cement is short-lived. Their service life does not exceed one and a half years. Plastic products last up to three years. Good composite fillings last up to five years.

Reviews from patients and dentists

Dentists have different opinions about various fillings, but they agree that it is not so much the material that is important, but the quality of the installation. A cement filling installed in free dentistry can last more than twenty years, provided that the procedure is carried out competently and in compliance with all technologies. At the same time, a filling made from an expensive photopolymer, if installed incorrectly, can fall out of the tooth in just a couple of weeks. Experts advise paying attention first of all to the doctor who will perform the procedure and his level of professionalism.

Category Dental filling Posted by Mister stomatolog

The best choice of fillings for front teeth

The filling must close the cavity and prevent infection of the canals. In the case of front teeth, the aesthetic aspect comes to the fore, so the material must have the appropriate properties.

The most durable fillings for damaged front teeth are light products

. They are made from a material that hardens under ultraviolet rays. The composition contains heliocomposite, glass-ceramic filler, and resin.

Durability of photopolymers

Photopolymers are characterized by increased strength. They can last up to 10 years. They are resistant to temperature, restore length and shape.

Reflective filling has many advantages


  • Eating food and water is allowed immediately.
  • Increased adhesive ability.
  • Plastic. The material allows you to clean out any pores and cracks.
  • Layer-by-layer application. Due to this, the grip is enhanced.
  • The percentage of shrinkage is minimal compared to chemical analogues.
  • Does not release toxins.
  • Possibility of fixing in a small area.
  • Possibility of choosing a color that is similar to enamel.


is high cost. As a result of the use of a UV lamp, the price does not allow the use of a light filling as a temporary structure.

Contraindications for filling

There are very few contraindications to filling. Usually they are limited to recommendations for the use of a specific type of filling, since they may be allergic to others.

Other contraindications include the following:

  • subgingival destruction, which limits access to the damaged area and also makes it impossible to isolate this area from saliva;
  • the presence of bruxism in the patient, which is accompanied by frequent grinding of teeth for no reason, as a result of which fresh fillings are quickly destroyed;
  • increased tooth abrasion, which will also quickly render the filling unusable.

In addition, filling is not carried out when more than 1/3 of the tooth is damaged by caries. In this case, the doctor may recommend its removal with further use of the implant. Another solution may be to use a crown, which is placed on a completely cleaned tooth.

Yellowing of fillings on front teeth

Patients often experience discoloration of artificial units.


Common causes of pathology are:

  • Getting injured.
  • Secondary caries.
  • Drinking black tea or coffee.
  • Smoking.

Darkening is possible when the nerve is removed.

Correction methods

The first step is to carry out the whitening procedure. You can get rid of yellowing only with photopolymers. Only if the structure has lightened slightly does it need to be replaced.

Whitening methods

Photopolymers are bleached using the in-channel method. A special gel is injected into the root canal and a temporary structure is placed. After 2-3 procedures, the shade becomes lighter, and the structure is replaced with a permanent one.

Lost filling on a front tooth


The reason for material loss may be:

  • Neglect of oral hygiene and, as a result, plaque formation.
  • Untimely removal of tartar.
  • Inflammation of the pulp.
  • Mechanical injuries.
  • Chewing food with frontal incisors.
  • Poor tooth preparation before the procedure.
  • Eating seeds, nuts, etc.
  • Excessive load on the front units. For example, opening lids, chewing threads, etc.

Elimination methods

With high-quality elimination of carious cavities, correction is carried out within a month. If the product was placed in the treatment of deep caries, then you should immediately contact the dentist to exclude an infectious process.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of the loss. If there is repeated caries or loss of a pulpless tooth, re-installation does not make sense. The doctor suggests installing a pin or crown.

What to do if a piece of the filling breaks off

In this case, you should immediately visit a dentist

. The doctor will correct the problem in one visit if no spread of secondary caries is noticed.

If the chip occurs from the edge, then the restoration is carried out with the same material that was originally used. If a significant part has broken off, the doctor suggests changing the material or performing a complete restoration and extension.

Possible complications

Complications after filling occur if the doctor did not properly clean the tooth cavity of caries. This can lead to a recurrence of the lesion, which will then pass under the filling and go unnoticed. As a result, significant damage to the tooth can occur.

Another complication is associated with breaking off the edges of the tooth after the filling shrinks. To avoid it, the doctor must carefully remove all overhanging edges of the enamel.

Also, in case of poor-quality grinding, the patient may experience overbite, which will lead to significant discomfort. However, this problem can be solved very quickly by visiting the doctor again.

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The filling on the front teeth interferes after treatment

In some cases, the design on the frontal incisors prevents the mouth from closing completely; the roughness injures the tongue or the mucous membrane of the lips.


Trouble arises if sufficient grinding and grinding of the excess surface has not been carried out.

Much less commonly, the cause is an excess of applied material when correcting the interdental gap on the front teeth.

The rarest situation occurs when the wall between the filling and the pulp chamber is thinned. There is a feeling of discomfort that irritates the nerve.


Ignoring pathology can lead to unpleasant consequences. For example:

  • The high position of the artificial structure causes a lot of pressure on the jaw. Pulpitis and periodontitis gradually develop.
  • Increases the likelihood of chipping.
  • Uneven closing of the jaw contributes to its dislocation and other diseases of the temporomandibular apparatus.
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