How to talk about toothache? 12 proven old ways

Conspiracies > For toothache for yourself

Everyone is afraid of toothache because it literally takes over your mind and makes you feel like you are being tortured. Moreover, it can begin at night, when there is no opportunity to buy pills or visit the dentist. And not all drugs relieve pain. How to quickly solve the problem? We invite you to familiarize yourself with 10 strong white Spells for toothache for yourself, acting at a distance, which work instantly and act immediately. Find out how to read them at home without consequences.

  • Toothache spell for yourself
  • Water spell
  • A spell to quickly eliminate toothache
  • Spell for nettles
  • Conspiracy to the Moon
  • Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova
  • Strong spell for toothache
  • Conspiracy against Panteleimon
  • Conspiracy against Matrona of Moscow

Toothache and magic

Toothache usually strikes a person at the most inopportune time. As a rule, usually in the middle of the night, in the evening or on weekends, when the dental office is not available for visiting. So you have to walk around with aching pain until it goes away on its own or becomes so bad that you need to urgently run to the dentist.

How to pacify toothache on your own? In this situation, magic will come to our aid. A spell for toothache can be used at any time of the day.

But you need to realize that with the help of magic you can only ease the pain for a while. But the cause of this very pain can only be eliminated by a qualified doctor. So sooner or later, a visit to the dentist is inevitable, it’s only a matter of time.

With the help of magic, you can charm a toothache so that it subsides for a while. But, unfortunately, a conspiracy for toothache will not help you eliminate the source of your dental problem.

Signs related to teeth

Folk signs that help in life:

  1. You need to talk to your teeth with faith and a positive attitude, then the pain will go away faster.
  2. According to gypsy beliefs, if you bury your wisdom tooth in a cemetery, you will become rich.
  3. If you dreamed that your teeth were falling out, expect trouble.
  4. The first tooth should be stored, this will help protect all the other teeth of the child.
  5. A tooth broken by accident means waste.
  6. When a baby is teething, you can determine his future character by his cries.
  7. If you talk about excessive toothache in winter, it will not bother you for a year.

Rules for reading conspiracies for toothache

For a toothache spell to work, it must be recited according to certain rules.

Initially, you need to get ready to perform the ritual. To do this, try to clear your thoughts of negativity. In the room where the toothache spell will be performed, it is advisable to curtain the curtains and light candles. Try not to let anyone or anything distract you from the ritual.

Patience and complete confidence in the positive outcome of the ritual are a prerequisite for achieving the desired result. Also an important factor is the structure of the conspiracy itself.

The words of the spell must be pronounced in the following order:

  1. The background is a prayerful introduction and beginning;
  2. The main part is the “narrowing of space” and the spell;
  3. Consolidation - the completion of the spell and the prayer ending.

Conspiracies for dental pain usually begin with an appeal to some force or patron. In most cases, the words of the spells are addressed to the Sun, Moon or nature spirits.

For people who practice conspiracies, it is not so important who or what they turn to. All options are considered quite effective when used correctly.

Spell for swollen gums

Some complications during dental treatment cause inflammation of the gums. This causes great discomfort, itching and pain. A spell of drinking a glass of water with a decoction can help solve this problem.

Decoctions with soothing plants (chamomile, calendula, sage, etc.) will have a beneficial effect on swollen gums, and the spell will increase the power of medicinal plants and water many times over.

It is necessary to carry out the conspiracy on the new moon, at midnight, by bringing the glass with the decoction closer to the lips. Read the following in a whisper:

“Holy water is the mother of everything! In the holy water there are miraculous medicines brought to help with illnesses. Water, dear, take the herbs for good, help the servant of God (name), dear, help from dental disease, take away from the evil worm. As the water disappears into the ground, so will the damned worm disappear! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

After the spell has been pronounced, you need to drink half a glass of the drug, and pour the rest into the ground. After drinking the decoction, you need to sit in silence for a few minutes and go to sleep. In a couple of days the gums will return to normal.

Spell for toothache on the waning moon

When reading conspiracies, you should always take into account the phase of the moon.

Some spells are read during the waxing moon, and others are read during the waning phase of the moon. In magic, the time of the full moon is considered the most powerful period when magical rites and rituals are performed.

The next spell for toothache is read on the waning moon. To perform it, at exactly midnight, go to the window in which the face of the moon can be seen.

Press your index finger on the gum where the tooth hurts and say the following words:

“Like a red sun setting over the horizon and not being seen. Like a pale moon disappearing from the sky. So my toothache would go away and not appear again. She left after the clear sun and the pale moon, and did not return. Amen!".

There is another version of the conspiracy for toothache. However, unlike the first option, it reads like stars.

To perform the ritual, go outside late in the evening, look at the sky and say the following words:

“Stars in the sky, a dead man in a coffin, a fish in the water. If a dead man rises from the grave, God's servant (name) will have a toothache. Amen!".

Dangers and Risks

Teeth are often used in various magical rituals:

  • Charmed teeth are used to cause damage. If you find teeth (human or animal) in the house, you need to throw them away and perform a cleansing ritual.
  • They cast a love spell on a toothbrush.
  • Through your teeth you can make a conspiracy to another person, bypassing his energy protection.

To relieve pain, you must use only white magic.

A lost tooth can be damaged

Conspiracies for toothache for a month

Conspiracy against toothache

Among the rituals against toothache, conspiracies referring to the month stand out. They are pronounced in the evening, when the crescent of the new month is visible in the sky.

You can go outside, or you can read through an open window.

“Month Cain, where is your brother Abel? Your brother is dead, and God’s servant (name)’s toothache will go away.”

Spell for sore teeth

This spell must be repeated three times, looking at the month in the sky.

“The month is a gilded month! Your teeth don't hurt. And I, God’s servant (name), will not get sick.”

Spell for dental health

This conspiracy against toothache is also pronounced three times. Looking at the thin month, you need to say the following words:

“The month-prince! There are three of you in the world: one in the sky, the second on the earth, the third in the ocean-sea. Just as they can’t all get together, so I, God’s servant (name), won’t be able to have toothache. You, a month, have a golden crown, and for me - happiness and healthy teeth.”

Ritual for the new month

The following ritual came to us from Ukraine, it is also performed on the new month, turning to him with a request for help:

“Mesyatsevich, silver horns, gilded legs! Come down, month, soothe the toothache, take the dashing sore to heaven. My sorrow is not heavy, not small, but your strength is great. I cannot bear my grief. Here's your tooth, here's the second, here's the third, here's the fourth - all yours! Take away this bad illness from me, and give me health as strong as steel. Take the pain to the distant sky. Amen!".

Monthly spell for a falling out tooth

This spell is read on the full moon to get rid of toothache.

Press your index finger against the tooth and say three times:

“The old month came to the young one and said: “Take away the burdock tooth from God’s servant (name), and give her a bone tooth. Amen!".

Prayer incantations

Faith does not always allow one to resort to witchcraft. However, churchgoers can replace popular whispers with prayers. To keep your teeth from hurting, you just need to turn to famous saints for help. For example, with a strong prayer for toothache with an appeal to Antipas of Pergamon:

Healer Panteleimon

An ancient ritual to get rid of toothache is usually performed with an appeal to Panteleimon. Any believer can turn to this saint to get rid of toothache. Use a simple prayer if turning to magic for some reason is unacceptable. Say it before the face of the saint. This can be done both in church and at home.

Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow is a famous saint who lived in the 20th century. Her death occurred in the post-war years. All the miracles that took place were described and documented by contemporaries. Therefore, there is no doubt about their truth. The saint was blind from birth, and as an adult she hardly walked.

However, thanks to her abilities, she was well oriented in space. The saint could easily describe the sick man standing in front of her. Matrona of Moscow healed all sincerely believing Christians. However, she paid special attention to women and children. If a child was brought to her with some kind of disease, she tried to help him with all her might.

The saint used effective whispers for toothache in children. Take the child in your arms and rock him and say:

Important . To enhance the effect, acquire the image of a saint and perform the ritual in front of her.

Ritual with a copper crucifix for gum disease

Whispering with a crucifix will help if your gums are bleeding. Say “Our Father” three times. Take the crucifix in your hands and move it around you. Then say three times:

Toothache spell using spring water

To perform this ritual you will need spring water and a glass glass.

The water should be spring or melt water. If it is not possible to get water from a spring, then you can buy it at the store.

You can make your own defrosted water. To do this, take tap water and freeze it in the refrigerator for a while. After three days, melt the ice - the water is ready for the ritual.

Late in the evening, pour spring or defrosted water into a glass and read a special spell on it three times.

Read the words so that your breath touches the water itself.

“Four sisters, Macarius and Zakhary, sister Marya and Daria, and sister Ulyana, said that the servant of God (name) should not have a toothache, her cheeks should not swell for centuries now and forever. Exactly!".

After the words of the water spell are read, you should drink it in small sips. Soon, your teeth should stop hurting.

Ritual for new teeth

The ritual is performed on the first baby tooth that has fallen out to ensure that the molars are healthy and straight. You will also need:

  • silver teaspoon;
  • church candle;
  • honey.

It is necessary to hold a spoon with a tooth over the candle flame. When the tooth gets hot, you need to dip it in honey, hide it from everyone and say:


You need to read the words three times. The next day, the tooth should be thrown away.

This is a ritual of appeal to the Brownie, so we must not forget to feed him and perform gratitude rituals.

Rituals with trees and plants

Spell for teeth and gums with willow

To perform this ritual, you need to find a lonely willow tree on the shore of some body of water.

It is advisable that this place is located as far as possible from people.

In the evening, before sunset, go to a tree, pick a willow twig and apply it to the sore tooth.

Mentally imagine that the pain from the tooth is transferring to her. In this case, you need to mentally read the following words:

“Mother willow, cry not for your roots, but for my teeth. Amen!".

These words should be said three times before you bite the twig, and three times after. Then throw this twig into the pond.

Ritual with an aspen branch

These words are pronounced on a small aspen branch three times, and then applied to your sore tooth.

“On the ocean sea, on the winter island of Buyan, there are three large and tall trees. Like the first tree is Petrius, like the second tree is Chitrius, and the third is Cypress. The hare lies under them. Toothache, you moved to the hare! Amen!".

All these conspiracies need to be read, figuratively imagining a picture of trees, a hare, the sea and an island. It is necessary to pronounce these spell words from memory.

Ritual with a wooden stick

To conjure a severe toothache, you need to take a small stick or sliver of wood and read a strong spell over it that will stop the disease. Then place the stick on the sore tooth:

“I, the prayerful servant of God (name), my teeth don’t hurt, they won’t hurt. They will become numb until my death. All my words have a key and a lock, all my words are strong for centuries. Amen!".

Nettle spell for toothache

When you can no longer endure the pain, a spell against toothache using nettle, which is one of the most powerful, will help.

To do this, you need to find a place where nettles grow.

It is advisable to find a nettle place as far as possible from the roadway or large crowds of people. It would be ideal if the nettle grows in a deep forest.

You will also need a small stone to perform the ritual.

In the evening, at sunset, bend the nettle bush to the ground and press it with a stone. Then say the following words over the nettle bush:

“Holy tree, mother nettle! The servant of God (name) has a toothache, take it out! If you don’t get rid of the toothache, then I will harass you, and if you don’t get rid of it, then I will let you go in three days!”

After reading the plot, the pain will quickly go away. Do not forget to fulfill your promise in three days - to release the nettles.

Slavic formulas against disease

Our ancestors turned to the moon, wind, water, and the god Dobromysl for help to heal bodily ailments. Slavic texts use the original Russian words “goy” and “chur”, which have an important meaning:

  • "Goy" means "alive, healthy."
  • “Chur” is an appeal to the power of the ancestors, to the guardians of the human race and the individual person.

For our culture, the concept of “Tooth Fairy” is borrowed - the Slavs gave a lost milk tooth to Domovoi. During this he was asked:

Also, the fallen teeth were given to animals to be eaten. Because of this, signs appeared:

  • if the tooth was eaten by a pig or dog, the child will grow fangs;
  • if eaten by a mouse or rat, the teeth will be small and sharp.

The bread spell is the most accessible of the Slavic spells. You need to put a small piece of bread on the sore tooth and say:

Additionally, you can read the conspiracy against anxiety:

Orthodox and church holidays and fasts

Today is an Orthodox church holiday: * After-feast of Epiphany. *** St. Theodosius the Great, General Lives of the Chief (529). * St. Michael of Klopsky, Novgorod (c. 1453-1456) and other saints whose names we remember on this day... Tomorrow:

* After-feast of Epiphany.
* Martyr Tatiana and those who suffered with her in Rome (c. 226-235). ** Saint Sava I, Archbishop of Serbia (1237). * St. Martinian and Galaktion of Beloezersk (1483) and other saints whose names we remember on this day... Holidays are expected: 01/26/2022
- * After-feast of Epiphany.
* Martyrs Hermilus and Stratonikos (c. 315). * Venerable Irinarch, recluse of Rostov (1616). * St. Eleazar of Anzer (1656) and other saints whose names we remember on this day... 01/27/2022
- * Commemoration of the Feast of the Epiphany.
* The venerable fathers who were beaten in Sinai and Raifa: Isaiah, Savva, Moses and his disciple Moses, Jeremiah, Paul, Adam, Sergius, Domnus, Proclus, Hypatius, Isaac, Macarius, Mark, Benjamin, Eusebius, Elijah and others with them ( IV-V). *** Equal to the Apostles Nina, enlightener of Georgia (Iveria) (335) and other saints whose names we remember on this day... 01/28/2022
- * St. Paul of Thebes (341). * St. John Kushchnik (Ser. V) and other saints whose names we remember on this day...

All Orthodox and church holidays and fasts...

What do doctors think about this?

In the old days, people didn’t really have a choice. If a tooth started to hurt, all they could do was rely on folk remedies or spells.

A lot has changed today. Dentists have enormous opportunities to relieve pain and preserve teeth. They will never advise you to self-medicate, much less refer you to healers to read spells.

Folk remedies are good only at first, to alleviate the condition until you get to the doctor. And there you have to rely on the will of specialists.

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