TOP 21 best toothpastes from trusted manufacturers

Toothpaste can safely be called an essential item: it is the basis of self-care. But how to choose the right oral care product and which products to choose? We have compiled a rating of the best of them, based on reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro and open data from the Yandex search engine.

The criteria by which we evaluate toothpastes of each brand:

  • Cleansing.
    After all, this is the main task of toothpaste.
  • Perform additional functions.
    There can be many such functions: whitening, strengthening gums, enamel, etc.
  • Compound.
    It should definitely be safe. The more natural ingredients it contains, the better.
  • Taste and smell.
    They should be pleasant and not cause discomfort.
  • Texture.
    It should be medium, not too thick and definitely not runny.
  • Comfort to use.
    The paste should not bake or burn the oral cavity.
  • Price.
    Of course, it's always nice to save money, but we are looking for the best price-quality ratio.

The rating of toothpastes is formed thanks to a system of points that we awarded to each brand for its product.

By quality:

  • 1 point for effectiveness: giving teeth cleanliness and a feeling of freshness;
  • 0.5 points for each additional function;
  • 1 point for good composition;
  • 1 point for pleasant or neutral taste and smell;
  • 1 point for optimal consistency: not too thick and not too thin;
  • 1 point for ease of use: there should be no discomfort.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 100 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 100 to 250 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 250 to 400 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 400 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

It was the number of all points scored that determined the place of each product in the ranking; all this is reflected in the final table. In the meantime, learn more about each product.


The basic formula of the toothpaste includes: glycerin base, chalk, water, perfume oil, fragrances, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, which acts as a thickener, and sodium lauryl sulfate to make the product foam well. It is necessary that the paste contains fluorine, calcium and phosphorus. The following ingredients can be found in natural formulations:

  • licorice or licorice extract - it has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • xylitol - has an antifungal effect;
  • bromelain - protects enamel from bacteria;
  • kelp - has anti-edematous properties.

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It is important to know that if your teeth hurt from hot, cold, sour or sweet foods, then the enamel is thinned. This means that various fluorine compounds are needed for restoration.

Are your gums bleeding? You need to change the paste. Choose options with antimicrobial, strengthening, antiseptic components.

Do you want to make your teeth 1-2 shades lighter? Then you definitely need to consult a doctor. An incorrectly selected whitening paste can harm your teeth.

How to choose the right toothbrush?

A short excursion into the history of toothbrushes.

Oral hygiene has a long history. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations, when devices for cleaning teeth were found. Soaked chewing sticks were used as a brush. In Kievan Rus, oak brushes replaced the modern toothbrush. At the end of the 15th century in China, boar bristles were inserted into a bamboo stick, and in Europe it was horse hair.

In Ancient Greece, teeth were cleaned using a linen cloth soaked in a saline solution containing sulfur oil. For the back teeth, we used a stick with a cloth attached to it. In India, from ancient times to the present day, branches of the neem tree have been used to clean teeth.

At the end of the 18th century, a prototype of a modern toothbrush appeared - a tuft of cow tail bristles was inserted into a drilled hole in a handle made of cow bone. During World War I, the base of the brush was made of celluloid. Animal bristles were used until 1937.

This year, nylon was invented in the laboratory of the Du Pont Wallace H. Carothers company, which has found wide application in various fields. A year later, a toothbrush with nylon bristles Dr. appeared. West's Miracle-Tuft Toothbrush, which quickly replaced natural bristles.

It had many disadvantages: it did not dry well and promoted the growth of bacteria. Advantages of nylon:

  • Low cost;
  • Ability to change texture and diameter;
  • The tips of the bristles can be shaped into different shapes

In the middle of the last century, soft nylon was created. A toothbrush with it was more expensive than a hard one. Today, bristles can be made not only of nylon, but also of polyurethane and polyvinyl. There is no fundamental difference between them.

Toothbrushes of varying degrees of hardness, size, and color are available for sale. The choice is up to the buyer.

Types of toothbrushes.

The degree of bristle hardness.

  • Very soft, used for diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Soft – for children under 12 years old, with problems with gums and sensitive tooth enamel, for patients with diabetes;
  • Medium hardness – for healthy teeth;
  • Hard – for those with removable dentures and those with plaque;
  • Very hard bristled brushes are usually used on the recommendation of a dentist in case of tartar formation.

The tips of the bristles.

  • Rounded – gentle on tooth enamel and does not scratch gums;
  • Pointed - very good at cleaning teeth and the space between them;
  • Blunt ones are intended for massaging the gums.

Brush head.

  • Children's brush length - from 1.5 cm to 2.0 cm. Adults - from 2.5 to 3.0 cm;
  • The movable head allows you to reach your back teeth while brushing.

Brush handle.

  • The long one regulates the pressure during cleaning, avoids injuring the gums;
  • Rubber pads help your hand not slip.

In addition to regular toothbrushes, you can find special ones on sale. Children's ones that use regular or rubber bristles. There are special brushes for problem teeth:

  • Malocclusion;
  • Dental implants;
  • The presence of orthopedic structures in the mouth.

People with good teeth are not recommended to use such brushes.

Rules for using a toothbrush and markings on its packaging.

Each package of toothpaste contains the following information: the name of the manufacturer, its address. There must be a “Rostest” sign.

How to use a toothbrush:

  • Do not store the brush in a closed case;
  • Do not keep children's and adult brushes together;
  • After use, wash with hot water and dry;
  • Put on the protective cap;
  • Once a week, soak the brush in an antibacterial solution for several minutes;
  • Once every three months it is necessary to change the brush, as it loses its appearance and becomes unusable;
  • After an infection in the mouth, you need to replace the brush with a new one.

About choosing the right toothbrush - in choosing:

No. 6 — Tooth gel My Brilliant Smile Remineralizing after whitening

Price: 320 rubles

Gel with a remineralizing effect is excellent for strengthening enamel. It works almost instantly - within a few days you will no longer experience discomfort from your teeth touching anything hot or cold. This gel does not have to be used every day, and therefore it will last for a long time, and the price no longer looks so steep.

Despite all of the above, we want to remind you that if you have problems with your teeth, you should first consult a doctor and only then, taking into account his recommendations, purchase toothpaste. The gel can strengthen existing enamel, but lost enamel can only be restored in a dental office.

Tooth gel My Brilliant Smile Remineralizing after whitening

Which toothpaste to brush your teeth when wearing braces?

While wearing braces, people need especially careful oral hygiene. Braces make the procedure more difficult. Metal components interfere with thorough cleaning of the surface of the teeth. In those areas that are tightly adjacent to the braces, deposits accumulate, gradually turning into tartar. To clean your teeth efficiently, using a brush and classic toothpaste is not enough. In this case, a different method is needed. Dentists recommend that patients with braces use special brushes and brushes. With their help, you can quickly and effectively clean even hard-to-reach areas. Among the cleaning compositions, the following are especially popular:

  • ROX Pro Brackets & Ortho.
  • Dentide Vitis Orthodontic.
  • Biorepair Junior.

№1 – Tooth gel ROCS Medical Minerals

Price: 300 rubles

Environmentally friendly toothpaste that does not contain fluoride and other harmful substances. The ROCS company has long established itself as a leader in the industry for the production of products for the care of teeth and gums, this paste is no exception to the rule - everything is at the highest level. It acts quickly, no dancing with a tambourine is required for correct and most effective use, suitable for adults and children. The gel is colorless and transparent, a powerful minty smell is combined with an illuminating, but light and non-irritating taste.

The manufacturer produces not just good toothpastes, but actually effective medical products that can provide high-quality dental care anywhere at any time. If you know that the enamel on your teeth is weak and you don’t have time to visit the dentist regularly, then Medical Minerals gel is the best thing you can use in the fight for your own teeth. The highest ratings from specialists and users provide an absolute guarantee that once you try this product, you are unlikely to switch to something less effective. Don't put off taking care of your teeth until tomorrow - order this miracle gel right now!

Tooth gel ROCS Medical Minerals

For sensitive teeth

Biorepair Total Protection Repair, for comprehensive protection of teeth and gums


  • Actively fights the appearance of caries
  • Comprehensive protection
  • Restores enamel
  • Prevents the appearance of plaque


  • Can be used effectively only during periods of absolutely healthy teeth, as it causes sensitivity
  • Expensive

From 640 ₽

High-quality paste, according to experts. During use, the crystals penetrate microcracks in the enamel and clog them. Thus. The composition prevents the appearance of caries.

ROCS Sensitive Restoration and whitening


  • Freshens breath
  • Cleans efficiently
  • Pleasant taste
  • Lightens teeth


  • Small tube

From 200 ₽

High-quality toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Gently whitens and cleanses the oral cavity without causing pain. In addition, the active components restore the enamel, reducing sensitivity. And the natural flavor will help freshen your breath for a long time.

SPLAT Professional Sensitive


  • Does not contain synthetic dyes
  • Smells nice
  • Effectively cleans sensitive teeth
  • Gentle impact


  • The refreshing effect lasts for a short time

From 120 ₽

An enamel-restoring paste that is perfect for sensitive teeth. It acts roughly like a “filling”, closing microcracks in the teeth with its components. Has antibacterial and antiseptic effects.

For smokers

Lacalut White


  • Excellent stone removal
  • Whitens teeth
  • Treats gums
  • Quick effect


  • Price

From 200 ₽

A paste with a preventive effect, aimed at maintaining a beautiful smile for smokers and coffee lovers. Quickly and efficiently whitens teeth and eliminates unpleasant odors. When used, it does not harm any enamel. Not to the gums, but on the contrary, maintains their health.

ROCS Coffee and tobacco


  • Fresh breath for a long time
  • Removes stains from teeth
  • Does not contain fluoride
  • Fast acting


  • Price

From 240 ₽

Daily oral care with this composition will help maintain healthy teeth for a very long time. Gently and at the same time very effectively removes stains and plaque. Binds toxins and quickly removes them from the body. Prevents the appearance of caries. Improves the general condition of the gums and does not contain harmful substances.

Sangi Apadent Total Care, mint


  • Suitable for sensitive teeth
  • Removes the effects of smoking
  • Gently treats gums
  • Neutral taste


  • High price

From 1,100 ₽

Expensive professional grade toothpaste. Cleans and whitens teeth well without causing harm to them. Restores enamel and reduces sensitivity. Does not contain fluorine, so any harmful effects on the body are excluded.

Which whitening paste should you use to brush your teeth?

All whitening products for oral hygiene contain abrasive elements of varying power. They have a special structure and are aimed at removing even hard deposits. Such means must be selected with special care. A strong product can damage the surface of the teeth. Compounds without abrasives can gently and carefully clean enamel, but they won’t be able to whiten it several shades. Among the popular whitening products on the modern market, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Lakalut White.
  • President of White plus.
  • Splat "Whitening Plus".
  • Arctic white snare.
  • Rox About “Delicate whitening”.

A separate line includes products for removing traces of tobacco and coffee:

  • Rembrandt "Anti-tobacco and coffee".
  • Dentavit “For smokers”.
  • ROKS "Antitabak".

If you are unsure which whitening paste you should use to brush your teeth, you should consult your doctor before purchasing the product. The dentist will give an objective assessment of the condition of the oral cavity and tell you which means is best to brush your teeth.

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

This toothpaste is suitable for those with sensitive teeth. “INNOVA Intensive restoration and lightening of enamel” contains nanohydroxyapatite, calcis component, fluoride, and grape seed extract, which most effectively protect against caries. And the plant-derived component Tannase gently whitens teeth by dissolving pigmented plaque on the enamel. INNOVA toothpaste perfectly relieves tooth sensitivity, seals dentinal tubules, saturates the enamel with minerals, strontium salts effectively solve the problem of sensitivity, penetrating deep inside the tooth. INNOVA, in addition to remineralizing teeth, prevents bleeding gums. This toothpaste contains no SLS, chlorhexidine peroxide, or aggressive abrasives. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and not a pronounced mint taste.

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

Criteria for choosing a toothpaste

  1. Package . The barcode and address of the manufacturer must be indicated. Give preference to products with a secondary cardboard box that contains full open information about the composition and its purpose.
  2. Bleaching and polishing agents. Silicon is one of the safe abrasives. Its particles do not scratch the enamel and polish it to a shine. However, manufacturers rarely add one bleaching agent to their products; as a rule, it is a mix. In addition to silicon, which is included in 90% of all pastes, natural enzymes such as papain and bromelain can be added. Another effective and non-aggressive dark plaque fighter is calcium peroxide. This compound interacts with saliva, resulting in the release of free oxygen, which penetrates the enamel and causes its lightening.
  3. Degree of abrasiveness . To avoid losing teeth in pursuit of a snow-white smile, pay attention to the degree of abrasiveness of the paste. Some toothpastes may indicate a scale of abrasiveness intensity: up to 50% are toothpastes that can be classified as children's, 70% is the optimal value for healthy enamel, and a value above 100% is not suitable for sensitive teeth.
  4. Fluorine content. This is an important component in toothpaste, as it has an anti-caries effect. Fluoride content can be found in many tubes presented in the store, but not everyone gets it. Toothpastes with fluoride are contraindicated for pregnant women, children and those who have impaired swallowing or some kind of nervous muscle diseases. Therefore, it is often replaced with luktatol - an additive that protects teeth from caries no worse than fluoride and does not have such a list of contraindications.
  5. pH level. Must be within the range of 4.5 to 10.5.
  6. Price. Please note that the more natural ingredients, minerals, extracts and enzymes a paste contains, the more expensive it is.

Advice for consumers

  • When choosing oral care products, consider the condition of the teeth, gums, oral mucosa, and the strength and density of the enamel.
  • Develop the healthy habit of brushing your teeth twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  • When eating foods containing acids: fruits, juices and other acidic foods, brushing your teeth is necessary no earlier than half an hour after a meal. Otherwise, the risk of enamel damage increases significantly.
  • To properly brush your teeth, you need to spend at least five minutes. Otherwise, it will not be possible to ensure maximum effectiveness of the protective and cleansing components of the toothpaste.

No. 10 – Sensodyne Toothpaste Restoration and Protection

Price: 220 rubles

If you have sensitive teeth, then choosing a toothpaste is a science. This option from Sensodyne is perfect; even the most susceptible teeth return to normal after some time after starting to use this paste. The paste is thick, foams well, and is economical in consumption. The powerful mint flavor remains in the mouth for a long time, invigorating in the morning.

It costs a lot, but if you have problems with teeth and gums, you can’t get by with cheap analogues - you need to choose something that really works. Suitable for both adults and children.

Sensodyne Toothpaste Repair and Protect

Organic products

Organic toothpastes are available for all ages. You can purchase the product for both children and adults. They contain only natural ingredients. According to user reviews, these products are able to cope with their functions just as effectively as their synthetic counterparts. Such products are absolutely safe for people of all ages. On sale you can find organic pastes based on medicinal plants. They relieve inflammation well, help speed up the healing process of wounds and are excellent at fighting bleeding gums.

Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair

This is a low-abrasive toothpaste made in Italy, which contains zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite, an analogue of a substance found in bones and teeth. If you regularly brush your teeth with Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair paste, you can quickly restore tooth enamel and make it more resistant to various damages. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair eliminates increased sensitivity of teeth. And although this paste is low abrasive, it perfectly removes plaque. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair saturates the enamel with minerals and is free of parabens and SLS. Among the disadvantages are the cost and the lack of fluoride in the composition.

Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair
Biorepair, Italy

Protects against the development of caries, mechanical damage, as well as the appearance of erosion on the enamel.
Creates a protective barrier that prevents the formation of plaque and tartar. Ideal for those with sensitive teeth. Helps in maintaining natural whiteness. They become strong, sensitivity decreases, and a healthy shine appears. from 370

5.0 2 reviews


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Which toothpastes are considered the best in the world, according to reviews 2022

Walking around the store, attention involuntarily falls on the section with toothpastes, the variety of which is amazing. The inscriptions on the multi-colored packages promise the consumer fresh breath throughout the day, and healthy teeth and gums throughout the entire period. Despite the diverse composition, which contains natural and other ingredients, only a few toothpastes are recognized as the best in the world.

Swiss Weleda

Natural paste from Swiss. Everyone who used it noted an improvement in the condition of their teeth and gums, as well as a long-lasting feeling of freshness in their mouth. This result is achieved due to the ability to neutralize acids on the surface of the teeth, which lead to damage to the enamel and the formation of tartar.

The impeccability of Swiss quality is manifested not only in watch movements, as evidenced by the Weleda brand

After cleansing, salivation may increase, which is not a pathology. It's all about mineral salt crystals, which specifically affect the salivary glands.

Additionally, salt relieves inflammation of the gums, so it can be used for any problems in the oral cavity. Another feature of the paste is that you don’t have to rinse your mouth with water after using it.

German quality from Lacalut

Dentists systematically recommend their patients to use a paste from the German brand Lacalut. It contains pyrophosphates, high-quality abrasive elements and sodium fluoride.

These components not only actively fight plaque, but also remove stains caused by coffee, tea and nicotine. Additionally, the pastes restore the optimal pH in the mouth, heal gums, and also provide fresh breath throughout the day.

Manyo Factory Refresh T-smile toothpaste Rosemary from South Korea

The high quality of Korean cosmetic products arouses genuine interest among consumers in other products, including toothpastes. Experts are particularly enthusiastic about Manyo Factory Refresh T-smile Rosemary, since the product contains only plant extracts.

South Korean products for the care of teeth and gums, such as Manyo Factory Refresh T-smile toothpaste Rosemary with rosemary extract, have also proven themselves highly

They have a powerful antiseptic and antifungal effect, remove bad breath, strengthen gums and fight excessive tartar formation. In Russia, the product can be found in various stores selling Korean cosmetics or ordered online.

American Top Crest

It's no secret that in the States people are greeted by their smile, which must be impeccably snow-white. Therefore, it is no wonder that Americans pay close attention to dental care.

The famous toothpaste from the Crest brand helps them in this, which is presented on store shelves in various variations - whitening, medicinal, strengthening, etc.

After a few months of active use, the formation of tartar and dark spots decreases, breath becomes fresher, and gums become less inflamed. The main problem for Russian users is the lack of supplies in the country, so you can only buy it abroad. An alternative is to order through an online store or from buyers.

Miswak from Egypt

An unusual paste for Russian users, the formula of which is based on the Miswak cleansing technology. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that special wooden sticks are used in its production, which have a powerful bactericidal effect and actively resist the formation of caries.

Here Miswak is ahead of the rest, because how could it be otherwise with a paste created in the land of the pharaohs, where thousands of children ago knew how to care for the oral cavity

All of the above qualities are reflected in Miswak paste, which will help strengthen the enamel and reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth. Dentists noted an improvement in the condition of the teeth of patients who systematically used the paste.

No. 4 – Colgate Total 12 Toothpaste Professional Cleaning (gel)

Price: 100 rubles

Despite the fact that the Colgate brand is strongly associated with budget toothpaste, among its lineup there are also quite decent options. This paste is rightfully included in the list of the best - it has a pleasant taste and smell, polishes the enamel to a shine. Suitable for any type of teeth and carries the widest functionality - it will both sensitively remove and combat plaque.

If you are not mentally prepared to pay 500-1000 rubles for professional products, but want to take care of your teeth, Colgate Total 12 Professional Cleaning is perfect.

Colgate Total 12 Toothpaste Professional Cleaning

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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