26 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dry and Chapped Lips

Why do lips dry out?

Dry lips occur due to several factors, such as:

  • dry or windy weather;
  • frequent stress;
  • habit of licking lips;
  • taking medications that affect the functioning of the salivary glands and muscles around the mouth;
  • increased body temperature during illness;
  • intoxication processes;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney diseases;
  • bad habits.

Lips often become dry in people who are on diets or follow a vegetarian diet. In such cases, the condition of the lips worsens due to a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins, which are found in foods of animal origin.

Dry mouth - what to do?

To get rid of dry mouth syndrome, you first need to eliminate the cause of the problem: quit smoking, try to be less nervous, change the dose of medications used, or change the drug altogether. In some cases a dentist in Minsk or another doctor may recommend a special drug to improve the functioning of the salivary glands, and before going to bed it is recommended to use a moisturizing mouth rinse.

If you do not deal with dry mouth, this will lead to the active development of caries and inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes, as a result of which you will need urgent dental treatment under anesthesia in order not to lose the tooth at all. You can undergo the treatment procedure without stress and discomfort at the Family Dentistry Center. Thanks to modern technologies, as well as drug sedation, eliminating any oral problem without pain and fear is not only easy, but also inexpensive. High-quality services, high-level specialists, and affordable prices - we value our patients.

What should beautiful and healthy lips look like?

Beautiful and healthy lips are characterized by the following signs:

  • evenness and smoothness of the skin;
  • symmetry of the corners of the mouth;
  • the presence of a pink or red tint to the lips;
  • absence of peeling, cracks and purse-string wrinkles;
  • convex volume of the labial border;
  • absence of jams, pigmentation and pathological manifestations.

It is also important to pay attention to the presence of a hollow above the upper lip and a cupid's arch, which should be clearly defined.

Top 10 tips on how to care for your lips

To keep your lips smooth and hydrated, follow these tips:

  1. Regularly exfoliate the skin of your lips with special scrubs or a damp, thick towel.
  2. Moisturize and nourish your lips with herbal balms; in the summer, you should additionally use products with SPF filters.
  3. Maintain a drinking regime of drinking 2 liters of clean water per day.
  4. Include in your diet foods high in omega-3 fatty acids (nuts, vegetable oils, vegetables and herbs, fatty fish).
  5. Stop smoking, as tobacco smoke dries out the thinnest skin of the lips and leads to the formation of purse-string wrinkles.
  6. Wash off makeup not with soap, but with two-phase makeup removers. In addition, while washing your face, it is good to do simple exercises to strengthen the orbicularis oris muscle. It is necessary to tightly compress and unclench your lips, and also pronounce the letters A, O, U, Y.
  7. Take complexes containing vitamins A, C, E and group B.
  8. Apply only high-quality cosmetics to your lips that do not contain camphor, phenol, aniline dyes and heavy metal salts.
  9. It is recommended to add lip masks to winter care, or replace them by applying a restorative cream at night.
  10. It is important to remember that cosmetic procedures play a huge role in maintaining external beauty. Therefore, do not forget about professional salon care for thin and delicate lip skin.

How to “cure” dry lips at home?

If your lips become dry and cracked, then first of all you need to find the reason why this happened:

Classic lipstick, gloss, balm or multifunctional tint - we’ll figure out which one you should choose.

Take the test

  • You often lick your lips. For some girls this becomes a habit. Saliva seems to “absorb” moisture and a protective fatty film, making the skin of the lips susceptible to external factors: wind, cold, dryness, and infections. Read about how to protect your lip skin in winter here.
  • You drink too much coffee, and caffeine dehydrates your lips.
  • You do not cover your face with a scarf when you are outside in cold and windy weather.
  • You are using a low-quality lip balm that contains alcohol, carbolic acid and/or menthol (you can find a list of proven lip balms here).
  • You brush your teeth with a toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate (look for the name Sodium Lauryl Sulfate on the packaging).
  • You are allergic to metals, such as cobalt or nickel.

If you see your lips starting to dry out and crack, start treating them right away. And you can do this quickly and at home using one of the following means:


Castor oil and Vaseline

Apply castor oil to your lips using a cotton swab and spread a thin layer of Vaseline on top. Your lips will begin to heal, and in a maximum of a week the problem will disappear altogether.



Using a finger moistened with water (so that the honey does not stick), apply a little honey to your lips. It has antibacterial properties and also moisturizes and nourishes sensitive skin.



Glycerin helps increase the percentage of moisture in the skin of the lips and is considered one of the best natural moisturizers. It will relieve you of dry lips by restoring damaged tissue and speeding up the healing process. Glycerin also protects lips from unsuitable climatic conditions - stuffiness, cold, wind. Just apply a couple of drops to your lips before bed.


Lip balm

Lip balm is a product that can be found in almost every woman's bag. It is very convenient to carry with you, so your lips will always be protected. It can also be used as a base for lipstick. Take a closer look at the lip balms that we wrote about in this material.


Aloe vera

This herbaceous plant is known for its medicinal properties that help heal dry and sunburned skin. You can apply aloe vera gel to your lips or apply a fresh leaf to them.


Unsalted butter

Butter is an excellent natural moisturizer for lips. Rub your lips with a piece of oil twice a day, but make sure that the composition does not contain salts: they can further harm the skin.



Dry, chapped lips can be caused by dehydration throughout the body. This means that you are not drinking enough clean water. Remember that soda drinks, soda, juices, coffee and tea are not substitutes for it, and sometimes even cause dehydration. Drink at least a liter of water a day to quickly rehydrate. Place a glass bottle next to your computer and take a few sips periodically.



Avoid direct sunlight, and if you go to a hot country or to the mountains where it can be very sunny, take SPF with you: make it a habit to apply it to your lips every day.



A humidifier is one of the most needed items for the home these days. Clean and humidified air in the house is what will save you from dry lips.


Dietary supplements and vitamins containing iron

If you have tried everything but nothing helps, consult a doctor. You may be anemic or your body may not have enough iron. This often happens to vegetarians and vegans, since meat is the main source of iron. Headache, fatigue, severely chapped and dry lips are a few symptoms of this problem. You need to take dietary supplements (dietary supplements) and vitamins to compensate for the lack of iron.

How do you take care of your lips? Tell us in the comments.

Lip treatments in Moscow

Therefore, in situations where you need help in restoring or correcting your lips, it is better to contact Dr. Korchagina’s clinic.

We offer you only the best and most effective procedures:

  • lip augmentation and correction with hyaluronic acid – a minimally invasive injection technology based on the introduction of fillers with hyaluronate; manipulation helps to correct the shape of the lips, as well as eliminate dryness, peeling and pallor of the lip border;
  • Botox injections - botulinum toxin injections block muscle contractions, which allows you to keep the skin of the lips smooth without creases and wrinkles;
  • lip contouring – subcutaneous injection of filler gels ensures enlargement, smoothing of the lip contour, elimination of purse-string wrinkles and folds in the corners of the mouth;
  • permanent lip makeup – tattooing evens out color, makes lips voluminous and bright, eliminating congenital defects and minor imperfections.

The selection of the optimal method for lip restoration is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics and skin condition of the patient.

To make an appointment for a consultation and procedures at the Korchagina clinic, write to us on the website or call us by phone.

Herbal and natural active ingredients to treat dry and chapped lips

Lips are an important element for facial beauty, participating in verbal and visual communication, as well as food consumption. However, the skin of the lips is 5 times thinner than the skin of the body, so they need to be given special attention.

The lethal weapon against chapped lips and optimal hydration throughout the day is lipstick! Make it a rule to use paraben-free and paraffin oil-free lipstick because when there is too much of it, the skin rejects it, which increases dryness. Long-lasting shiny, matte or very dark lipsticks can prevent your lips from breathing.

Lip balm can also provide a layer of protection against the adverse effects of wind and cold. It can be used with confidence even when we are staying at home to lock in moisture inside the lips, while providing additional hydration due to the active ingredients it contains (especially if the balm is of good quality and contains essential oils).

Lip balm not only prevents dehydration, but also closes cracks on the lips, thereby preventing them from becoming infected.

Be careful, as many products found in lipsticks and lip balms can cause dehydration and aggravate irritation. This is the case with:

  1. Aluminum salts, menthol, eucalyptus, phenol and camphor. Menthol, camphor and phenols only cause a state of imaginary comfort, and sometimes even increase dehydration.
  2. Silicone oil is another very common ingredient (it's also found in lipsticks and glosses for added longevity), but it only promotes dehydration.
  3. Salicylic acid (although it has proven anti-inflammatory properties) in balms can promote dry lips and flaking.
  4. If you have acne-prone skin, it is best to avoid cosmetics containing petroleum jelly. Although this substance is very effective for dry lips, some users with acne-prone skin claim that these products can clog pores too much and contribute to the appearance of blackheads.

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