Lip care at home using natural remedies

Lips are what immediately catches our eye when we look at a person. This is a color accent, this is an indicator of health, this is a way to find out what a person’s character is... All these are the reasons why lips should look flawless. How to achieve healthy looking lips?

The skin of the lips is very sensitive and prone to rapid fading, so it is necessary to take care of it every day. It is very easy to damage the skin of your lips, so you should not use just anything: some lipsticks contain substances that can easily upset the delicate balance of this delicate area.

On the other hand, if you want your lips to be healthy and beautiful, but are not ready to overpay for expensive products, there is still a way out. We will tell you what to do and what to use to make your lips truly attractive.

Massage for volume and juiciness of lips

  1. Try regularly massaging your lips with a soft toothbrush. Slow, careful movements will not damage the skin of the lips, but will serve as an excellent cosmetic massage that activates the natural processes of regeneration and hydration. Ideally, it is better to use a separate toothbrush for massage. For thin lip skin, a brush marked SOFT or for children is perfect.

  2. A good idea is to massage your lips every evening before going to bed. To improve blood circulation and restore the natural brightness of the lip border, wet the brush in cold water before massage. Apply a little vegetable oil (shea, almond, avocado, sasanqua, jojoba) to your lips and gently massage your lips with a brush for one minute. This will provide your lips with softness and shine, without taking up any time, effort or money.
  3. Ice is one of the most popular methods to help increase lip volume at home. Massage an ice cube onto your lips and then apply a moisturizer or balm. This cryomassage is an excellent express remedy for giving your lips an appetizing swelling before an important date or photo shoot. Short-term exposure to cold has a shock effect to some extent, which activates all metabolic processes, increases tone, and improves oxygen saturation of skin cells. By regularly performing ice massage, you can make your lips not only more attractive, but also more resistant to external influences. And even in cool weather, without using balm, your lips will shine with health and beauty.

The labia can have a wide variety of colors

First you need to understand the terms. The protruding parts of the genitals are called the labia, which can be large, located outside and small, located inside. The inner part of the intimate area, covered by the labia majora, is called the vulva. This is where the labia minora and the entrance to the vagina are located.

All these intimate areas can have completely different colors and shades. Any variant from almost pink to brown-black is considered normal.

The color of the labia is initially determined by the skin tone. Therefore, in a dark-skinned woman, in principle, this part of the intimate area cannot be light. Although darker is fine. The same applies to the labia minora, the color of which also depends on the overall skin tone. For blondes they are light, pink, for brunettes they are darker.

Intimate area of ​​a dark-skinned woman

The shade of the labia changes over time. There are scientific studies showing that the color change in this area is influenced by hormone levels. Therefore, the genitals may darken during menopause and puberty. A change in color is also observed during pregnancy, and after childbirth the shade may not become the same.

Sometimes the labia remain pink in the middle and darken at the edges. This situation is not a sign of any violation. However, in this case, if desired, labiaplasty can be performed to remove the protruding edges of the genitals.

Regular moisturizing for fresh lips

Saturation with moisture is the key to ensuring that your lips will look young and healthy for many years. Many people mistakenly believe that constant use of lip balm is a proven remedy for maintaining their youth and health. Therefore, apply your favorite balm again and again throughout the day. Still would! After all, without balm, the skin begins to dry out very much and even becomes covered with painful cracks. But it is the regular use of balms that causes a similar, very uncomfortable condition of the skin of the lips.

The balm covers the lips with an oily film, disrupting the normal processes of regeneration and moisture evaporation. Gradually, the skin of the lips becomes like easily damaged parchment. Using lip balm helps temporarily relieve the condition, but after a while it gets worse. The way out of this situation is simple:

  1. For complete care, combine moisturizing and nourishing the skin of your lips. When applying cream to your face, do not forget to apply it in a thin layer to the skin of your lips. But use fatty wax-oil-based balms only as protection before going outside during the cold season.
  2. It may take a couple of weeks to wean your lips from constantly asking for a dose of balm. Vegetable oil of evening primrose will help to significantly ease this period. Primrose oil is rich in vitamin E and gamma-linoleic acid, which help smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminate dryness and inflammation, and quickly heal cracks and irritations. Apply this oil 3-4 times a day on your lips, and in between applications, try not to lick your lips. After a while, you will notice that you begin to forget to apply this oil to your lips, since your lips began to feel great without it.
  3. What is applied to the lips somehow ends up in our body. Therefore, for lip care, choose the most natural products with safe ingredients. The skin around the eyes is similar in structure to the skin of the lips, so you can use the same cream for these areas. SENTIO physiological products are suitable for thin skin around the eyelids and delicate skin on the lips. By purchasing one eye cream from SENTIO, you also purchase a lip care product. This is not only economical, but also ensures that nothing harmful gets into your body.

Thin lips

Cheiloplasty allows thin lips to regain the missing volume, attractiveness and youthfulness. Despite the fact that cheiloplasty is considered a technically simple operation, when performing it, the surgeon needs a sense of proportion and beauty. The desired effect of cheiloplasty is to give the lips a natural shape and volume, harmoniously combining them with natural facial features.

The decision to choose a cheiloplasty method is determined by the patient’s expectations and the period during which it is necessary to maintain the result. The main methods for correcting thin lips are contouring and surgical plastic surgery.

If it is necessary to carry out serious correction of the volume and shape of the lips, a radical surgical method is resorted to. Surgical plastic surgery can be performed on patients of any age. The technical essence of the operation is as follows: a small area of ​​skin is cut out above or below the lip being corrected, then the contour of the lip is corrected and the edges of the wound are sutured. The postoperative period may occur with minor pain; the postoperative wound heals after 7-10 days and becomes almost invisible.

To correct age-related changes in the lips, the contour plastic method is more suitable. During the aging process, the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, natural polymers that give and maintain elasticity and volume to the skin, decreases. Therefore, over the years, lips lose their elasticity and shape, and the skin around them becomes covered with a network of wrinkles. Contour plastic surgery is an injection technique for enlarging thin lips by introducing biopolymer gels, which include hyaluronic acid, which replaces glycosaminoglycans. Injections are performed under local anesthesia in the area of ​​the middle part of the lips and corners of the mouth. After introducing the composition, lightly massage the lips so that the gel is evenly distributed in the tissues.

As a rule, the lip contouring procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and if accompanied by additional interventions, it can be performed in specialized hospital departments.

After contouring, swelling and sometimes hemorrhages remain on the lips for some time, since the blood supply to this area is very intense. There is also mild soreness and a feeling of tightness of the skin in the lip area. To speed up swelling and reduce pain, periodic application of ice to the lips is recommended on the first day after injections, and a light massage over the next 2-4 days.

A variant of contouring is lip lipofilling, in which your own adipose tissue is injected into the lips.

The results of lip contouring are noticeable almost immediately after the procedure, but you can finally judge them after two weeks. Sometimes after 1-1.5 months a slight decrease in lip volume may occur due to the absorption of the liquid part from the gel into the tissue. If this leads to a change in the contour of the mouth, additional contouring is performed. The cosmetic effect after contouring of thin lips lasts 6-12 months, then the gel gradually dissolves and the lips return to their natural shape, which requires repeated injections. After lip surgery, the results last almost a lifetime.

With any type of cheiloplasty, the risk of complications is extremely low - less than 1%. In a complicated course, inflammation of the sutures, thickening of the gel, and allergic reactions may occur, which can be successfully eliminated with timely treatment.

Regular nutrition for youth and health

By making nourishing lip masks at least a couple of times a week, you can be sure that dullness, loss of volume, vertical wrinkles and other signs of aging will not affect you for many years. You can simply apply a thick layer of rich nourishing cream and blot off the residue with a napkin after 10-15 minutes. Or you can prepare special lip masks with your own hands.

  1. Mix honey with vegetable oil (almond, jojoba, castor, argan, rose hip, avocado, shea) in 1:1 proportions. Apply a thick layer on your lips and leave for a while.

  2. Mix honey with vegetable oil and enrich this composition with a couple of drops of essential oils. Lavender, myrrh, sandalwood, rose, carrot seeds, chamomile - for damage and inflammation. Mint, ginger, cinnamon, lemon balm, lemon - to stimulate blood circulation and give lips brightness and volume. Apply for 10-15 minutes, then remove with a napkin. To enhance the effect, pre-massage your lips with a toothbrush.
  3. Candied honey, applied to the lips with massaging movements, amazingly refreshes the skin of the lips and makes them smooth, shiny and brighter.
  4. Prepare a wonderful mask - a lip scrub with an intoxicating fruity aroma. Mix a quarter teaspoon of unrefined coconut oil with fine brown sugar and add 1 drop of sweet orange essential oil. Apply a thick layer onto your lips, lightly massaging and leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Want to get a natural pink lip color? Pomegranate seeds will help you. Grind the pomegranate seeds and mix them with the heavy cream. Apply the resulting paste to your lips every evening, before going to bed for 15 minutes. Like most natural remedies, this composition works gradually, do not expect instant results. But your patience will be rewarded: you will like the results.
  6. A popular Ayurvedic recipe for adding brightness and volume to lips based on red henna. Brew a pinch of red henna with hot water and mix with coconut oil. Add 1 drop of cinnamon essential oil to the mixture. Gently apply to lips using a brush for 15-20 minutes. The mask slightly stains the lips in a reddish-brick tint, so when applying it, do not go beyond the contour of the lips.

Exercises for beautiful lip shape

This set of exercises will not take you much time, but will serve as an excellent prevention of age-related changes in the skin of the lips. You can do it in the morning before applying makeup or in the evening before going to bed.

  • Pull your lips out and exhale as if you were blowing out a candle. After exhaling, relax your lips. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • As you inhale, puff out your cheeks and begin to exhale - slowly and evenly, starting to push out the air as you exhale. The eye area should be relaxed. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • Articulating as expressively as possible, pronounce the vowels A, I, O, U, Y. Repeat 10 times.
  • Pull your lips forward as far as possible, opening your mouth slightly. Relax your lips and close your mouth. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Move your lower jaw left and right along with your lips so that the movement begins from the lips. Repeat 20 times.
  • Stick your tongue out as far forward as possible, hold at the extreme point for a couple of seconds, then retract your tongue and relax your lips. Repeat 5 times.

Is it true that the labia can darken due to sexual activity or masturbation?

This question very often worries young girls who have noticed that, with the onset of intimate life or against the background of masturbation, their genitals have changed color. However, there is no direct connection here, it’s just that at this moment the girl grows up, her hormonal levels change, and the color of her genitals may change. However, if she had not masturbated and remained a virgin, her labia would still have become the same, because this feature is genetically determined.

Even the palest woman has much darker inner labia compared to the rest of her skin. The shade of the genitals can be influenced by the genes of darker blood relatives. In general, there is no connection between sex life and the color of the labia. Virginity or, conversely, sexual promiscuity cannot be defined in this way.

Quitting bad habits to preserve youthful lips

  1. If your lips are dry, get rid of the habit of moisturizing them with your tongue. This will only make the drying worse. Instead, use moisturizer or chapstick.
  2. Do not expose your lips to direct sunlight. Solar radiation dries out the skin of the lips and can even discolor them. Use lip balm with SPF protection.
  3. Alcohol and smoking are bad for skin health, causing dryness and dehydration. The skin of the lips is no exception. Don't forget that to maintain healthy skin you need to drink enough clean water. The norm is at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. But please note: we are talking about clean drinking water, not tea, coffee or juices.
  4. An unbalanced diet and lack of vitamins in the body can cause unpleasant, long-healing cracks in the corners of the lips. Regularly apply pure shea butter, primrose or rosehip oil to the affected area and follow a diet against dry skin for at least some time.

Secondary causes of cyanosis

Blue, bloodless lips are a frightening phenomenon. The person's face begins to look sickly and exhausted. However, such a manifestation is not always associated with acute diseases. Often the reason is the influence of external factors, which can be easily eliminated. Blue discoloration of the skin often occurs under the following conditions.

  1. Hypothermia. Under the influence of low temperatures, all functional processes in the body slow down. The heart begins to beat less frequently, blood pressure decreases, and brain activity slows down. Against this background, the flow of blood to the cells is disrupted, which leads to significant pallor of the skin. The victim may experience symptoms such as blue lips and limbs, trembling in the body, and a slow pulse. If a person is not hospitalized in a timely manner, there is a high probability of death or the onset of necrotic processes in tissues.
  2. Nicotine poisoning. Yellow teeth, a hoarse voice and an unpleasant odor from the mouth are not all the signs of a heavy smoker. Many experienced cigarette lovers suffer from constant oxygen deprivation due to tobacco smoke poisoning. This leads to deterioration of the complexion, disappearance of the blush and staining of the lips blue. The eyes become sunken, with dark circles around them.
  3. Avitaminosis. With an acute shortage of beneficial microelements, metabolism is disrupted, and cells begin to suffer from hypoxia. Cyanosis is considered one of the main signs of vitamin deficiency. It is often combined with other pronounced symptoms: brittle and dry nails and hair, pale skin, irritability. A lack of vitamins leads to malfunctions of the digestive and cardiovascular systems and causes endocrine pathologies, so this condition should not be triggered.
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