The frenulum hurts when the head of the penis is opened

Infectious processes and swelling

Often infection with various infections leads to negative changes on the skin of the penis.
Naturally, we are talking about those diseases that have the ability to be transmitted from person to person through sexual contact.

Among them:

  • chlamydia is a common pathology caused by chlamydia
  • herpes is a viral disease that leads not only to redness, but also to ulceration of the skin, followed by a rather long healing period
  • indurative edema in syphilis is a variant of the body’s reaction to the penetration of Treponema pallidum into it
  • candidiasis of the head and foreskin is an infectious disease of fungal origin, infection of which does not necessarily occur after sexual contact, since candida is an opportunistic microorganism that does not always provoke the development of the disease

It is important to understand that infectious processes in most cases are accompanied by additional symptoms.

If the patient can ignore them, it is with great difficulty.

When changes occur in the area of ​​the glans penis, in most cases it is STIs that are diagnosed.

Since patients go to the doctor with them much more often.

Other causes of penis swelling

Often patients are interested in the question of why the head swells after circumcision.

In this case, swelling is a normal temporary reaction of the body.

The body thus reacts to external invasion, responding to surgical intervention with an inflammatory process.

As doctors note, postoperative swelling subsides in patients quite quickly (on average, no more than 4 days are required).

If swelling not only lasts too long, but also severe pain or other changes in well-being appear after surgery, there is a high probability of infection.

In this case, you should see a doctor!

Another reason why the skin around the head may be affected is diabetes.

The fact is that with this endocrine pathology, the composition of urine changes.

It begins to negatively affect the skin around it due to the high glucose content.

It is also worth remembering that altered urine becomes an excellent breeding ground for the proliferation of various pathogenic microorganisms.

This only increases negative symptoms.



May 21, 2022 at 10:56 pm

Good afternoon, doctor! I have a strange situation. So I had to look for advice on the Internet. There is inflammation on the head. Nothing else really worries me. Now I will try to explain the situation. About 7 years ago there was a suspicion of candidiasis, they treated it, it seems to have gone away. Last summer there were spots on the head, they didn’t bother me, they didn’t itch, they were just there, there was no smell and no problem either. I went to the dermatologist, but there were still spots on the head (the one on the shoulders

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