Sore throat after drinking alcohol
What are the symptoms after a long binge?
Home / Hygiene Back Published: 06/14/2020 Reading time: 9 min 0 32 1
First aid if a blister appears on the roof of your mouth
A blister appeared in the sky - what is it? Causes: Fans of very hot drinks and food
Short frenulum of the tongue in a newborn - causes, symptoms and treatment
In our clinic, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue and lip is performed by highly qualified pediatric dental surgeons. Done step by step
Photo of desquamative glossitis
Glossitis - symptoms and treatment
Glossitis: symptoms and treatment in adults Contents: What is glossitis Symptoms of glossitis Causes of glossitis
Reasons for the appearance of herpes on the face and other places. Symptoms, treatment
Causes of herpes on the face, treatment, prevention They say about herpes: “small but vicious.”
Cause of orange tongue
Orange coating on the tongue: causes of appearance, meaning, possible diseases, consultation with doctors, diagnosis and treatment
Main types of plaque Before you figure out why your tongue is orange, you need to know exactly
sign of biting your tongue
The sign of biting your tongue - what it means for a woman, man, boy or girl
For hundreds of years, people have observed various situations that happened to the human body, connecting them
Gastritis with high acidity: symptoms and treatment
Gastritis is one of the most common diseases among all pathologies of the digestive system. This disease
Increased salivation in adults: causes and treatments
06/15/2018 Increased salivation in an adult is a symptom of inflammation or disease of the gums, teeth or
It hurts to open your mouth after dental treatment
Functions of the palate and structural features The palate is a vault that separates the oral cavity from the nasopharynx.
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