The appearance of acne on the chin: reasons why subcutaneous and minor inflammations appear in girls, women and men


Any skin rashes, be it redness, acne or peeling, are symptoms of problems with the body. It is important to promptly identify the sources of such formations in order to:

  • learn in time about the development of a particular disease;
  • quickly and effectively treat both the root cause and its consequences.

Fortunately, acne on the face, namely on the chin, does not always signal serious abnormalities; the reasons may lie in a banal lack of hygiene, why does this happen? The answer is simple: in this place the epidermis is dense, and it is more difficult for the resulting fatty secretion to get out. Plugs form that can lead to inflammation.

Let's consider the whole range of reasons, which can be both external (explicit) and internal (hidden).

External factors

The most likely triggers that can lead to skin imperfections are associated with external influences. Some of them are easy to eliminate, but others will have to be dealt with somehow. In any case, external causes have a lesser impact on a person’s overall health.

So, what are the external causes of acne on the chin, as well as under it and on the neck, is presented in the table.

Source of origin Description
Lack of cleansing Excess sweat and sebaceous glands, anatomical features of the facial structure lead to an increased content of sebum, sweat and dirt mixed with them. This causes clogged pores and bacteria growth.
Mechanical impact Rubbing your hands, wearing medical masks, and high collars act as irritants and contribute to the development of unpleasant rashes.
Extrusion Getting rid of blackheads, opening comedones without proper disinfection, picking the face often causes acne on the chin on the right, left and closer to the neck in men, women and girls
Bad ecology An increased content of dust particles, carbon dioxide, machine exhaust, and factory emissions in the air negatively affects the condition of the facial skin.
Weather Heat and cold can cause acne

Hidden factors

These include diseases and changes occurring in the body:

  • Hormonal. They are characteristic of puberty, menopause, and pregnancy. Also, the background may be unstable during certain phases of the menstrual cycle, after childbirth and during breastfeeding.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In this area, the spectrum of the disease is extremely wide. Both constipation and poor-quality food poisoning can cause problems on the skin.
  • Genetic predisposition. We inherit a lot from our parents. Skin type is also passed down to us from mom or dad. If they have problematic or oily skin, or they often had acne and red spots in their youth or older years, then the answer to why acne constantly appears on the chin of girls lies in genetics.

Other reasons

Let's name a few more factors that can lead to problems on the face. The options listed below can be attributed to both internal and external sources, so it is worth highlighting a separate group.

  • Poor nutrition. Diets, intermittent fasting, limited consumption of fiber and foods rich in vitamins and minerals, increased fat content, spiciness and saltiness of food.
  • Stress. Psychological shocks, fatigue, intensity of the work rhythm, lack of rest.
  • Lack of sleep and excess of the hormone cortisol, leading to increased formation of sebum.

Causes of acne on the chin

Acne on the chin (as well as in other areas of the body such as the nose or roof of the mouth) can be caused by a variety of factors. We'll tell you about the most common ones.

Poor nutrition

First of all, acne on the chin may indicate that there is a junk food in your diet that is causing your acne, or perhaps a food allergy is present. People who are prone to allergic reactions to certain foods and do not have a balanced diet are most likely to suffer from spots and pimples on their chin This is because acne on the chin is associated with disorders in the small intestine, especially those caused by food allergies or an unhealthy diet.

Hormonal imbalance

Secondly, acne may be caused by hormonal changes if it appears during your menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause, or during puberty. For example, your body may be prone to pimples will begin to appear, and when finished they will gradually begin to disappear.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

In this case, the level of sex hormones is not normal. Usually the ovaries produce small amounts of male sex hormones (androgens). In polycystic ovarian syndrome, the androgen level is slightly elevated. This can lead to the cessation of ovulation, as well as the appearance of acne and the growth of additional hair on the face and body.

Accumulation of toxic substances in the body

In this case, your body is unable to get rid of toxic substances. The accumulation of these toxins can lead to acne on the chin.


You must have noticed that during stressful situations, when you are nervous or worried, such as before a date or an important exam, your skin condition can generally worsen, and with anxiety and stress comes acne.

The exact cause is not yet known, but since the cells that produce subcutaneous fat have receptors and nerve endings, there is some sort of connection between stress and acne.

If you lead a busy lifestyle, you also become prone to developing pimples on your chin. They can multiply from a moderate amount to a very large amount, depending on your level of anxiety. Stress caused by family problems, social or professional life is enough to cause sudden changes in the amount. acne on your face, especially in the chin area.

Insufficient personal hygiene

Not paying enough attention to personal hygiene can cause acne to appear on a larger scale than before, as well as worsen the condition of existing acne.

Frequently touching the skin of your chin and neck with a dirty mobile phone, especially if you have a habit of holding your mobile phone against your chin and neck and have frequent and prolonged conversations, can expose acne-causing germs to your mobile devices. , will cause the formation of more and more acne on the chin and face.

Likewise, dirty musical instruments such as the violin can cause acne if they come into frequent contact with your chin.

Do not touch your face or chin with dirty hands, and do not prop your face or chin with your elbow, or support your head with your hands.

Internal pimple on chin photo

Why do acne appear on the chin in women and men?

Many of these factors apply equally to everyone, but there are also those to which representatives of a particular gender are more susceptible. This is primarily due to the hormonal sphere and anatomical features of organisms. Many processes in the body occur in different ways. Let's look at the main problems.

Causes of occurrence in women

The most common situation is the approaching period. During this period, hormonal changes occur that affect sebum secretion. Gynecological diseases are also the troubles why a lot of acne appears on the chin of girls and women. Increased secretion of male hormones in the female body or hyperandrogenism also leads to acne.

Cosmetics can also be a problem. Of course, representatives of the stronger half also take care of themselves and strive to be beautiful, but this topic is still closer to the female sex. Poor quality makeup, expired or incorrectly selected creams negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Occurrence in men

Hyperandrogenism can cause acne and excess subcutaneous fat. Frequent shaving and the use of dull blades also contribute to irritation. Acne on the chin can appear in male athletes, the reasons lie in the use of any drugs - steroids or glucocorticoids.

Treatment options for acne and bumps on the chin

Today, modern medicine provides us with completely different means available to treat acne on the chin.

The methods and duration of treatment prescribed by dermatologists usually depend on the severity of your symptoms, and are adjusted depending on whether you plan to have a child.

Here are some of the most common treatment options:

Hormone therapy

Some medications intended for pregnancy prevention and birth control can lead to problems related to hormonal imbalance and disruption of sex hormone regulation, which in most cases leads to acne on the face and chin.

In order to avoid the consequences of the problem and adjust the level of female hormones in the body, take medications containing estrogen and progesterone, such as Trimaran - Cyclen Ortho, Yaz and Estrostep, which have all been approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia and the EU.

In practice, the drugs have proven to be quite useful for women whose bodies produce too many male hormones. In addition, to get rid of hormonal acne on the chin, try hormone replacement therapy, but only after consulting with your doctor.

Prevention and treatment

A good diet, regular eating and weight control, breaking bad habits are all vital steps towards treating acne and bumps on the chin.

If you are obese, then losing weight may be the best solution to your acne problem. A little weight loss goes a long way in balancing your hormonal levels and getting your menstrual cycle back on track.

Include plenty of fruits, whole grains, vegetables and low-fat dairy products in your daily diet.

If you smoke, seriously consider quitting the habit. Smokers always have higher androgen levels and a greater tendency to develop various diseases than people who do not smoke.

Hormone therapy can help with excessive hair growth and acne. Androgen-lowering spironolactone (Aldactone) is commonly prescribed by doctors as part of a complete treatment for chin bumps. This approach can help treat acne and even hair loss.

Subcutaneous acne on the chin

Use of antibiotics

If you're suffering from itchy, painful, bumpy pimples on your chin and nothing is helping, antibiotic acne medications may be the answer.

They will help to significantly reduce inflammation, as well as destroy the bacteria that caused acne, however, provided that you first receive a prescription and recommendations from your doctor, and you strictly adhere to the instructions and recommendations in using any antibiotic against acne.

Creams, lotions, ointments, gels against acne

Lotions, gels, creams and ointments prescribed by your doctor can be excellent helpers in the complex treatment of acne on the chin.

Typically, doctors recommend products that contain a retinoid (a form of vitamin A), found in some creams, gels, and ointments, which can cleanse the pores of your face of excess subcutaneous oil, thereby significantly helping the antibiotics you use to have positive effect as quickly and reliably as possible.

Maintain strict personal hygiene

  • Wash your face using cleansing scrubs and lotions regularly twice a day (after waking up and before going to bed). You should wash your face more than 2 times only if it is very dirty, or if the skin becomes significantly oilier.
  • Use soft, lukewarm water, as hard cold or hot water tends to block sebaceous ducts and pores.
  • You can soften your water at home by purchasing suitable water filters and a softening system that will help you filter the water and balance its chemical and biological composition.
  • Do not touch or rest your chin with your hands, as this can significantly introduce dirt and bacteria into the pores.
  • Avoid picking or squeezing pimples on your chin, especially if they are bumps.

Home Remedies for Acne on Chin (with Instructions)


Ice can be used to quickly relieve swelling, redness and inflammation of pimples. Using ice increases the return of blood flow from the acne area by freezing the pimples on the skin.

Wrap a piece of ice in a cloth or gauze, place it on the pimple-affected area of ​​your chin, and hold it there for a few seconds.

Afterwards, take a short break of a few minutes and then repeat the procedure.


Another easy way to get rid of blemishes and pimples is lemon juice, which is rich in vitamin C. Lemon juice will dry out pimples quickly. Dip a cotton swab into the freshly squeezed juice, then wipe the pimples three times.

Acne on the chin in women


The sulfur in garlic also causes acne to heal quickly.

  • Cut a fresh garlic clove into two halves.
  • Apply garlic to the pimple, wipe the affected area with it, and leave it for five minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the treatment many times every day until you achieve the expected result. Also, eating 1 clove of garlic every day will help cleanse your blood and significantly improve the condition and appearance of your skin. But do not overdo it - you should not eat too much raw garlic, as it can cause digestive problems.


Skin rashes come in different types. Some of them are painful and dangerous, others are more likely to cause cosmetic discomfort. The color of the formations is also different: from white and pink to black. Conventionally, they are divided into inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The latter include open and closed comedones. And there are many more types of first rashes. These are superficial, nodular and purulent pustules, cystic nodules, subcutaneous pimples on the chin, the causes of which can be found out by accurately determining the type of rash.

Let's talk in more detail about the main types.

Open and closed comedones

The first are plugs that arise in the ducts of the exocrine glands. Outwardly, they look like black dots. Their color ranges from light gray to dark brown. The fatty contents darken due to oxygen exposure.

Closed comedones are non-inflamed bumps that are located under the epidermis. The color of the rash is flesh-colored. They are not always noticeable, but can be felt with your fingers. Such internal pimples on the chin in women cannot be squeezed out, the reasons for this are simple: independent “treatment” of the skin and extraction of the contents leads to the appearance of scars and signs of post-acne.

Papules and pustules

The first are cavityless nodules located above the skin. They have a dense or soft consistency. Pustules are purulent cavity elements with a white head and liquid contents.

Papules may be superficial, appearing as red, outlined dots, or nodular. The latter differ in the size and presence of the inflammatory focus. Such internal pimples on the chin are painful on palpation; the cause may lie in inflammation of the hair follicle. No obvious purulent contents are observed.

Subcutaneous acne

An annoying problem that is difficult to deal with due to the fact that the source of inflammation is located deep under the dermis. The rashes are painful, take a long time to mature, and if you try to squeeze them out, traces remain in the form of fistulas, redness and even scars. It is difficult to quickly cure such a problem. Diagnostics, including laboratory tests, is of great importance.

Why do large or small internal pimples appear on the chin? There are several factors:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased immunity;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • frequent deep peeling;
  • demodex.

Pink and whiteheads

Another variety is very similar in name, but very different in origin. It is a mistake to believe that rosacea and whiteheads differ only in color.

The first rash is characteristic of rosacea, a chronic dermatological disease. It is manifested by dilated capillaries, redness, swelling, as well as the presence of papules and pustules. Why such subcutaneous pimples appear on the chin is not entirely clear. The progression of the disease is influenced by hereditary factors, disturbances in vascular tone, and changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Whiteheads are otherwise called milia, prosyanki or retention cysts. Outwardly, they look like small light subcutaneous nodules. The inside is filled with keratin mixed with sebum. The formations do not hurt or become inflamed unless they are injured. Their usual localization is the eyelids, T-zone and area around the eyes.

Why are there subcutaneous pimples on the chin*?

The sebaceous glands that maintain the hydrolipid balance of the skin may begin to malfunction. For example, secreting too much sebum. The pores become clogged with dead cells and sebum, which creates anaerobic conditions favorable for the growth of bacteria. This causes or worsens inflammation, swelling and pain.

There are various factors that increase the risk of developing a subcutaneous rash23:

  • genetic;
  • hormonal;
  • nutritional, etc.

To accurately determine which factor provokes acne, you should consult a specialist and, if necessary, undergo additional tests.

As for the effect of diet on rash formation, this issue remains controversial. But experts agree that excessive consumption of dairy products, as well as foods rich in gluten and glucose can lead to the formation of inflammatory elements.

The formation of a cystic rash is influenced by hormones, in particular testosterone. Most often, teenagers experience this, but subcutaneous acne on the chin in women and men is also not uncommon. According to data provided by the American Academy of Dermatology, the number of women suffering from late-onset acne has increased.

Getting rid of subcutaneous acne is not easy, because they are a recurring problem. There is no way to cure them once and for all.

How to determine the cause

Diagnosis is made based on visual examination, medical history and laboratory tests. It is not always possible to cope with ordinary home remedies, and the use of aggressive substances containing alcohol can worsen the condition of the epidermis. Therefore, to find out why acne appears on the chin, you need to consult a doctor.

If there are menstrual irregularities or hormonal imbalances, women have their blood taken to analyze the level of free testosterone, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones and DHEA-SO4.

Also, in the laboratory, seeding of the contents released from the rashes is carried out. The liquid is placed in a special environment, where the intensity of bacterial growth is visually assessed and inflammatory skin diseases are excluded.

When acne appears on the chin, the causes in women are sought using tests for cholesterol and liver enzymes, and this is also determined by determining the level of potassium in the serum. To rule out polycystic ovary syndrome and other problems in the pelvis, an ultrasound is performed.

Cosmetological treatment methods

Hardware and injection cosmetology have a wide arsenal of skin care products. These are techniques based on electric pulses, laser exposure, heat, and magnetic fields. Most procedures are not performed during pregnancy and lactation. Each of them must be prescribed by a cosmetologist. Only after finding out the cause can you begin therapy.

In cosmetology there are two main methods of struggle:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning. The procedure shows high efficiency and successfully eliminates blockage of skin pores. Its essence is to treat the problem area with an ultrasonic nozzle. The device creates vibrations that help break the intercellular connections of the stratum corneum. Dead cells are exfoliated and accumulated impurities are removed.
  2. Darsonvalization. If the cause of acne on the chin is not associated with serious diseases, then the procedure will definitely get rid of the cosmetic defect. This is a physiotherapeutic method based on microcurrents. The device stimulates metabolic processes in the skin and stabilizes sebum production. Darsonvalization can be remote (impact on the upper layers of the dermis) and contact (on the deep).
  3. Injections with CURACEN, which is widely used to care for various types of facial skin. This is a unique injection product based on human placenta hydrolyzate, which was developed by scientists from the Japanese Corporation Japan Bio Products CO., LTD specifically to eliminate skin imperfections. The most important difference is the natural origin of all components. Therapy using Curasen gives a pronounced and clinically significant result.

Homemade beauty recipes

They have existed since ancient times. Among them there are those that help get rid of unpleasant rashes. Many of them are harmless and do not require consultation with a specialist, but it is still better not to self-medicate.

So, knowing why pimples appear or have already appeared in the chin area, you can use the following safe methods to eliminate them:

  • Using aloe juice. This plant is known for its bactericidal effects. Nectar is used in its pure form to wipe problem areas or in combination with other ingredients. Its leaves can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Cucumber masks. Cucumber juice tones and helps tighten pores. Lotions are often made from grated vegetables. To do this, pour boiling water over the pulp and leave for three hours.
  • Soda. If rashes do not appear due to demodex, then you can use a lotion based on this product. To do this, soda is mixed with sugar and dissolved in warm water.


They are prescribed by doctors in accordance with the data of laboratory tests of blood, smears, cultures and others. These can be gels, ointments, creams, masks, injections and systemic preparations for oral administration. Some are necessary for direct treatment, others for prevention. Most medications should be used in courses.

If it is possible to find out exactly why pimples appear on the chin, and acne comes out along with them, and the problem is the malfunction of the thyroid gland, then hormonal drugs are prescribed. If the problem is in the gastrointestinal tract, then adsorbents are prescribed, and in case of a bacterial infection, you need to take a course of antibiotics.

Subcutaneous acne on the chin: causes

Acne is a multifactorial disease that can occur for many reasons4,50:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • stress;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • taking certain medications (GCS, anabolic steroids, etc.);
  • excess in the diet of sweets, fatty foods, dairy products, foods rich in iodine, bromine, gluten;
  • use of cosmetics with comedogenic ingredients, etc.

Subcutaneous acne on the chin in women may appear before menstruation, which is associated with changes in hormonal levels.

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetics allow you to provide proper care and at the same time proper cleansing and treatment of the skin. Most of them are designed to reduce sebum production and disinfection. This is not surprising, since its large amount creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. The above funds include:

  • salicylic and azelaic acids;
  • zinc;
  • benzoyl peroxide;
  • vitamin A.

Another group of drugs is designed to increase local immunity and restore skin. Such products nourish, tone and rejuvenate the dermis. A striking example is Rhana Bb Laboratories gel fluid.

We recommend

Bb Laboratories – Placental cleansing foam

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Premium set “Ideal facial skin. Healthy tone"


In order not to wonder why acne appears on the chin, you need to take preventive measures in a timely manner. It is based on proper nutrition and care. It is also worth considering the following tips:

  • when a red lump appears, do not squeeze, apply ice, apply a targeted ointment;
  • do not increase the number of washes - the dermis needs its sebum to maintain hydration and elasticity;
  • You need to play sports in breathable light clothing, and take a shower after training;
  • It is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, and to ventilate the premises.

Proper nutrition for acne


  • Foods rich in dietary fiber and pectin (buckwheat, pearl barley, bran, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts and others).
  • Foods high in zinc: liver, beef, seafood.
  • Cooking food by steaming and in a slow cooker. This way, more nutrients are retained and a minimum of fat is used.
  • Foods rich in vitamin A (fish oil, carrots, corn), B (cheese, cabbage, wheat cereal), E (vegetable oils, green peas, wheat germ, parsley).


  • roast;
  • salty;
  • spicy;
  • fat;
  • sweet;
  • monotonous.

The recommendations are obvious and very simple. Therefore, when they ask why there is acne on the chin, doctors first of all find out the diet.

Caring for problem skin

It is recommended to wash with cool water. It is better to use special lotions, foams, micellar, but not soap with a high alkali content. Once a week you can make cleansing masks based on clay, use a scrub or light peeling.

Creams with hyaluronic acid, collagen and urea are suitable for moisturizing. Nutrition is provided by products containing panthenol, vitamins and microelements.

Let's sum it up

Let us briefly highlight the main points:

  1. Rashes occur due to excess sebum, which can be caused by both serious diseases of the body and lack of hygiene.
  2. Men and women may have different reasons.
  3. Treating a problem is always more difficult than following preventive measures.
  4. If acne appears, you should see a doctor, because this can prevent serious diseases.

High-quality cosmetics, medications and cosmetic techniques help to achieve good results in treating rashes. But first, don’t forget to find out exactly the reason why your chin breaks out with acne, and then do something about it.

Causes of acne

To understand how to remove internal acne , you should find out why they may appear.

  • The rash may be a consequence of the activity of the subcutaneous mite;
  • Acne usually forms on dehydrated and dry skin. Hot, humid conditions, wind, frost and cold also have a detrimental effect;
  • Genetic predisposition plays an important role. Naturally oily skin types require more careful care. The skin must be carefully cleansed using water-soluble gels or foams;
  • The main cause of acne formation is blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts with excess subcutaneous fat along with dirt and dead epidermal cells;
  • You can unsuccessfully treat the external signs of a rash for a long time, but the true causes will be hidden deep in the body.

It is extremely rare to independently determine the cause of acne. It is recommended to contact a competent specialist - a dermatologist .

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