What is the human pharynx and oropharynx: structure, functions

This article will help you learn about the structure of the throat and larynx.

The inside of the human throat has almost the same structure as the part of the neck in front of the vertebrae in many mammals. Naturally, there are differences and there are many of them.

  • From the beginning of the tongue to the beginning of the shoulder there are many nerve roots, arteries and other systems.
  • Otorhinolaryngology is a science that studies and treats this area.
  • You will find a detailed description of the structure of the throat and larynx in this article.

Anatomical structure of the pharynx

The pharynx, another name is the pharynx.
It starts at the back of the mouth and continues down the neck. The wider part is located at the base of the skull for strength. The narrow lower part connects to the larynx. The outer part of the pharynx continues with the outer part of the mouth - it has quite a lot of glands that produce mucus and help moisten the throat during speech or eating. When studying the anatomy of the pharynx, it is important to determine its type, structure, functions and risks of disease. As mentioned earlier, the pharynx is shaped like a cone. The narrowed part merges with the laryngopharynx, and the wide side continues the oral cavity. There are glands that produce mucus and help moisten the throat during communication and eating. From the front side it connects to the larynx, from above it adjoins the nasal cavity, on the sides it adjoins the cavities of the middle ear through the Eustachian canal, and from below it connects with the esophagus.

The larynx is located as follows:

  • opposite 4 - 6 cervical vertebrae;
  • behind - the laryngeal part of the pharynx;
  • in front - formed due to the group of hyoid muscles;
  • above - hyoid bone;
  • lateral - adjacent to the thyroid gland with its lateral parts.

The structure of a child's pharynx has its own differences. Tonsils in newborns are underdeveloped and do not function at all. Their full development is achieved by two years.

The larynx includes in its structure a skeleton, which contains paired and unpaired cartilages connected by joints, ligaments and muscles:

  • unpaired consist of: cricoid, epiglottis, thyroid.
  • paired ones consist of: corniculate, arytenoid, wedge-shaped.

The muscles of the larynx are divided into three groups and consist of:

  • thyroarytenoid, cricoarytenoid, oblique arytenoid and transverse muscles - those that narrow the glottis;
  • posterior cricoarytenoid muscle - is paired and expands the glottis;
  • vocal and cricothyroid - strain the vocal cords.

Entrance to the larynx:

  • behind the entrance there are arytenoid cartilages, which consist of cornuform tubercles, and are located on the side of the mucous membrane;
  • in front - epiglottis;
  • on the sides there are aryepiglottic folds, which consist of wedge-shaped tubercles.

The laryngeal cavity is also divided into 3 parts:

  1. The vestibule tends to stretch from the vestibular folds to the epiglottis.
  2. Interventricular section - stretches from the inferior ligaments to the superior ligaments of the vestibule.
  3. Subglottic region - located at the bottom of the glottis, when it expands, the trachea begins.

The larynx has 3 membranes:

  • mucous membrane - consists of multinucleated prismatic epithelium;
  • fibrocartilaginous membrane - consists of elastic and hyaline cartilages;
  • connective tissue - connects part of the larynx and other formations of the neck.

Pharynx: nasopharynx, oropharynx, swallowing department

The anatomy of the pharynx is divided into several sections.

  • How is swallowing done?

Each of them has its own specific purpose:

  1. The nasopharynx is the most important section, which covers and merges with special openings into the back of the nasal cavity. The function of the nasopharynx is to moisturize, warm, clean the inhaled air from pathogenic microflora and recognize odor. The nasopharynx is an integral part of the respiratory tract.
  2. The oropharynx includes the tonsils and uvula. They border the palate and the hyoid bone and are connected by the tongue. The main function of the oropharynx is to protect the body from infections. It is the tonsils that prevent the penetration of germs and viruses inside. The oropharynx performs a combined action. Without its participation, the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems is not possible.
  3. Swallowing department (hyopharynx). The function of the swallowing department is to carry out swallowing movements. The laryngopharynx is related to the digestive system.

There are two types of muscles surrounding the pharynx:

  • stylopharyngeal;
  • muscles are compressors.

Their functional action is based on pushing food towards the esophagus. The swallowing reflex occurs automatically when muscles tense and relax.

The process looks like this:

  1. In the oral cavity, food is moistened with saliva and crushed. The resulting lump moves towards the root of the tongue.
  2. Further, the receptors, irritating them, cause muscle contraction. As a result, the sky rises. At this second, a curtain closes between the pharynx and nasopharynx, which prevents food from entering the nasal passages. The lump of food moves deep into the throat without any problems.
  3. Chewed food is pushed down the throat.
  4. Food passes to the esophagus.

Since the pharynx is an integral part of the respiratory and digestive system, it is able to regulate the functions assigned to it. It prevents food from entering the respiratory tract during swallowing.

What functions does the pharynx perform?

The structure of the pharynx makes it possible to carry out serious processes necessary for human existence.

Functions of the pharynx:

  1. Voice-forming. Cartilage in the pharynx takes control of the movement of the vocal cords. The space between the ligaments is constantly subject to change. This process regulates the volume of the voice. The shorter the vocal cords, the higher the pitch of the sound produced.
  2. Protective. The tonsils produce immunoglobulin, which prevents a person from becoming infected with viral and antibacterial diseases. At the moment of inhalation, the air entering through the nasopharynx is warmed and cleared of pathogens.
  3. Respiratory. The air inhaled by a person penetrates the nasopharynx, then the larynx, pharynx, and trachea. The villi located on the surface of the epithelium prevent foreign bodies from entering the respiratory tract.
  4. Esophageal. The function ensures the functioning of swallowing and sucking reflexes.

The diagram of the pharynx can be seen in the next photo.

  • The structure of the human throat and larynx: photo

Diseases affecting the throat and pharynx

Diseases of the ENT organs can be triggered by an attack of a viral or bacterial infection. But pathology is also caused by fungal infections, the development of various tumors, and allergies.

Pharynx diseases manifest themselves:

  • ARVI;
  • sore throat;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • paratonsillitis.

Only a doctor can determine an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination and based on the results of laboratory tests.

Possible injuries

The pharynx can be injured as a result of internal, external, closed, open, penetrating, blind and through injuries. Possible complication - blood loss, suffocation, development of a retropharyngeal abscess, etc.

First aid:

  • in case of injury to the mucous membrane in the oropharynx area, the damaged area is treated with silver nitrate;
  • deep injury requires the administration of tetanus toxoid, analgesic, antibiotic;
  • severe arterial bleeding is stopped by finger pressure.

Specialized medical care includes tracheostomy and pharyngeal tamponade.

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Anatomy of cartilage

When studying the structure of the larynx, special attention should be paid to the cartilage present.

They are presented as:

  1. Cricoid cartilage. This is a wide plate in the form of a ring, covering the back, front and sides. On the sides and edges, the cartilage has articular areas for connection with the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages.
  2. Thyroid cartilage, consisting of 2 plates that fuse in front at an angle. When studying the structure of a child’s larynx, these plates can be seen to converge in a rounded manner. This happens in women too, but in men it usually develops an angular protrusion.
  3. Arytenoid cartilages. They have the shape of pyramids, at the base of which there are 2 processes. The first, the anterior one, is the place for fastening the vocal cord, and the second, the lateral cartilage, is where the muscles are attached.
  4. Horn-shaped cartilages, which are located on the tops of the arytenoids.
  5. Epiglottic cartilage. It has a leaf-shaped form. The convex - concave surface is lined with mucous membrane, and it faces the larynx. The lower part of the cartilage extends into the laryngeal cavity. The front side faces the tongue.

Survival prognosis

How long do people live with laryngeal cancer? When a patient is diagnosed with throat cancer, the prognosis directly depends on the location of the tumor and the extent of the cancer process.

Table No. 1. Survival prognosis depending on the location of the laryngeal tumor

Location of the tumor Five-year survival forecast
Postcricoid region 20%
Posterior wall of the larynx 21%
Pyriform sinus 50%

Is throat cancer deadly? If the disease is recognized in a timely manner, there is a high probability that the disease can be defeated. The five-year survival rate for patients with stage 1 throat cancer is 85%. When stage 4 gora cancer is detected, the prognosis is less optimistic. If stage 4 throat cancer is detected, how long do they live? The five-year survival prognosis for patients with stage four laryngeal cancer is 20%. Much depends on whether the patient agrees to surgery to remove the larynx and vocal cords, which could render the person mute.

Long-term survival of patients with throat cancer has remained virtually unchanged over the past 20 years, but the quality of life of cured patients has improved significantly. If radiation therapy does not lead to the expected result, doctors at the Yusupov Hospital use preservation surgery methods that allow the patient to partially preserve speech.

What is the throat, larynx and pharynx

A common misconception is to call the throat only the small area behind the tongue that turns red and hurts with sore throats. In this case, what is located below is often excluded. For example, there is a difference between the throat and larynx because it is part of this system below and is connected to the pharynx and trachea.

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The throat is not an anatomy term; it is the common name for the part of the upper respiratory tract from the hyoid bone to the level of the clavicle or manubrium of the sternum. The throat contains:

  • pharynx or oropharynx - begins in the visible part of the mouth, the entrance gates are the tonsils, they are also tonsils that do not allow infections below;
  • nasopharynx - cavities located above the palate;
  • swallowing department - a small area behind the epiglottis that pushes food and liquids into the esophagus;
  • The larynx is a cartilaginous tube for air, lined with mucous membrane and blood vessels.

Important to know: How to treat laryngeal paresis? We understand the aspects of the disease.

The epiglottis serves as a valve that prevents food and water from entering the larynx, at the top of which are the vocal folds (cords). Their closing and opening gives us the opportunity to make sounds. The larynx is protected in front by the thyroid cartilage, and behind it is the esophagus.


Throat cancer is a disease whose development is largely associated with the consumption of alcohol, nicotine and other toxic substances. Oncologists recommend that patients addressing this issue give up bad habits to reduce the likelihood of pathology.

Another provoking factor is carcinogenic substances, the inhalation of which causes irreversible changes in the mucous membranes. Patients at risk are advised to limit manipulations with substances of increased carcinogenicity: benzene, asbestos, oil industry products, phenolic resins, coal dust. If, while performing work duties, contact with these substances cannot be avoided, respirators should be used to protect the respiratory tract.

Timely treatment of respiratory diseases is an important preventive measure to prevent the pathological process. Oncologists at the Yusupov Hospital advise patients at risk and inform them about factors that negatively affect the respiratory tract, manifestations of throat cancer at the initial stage and methods of prevention.

Possible diseases

Diseases of the nasal cavity are divided into four categories.

Allergic. Symptoms of such diseases manifest themselves through redness and sore throat, lacrimation, itching, and nasal discharge.

Inflammatory. With such diseases of the nasopharynx, general intoxication of the body is most often observed:

  • chills,
  • apathy,
  • febrility,
  • appetite and sleep disturbances.

And with tonsillitis - an increase in the size of the nasopharyngeal tonsils.

Traumatic. This category includes diseases characterized by bleeding, bone crepitus, sharp pain, redness and swelling of the affected area.

Oncological. Symptoms characteristic of this group of diseases include the presence of a malignant neoplasm, difficulty swallowing or breathing, a decrease in body weight by 7–10 kg over a month, general weakness of the body, an increase in the size of lymphatic formations, persistent low-grade fever for more than half a month.

Most of the causes of nasopharyngeal diseases can be corrected with medication or by leading a healthy lifestyle. However, a predisposing factor in the occurrence of oncological and allergic pathologies of this organ is burdened heredity, which in no way can be neutralized.

More dangerous pathologies

Any diseases of the nasopharynx are under the supervision of an otolaryngologist. The most common and dangerous pathologies are:

  • Sore throat and complications caused by it (inflammation of the tonsils).
  • Abscess is a purulent inflammation of the tonsils (a complication of tonsillitis).
  • Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
  • Adenoid vegetation - an increase in the size of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. With this pathology, breathing through the nose is completely impaired.
  • Laryngitis is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

You can protect yourself from diseases of this organ by taking the following preventive measures:

  • Rational and proper nutrition.
  • Consumption of mineral and vitamin complexes.
  • A healthy lifestyle is partly sports and physical exercise.
  • Daily ventilation of living spaces.

Anatomical structure of the larynx

The larynx (larynx) is lined with various tissue structures, blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerves. The mucous membrane, covered from the inside, consists of multilayered epithelium. And underneath there is connective tissue, which in case of illness manifests itself as swelling. When studying the structure of the throat and larynx, we observe a large number of glands. They are absent only in the region of the edges of the vocal folds.

See the photo below for the structure of the human throat with a description.

The larynx is located in the throat in the shape of an hourglass. The structure of the larynx in a child differs from that of an adult. In infancy, she is two vertebrae higher than normal. If in adults the plates of the thyroid cartilage are connected at an acute angle, then in children they are at a right angle. The structure of the larynx in a child is also distinguished by a long glottis. In them it is shorter, and the vocal folds are of unequal size. The diagram of a child’s larynx can be seen in the photo below.

What does the larynx consist of?

The structure of the larynx in relation to other organs:

  • superiorly, the larynx is attached to the hyoid bone by thyroid ligaments. This provides support for the external muscles;
  • below, the larynx is attached to the first ring of the trachea with the help of the cricoid cartilage;
  • on the side it borders on the thyroid gland, and on the back on the esophagus.

The skeleton of the larynx includes five main cartilages that fit tightly together:

  • cricoid;
  • thyroid;
  • epiglottis;
  • arytenoid cartilages - 2 pieces.

From above the larynx passes into the laryngopharynx, from below into the trachea. All cartilages found in the larynx, except the epiglottis, are hyaline, and the muscles are striated. They have the property of reflex contraction.

What functions does the larynx perform?

The functions of the larynx are determined by three actions:

  1. Protective. It does not allow third-party objects into the lungs.
  2. Respiratory. The structure of the larynx helps regulate air flow.
  3. Voice. The vibrations caused by the air are created by the voice.

The larynx is one of the important organs. If its functional activity is disrupted, irreversible consequences may occur.

Treatment in Moscow

Treatment of throat cancer in Moscow using modern methods is carried out by doctors at the Yusupov Hospital. The Oncology Clinic specializes in the treatment of laryngeal cancer. The consultation is conducted by leading oncologists in Moscow, who have scientific titles and the highest medical category. Candidates and doctors of medical sciences and authors of scientific works take part in the treatment process.

Patients are in comfortable rooms. Medical personnel provide hygienic care for the tracheostomy. Cooks provide patients with special meals. The cost of treatment is lower than in other throat cancer clinics. The price of services provided to the patient corresponds to their quality. You can find out how much treatment for throat cancer costs by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

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