Gift for a child’s first tooth - TOP 150 good ideas for girls and boys

What do you give a girl for her first tooth: TOP 20 good ideas

You can give the girl the following gifts for her teeth:

  1. A silver-plated icon of the Mother of God, which she will keep for the rest of her life.
  2. Fabric angel doll. The recipient will be happy to play with it.
  3. Pink hooded bath towel.
  4. Bedspread with embroidery. It can be used at home or while walking.
  5. A heating toy that smells nice and keeps you warm. It will help calm the child when pain occurs.
  6. Disposable diapers with a pattern. An excellent gift for a child's first tooth from friends.
  7. Earrings that can be given by close relatives. Even if the recipient does not have pierced ears, the gift will come in handy in the future.
  8. A chain for a cross or pendant. The size and metal are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the recipient (weight, height, allergies to metal).
  9. A set of diaper dresses. The recipient will look beautiful while walking.
  10. An electronic swing that will help put the recipient to sleep.
  11. Canopy. Protects against drafts and insects.
  12. Room thermometer. It is necessary to control the temperature in the room and will tell you when it is necessary to ventilate.
  13. Children's cosmetics: oils, powders, ointments. A good option for giving a girl her first tooth.
  14. Manicure set for the care of children's nails. Rounded scissors and a soft file will make cutting them safe and comfortable.
  15. A set of walking hats.
  16. Frame with embroidered metric.
  17. A set of disposable diapers and napkins. It will come in handy during walks and visits to the clinic.
  18. Set of headbands. They can be decorated with bows, soft beads, ribbons, etc.
  19. A set of socks with multi-colored designs.
  20. A keychain in the shape of a stroller, which indicates when the child's first tooth erupted.

What are the traditions and signs associated with gifts?

A silver spoon can be given not only at the time of the appearance of the first tooth, but also at the birth or baptism of a baby.

According to existing traditions, parents themselves can make a gift for the birth of a baby. Moreover, this is identified not only with the good health of the little man, but also with his future well-being and prosperity. The saying “I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth” has survived. The child was born into a family with good income, since in past times silver was a sign of financial stability and prosperity. Family silver was the lot of fairly rich, wealthy people.

After the baby was baptized, the godparents presented him with a silver spoon. This ritual was identified with the future happy and successful life of the ward. A baptized baby fell under “God’s wing,” which protected him from all kinds of sins and temptations, and the gift of a spoon further strengthened his protection from negative energy.

Baptism set with spoon for a boy

Baptism set with spoon for girls

And for the “first tooth” in the modern version of existing traditions, everyone can give a valuable gift: parents, relatives, godparents, friends.

Regardless of what stage of life a child receives a gift, it is important to present it, sincerely wishing the child health, success, well-being, and prosperity.

If the spoon is placed on the first tooth, you need to knock on it with the spoon several times. There is a belief that in this case the teeth will be strong and healthy.

We must not forget that the spoon should be kept by the owner throughout his life. It does not have to be used for its intended purpose, since the item is a personal talisman-amulet.

What do they give to a boy for his first tooth: 20 ideas

List of ideas for what to give a boy:

  1. Silver plated icon with the Savior. Will protect him all his life.
  2. Large size cars. They can be musical, catchy, etc.
  3. Blue bath towel.
  4. Reusable diapers with dinosaur or racing car designs.
  5. A sorter that will help you learn to distinguish the shape and size of objects.
  6. Finger labyrinth. With it you can develop fine motor skills and learn to think logically.
  7. Finger paint. Safe if swallowed. They will learn to distinguish colors and create colorful pictures.
  8. Dry pool with balls. Once the recipient can crawl, he will enjoy spending time playing with balls. A good idea for a gift for a boy's first tooth.
  9. Growing chair. A special mechanism allows you to increase its height as the recipient grows.
  10. A 3D lamp that will entertain the recipient in the evenings.
  11. Pillow with safe filling and colorful pillowcase.
  12. Toothbrush with children's toothpaste.
  13. A set of rompers for walking.
  14. Inflatable neck ring for bathing. Allows you to swim without parental help.
  15. Water thermometer. Will tell you if the water is too hot.
  16. Herbal infusion for bathing. You can add it to water if the recipient is worried about pain in the mouth.
  17. Car seat suspension toys. They will entertain you while traveling.
  18. Feeder (nibbler). Used to introduce solid foods into complementary feeding. A good gift for a child's first tooth.
  19. Bottles of unusual design.
  20. A massage mat that will improve the boy's health.

Popular signs

As mentioned above, the appearance of the first teeth has always been associated with various signs. Among them, the following are especially popular:

  • How many teeth a baby gets out during the first year of life, how many babies his mother will have.
  • The birth of a baby with one tooth is a good sign for representatives of some countries. They considered such a baby to have great physical strength. In the future, such a child could become an excellent warrior and protector.
  • If teeth grow frequently, without gaps , this is considered a sign that the baby will grow up to be tight-fisted and amorous.

TOP 15 silver gifts that can be given to a child for his first tooth

Ideas on what to give a child for his first tooth made of silver:

  1. A cup from which drinking is healthy and safe for the body.
  2. A fork decorated with a pattern or engraving.
  3. Rattle.
  4. Pin with pendant.
  5. A pendant in the shape of a zodiac sign or the first letter of a name.
  6. Coin with metric.
  7. Commemorative medal in a case.
  8. A bell that can be hung above the crib.
  9. Sippy cup with a pattern.
  10. Knife in a case. Suitable for use by children.
  11. Photo frame.
  12. A plate with handles that is comfortable to hold. A great gift for a boy or a girl.
  13. A music box decorated with a figurine.
  14. Water ionizer designed for disinfection.
  15. Bracelet with pendant.


Another tradition, preserved from ancient times, says that a lost baby tooth should be given to a brownie. Moreover, a whole ritual is provided for this.

The tooth is placed in a silver spoon, which is usually given to the baby by the godfather for the first erupted tooth. The spoon is heated on a candle, while saying: “Grandfather Brownie! You have a burdock tooth, but give me a bone one!” Then the fire is blown out, the spoon is filled with honey and left on the table overnight. In the morning, you need to rinse it thoroughly under hot water without looking.

What to give for the first tooth besides a spoon: 30 best gifts

In addition to the spoon, you can give the following gifts:

  1. A box for storing the first tooth. Will be stored for many years.
  2. A case for storing the first cut curl.
  3. A set of sippy cups equipped with handles and a spout.
  4. Baby sling beads.
  5. Rodents. There are many design options. You can present several models at once.
  6. Bed pendant.
  7. Personalized bracelet made of silicone or wooden beads.
  8. Bed sheets.
  9. Openwork plaid. It can be used during photo shoots, walks, and visits.
  10. Photo album. Such things are given for the first tooth or for a birthday.
  11. Set for making casts of hands and feet. Parents can hang the resulting products on the wall.
  12. Diploma on metal “For a happy birth.” It will remain a long-lasting memory for the parents and recipient.
  13. A set of bibs. Useful during meals.
  14. Rug puzzle. Develops motor skills and introduces flowers.
  15. A comb with soft bristles that gently combs children's hair.
  16. A pot that will come in handy soon.
  17. A first aid kit stocked with medications that relieve itching and discomfort during teething.
  18. Floor piano. You can give it as a gift to a child so that he can learn to compose music.
  19. Mini rugs from ROXY-KIDS. They are shaped like sea animals. Designed for use in the bathroom: anti-slip, for play. They can be chewed, crushed, twisted, etc.
  20. Absorbent diapers. They will be a good replacement for diapers in the summer. A practical idea of ​​what to give to a child.
  21. A sleeping bag that will make the recipient's sleep comfortable.
  22. Set of figured baby soap. It must be hypoallergenic.
  23. Water marker mat. Allows you to draw without using paints.
  24. Set of multi-colored sandpipers. Comfortable clothes that both parents and recipient will like. An original gift for a child's first tooth.
  25. Children's canopy with a star pattern.
  26. Height meter in the shape of an elephant's trunk.
  27. A carnival costume that can be worn to any celebration.
  28. Children's slippers that look like animals.
  29. Balloon in the shape of a tooth.
  30. Alphabet puzzles. They will introduce letters and teach how to form words.

Customs about tooth loss

The first tooth falling out is considered an equally significant event . There are various customs and traditions that can tell parents what to do in this case.

Our ancestors considered it necessary to throw the first tooth that fell out behind the stove so that the mouse would take it and bring a new, permanent one in return . As a game moment, it was allowed for the child himself to do this. In this case, a throw over the left shoulder was considered a mandatory requirement . This custom was aimed at ensuring that the baby’s teeth changed faster and would not cause trouble in the future.

Today there are practically no stoves left anywhere, so the ancient ritual has been slightly changed. The tooth can be thrown to any other place where the mouse can find it: in the forest or on the field.

Another ritual involves handing over a baby tooth to a brownie through a hearth or fireplace . The brownie had to keep the lost tooth and send a new one in return.

A tradition beloved by modern children, which came to us from other countries, is the transfer of a tooth to a magic fairy. In this case, you need to hide the fallen tooth under the pillow . In the morning, as compensation from the fairy, the baby must find coins to replace the lost tooth. This is just fun, so parents should take care of a nominal fee.

TOP 20 gifts from grandparents for the first tooth of a grandson or granddaughter

As soon as the child gets a tooth, grandparents can give the following gifts:

  1. An educational table equipped with buttons, beads, etc.
  2. Busyboard.
  3. Tumbler in the form of a dog, matryoshka, duck, etc.
  4. Balls of different sizes.
  5. Pyramids. They will learn to distinguish objects by size.
  6. Slide projector.
  7. Books with large print and colorful drawings.
  8. Developmental cubes.
  9. Bath toys: rubber animals, plastic rings, inflatable balls, etc.
  10. House for a child. It will become your favorite place to play.
  11. Toy "Scientist Puppy".
  12. Personalized rubber bracelet that can be chewed.
  13. Knitted dress with a tooth-shaped ornament. Parents will be delighted with the item given to their baby from their grandmother.
  14. Holy water in a personalized bottle. You can wash your baby with it if necessary.
  15. Measuring icon. Its height should correspond to the height of the grandson or granddaughter.
  16. A dessert spoon for children, which can be made of silver or other metal.
  17. Double-sided board for drawing with markers.
  18. Boots that will help you learn how to tie laces and attach Velcro. They make sounds when walking.
  19. Glucophone.
  20. Dentist toy set.

The benefits of silver for a baby

In addition to the ritual purpose of a valuable item, this is the first personal cutlery that serves its intended purpose. The spoon should not contain sharp edges or protrusions, and should be small in size so that it is convenient for the baby to use without injury. Subsequently, he will eat on his own, and a comfortable spoon will become an indispensable assistant during meals.

As mentioned earlier, silver is a metal with high bactericidal properties. Therefore, using this item, the mother maintains the baby’s health.

TOP 20 practical gifts

A child’s new tooth is a reason to give the following practical gifts:

  1. Children's swimming pool.
  2. Baby monitor.
  3. Electric clothes dryer.
  4. White noise generator.
  5. Toy basket. You can give a boy a car, and a girl a castle.
  6. Infrared thermometer. Helps you quickly and accurately measure temperature.
  7. Scales.
  8. Bottle sterilizer.
  9. Nebulizer. Useful for treating respiratory diseases.
  10. Yogurt maker. You can use it to prepare not only homemade yogurt, but also cottage cheese, sour cream, and cream.
  11. Humidifier.
  12. Video baby monitor.
  13. Bracelet thermometer.
  14. Nasal aspirator.
  15. Air ionizer.
  16. Multicooker.
  17. Modeling mixture.
  18. Bicycle with a handle for riding.
  19. A robot vacuum cleaner that will help keep your home clean.
  20. Gift certificate to a children's store.

Should you keep or throw away baby teeth?

Keeping or throwing away the first teeth that fall out is a personal matter for each parent . Superstitious people believe that it is better to preserve them. Because discarded teeth can be found by enemies and bring damage or the evil eye to its owner.

Many mothers keep special boxes where they put all the things that remind them of the wonderful events associated with their children. It is in such a box that you can put your child’s teeth, along with the first hairs and a tag from the maternity hospital.

Today, signs and customs associated with baby teeth are gradually fading into the background. Modern parents are increasingly approaching this issue based on a scientific point of view. But no one prevents us from sometimes turning to the traditions of our ancestors, leaving only good signs and customs in the present.

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Memorable gifts: 15 current souvenirs

The following memorable gifts are given for the first tooth:

  1. Personalized keychain in the shape of a tooth.
  2. Frame for 12 photos.
  3. Photo session in an interior studio.
  4. Family tree.
  5. A bank account that will be useful to the child when he reaches adulthood.
  6. Family portrait made from a photograph.
  7. Cartoon figurine.
  8. Personalized dishes.
  9. Booties in a frame.
  10. A box with the baby's first things.
  11. Video greetings from relatives and friends.
  12. A book of wishes.
  13. A set of letters that need to be opened on important dates.
  14. Amulet.
  15. Lamp with a photo of the family.

A child’s new tooth is a reason to celebrate.
A gift for such an event should be selected taking into account the wishes of the parents and the character of the baby. For children 2019-08-06 admin

Newborns with teeth

The birth of a baby with one or more teeth is considered a rather . In this case, the signs vary. In some countries, this is considered a gift of fate , and a newborn with a tooth evokes only positive emotions. In others, it is a symbol of failure . So in the Middle Ages, Europeans feared such children and considered them messengers of hell.

Signs about who saw the baby's first tooth

There are a number of interpretations for those who noticed the child’s first tooth. The sign is considered a good sign and promises good news. The people treated the event with great trepidation. It predicted the future for the family:

  1. The appearance of a tooth is usually noticed by the mother. If it comes out earlier than four months after birth, the event promises her an early pregnancy.
  2. If the child’s father turns out to be more observant, the sign means profit and financial well-being for the family.
  3. A grandmother who notices her grandson's first tooth will live a long time. For grandfather, the event foreshadows a meeting with an old friend.
  4. If the godmother saw the first milk tooth, signs for an unmarried girl predict a quick wedding. If she is married, offspring are expected in the family soon.
  5. The event promises wealth and good luck to the godfather. This is a good sign for the child: fate will be favorable to him.
  6. It happened that older children noticed teething. An observant boy was predicted to have a successful career, a girl - early marriage.

After the appearance of the first tooth, fortune telling was performed

Symbolic objects were laid out in front of the baby - a hammer, a ladle, scissors, a stethoscope. What a child is drawn to will determine his future profession: carpenter, cook, fashion designer or doctor.

Attention! If your first tooth appears on Monday, you shouldn’t plan a trip. Notice on Sunday - your cherished dream will come true in the near future.

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