Silver spoons for the first tooth - who should give

Usually teeth are not given much importance. This part of the human body, as a rule, is the least noticeable in the life of the body and does not attract much attention. The only case when teeth actually begin to interest a person is when they suffer from some kind of disease, hurt, and require therapeutic measures.

But the situation is completely different with regard to teeth when it comes to small children. If official dentistry is rather dry and does not see a big miracle in children’s first teeth, then popular wisdom treats this phenomenon completely differently.

For a long time, our people have treated teething in babies with special trepidation. Numerous signs and customs are dedicated to this event, based on which, based on the nature of how and when the first tooth came out, one can predict the fate of the child or his mother.

Of course, all this is quite naive, but, nevertheless, extremely interesting and exciting. Let's look at what interesting signs there are associated with the appearance of the first tooth in very recently born babies, what it means if a child was born with a tooth, and some other interesting beliefs and cases.

Why are silver spoons given as gifts for the first tooth?

The baby’s body develops from the first minutes of birth and by the 4-7th month of birth the first tooth appears. Typically these are the lower central incisors. Some people get teeth at three months, others at one year. It is during this time period that the baby is given a silver spoon for his tooth. Why does this precious metal item deserve special attention?

There are many objective and subjective reasons for this: from purely everyday to magical.

The stage of baby development associated with the eruption of the first teeth coincides with the beginning of feeding the baby. In addition to mother's milk, the baby receives the necessary beneficial compounds from special mixtures, cereals, etc. Therefore, the baby simply cannot do without a small individual spoon.

On the other hand, it is believed that silver acts as a metal that repels all kinds of evil spirits and evil forces, and protects the owner from damage and the evil eye. Therefore, a silver spoon in this case is a kind of talisman-amulet that protects the child from negative energy.

Silver baby spoon with puppy

The stage of baby development associated with the eruption of the first teeth coincides with the beginning of feeding the baby. In addition to mother's milk, the baby receives the necessary beneficial compounds from special mixtures, cereals, etc. Therefore, the baby simply cannot do without a small individual spoon.

On the other hand, it is believed that silver acts as a metal that repels all kinds of evil spirits and evil forces, and protects the owner from damage and the evil eye. Therefore, a silver spoon in this case is a kind of talisman-amulet that protects the child from negative energy.

The disinfecting properties of silver are also known. It is not without reason that objects made of high-grade silver are used to purify water. It is believed that ions of the silvery-white metal neutralize pathogenic microflora.

Therefore, a silver spoon given at this moment in life will come in handy.

When should you organize a baby shower and who should you invite?

Each family has its own traditions that accompany the viewing of a baby. In the old days, this event was celebrated magnificently, loudly and cheerfully, but in modern life, parents and guests still adhere to certain rules, taking into account possible risks.

  • When? The main question occupied by young mothers. The ancestors protected the baby from prying eyes, fearing the evil eye - for 40 days after the appearance of a new family member, access to the baby was strictly closed. Modern parents, for the most part, do not believe in omens, and the date for the viewing is set based on the child’s health condition. Of course, it is not worth introducing the baby to relatives during the first month - the child has not yet adapted to life outside the mother, and any infection brought from outside can undermine his health. But after at least a month, you can start preparing for the show.
  • Who should I call? There are always a lot of people willing - everyone can’t wait to cuddle the baby, snap a photo as a souvenir, tug at the cheeks and heels. But it’s better not to introduce the baby to strangers - acquaintances, comrades, colleagues will wait. But, of course, you can’t refuse close relatives. Grandparents of the little ones are an ideal option.
  • How many people? Consider the emotional state of the baby - he is still too small for large companies to gather around him. A crowd of people unfamiliar to him, noise in the house - this will not do the child any good. 3-5 guests are enough.

  • Dinner or short visit?

    Of course, for the first acquaintance with the baby, a short visit from guests is quite enough. But if you want to “celebrate”, you can arrange a gala dinner for relatives (or close friends). The main conditions: the baby should not be taken into the kitchen or common room “for company” - it is enough to introduce him to his grandparents and remove unnecessary noise and bacteria from the room. And it will be more convenient for you to periodically visit the baby for feeding and various procedures. It is not recommended to organize a show in a cafe or restaurant - the child will not benefit from such a noisy and nervous event, and the mother will have to disrupt his sleep and eating patterns.
  • Security measures. Remember the risks - protect your baby from bacteria as much as possible. Cover the crib with a canopy, put all the baby's personal hygiene items in the closet, and thoroughly ventilate the room before and after visiting. Don't forget about disinfection and wet cleaning. It also makes sense to apply a special ointment under the baby’s nose so that the infection does not “stick” (ask your pediatrician). You definitely shouldn’t allow your relatives to cuddle and kiss the baby now: no matter how adorable his heels are, only mom and dad can kiss them now.
  • Do you need decorations? It all depends on how much time and energy the mother has. You should not overuse decorations: even “harmless” inflatable balloons can cause allergies (especially since their quality, as a rule, is not very high) or severe fright (if one of the guests accidentally bursts the balloon). But garlands, ribbons and decorated posters are very suitable and will add mood. It wouldn’t hurt to have a special “book of wishes” in which each guest can leave warm words for the baby and mother.
  • At what time? Invite guests based on your baby's sleeping and feeding patterns. It will be awkward if guests hang around in the kitchen for an hour and a half, waiting for you to feed your child. The ideal time is after feeding. The baby can be taken out to the guests, shown, and then taken to the room and put to bed.
  • About gifts. What to give to a young mother and a newborn? If your wallet is hopelessly thin, you don’t trust the guests’ taste, or you need something specific for the baby “right now,” then inform the guests about this in advance (of course, if you are asked what to give, it is incorrect to demand gifts).
  • What to cook for the table? A young mother simply does not have time to prepare for a grand feast. Yes, and this is unnecessary for now. Light snacks and 2-3 simple dishes or even just tea and cake are enough. Guests understand perfectly well that mom is too tired to cook for half a day and then wash dishes for the whole evening. And, of course, no alcohol!

Couldn't you hold a viewing party? Were the guests too busy or mom too tired? Dont be upset! Organize a show in honor of the 1st tooth. And the baby will be older, and the reason is no less solid.

Who should give the spoon?

In modern impulsive and active life, strict adherence to all the rules for performing a particular ritual is often neglected. This is partly due to ignorance and lack of necessary knowledge, partly - deliberately, since this or that event is not given the appropriate significance.

Therefore, if we talk about the gift of a spoon for the first tooth, any relative can give it, including parents, godparents, friends or colleagues. It often happens that different people present the baby with several silver spoons at once. There is nothing reprehensible in this, the main thing is that the gifts are made sincerely, from the heart, with love and care for the little man.

If you strictly follow the canons and traditions, the godparents (mother or father) should present the spoon for the first tooth.

Maternity hospital “teethers”

It also rarely happens that children are born with teeth. Different nations have radically different views on this matter. In medieval Europe, such an event meant only one thing (like many others, especially related to any everyday joys) - the child is a fiend of hell, the heavens are angry when looking at him and he is absolutely forbidden to live. Therefore, such children were often simply put to death.

But not every region of the world was marked by such barbarity. There were also nations in which such a special child aroused joy and admiration and was considered a great success for the parents. In fact, the only trouble it can cause is pain for the mother during breastfeeding.

What are the traditions and signs associated with gifts?

A silver spoon can be given not only at the time of the appearance of the first tooth, but also at the birth or baptism of a baby.

According to existing traditions, parents themselves can make a gift for the birth of a baby. Moreover, this is identified not only with the good health of the little man, but also with his future well-being and prosperity. The saying “I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth” has survived. The child was born into a family with good income, since in past times silver was a sign of financial stability and prosperity. Family silver was the lot of fairly rich, wealthy people.

After the baby was baptized, the godparents presented him with a silver spoon. This ritual was identified with the future happy and successful life of the ward. A baptized baby fell under “God’s wing,” which protected him from all kinds of sins and temptations, and the gift of a spoon further strengthened his protection from negative energy.

Baptism set with spoon for a boy

Baptism set with spoon for girls

And for the “first tooth” in the modern version of existing traditions, everyone can give a valuable gift: parents, relatives, godparents, friends.

Regardless of what stage of life a child receives a gift, it is important to present it, sincerely wishing the child health, success, well-being, and prosperity.

If the spoon is placed on the first tooth, you need to knock on it with the spoon several times. There is a belief that in this case the teeth will be strong and healthy.

We must not forget that the spoon should be kept by the owner throughout his life. It does not have to be used for its intended purpose, since the item is a personal talisman-amulet.

A lot depends on the speed of cutting...if you believe the signs

Every caring mother notices how quickly her beloved child’s teeth grow. Several interesting beliefs and signs are also attributed to this fact, which, however, echo the previous ones.

If the teeth grow quickly, without much pain and do not cause noticeable discomfort to the baby, then he will be a good person with a fairly pleasant character, will be able to get along well with others and will easily find a mate. If the process slows down, then this indicates that the person may well grow up to be quite nasty, will love to quarrel and create scandals, and will not be able to normally find a common language with many others.

But young mothers who have seen similar behavior in their children should under no circumstances worry or despair. It is clear that all such stories exist simply for the sake of being; they cannot determine a person’s future. If beliefs are not on your side, then you certainly shouldn’t despair.

How to choose a spoon depending on the gender of the child

Jewelry retail chains and private workshops offer a wide range of silver spoons of different sizes and designs. You just need to choose a product to your liking. However, an individual gift looks more interesting and significant. Children's silver spoons and personalized engraving, patterns or symbols will not only decorate the gift, but will also transform it into an address one.

You can individually design a product intended for a boy or a girl. For future men, this is a strict pattern with the image of a bear, a car, and other things, and for the baby, the future lady, preference is given to ornate monograms, floral patterns, butterflies, and dolls. Some design the engraving in the form of a portrait of a baby.

It is important to note that if the child is baptized, it is desirable to have Christian attributes on the product (cross, face of Jesus, angel). The main thing is that the small spoon is not overloaded with an abundance of patterns, symbols, etc. Conciseness should be observed.

The benefits of silver for a baby

In addition to the ritual purpose of a valuable item, this is the first personal cutlery that serves its intended purpose. The spoon should not contain sharp edges or protrusions, and should be small in size so that it is convenient for the baby to use without injury. Subsequently, he will eat on his own, and a comfortable spoon will become an indispensable assistant during meals.

As mentioned earlier, silver is a metal with high bactericidal properties. Therefore, using this item, the mother maintains the baby’s health.

Storage and proper care of a children's silver spoon

Caring for a baby spoon is no different from caring for items made of silver and cupronickel. To keep a valuable gift in good condition, you must:

  • Wash the product in warm, soft water, without using abrasives or steel wool.
  • When silver darkens (oxide forms on its surface), it is recommended to periodically wipe the spoon with a soft cloth with a few drops of ammonia solution (ammonia). Then rinse thoroughly.
  • You should wipe the product dry with a soft towel to give it shine and eliminate water stains.
  • It is not advisable to store a spoon together with other cutlery made of steel and other materials in order to avoid scratches and damage to the surface.
  • It is recommended to store the spoon in a special case with velvet or other fine-lint covering.

A silver spoon for a tooth is a kind and useful tradition that reminds the owner throughout his life of the wonderful and carefree time of infancy and the loved ones who love him.


Is it possible to store baby teeth?

Opinions differ on this matter. Some claim that biomaterial must be disposed of immediately in accordance with the traditions and customs of the people. Others believe that you should definitely keep the dropped units for yourself.

Various reasons are given:

  • after death, the body must be buried along with all the teeth lost during life;
  • This is a strong amulet, you cannot deprive a child of such protection;
  • throw away the ones that fall out - the grown-up child will forget the way to his parents’ house;
  • treat teeth with disdain - the person’s fate will be difficult, full of failures.

Thus, everyone decides for themselves whether to keep their children’s milk teeth or not.
One thing is certain - you need to think exclusively about the good. Even if some tradition is not followed, there will be no harm from it. If you wish, you can pray for the child’s health in church if concerns and fears persist. Signs and beliefs about baby teeth are varied, often depending on a specific country and religion. Superstitions concern everything - their appearance, growth, loss. Believing in them or not is everyone’s personal choice. The veracity of beliefs has not been confirmed by anything; some customs and traditions cause bewilderment, hostility or surprise in modern people.

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