The first tooth: signs and customs, why and what the godmother gives to a boy or girl

Signs about who saw the baby's first tooth

There are a number of interpretations for those who noticed the child’s first tooth. The sign is considered a good sign and promises good news. The people treated the event with great trepidation. It predicted the future for the family:

  1. The appearance of a tooth is usually noticed by the mother. If it comes out earlier than four months after birth, the event promises her an early pregnancy.
  2. If the child’s father turns out to be more observant, the sign means profit and financial well-being for the family.
  3. A grandmother who notices her grandson's first tooth will live a long time. For grandfather, the event foreshadows a meeting with an old friend.
  4. If the godmother saw the first milk tooth, signs for an unmarried girl predict a quick wedding. If she is married, offspring are expected in the family soon.
  5. The event promises wealth and good luck to the godfather. This is a good sign for the child: fate will be favorable to him.
  6. It happened that older children noticed teething. An observant boy was predicted to have a successful career, a girl - early marriage.

After the appearance of the first tooth, fortune telling was performed

Symbolic objects were laid out in front of the baby - a hammer, a ladle, scissors, a stethoscope. What a child is drawn to will determine his future profession: carpenter, cook, fashion designer or doctor.

Attention! If your first tooth appears on Monday, you shouldn’t plan a trip. Notice on Sunday - your cherished dream will come true in the near future.

In what cases is a doctor's help required?

There are situations when problems arise with the change of organs in the mouth. In 80% of children, it is discovered that the permanent molar erupts behind the milk tooth, and this forms an incorrect bite. A temporary formation that does not want to leave its place is removed surgically. This will avoid the growth curve of the root element. Only a dentist will be able to pull out a unit if its root has not resolved, but has grown deeply into the gum. Self-removal can cause severe inflammation of the mucous membrane.

In most cases, baby teeth fall out on their own (we recommend reading:). A child may need specialist help in several atypical situations:

  • the gums are swollen and very painful;
  • the milk element is broken;
  • the wound bleeds for a long time;
  • the child swallowed a tooth.

A sign if the first tooth comes out from above

The first tooth is associated with many folk signs and customs. When deciphering an event, pay attention to the accompanying details:

  1. If a second appears immediately after the first, and there is a gap between them, the sign promises the child good luck in life. He will achieve great success, higher powers favor him.
  2. They also wondered about the child’s character. If the tooth erupts for a long time, painfully, the baby will be thoughtful, prone to melancholy, rapid eruption - a real fidget will grow up, which will cause a lot of trouble for parents.
  3. If a child’s first tooth comes out from above, a new addition to the family is expected soon; the signs promise parents news of pregnancy within a year.
  4. During teething, you cannot leave the baby, it is believed that during this period evil spirits may attach to it.
  5. The eruption of the lower one foreshadows the manifestation of talent. The heir can become a famous person who glorified his family.
  6. If the first upper tooth came out immediately after birth or the baby was born with incisors, the signs endowed the child with a special destiny. The people believed that this was a sign of the ruler.

To facilitate teething, the first baby tooth that falls out should be thrown over the shoulder at the intersection

Congratulations on your first tooth

First tooth? Congratulations! This is cool, what can I say, the little one can bite you fully with a smile. Let your teeth grow quickly, let them not bring pain, let every tooth be strong and healthy.

An important event - your first tooth, we congratulate you, our dear baby. We wish that teeth cut through without pain, Nipples and pacifiers quickly, so that they do not tear. Soon, soon you will bite and bite, your first tooth For the whole family - happiness.

Congratulations on your first tooth! What a miracle, finally! Now they will climb like mushrooms, now you can safely bite and smile beautifully, laugh fervently and try everything to your teeth. I wish you healthy and snow-white teeth that will appear without whims and pain. Let the baby grow up as a happy child, let every day give a lot of reasons for a child’s smile.

More congratulations in prose →

The first tooth is a miracle! Congratulations, what can I say! All things will be used to scratch your gums. After him, the second will break through, The third will grow up, Let the little one laugh wider, To show all his teeth!

At night, when sleep descended, magic happened, the first tooth appeared, you should meet it quickly! You can eat whatever you want, and bite your parents, and charm everyone in the world with an excellent smile!

The first tooth, finally, I will congratulate you, I wish happiness, joy, health to the Bunny with his tooth. Let your child make you happy, let your teeth grow quickly, let them bring no more discomfort to your baby.

The first tooth has appeared, Oh, what a beauty! Congratulations to mom and dad, There is joy and bustle in the house. Let him now gnaw the carrot. This bunny is groovy. After all, teeth are of more use. Be healthy always, dear!

Everyone had been waiting for him for so long, they even bought a brush, and today, suddenly, with delight, everyone sees the first tooth clearly. Dad is happy and mom is happy, we finally got a miracle! You need to bite them urgently, so that they don’t laugh too much!

With the first tooth, the baby is out of diapers! Let your strong tooth grow and gnaw on everything, even a turnip! And others will follow him, Even, natural, white teeth, standing in a row, Gnawing, biting, eating everything!

Happy first tooth, hooray! This is such a miracle, this is such joy, Yesterday was not yet - And today it sparkles. Grow up quickly, baby, If you have teeth, everyone will be happy, After all, you still have thirty-one left to grow!

I hasten to congratulate your family on the first tooth, wish health and strength to the mischievous baby. Let him smile nicely, Showing off his tooth, Let the cheerful life-lover give you joy and happiness. Let the rest grow up without tears and without pain, So that the disorder does not touch these mischievous eyes.

What do you give to a child for his first tooth?

Teething had a symbolic meaning. This is a significant event after birth. It was believed that after the appearance of the first incisor, the baby could be shown to strangers. Before this, only relatives and godparents were allowed to look at the child. This is how the baby was protected from the evil eye and damage. It was believed that if the teeth were large and wide, the child would be kind and generous, while small, narrow teeth predicted a quarrelsome character.

If the first baby tooth has been lost, the child will live away from home

What does the godmother give for the first tooth?

According to customs, the godmother gives a silver spoon for the first tooth. The metal is considered precious and symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The gift promised the baby good and prosperity in the future. Silver was associated with the protection of the Moon, protection from troubles and misfortunes. They put a spoon in the baby's crib. She served as a talisman and protected the baby's sleep. The godmother is considered the child’s mother before higher powers and is responsible for his spiritual development. The donated spoon also symbolizes the spiritual food necessary for the development of goodness and piety.

The appearance of the first tooth meant the need to introduce complementary foods. Silver has unique antibacterial properties. Bacteria die on its surface, and the metal disinfects food and water. Silver ions help not only fight toxins, but also strengthen the immune system, protecting the baby from colds.

Advice! Before giving a spoon, you need to immerse it in blessed water for 3 days.

This way she will absorb holy energy and protect the child from illness.

It is recommended to choose products without protruding edges that are safe for babies

What do grandparents give for the first tooth?

Grandparents are the oldest representatives, the roots of the family. Not only their gifts are important, but also their wishes. The energy of love and care will help the baby grow healthy and happy, to the delight of all relatives. Grandparents can give a small family member a bag of silver coins. A symbolic gift is a wish for a long, rich life, not only materially, but also spiritually. It was believed that silver absorbed evil spirits; darkening of the metal meant damage, the evil eye. It is enough to clean the product of plaque to restore its magical properties.

What do you give a boy for his first tooth?

In addition to the spoon, you can choose other gifts made of silver. The first tooth symbolizes the beginning of the transition from mother’s care to the big world. Symbolic gifts are recommended to protect the child’s energy:

  1. You can give a set of silver so that the boy grows up strong and healthy.
  2. The icon with the savior will protect the child and will become a valuable gift for the whole family.
  3. The silver chain symbolizes the endless circle of life, the youngest child becomes a continuation of the family.

What do you give to a girl for her first tooth?

A girl should also be given gifts made of silver. They will help maintain the purity of the soul and protect from bad thoughts. A gift for the first tooth is presented with parting words for future growing up:

  1. The silver-plated icon of the Mother of God is a powerful protection for the girl and will help her become the guardian of the hearth.
  2. The silver ring given for the first tooth was kept for the engagement. It was considered the key to a happy family life.
  3. A silver cup will help you grow beautiful not only in face, but also in soul. Drinking water cleanses you of bad thoughts, envy, and fills you with love and goodness.

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a boy (1 year old) in your own words

Today is a big holiday for your family - you, baby, are a whole year old! This day became the most important for us, because you appeared - our dear little man. I would really like to wish you to enjoy every moment, appreciate your loved ones and take care of your friends. Parents, in turn, will try to do everything to make their childhood carefree and rich in impressions! Look at every new day with a smile and boldly take small steps towards great achievements. Never forget to dream and believe in miracles, because they are all around us, and you are the main proof of this. Do good deeds and give this world joy and love!

I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, congratulate you, dear, glorious (name), on your birthday. You are only one year old, but how much you have achieved during this time! You have learned to walk, talk, listen and understand adults, laugh joyfully and are trying your best to become an independent guy! Parents are very proud that they had a brave and smart son! And even more grandiose victories and achievements await you! The main thing I want to wish you is to be happy, because the greatest joy is to see your child cheerful and satisfied. The whole world is open to you, don’t be afraid to meet it halfway!

Happy Birthday Baby! You have become a year older, grown up and are trying to understand and explore this diverse world! Today, all day long everything will be just for you: a sea of ​​warm words, congratulations and favorite toys. After all, your appearance is a great happiness for all of us. May your childhood be the happiest one that you can remember with joy in the future. Smile also brightly, and laugh loudly and sincerely, be open to new things and do not be afraid to move forward, despite fear, because there is still a lot of incomprehensible, unknown, but so interesting things ahead. And we promise to help and support you on this exciting journey.

Today we congratulate the sweetest and most beautiful baby on his birthday. You were born just a year ago, and you have already changed the lives of your parents completely. You gave love and joy to many people around you without realizing it. We are confident that in the future you will grow up to be a worthy, good person with the right guidelines and views on the world. And now remain the same carefree child, enjoy new things and events, play to your heart’s content, go for walks and smile more often. We love and value you very much, may all adversity pass you by, may your health be strong, and may you be surrounded by the most devoted people!

Happy first holiday, our dear little man, happy birthday! A year is a wonderful date; you are just beginning your journey into an immense life. We wish you to grow up as a healthy, happy and cheerful baby, standing firmly on your still small legs. Let new experiences bring you sincere joy and a smile. Always learn new things and believe in yourself, because you can do anything you want. Love your parents and trust them - these are the closest people! We love you very much and hope that you will fulfill all your wildest dreams. Be brave and good, do not offend the weak and share goodness with others!

Why do people give a silver spoon for their first tooth?

The custom of giving a silver spoon appeared a long time ago. Such a gift meant the wealth of the family, which means that the baby had a predictable happy future. The sign is associated with the first complementary foods; silver has antibacterial properties, prevents infections of the oral cavity and colds. The gift is considered a wish for good health and prosperity, and promises a happy, carefree life for the baby.

To protect the baby from dark forces, the name of the Guardian Angel is engraved on the donated product.

The custom also has another meaning: the silver spoon also symbolized the spiritual path. The gift should remind the growing child to maintain pure thoughts.

First steps in case of loss

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A baby whose milk elements begin to change does not need painkillers. Adults think that the procedure of changing units is extremely unpleasant for the child, but before the tooth begins to loosen, the roots in it dissolve.

The loss causes discomfort, but the teeth do not hurt. A wound remains in place of the organ, which bleeds a little. Children easily tolerate a change in bite.

Losing teeth can be a shock to little ones, so parents should explain to them that this is normal, and new healthy teeth will soon grow and remain forever. At the age of 7-14 years, the oral cavity needs careful hygiene, and after removal, the following rules must be followed:

  • immediately rinse your mouth with soda;
  • prohibit the child from touching the wound to avoid infection;
  • When the meal is over, rinse your mouth with warm water.

To help with loosening, you can give your child hard fruits and vegetables: apples, pears, carrots. Dried fruits in small quantities are also suitable.

Who gives a spoon for the first tooth?

As a rule, whoever saw it first presented a symbolic gift. Babies were protected from prying eyes, so only close people - parents, godparents, relatives - could notice the teething. The tradition of giving a silver spoon for the first tooth is still relevant today. The boy is usually given a gift by his godfather, or his grandfather or father can also give him a gift. With a precious gift, a man conveys his wish to grow strong and courageous.

The godfather should knock three times with a spoon on the erupting tooth, according to legend, the next incisors will come out easily and painlessly

Who gives a spoon to a girl's first tooth?

Traditionally, the little princess is given a gift by her godmother or the eldest in the family - grandmother, great-grandmother. The silver spoon was given with wishes of health for the baby and joy for her parents. If the gift was given by an unmarried godmother, it means that she will have a girl first. For a married woman, the omen promised the birth of a boy. For a grandmother who gave a valuable gift to her granddaughter, the belief foreshadowed long years of life.

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