“Babkina’s porridge” and “spoon on a tooth.” Russian traditions associated with children

There is an opinion that in the old days no one took much care in raising children. They say they grew like weeds in villages, on their own. But the abundance of traditions associated with the birth and upbringing of children suggests the opposite. Some of them we still use today, others are completely forgotten. Today people are awakening to an interest in their roots and traditions of their ancestors. Therefore, we will tell you about the most popular rituals associated with children.

What does “bring in the hem” mean?

Today the expression has a negative connotation. This is what they say when they want to emphasize a woman’s lifestyle. “I had enough of a child” - I gave birth to him outside of marriage.

And in the days of our grandmothers, little ones came to their home regularly in hemlines. Then there was no maternity leave from the 30th week of pregnancy; they worked until the baby was born. And given the advances in medicine at that time, no one knew exactly this date. Therefore, childbirth was found in a field, in a stable, and it was impossible to constantly carry diapers with you. Therefore, the child was carried home in a hem or in a headscarf.


The first viewing of a newborn is not only an exciting event, but also a lot of questions. Moreover, both for the parents of the baby and for his first guests. The main thing in this matter is that the first visit does not become too burdensome for mother and baby.

So, what does a young mother need to remember, and how should guests prepare for the first meeting with the baby?

Each family has its own traditions that accompany the viewing of a baby. In the old days, this event was celebrated magnificently, loudly and cheerfully, but in modern life, parents and guests still adhere to certain rules, taking into account possible risks.

  • When? The main question occupied by young mothers. The ancestors protected the baby from prying eyes, fearing the evil eye - for 40 days after the appearance of a new family member, access to the baby was strictly closed. Modern parents, for the most part, do not believe in omens, and the date for the viewing is set based on the child’s health condition. Of course, it is not worth introducing the baby to relatives during the first month - the child has not yet adapted to life outside the mother, and any infection brought from outside can undermine his health. But after at least a month, you can start preparing for the show.
  • Who should I call? There are always a lot of people willing - everyone can’t wait to cuddle the baby, snap a photo as a souvenir, tug at the cheeks and heels. But it’s better not to introduce the baby to strangers - acquaintances, comrades, colleagues will wait. But, of course, you can’t refuse close relatives. Grandparents of the little ones are an ideal option.
  • How many people? Consider the emotional state of the baby - he is still too small for large companies to gather around him. A crowd of people unfamiliar to him, noise in the house - this will not do the child any good. 3-5 guests are enough.
  • Dinner or short visit? Of course, for the first acquaintance with the baby, a short visit from guests is quite enough. But if you want to “celebrate”, you can arrange a gala dinner for relatives (or close friends). The main conditions: the baby should not be taken into the kitchen or common room “for company” - it is enough to introduce him to his grandparents and remove unnecessary noise and bacteria from the room. And it will be more convenient for you to periodically visit the baby for feeding and various procedures. It is not recommended to organize a show in a cafe or restaurant - the child will not benefit from such a noisy and nervous event, and the mother will have to disrupt his sleep and eating patterns.
  • Security measures. Remember the risks - protect your baby from bacteria as much as possible. Cover the crib with a canopy, put all the baby's personal hygiene items in the closet, and thoroughly ventilate the room before and after visiting. Don't forget about disinfection and wet cleaning. It also makes sense to apply a special ointment under the baby’s nose so that the infection does not “stick” (ask your pediatrician). You definitely shouldn’t allow your relatives to cuddle and kiss the baby now: no matter how adorable his heels are, only mom and dad can kiss them now.
  • Do you need decorations? It all depends on how much time and energy the mother has. You should not overuse decorations: even “harmless” inflatable balloons can cause allergies (especially since their quality, as a rule, is not very high) or severe fright (if one of the guests accidentally bursts the balloon). But garlands, ribbons and decorated posters are very suitable and will add mood. It wouldn’t hurt to have a special “book of wishes” in which each guest can leave warm words for the baby and mother.
  • At what time? Invite guests based on your baby's sleeping and feeding patterns. It will be awkward if guests hang around in the kitchen for an hour and a half, waiting for you to feed your child. The ideal time is after feeding. The baby can be taken out to the guests, shown, and then taken to the room and put to bed.
  • About gifts. What to give to a young mother and a newborn? If your wallet is hopelessly thin, you don’t trust the guests’ taste, or you need something specific for the baby “right now,” then inform the guests about this in advance (of course, if you are asked what to give, it is incorrect to demand gifts).
  • What to cook for the table? A young mother simply does not have time to prepare for a grand feast. Yes, and this is unnecessary for now. Light snacks and 2-3 simple dishes or even just tea and cake are enough. Guests understand perfectly well that mom is too tired to cook for half a day and then wash dishes for the whole evening. And, of course, no alcohol!

Couldn't you hold a viewing party? Were the guests too busy or mom too tired? Dont be upset! Organize a show in honor of the 1st tooth. And the baby will be older, and the reason is no less solid.

They don’t go to the bridesmaid ceremony empty-handed. If a young mother is embarrassed to hint which gift will be more desirable, she will have to choose it herself.

And we will help you.

  1. Toys. The time for dolls and cars will come a little later, so there is no point in spending money on them now. Choose those toys that will not lie in the closet for a long time - pyramids, chewers and rattles, educational mats, soft cubes, books made of washable materials, bathing toys, etc. Remember: all toys must be of high quality, safe and without small parts.
  2. Musical carousel. If your mother hasn’t bought this useful thing yet, take advantage of this moment. Pay attention to the strength of the parts, the melody of the sound and the reliability of the fastenings.
  3. Diapers. Today, diaper cakes have become a very popular gift. If you know for sure that mom needs them, and you are sure of the size and brand, take them. But not in a hurry and only the best and most convenient ones. You shouldn’t take one giant pack (half of the diapers will simply remain in the closet) - it’s better to take several medium packs of different weights, because the baby grows very quickly. It is also not recommended to build cakes and houses from diapers: do not violate the integrity of the packaging - this is unhygienic. No mother in her right mind would put on a baby a diaper that was taken out of the packaging and rolled into a “cake” by someone else’s hands (even if they washed their hands before doing so).
  4. Linen for the crib. Choose soft pastel shades. It's not time for bright drawings and cartoon characters yet. If with a print - only with a high-quality one. And no synthetics - only cotton. Also check the reliability of the seams and the absence of small parts (buttons, ropes).
  5. Jumpsuit for autumn or winter. Such things always hit the wallets of young parents. Therefore, if you are not short on funds, feel free to buy this gift. Naturally, taking into account the quality, naturalness of fabrics and the reliability of zippers.
  6. A baby blanket or a large bath towel. These things won’t go stale either - they always come in handy.
  7. Washing machine. If a young mother doesn’t have one yet, and you can afford it, go to the store. It was our grandmothers who managed to wash diapers by hand, but modern women, combining family life with work, simply do not physically have time to wash/boil the old fashioned way. Mommy will definitely appreciate such a gift.
  8. Your wallet is almost empty, but you can’t afford a gift? Buy a photo album for your baby in a beautiful binding.
  9. Bottle sterilizer. A convenient thing for the always busy mother. Boiling bottles takes useful minutes that can be spent with the baby. The sterilizer will save time and efficiently disinfect your child’s dishes.
  10. Baby food warmer. An extremely useful gift. Among all the models, choose a universal device that will be useful at home and on the road, suitable for heating several bottles at once, and will not be too sensitive to voltage changes (like an electronic device).

Also useful: high-quality bottle horns, a night light for the children's room, a huge massage ball (fitball), a car seat, a high chair, clothes, bathing sets, etc.

And most importantly. Buy a gift with love for your baby, not for show. Then its size and cost will not matter.

Has the gift already been purchased and there are only a few days left before the viewing? So, it’s time to remember the rules for guests...

  1. Should I take my children with me? Definitely not. Younger schoolchildren and kindergarteners are more likely than others to suffer from diseases that can become very dangerous for an infant. Children are not taken with them to a newborn baby.
  2. Make sure you are healthy. Even if you have a “slightly runny nose” or “ate something wrong” the day before, this is a reason to reschedule your visit. Especially if the show falls during the ARVI season. If your child is in quarantine at school (kindergarten), this is also a reason to postpone the visit.
  3. Arrange your visit in advance. No sudden visits like “we were passing by” - only in agreement with the mother.
  4. Don't overstay your welcome. It will be awkward for a new mother to tell you it's time. Therefore, be prudent: look at the baby, congratulate him, drink tea and... go home. Mom has too many worries right now to have tea with you until the evening.
  5. Offer your help. Maybe a young mother needs help around the house - for example, running to the pharmacy, preparing dinner, or even ironing things.
  6. When you enter the apartment, wash your hands immediately. Regardless of whether they will let you hold the baby or not. Hygiene comes first.
  7. Dress code. It is not recommended to wear clothes made of wool or fleecy fabric - pathogens of infectious diseases are often retained in them in dust or dirt particles between the fibers. If you have the honor of holding a baby, then take him in a diaper - no contact of your clothes or hands with the baby’s skin.
  8. Is it possible to take photographs? Well, of course you can - where would we be without these first photographs of the baby? But only with mom’s permission (in case she’s superstitious). And without a flash, it is harmful to the child’s eyes.
  9. Decided to grab food for the celebration? Discuss this issue with your mother. Firstly, she can’t do everything right now (there’s no need to test her strength), and secondly, it will be awkward if mom expects to “kick out all the guests in an hour.”
  10. Be tactful and control your speech and emotions regarding the appearance of the baby and mother. You shouldn’t tell your mother that she has gained terribly, looks “not very good,” and the baby is “ugly, bald and has an irregular skull shape.” Also, you should not give advice, impose your great parental experience and convince of anything. In any case, if you are not asked to do so.

Today, few people remember omens; superstitious people are a rarity. From the old times, only a few “came to us” (and those - not as a guide to action):

  • Showing the baby is allowed only after the 40th day from the moment of birth. And only after baptism. Then, as the ancestors believed, the baby would be ready to meet the world - protected from the evil eye, disease and damage.
  • You should not take photographs of a sleeping baby. The explanations for the ban are very vague.
  • It is forbidden to kiss the baby on the heels and cheeks. Otherwise, he will be late with his first steps and words.
  • The best gift for a baby is a spoon made of gold or silver (so that the baby becomes rich).

If a young mother constantly puts up with viewings or tries to limit you in some way (not with children, not for a long time, not with a runny nose, etc.), don’t be offended ! Please be understanding.

If you really can’t wait to see the baby, agree to meet on a walk. You will have time to talk to the mother and look at the baby.

What do you think about the newborn's first visit? It is very important for us to know your opinion!

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Has your little one cut a tooth? This notable event usually does not go without a couple of sleepless nights, but it still makes parents happy. Many countries have interesting customs associated with the appearance of the first tooth. Why not have a fun holiday and take advantage of some of them?

In Russia, it is customary to give a catfish a silver spoon. This responsibility falls on the godfather if the “first-born” was first noticed by the mother, and on the godmother if the father noticed. The silver spoon is just in time for the start of complementary feeding. And the properties of silver ions to destroy pathogens will help the baby not to get sick.

For many peoples, the first teeth are associated with buying new clothes and exchanging gifts. Widely about or “dish budai” Armenians, Kurds and Turks. Their traditions are quite similar and interesting.

After the tooth has appeared, guests are called. It is desirable that the guests have beautiful, healthy teeth. The apartment or restaurant hall is decorated, and the baby is dressed in the most elegant clothes.

The main holiday dish is wheat (a mixture of grains and legumes), which is boiled and poured directly onto the child or onto a stretched cloth (veil) over his head. This ritual is performed so that the teeth are smooth and strong, like grains.

There are also a lot of sweets on the table - kurabye, pies, muffins, sweets. Cake, cookies, small gifts for guests - everything is made in the shape of teeth. Anyone who comes across a coin in a delicacy must buy a gift for the hero of the occasion or, as an option, “dress” him from head to toe.

But the most interesting thing is the ritual of choosing future activities. The baby is placed on a carpet on which various objects are laid out, representing professions: scissors - hairdresser, seamstress, designer; thermometer - doctor; book - scientist, teacher; Koran - imam; pen - writer, journalist; airplane - pilot; microphone - artist and the like. The first object that a child grabs will indicate his future. Of course, you shouldn't take it too seriously, but it's a great way to entertain your guests.

Don't forget to stock up on your camera. Children grow at an incredible rate. In the hustle and bustle of homework, it is difficult to find a moment to take a good photo, and meetings with friends become very rare. Such a holiday will leave pleasant memories as memories and give another reason to get together with those we love, and most importantly, it will help parents “unwind” after the difficulties of cutting their first teeth.

How to celebrate the appearance of the first tooth

Usually teeth are not given much importance. This part of the human body, as a rule, is the least noticeable in the life of the body and does not attract much attention. The only case when teeth actually begin to interest a person is when they suffer from some kind of disease, hurt, and require therapeutic measures.

But the situation is completely different with regard to teeth when it comes to small children. If official dentistry is rather dry and does not see a big miracle in children’s first teeth, then popular wisdom treats this phenomenon completely differently.

For a long time, our people have treated teething in babies with special trepidation. Numerous signs and customs are dedicated to this event, based on which, based on the nature of how and when the first tooth came out, one can predict the fate of the child or his mother.

Of course, all this is quite naive, but, nevertheless, extremely interesting and exciting. Let's look at what interesting signs there are associated with the appearance of the first tooth in very recently born babies, what it means if a child was born with a tooth, and some other interesting beliefs and cases.

Every mother, grandmother, and sometimes father eagerly awaits the moment when they see their child’s first baby tooth erupt. This usually occurs at the age of 4-7 months and greatly depends on the individual characteristics of the individual child.

In beliefs, great importance is attached not only to the very fact of the appearance of a tooth, but also to other important nuances: where it appeared, on the upper or lower jaw, how quickly it grows, whether the tooth hurts the baby and whether it causes him discomfort.

Each such event has gathered around some fables and signs that young mothers love to find out.

So, if a child’s first tooth appears a little earlier than the due date (up to 4-5 months), this means that the mother has yet to give birth to a brother or sister. If the first tooth has grown on the upper jaw, this means that

This girl's parents should prepare for a new baby

The mother's future second child will appear very soon - within just one year from the birth of the first.

If a child’s first tooth appears somewhat late in relation to the average statistical norm, then there is a popular belief that this baby will grow up to be an unusual person. He will definitely be endowed with great talents, abilities, will be hardworking and inclined to any serious activity.

If between the first grown teeth there is a large gap into which a coin can fit edge-on, then, according to grandmothers who love various beliefs, this is an indicator that in the future the child will have no end to representatives of the opposite sex.

True, not all signs associated with the first tooth are so rosy. There are also the exact opposite. For example, it is believed that if the first teeth grow slowly, painfully and cause big problems for a little man, then this indicates that he will grow up with a quarrelsome character, will be grumpy and intractable.

By the way, this sign is completely connected with real psychology - if a child suffers from teething for a long time, parents will try to compensate for his suffering with gifts, toys and other pleasant things, thanks to which he can get used to it and grow up to be an excessive egoist.

It is also considered a rather bad omen if a baby’s fang erupts first. Such children were often considered dysfunctional, associated with evil spirits, and all sorts of suffering and even death at a young age were predicted for them.

In some countries, for example, Africa, a woman who gave birth to such a child could even be kicked out of the village so that she would not bring misfortune and God's punishment on its inhabitants.

Every caring mother notices how quickly her beloved child’s teeth grow. Several interesting beliefs and signs are also attributed to this fact, which, however, echo the previous ones.

If the teeth grow quickly, without much pain and do not cause noticeable discomfort to the baby, then he will be a good person with a fairly pleasant character, will be able to get along well with others and will easily find a mate. If the process slows down, then this indicates that the person may well grow up to be quite nasty, will love to quarrel and create scandals, and will not be able to normally find a common language with many others.

But young mothers who have seen similar behavior in their children should under no circumstances worry or despair. It is clear that all such stories exist simply for the sake of being; they cannot determine a person’s future. If beliefs are not on your side, then you certainly shouldn’t despair.

Since such an important event in the family will not go unnoticed by the household (the joint efforts of the young mother and baby will be quite enough for this), it is not customary to ignore it. The baby is given a certain gift for this memorable event. Most often, according to a rather ancient folk custom, a small silver spoon is given to a child for his first tooth.

Different beliefs differ slightly on who exactly should do this. Initially, such a task was assigned to the child’s godparents, but most often this point of the ritual is not observed and gifts can be given to absolutely everyone: parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and other more or less distant relatives. You also need to remember here that a spoon is given for a reason. You still need to lightly tap the new “settler” in your mouth with it.

Unlike other customs, in the case of a spoon everything is quite logical and common sense. The fact is that it is during the period of 4-7 months that a child begins to consume other products in addition to milk. Therefore, the spoon will be quite useful to him for these purposes.

Regarding the question of material, silver is considered the purest metal, capable of killing germs and disinfecting the environment in which it is located. It is not for nothing that even a silver cross is dipped into water during baptism. By feeding the baby with such a spoon, parents gain greater confidence that harmful microbes and bacteria will not enter the baby’s oral cavity with this cutlery.

It also rarely happens that children are born with teeth. Different nations have radically different views on this matter. In medieval Europe, such an event meant only one thing (like many others, especially related to any everyday joys) - the child is a fiend of hell, the heavens are angry when looking at him and he is absolutely forbidden to live. Therefore, such children were often simply put to death.

But not every region of the world was marked by such barbarity. There were also nations in which such a special child aroused joy and admiration and was considered a great success for the parents. In fact, the only trouble it can cause is pain for the mother during breastfeeding.

There are also other signs related to the baby’s first teeth. Here are just a few of them:

  • if a child was born with one tooth, he will have a great future and become a great warrior (strong, courageous);
  • how many new teeth will a baby grow by the age of 1, how many brothers and sisters will he have;
  • Some peoples believed that late teething would bring happiness to the child.

As a conclusion, it is worth noting that these are the main signs according to which the future of the child and his mother can be determined based on the characteristics of the teething process.

Of course, you should approach everything with a smile and understand that real life has a rather weak correlation with fairy tales and customs of the Middle Ages. If a young mother likes to amuse herself with such stories, then no one forbids her from doing so. But there’s no point in worrying about “bad” signs either.


All children in Rus' were baptized, as this was considered a protective ritual. They were preparing for this event and considered it very important and significant. The midwife who delivered the baby prepared porridge, and it was called “Babkina porridge.” The godparents bought it, after which they divided a spoonful among all the participants in the event.

After this, it was time to “wash the hooves.” This meant drinking to the baby's health. Often, raising a glass, guests handed over their gifts and said parting words.

"Spoon for a tooth"

This was usually timed to coincide with the date of the christening. Moreover, if today it is customary to bring gifts to the baby, then before the main character of the holiday was the woman in labor. Presents were prepared for her. But, of course, most often these were things for caring for the baby. Since about 1940, the expression has been interpreted as an offering to a child. If there was such an opportunity (primarily financial), they tried to give silver items. There has always been a special attitude towards this metal; it warded off illnesses and cleansed the house with its presence. Hence the “silvering of a tooth.”

Why exactly a spoon? The fact is that before there were no individual plates; people ate from a common bowl. But everyone should have had a spoon, just like we have a toothbrush today.

What to do when baby teeth start falling out

First of all, this question concerns parents. In most cases there is not much to worry about here. For children, this is usually a completely painless process. The only thing that can bother the baby in this case is a loose tooth. And even then this is mainly a purely cognitive concern. Usually the child touches such a tooth with his finger, moves it with his tongue, tries to look at it in the mirror, etc. What should parents do at such a moment?

  1. Calm the child down and explain to him that there is nothing wrong with this, this is normal and does not hurt at all.
  2. Warn your child that there is no need to touch a loose tooth with your fingers, as an infection may get into the mouth, the gums will become swollen and begin to hurt.
  3. It happens that the loss of baby teeth is accompanied by some complications. For example, blood oozes from a wound on the gum, and the child experiences pain. What should parents do in this case?
  4. If blood is flowing from the wound, you need to give the child a piece of gauze or cotton wool, which he should put on the wound and hold for a while. Usually the blood soon stops flowing.
  5. Another way to stop the bleeding is to rinse the wound with a weak solution of baking soda. Of course, first the child needs to be explained how to do this correctly.
  6. But you cannot rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. It will not help in any way, and will only cause irritation of the wound on the gum that has not yet healed, and along with it pain.
  7. By the way, you cannot give your baby painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications at this time. The pain should go away on its own, especially since in most cases it is not severe.
  8. In some cases, it happens that the bleeding does not stop, despite all the tricks and methods. In this case, the help of a dentist is necessary.

Other possible troubles

It often happens that a child swallows a lost tooth without noticing it.
In this case, there is no need to worry: it will not cause any harm to the baby. But if the baby tooth has not yet fallen out, but another, permanent tooth has already grown in its place, then it is necessary to take measures. Firstly, because it can be painful. Secondly, in this case, the new tooth will almost certainly grow incorrectly, curved and deformed, and subsequently a visit to the dental office will be necessary.

Therefore, the baby tooth needs to be removed as soon as possible. But you shouldn’t do it yourself, using all sorts of “grandmother’s” methods - for example, using thread and a door handle. In this way, you may not be able to pull out a tooth, but you can easily scare a child or cause him pain. It is better to let a specialist do this - a dentist.

If a child stubbornly refuses to go to the doctor (this often happens), then you can try some folk remedies. No, no, not the scary thread and door handle, but completely different ones! For example, let him chew crackers or some other hard foods. They very well loosen already loose baby teeth, and thus help them fall out. In general, children whose baby teeth are about to fall out should be given solid foods (crackers, carrots, apples) as often as possible. But, of course, don't tell them what it's for. Otherwise, they will get scared and refuse it. This video will also tell you what parents should do if their baby has lost a baby tooth.

Celebration of the first lost tooth

This is a wonderful, fun and magical holiday, and every reader, no doubt, is familiar with it in one way or another. By and large, this is not even a holiday, but a long-rooted folk tradition. Well, what's the difference? The main thing is that a child usually remembers such a moment for the rest of his life, as a happy part of his childhood.

There is no need to talk in detail about the essence of the holiday. It is much more important not to forget to arrange it for the child. And how exactly depends on the parental imagination and, of course, on folk legends.

You can throw a lost tooth under the stove or, if there is no stove, under the bathtub and ask the mouse, which, of course, lives there, to pick up the tooth and bring the baby another one in return - real, strong, bone, or even gold. Or you can ask the tooth fairy or another good wizard for the same thing in return for the mouse. And when a child’s new tooth grows, you must not forget to thank the mouse, fairy, or wizard for this. There is no child who would not love this holiday and will not remember it for the rest of his life. All adult readers, no doubt, remember him and warm their souls with these memories. Isn't it true?

First haircut

Hair in Russian culture symbolized strength and connection with the energy of the earth. To cut them by force meant to deprive them of strength, to gain power over a person. Therefore, this ritual was performed only on certain dates. Our ancestors cut their hair only for a specific reason. The bride had her hair cut slightly, which meant the end of her girlhood. Echoes of traditions and childhood rituals that marked different stages of growing up have also survived to this day. The child had his hair cut for the first time when he was a year old. It was believed that if you cut the hair of a child under one year old, you can “cut the tongue.” That is, he may have problems with speech.

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