Symptoms and treatment of viral stomatitis in children

Causes and risk factors

The mucous membrane of the child's oral cavity is often injured. The appearance of ulcers can be caused by temperature effects (hot food and drinks), biting the inner surface of the cheeks or lips; damage by sharp edges of the filling, braces or the tooth’s own tissues in case of chipped enamel. Normally, the immune response allows the pathological process to be quickly eliminated, the mucous membrane heals, and bacteria do not have time to cause severe inflammation and ulceration.

Weakened children's immunity cannot cope with this task, which leads to the development of aphthous stomatitis. A small number of opportunistic bacteria that populate the oral cavity begin to actively multiply. Often the disease occurs against the background or as a result of a severe infection: influenza, ARVI, acute tonsillitis, infectious mononucleosis, etc.

Main risk factors:

  • food allergies, allergic reactions to hygiene products, such as toothpaste;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements due to a strict diet or impaired digestion of food;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • foci of infection in the oral cavity: caries, chronic periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis;
  • frequent respiratory diseases;
  • severe systemic diseases: pathologies of the endocrine system, blood vessels, metabolic disorders, etc.

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Treatment of stomatitis using traditional medicine

Medical staff at children's clinics say that when stomatitis is detected, it is best to consult with your doctor. Only a specialist can identify what stage the disease is at and prescribe treatment. However, there are situations when the clinic is not open (for example, evening hours and night time), and the child is very sick and does not feel well. If stomatitis is detected at first, you can resort to traditional medicine. There is no need to think that the disease will go away on its own. If the infection is not eradicated, the child will get even more sick.

In case of stomatitis, the oral cavity should be wiped with a bandage containing a soda solution. Plaque in the mouth is removed with a bandage or a piece of gauze, thereby eliminating the infection. Making a soda solution is very easy: add one teaspoon of soda to one glass of water and mix thoroughly. Before use, the liquid should be stirred so that the soda does not remain at the bottom of the glass. Using soda, you can thoroughly disinfect the oral cavity and mucous membrane, while removing plaque.

You can also try wiping the inside with slimy brilliant green. Procedurally, you need to do the same as with a soda solution. Then soak in brilliant green and thoroughly wipe the child’s mouth.

For older children, you can prepare herbal infusions and give them a mouth rinse after eating. In this case, food particles will be removed, and the mucous membrane will not burst. You can rinse with a chamomile solution, which quickly removes the inflammatory process. It is not uncommon for people to use strong green tea, which is also used as a mouth rinse. This procedure should be carried out several times, and it is not at all necessary to do it after meals.

It is sometimes quite difficult to persuade young children to rinse their mouths, especially if they experience pain there. In this case, they may like rose syrup, which also has a positive effect on eliminating infections in the mouth. You can make this syrup yourself using rose petals, sugar and water. You can easily prepare a decoction of oak bark at home. Herbs you can choose from are burdock, sage, and yarrow. You can prepare a mixture of these herbs and rinse your mouth with the tincture several times a day.

You can also use aloe, which you can simply chew. If a child cannot swallow such a plant, then holding it in his mouth will be enough. Aloe will taste good together with a little honey. However, we must remember that using large amounts of honey for stomatitis can only worsen the disease. When a child is ill, you should use only high-quality products without acid and harsh sensations, which will not cause allergies and irritation of the mucous membrane. It is advisable to limit yourself to a set of dishes that were pleasant to the child and did not cause him discomfort.

Forms of the disease

According to the ICD, aphthous stomatitis is assigned code K12.0. There are two forms of the disease - acute and chronic. The second is characterized by frequent relapses and may be a consequence of inadequate or untimely treatment of acute inflammation.

An acute disease is characterized by severe symptoms. It begins quickly, severe pain occurs at the site of mucosal damage, and the child may refuse to eat. In some cases, body temperature rises, weakness and lethargy occur.

The chronic form is characterized by a sluggish course; the child’s general well-being does not suffer. The disease can recur up to several times a year.

Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis

The onset of acute aphthous stomatitis in children may resemble ARVI: there is malaise, increased body temperature, and more profuse salivation may appear. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of ulcers in the mouth: first, a red dot appears on the mucous membrane, which subsequently becomes an ulcer (aphtha) within 2-3 days. Accidental touching causes pain. The child refuses food and hygiene procedures.

Single erosions occur more often, but there are cases of multiple aphthae formed in groups. They usually measure up to several millimeters, but in severe cases the diameter of the ulcer reaches one centimeter. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a bright red rim around the aphthae; a grayish or yellow film-like coating forms on it.

There are also general symptoms that accompany aphthous stomatitis. These include:

  • sleep disturbances (due to pain or discomfort);
  • decreased appetite;
  • pain while talking;
  • increased fatigue, lethargy;
  • whims, irritability.

Early treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children can prevent complications, shorten recovery time, and prevent further development of the disease.


If there is a suspicion of damage to the mucous membrane in the mouth, only a doctor, pediatrician or pediatric dentist should make a diagnosis and examine a child. It is important to identify the cause of the disease in order to prescribe effective treatment. Identifying the cause of the disease does not present any difficulties. This pathology is detected during examination due to the characteristic clinical picture, the presence of rashes, and signs of inflammation in the mouth. In addition to an examination to clarify the nature of the disease, the doctor prescribes a general blood and urine test. In severe cases, tissues of the affected mucous membrane are examined to identify the type of pathogen. For this purpose, washouts and scrapings from erosions and ulcers are taken.

The following methods are used to identify the type of virus:

  • immunofluorescence method;
  • PCR;
  • RSK;
  • ELISA.

In order to prescribe effective therapy, especially in severe cases, identification of the type of pathogen is required.

Features of treatment

To diagnose a disease, only a visual examination is often sufficient, but in some cases laboratory diagnostics are required to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process and the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. Treatment should be carried out by a dentist, and the treatment regimen is developed individually, taking into account test results, the age and well-being of the child, the causes of the disease, the area of ​​mucosal lesions and other conditions.

If the question of how to treat aphthous stomatitis in children is decided individually, then recommendations regarding eating behavior and hygiene are general for all cases. Such recommendations include the following:

  • avoidance of too hot or cold drinks and foods;
  • following a hypoallergenic diet;
  • refusal of food that irritates the mucous membrane. This list includes fatty, salty and spicy foods, marinades, solid foods;
  • adding pureed and soft foods to the menu. This includes cream soups, porridges, pre-boiled meat;
  • drinking enough liquid;
  • careful adherence to oral hygiene: using brushes with soft bristles, rinsing the mouth after each meal.

Local drug treatment consists of the use of such agents as:

  • rinses or irrigation solutions (for children who do not yet know how to rinse their mouths) with an antiseptic effect;
  • ointments and gels that stimulate the restoration of mucous membranes;
  • drugs for pain relief and burning sensation.

It is important to test the product before use: apply a small amount to the crook of your elbow. If there is no redness, burning, or rash, we can say there is no allergy - the product can be used for treatment.

In some cases, systemic drug therapy is indicated. Your doctor may prescribe antihistamines to combat the allergic reaction and relieve swelling. In order to increase the resistance of the child's body, immunomodulators may be recommended. The decision on the need for antibacterial therapy is made in the case of an extremely severe course of the disease, a persistent increase in body temperature, and identification of a bacterial pathogen in a smear.

Elevated body temperature and pain are indications for symptomatic therapy. The doctor may recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in a dosage and form appropriate to the age of the young patient. Sometimes it is advisable to use suppositories if taking the medicine in the form of a tablet or syrup causes pain or anxiety.

Treatment of infants additionally includes disinfection of toys and teethers that the baby may put in his mouth. A nursing mother should pay attention to breast hygiene: thoroughly wash her breasts after feeding using warm water and special products.

Sometimes it is advisable to use folk remedies. Thus, rinsing the mouth with chamomile can soothe inflamed mucous membranes and speed up the healing process. However, it is important to remember that such prescriptions can only complement the main course of treatment. Don't forget to consult your doctor about the possibility of using them. Some herbs are strong allergens, so it is important to ensure that you are not hypersensitive to them.

Warming, the use of honey and alcohol tinctures are prohibited, as all this can lead to a worsening of the condition and lead to serious complications. It is better not to self-medicate, but to show the child to a qualified specialist.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children usually takes no more than 7–12 days. It all depends on the state of the child’s immune system, the severity of inflammation, the number and depth of ulcers.

Symptoms of stomatitis in children

The first symptom of stomatitis in a child that can be seen by relatives is dry, flaky lips. A small white coating may form on the tongue, which over time can spread throughout the mouth. Infants may well become infected with fungal stomatitis, which manifests itself in the form of small white spots. By their nature, the spots resemble milk that has curdled on the tongue. Sometimes such stomatitis can occur as a result of long-term treatment with antibiotics. That is why doctors do not recommend long-term use of such drugs.

An increase in temperature is one of the primary symptoms, which may also indicate that the child is sick. Lack of appetite, lethargy, whims - these are the first symptoms that need to be responded to in terms of diagnosing the oral cavity in a child.


The development of the disease can be prevented with the help of general strengthening measures: it is important to adhere to a daily routine, provide nutrition taking into account the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals, and pay attention to the prevention of infectious diseases.

The development of stomatitis can be avoided using simple measures, such as:

  • regular oral hygiene, which should begin from the moment the baby’s first tooth appears;
  • use of toothpastes without sodium lauryl sulfate. This component increases the risk of developing the disease;
  • routine examinations by a pediatric dentist;
  • rinsing the mouth after every meal;
  • limited consumption of sweets.

Pediatric dentists at STOMA clinics are ready to help a child of any age. By contacting us, you can be confident in the professionalism of our specialists. We have developed effective treatment regimens for aphthous stomatitis in children. Doctors will talk in detail about preventing relapses and give recommendations on maintaining oral health.


Viral stomatitis in childhood develops due to various infections, since the baby has an underdeveloped immune system. He does not have time to recover from his previous illness. It also easily becomes infected from a patient with stomatitis. The situation is worsened by a lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body.

The disease in children is caused by the following pathogens:

  • flu;
  • HIV;
  • mononucleosis;
  • measles;
  • papillomavirus;
  • ARVI;
  • enterovirus;
  • chicken pox;
  • herpes.

Most often, herpes is the causative agent of this disease; it accounts for up to 80% of all cases. Most of these viruses are persistent intracellular parasites. Therefore, this disease often becomes chronic. With this form, there is an alternation of exacerbations and remissions. The acute form can result in the formation of a carrier state, in which the pathogen remains in the cells, but there are no symptoms of the disease.

Most often, the infection affects children under four years of age. But it affects older children and teenagers.

The reasons why this happens are:

  • undeveloped immune system;
  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • weakness of local immunity;
  • injuries to the gums and oral mucosa;
  • general weakening of the body after an illness;
  • long-term use of certain drugs (glucocorticoids, antibiotics, cytostatics).

Parallel inflammatory processes in other organs and systems also contribute to maintaining the infectious process in the mouth of children.

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