When should you not correct your bite? Contraindications: permanent and temporary

Like any medical intervention, correcting the bite has its contraindications, which is why an examination is carried out when preparing to install braces or aligners. There are patients who either cannot or are not recommended to wear braces, but some contraindications can be eliminated - the doctor will give recommendations for this.

There are contraindications to correcting the bite, but they are few.

Absolute contraindications

These are those in which correcting the bite is either impractical or impossible.

  • Most of the teeth are missing.

If the chewing teeth on both sides of the upper and lower jaws have been destroyed, removed or missing, then it often makes no sense to correct the position of the remaining ones. When preparing for prosthetics, the doctor will most likely offer an alternative option.

If you have only a few teeth, braces cannot be installed.

  • Dystrophic processes in the jaw bone, periodontal disease.

Bone atrophy or thinning are synonymous. The essence of the process is that bone tissue cells are not renewed, the volume of the bone gradually decreases, the roots of the teeth begin to stay in it worse and can become loose. This process requires supervision by a dentist or periodontist, since with due attention to your health, you can slow down the development of the disease and save your teeth. But treatment by an orthodontist, which is accompanied by a strong impact on the roots of the teeth, is no longer carried out.

It is possible to correct a bite if the tissue of the jaw bone is dense and holds the roots of the teeth well.

  • Several implants.

Even one implant puts the possibility of correcting the bite into question, since usually when wearing braces or aligners, all teeth move to one degree or another. And if there are several implants, it is impossible to avoid pressure on them. Unlike tooth roots, implants are not able to withstand such a load.

The generally accepted procedure is: first treatment with an orthodontist, and only then installation of implants.

Is it possible to correct an adult's bite without braces?

You can - with the help of aligners. These are orthodontic transparent aligners made of solid polymer. Despite their rather simple appearance, aligners cope well with both minor changes in the position of the teeth and quite serious pathologies of the dentofacial apparatus. When treating with orthodontic aligners, patient motivation is extremely important. Aligners are more often chosen by men - they think that this type of treatment is less problematic. But they often lack patience and remove the aligners as soon as they feel discomfort. And this is unacceptable if the patient expects a positive effect of treatment. Aligners need to be worn 22 hours a day - keep this in mind before choosing this treatment option. If you comply with this requirement, then treatment with braces will not be necessary - mouthguards are no less effective at restoring the anatomically correct position of the teeth and correcting the bite.

Relative contraindications

These include contraindications that, in different individual cases, may interfere with treatment, or may not have a significant impact on the process.

  • Several crowns.

If prosthetics have been performed in the past, then when preparing for treatment you need to pay close attention to the crowns. On what teeth are they installed? What is the condition of the roots of these teeth? Have the crowns and their connection points begun to collapse? Which teeth will be impacted the most and which will move 1-2mm? By answering these questions, your doctor will be able to tell you whether you can wear aligners or braces. Sometimes you need to first have the crown redone and then be treated by an orthodontist.

Crowns, unlike implants, can be moved (but carefully)

  • A large number of fillings.

If you have 10 or more teeth filled, the fillings themselves are large (they take up more than 50% of the tooth’s volume), and nerves have been removed in some teeth, this does not mean that the bite cannot be corrected. You just need to more carefully examine all the fillings and find out if they have begun to collapse. The doctor may recommend replacing old fillings. Modern materials for treatment make it possible to save even “dead” teeth.

  • Previous tooth restoration.

Veneers are not installed if there are malocclusions, since improper closure of the teeth can lead to destruction and abrasion of the plates. Therefore, there is no point in talking about this technology. However, if in the past one or more teeth were restored using filling material, then, as a rule, this does not prevent you from subsequently wearing aligners or braces - the only question is the quality of the restoration and its condition.

A restored tooth, if its root is not damaged, is not an obstacle to treatment

Is it possible to put braces on crowns, fillings and implants?

The issue of compatibility of braces with crowns, bridges and other prosthetic structures is decided in each case individually. Using classical systems in such cases can lead to certain problems. Thus, fixing a bracket on a crown is much more difficult than on natural dental tissue. Therefore, instead of fixed metal braces, the patient can be offered a Invisalign aligner .

Treatment on aligners (aligners)
For people who strive for beauty and aesthetics, but feel fear at the thought of braces, modern orthodontics offers an excellent solution - aligners for straightening teeth. This is an innovative way to combat malocclusion. Orthodontics offers its patients high-quality and comfortable bite correction and teeth straightening using the latest technologies - transparent cap-aligners.
250 000 ₽

If there are bridges and implants in the oral cavity, then there is no longer any need to talk about special mobility of the teeth. Therefore, it is difficult to attempt to move the bridge (which can result in its damage) and to change the position of the implant. But an experienced professional has at his disposal techniques that allow even in such cases to correct the bite using a brace system without negative consequences - of course, if this is really necessary.

Temporary contraindications

These are the ones that are easy to fix. Having identified them during the examination, the orthodontist will give recommendations, and soon after treatment it will be possible to begin correcting the bite.

  • Caries.

When wearing any orthodontic structures, plaque forms much faster, and it is more difficult to clean it. Although braces and aligners themselves do not cause caries, attention to hygiene during orthodontic treatment should be much higher. Therefore, removal of all foci of caries, including superficial ones, is an indispensable condition before starting treatment.

  • Plaque, tartar.

The reasons are the same as described above. The bite is corrected with perfectly clean teeth. To prepare, it is enough to undergo ultrasonic cleaning (it perfectly removes hard plaque) and air flow (removes soft plaque).

Those who want to correct their bite should get used to more careful dental care. This is a great habit that will help you stay healthy for many years and avoid prosthetics in the future.

  • Inflammation of the gums.

Minor inflammation may occur due to accumulated soft plaque. After professional dental hygiene, as a rule, it is enough to follow the doctor’s recommendations for several days (usually the use of local antiseptics) to eliminate the problem.

Which braces are most often installed in adults?

It is most rational to choose metal braces: they are the most durable, and since the treatment will be long, this is one of the most important indicators. When it comes to minor corrections, aesthetic systems made of ceramics or artificial sapphires can be installed. But, let’s say, ceramic braces are quite fragile compared to metal ones. If the ceramic lock is chipped, you will need to remove it and install a new one. And this is a waste of time: when the lock is re-glued, the treatment can be considered to begin anew. When choosing a brace system, it is best to listen to the orthodontist’s recommendations - the doctor selects or combines types of structures so that the treatment is as comfortable as possible.

Not a contraindication

  • Childhood.

The whole question is which method of treatment to choose. For younger children, removable aligners are often chosen, and teenagers can wear the same aligners as adults. But you can start correcting your bite immediately after diagnosing the existing problem at any age.

  • Older age.

There is no upper age limit. If your teeth are preserved and there is a need to correct their position, you can be treated by an orthodontist at any age.

  • General diseases (with very rare exceptions).

Metabolic disorders, asthma, allergies and other systemic diseases almost never interfere with wearing orthodontic structures, since the materials are hypoallergenic, and no surgical intervention (as when installing implants) occurs. If the patient's general condition is satisfactory and he can visit the clinic, then most likely there are no obstacles.

Correcting your bite will not only give you a beautiful smile, but will also prevent many problems with your teeth and the health of your body in general. If you are unsure whether you can undergo orthodontic treatment, please contact your orthodontist and ask all your questions.

More articles on the topic:

  • Can veneers correct crooked teeth?
  • Reflections ceramic braces: advantages and features

Installation of braces in adulthood

Orthodontic treatment with braces in Russia goes back about thirty years. And in the USA, for example, bite correction with braces has been practiced for more than a hundred years. Russian orthodontists today often work with adults who simply did not have the opportunity to undergo this level of treatment in childhood. As a rule, such patients themselves turn to the dentist, less often - through the referral of related specialists. As a rule, people come to orthodontists for a beautiful smile, and not because of any pain. Most of those applying are women. Men are more relaxed about imperfect smiles, although doctors have recently noted an increase in the number of male patients.

Installation steps

  1. Taking impressions. Casting plaster models. Drawing up a treatment plan.
  2. Coordination of the developed treatment plan with the patient. Approval and signing of the estimate determining the price of treatment.
  3. Prepayment from the patient.
  4. Purchase of a set of equipment - the braces themselves and all the necessary components for them (ligatures, mini-implants, etc.).
  5. Cleaning of teeth and mouth (included in the total cost of treatment).
  6. Fixation - first on the upper jaw, and after some time (taking into account the clinical case) on the lower jaw.
  7. The patient visits the doctor in accordance with the treatment plan (usually adjustments are needed 1-2 times a month).
  8. After achieving the required treatment result, retention is performed - consolidation of the results, for which retainers (or retention devices) are used, which are selected by the doctor.
  9. Removal, cleaning of the oral cavity, issuing recommendations and scheduling preventive examinations.

Does installation and wearing hurt?

Of course, there are discomforts. In particular, they are caused by the archwire inserted into the braces. There is also discomfort when moving teeth. But there is no pronounced pain that prevents me from speaking, eating, sleeping and preventing me from living normally. First of all, because the force of the arcs is strictly dosed. All movements occur gradually, with a step-by-step increase in the power and size of the arcs - from weaker to stronger, from round to faceted, from thin to thick (full-groove). As for unusual tooth movements, this is a matter of habit, which will appear in 1-2 months.

Let us remind you that all the discomfort during treatment comes down only to the peculiarities of nutrition and brushing your teeth. In the first case, a certain revision of the diet is required, with the rejection of certain foods, and in the second, strict self-discipline. That's all the “inconvenience”.

Types of braces based on location on teeth

In addition to the materials used, bracket systems are classified according to the type of their installation: vestibular and lingual. The first ones are easier to install and are attached to the outside of the teeth, the second - to the inside. Lingual ones are more difficult to install and adaptation to them takes longer, but they are not visible from the outside.

Vestibular braces (external)

Braces located on the visible outer part of the tooth are called vestibular. This type of braces is the most popular among patients. A variety of materials are used to make external braces - metal, ceramic, composite and aluminum oxide. When using this type of braces, there is no negative effect on the teeth. A special orthodontic material is used to attach the structure to the surface of the teeth.

Lingual braces (internal)

For many patients, the aesthetic side of the issue is of great importance: they are interested in installing the system in such a way that it is not visible. The problem is solved by using lingual (internal) braces; they are fixed on the inside of the teeth and those around them cannot see them. If we talk about an aesthetic solution, then this is the best option.

However, there are some inconveniences for the patient when wearing standard internal systems: it is not easy to adapt to them, plus diction suffers.

Prices for braces in our clinic

The price of a braces system consists of several components:

  • type of orthodontic structure
  • material from which the braces are made (metal, ceramic, sapphire)
  • manufacturing company

INTAN Implantation and Dentistry Centers offer an objective price/quality ratio for dental correction in St. Petersburg. Our policy is honest, low prices , which means you won’t find hidden fees or fine print in the contract.

In addition to the above factors that influence the final cost of orthodontic treatment, the price formation is influenced by the initial condition of the patient’s oral cavity, the need for preliminary preparation, and the frequency of correction during treatment.

You can consult a dentist about the details of installing a braces system, who will offer several options that are suitable specifically for your situation. To avoid problems, it is better to make the final choice together with your doctor.

Pros of braces

Despite the disadvantages of braces, this method of bite correction has significant advantages. These include:

  • relatively short treatment time: braces quickly move teeth into the desired position, especially if we are talking about simple metal structures;
  • a wide range of indications: many methods can be used only for mild malocclusions, while braces can be used in almost all cases of pathologies that do not require surgical intervention;
  • compatibility with other methods: braces can act as an independent method of correction and complement other methods.

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