With Gluflutored, deep fluoridation is available to everyone

Deep fluoridation is indicated for people with increased sensitivity of tooth enamel, as well as those who have a predisposition to caries.

The entire procedure is safe and painless, and consists of saturating tooth enamel with fluoride ions.

To carry out the procedure, special solutions are used that protect teeth from the negative effects of an acidic environment.

One such remedy is Gluflutored.

General characteristics of the drug

Gluflutored is a domestically produced medical product that is used for dental purposes.
With its help, patients undergo deep fluoridation of tooth enamel and dentin. The main dental enemy is caries, which is probably known to every person. In childhood, it is especially dangerous, because baby teeth are still so weak that they quickly succumb to the destructive process. This is where Gluflutored comes to the rescue, with which you can quickly and easily prevent the development of the pathological process.

The procedure and stages of simple fluoridation

  • Teeth cleaning. Before the procedure, the dentist thoroughly cleans the surface of the teeth using a special brush and paste;
  • Drying teeth. Thorough drying of teeth is an important stage of the procedure; the slightest ingress of saliva can negate all the doctor’s efforts. Next, the entire oral surface is covered with cotton swabs;
  • Direct fluoridation. Using a brush, a thin layer of varnish is applied to the tooth enamel to fluoride the teeth. If a gel is used, then it is applied to a “spoon” and applied to the teeth for 10-15 minutes;
  • Dry thoroughly. The preparation must dry completely on the teeth. Then the rollers are removed.

What is included in the complex?

The set, consisting of two plastic bottles of 10 ml each, includes:

  • special solution with a characteristic blue color;
  • suspension dissolved in distilled water.

The substance formed as a result of mixing the components, when applied to the teeth, acts as a dense protection for the prevention of diseases of enamel, dentin and pulp. Thanks to this, the acidic effects of monomers and bacteria no longer pose a danger to teeth.

Scope of application

The use of Gluflutored is especially effective in the following cases:

  • caries of any degree, prevention of its occurrence;
  • caries at the spot stage;
  • after using orthodontic structures;
  • getting rid of hypersensitivity and, conversely, with a sharp decrease in sensitivity;
  • fissure sealing;
  • protection of pulp from acidic chemical attack;
  • periodontitis.

Description of the procedure

Deep fluoridation using the drug Gluflutored differs significantly from the usual procedure using fluoridating pastes and varnishes.

In microcracks of damaged enamel, calcium fluoride is formed in the form of microscopic crystals, which act as a constant source of fluoride ions. The hard layers of dental tissue are sealed. And copper compounds act as a barrier to the penetration of microorganisms.

Consistent and correct application of liquid and suspension provides reliable protection of dentin, which occurs by sealing microcracks. The presence of copper and fluoride ions in the hard layers of dental tissue perfectly restores the tooth socket in case of alveolitis and dentin.

Deep fluoridation has repeatedly proven its high efficiency. After the procedure, tooth enamel acquires strength that is 10 times higher than the original one.


The dental kit “Gluflutored” is used for deep fluoridation of enamel and dentin for:

  • prevention and treatment of primary and secondary caries, caries in the spot stage, as well as prevention of caries before and after the use of orthodontic structures;
  • sealing fissures (without enamel preparation) with the effect of deep mineralization;
  • treatment of hypersensitivity of the cervical area of ​​the tooth, reducing the sensitivity of dentin after preparation of the cavity and tooth stump, as well as to isolate the pulp from the chemical effects of monomers and acids that are part of composite materials and other types of fillings;
  • treatment of periodontitis.


The Gluflutored dental kit includes liquid and suspension.

The liquid is a blue solution containing fluorine and copper ions.

Suspension – finely dispersed calcium hydroxide in distilled water with the addition of a stabilizer.

As a result of sequential application of liquid and suspension, microcracks in enamel, dentin tubules and cement are sealed. The resulting substance is a high-molecular polymer of silicic acid with submicroscopic crystals of calcium fluoride, magnesium fluoride and copper fluoride deposited in it. It is alkaline in nature and extremely dense, which provides effective protection of dentin and pulp from the attack of acids and monomers contained in composite materials.

Unlike conventional fluoridation (temporary - fluoride varnishes and fluoridating pastes), during deep fluoridation microcrystals of calcium fluoride, less than 1 micron in size, are formed directly in the dentinal tubules and pores of damaged enamel, which provides effective, long-lasting protection against caries.

Submicroscopic crystals of calcium fluoride are a constant source of fluoride ions, providing long-term remineralization and effective sealing of hard tissues. Copper compounds guarantee effective protection of hard tooth tissues from cariogenic microorganisms. The long-term presence of copper and fluorine ions in the hard tissues of teeth contributes to the restoration of the alveolar-dental system.

Deep fluoridation does not reduce the adhesion and retention of filling and restoration materials.

Attention! Depending on the clinical indications, it is necessary to strictly follow the order of application of the components, which is reflected in the method of application.

Treatment of deep cavities or tooth stumps should begin with the use of a calcium hydroxide suspension. Calcium hydroxide will protect the pulp from the effects of fluoride complexes that have not yet disintegrated.


To prevent caries, treat caries in the spot stage, as well as prevent caries before and after using orthodontic structures, seal fissures, reduce hypersensitivity of the cervical area of ​​the tooth, it is necessary to remove tartar, clean the surface (fissure) of hard dental deposits using special means (paste " Polident No. 1" or "Polident No. 2" without fluoride). Rinse the surface with water, dry with a stream of air, then moisten generously with liquid. After 1 minute, remove excess liquid with a dry swab and apply a suspension of calcium hydroxide to the treated surface (shake the bottle first). Then rinse with running water after 1 minute.

To consolidate the achieved effect, repeat the procedure after 2 weeks and subsequently carry out 1-2 times a year.

To reduce the sensitivity of dentin after cavity preparation and protect the pulp when filling with cements and composite materials, in order to prevent relapses of secondary caries, a dry, fat-free cavity is generously moistened with liquid using a tampon and left for 1 minute. Excess liquid is removed with a dry swab, then the cavity is generously moistened with the suspension.

After 1 minute, wipe the treated surface with a clean swab. The treatment provided provides reliable protection of the pulp and allows one to abandon the use of materials containing calcium hydroxide during further manipulations. After treatment with Gluflutored dental material, etching or bonding is applied.

Treatment of deep cavities with a thin layer of perforated dentin, as well as tooth stumps, must be carried out in the reverse order (suspension-liquid-suspension): first apply a suspension of calcium hydroxide (to protect the pulp), then after 1 minute dry and treat with liquid. After 1 minute, dry and apply the suspension again.

Then etching or bonding is carried out and further stages of restoration are carried out.

When treating periodontitis, treat hard tooth tissues of the subgingival part, cleared of tartar, with the drug for deep fluoridation “Gluflutored”, fill the gingival pocket with a suspension of copper-calcium hydroxide (for example, “Cuprodent”, suspension No. 1). Press the gum and, if necessary, secure it with a bandage until the next visit.


Liquid (bottle) – 10 ml

Suspension (bottle) – 10 ml

Instructions for use - 1 pc.


Store in a cool, dry, dark place at temperatures from +5°C to +25°C.

Shelf life – 2 years.

Special instructions and application features

The drug has been used in dentistry for quite a long time and has managed to establish itself as a reliable, high-quality product.

The application of the drug to the tooth surface occurs sequentially, in two stages. To begin with, take a liquid that is used to carefully process the enamel. Then the suspension from the kit is applied to the teeth.

The procedure itself, at first glance, may seem quite simple and does not require a visit to the dentist.

But in order to achieve the desired effect and forget about painful sensations for a long time, it is advisable to use the drug only in a clinical setting.

Fluoridation requires a whole range of therapeutic measures:

  • it is necessary to prepare the teeth by cleaning their surface from plaque and stones, for which rotating brushes and fluoride-free pastes are used;
  • fissures are cleaned.
  • application of the drug Gluflutored.

Fluoridation occurs according to the following scheme:

  • The entire tooth surface is thoroughly washed with water, after which it is dried with an air stream;
  • the enamel is treated with a generous layer of liquid from the first bottle;
  • wait a minute after treating with the liquid, then remove its remnants with a dry cotton swab;
  • treat the enamel with a suspension;
  • wait a minute and rinse your teeth with running water.

To consolidate the result, the procedure must be repeated after two weeks. For preventive purposes, deep fluoridation is recommended to be carried out no more than twice a year.

Pros and cons of fluoridation

The health of teeth depends primarily on the condition of their enamel, and fluoride and calcium are the main elements that ensure its good condition. When the body lacks them, the enamel becomes thinner, becomes more prominent, and demineralization occurs. Then a fluoridation procedure is performed - thanks to it, the teeth become more resistant to an acidic environment. However, fluoride does not last forever, and the procedure is recommended to be performed annually. Sodium fluoride is also used in fluoride toothpastes - it acts as an antibacterial component and serves to reduce the ability of bacteria to produce acids, as well as to remineralize the area of ​​​​the tooth exposed to acids.

However, fluoride is toxic to humans and is even more dangerous than lead. Thus, one tube of fluoridated toothpaste contains 2–5 g of fluoride, which is very dangerous for health if you use all this amount at one time. As for the effect of the compound on teeth, if you constantly act on them with sodium fluoride, it accumulates in the teeth and bones and you can get fluorosis and osteosclerosis - bone damage. The symptoms of these diseases are extremely unpleasant: weight loss, brittle bones, stiffening of joints, anemia, hardening of ligaments. Sodium fluoride should be used especially carefully for people suffering from kidney failure and diabetes mellitus. Dental fluorosis harms teeth not only in cosmetic terms. In fact, this is chronic fluoride intoxication, which even leads to cancer, disorders of the thyroid gland, Alzheimer's disease, and neurological diseases.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

Deep fluoridation is best done in the office of an experienced dentist. It is quite possible to purchase medications for simple fluoridation on your own according to the doctor’s recommendations. But the Gluftored complex is not sold through the pharmacy chain, but it can be purchased through online pharmacies on special websites.

This procedure is carried out in private clinics, and not in every one. Because of this, the cost of a treatment session is not small. Therefore, some people buy the drug themselves and use it at home.

It must be said that there are no difficulties in using the drug, and the effectiveness is still maintained.

Dentists advise carrying out this procedure without fail for both adult and young patients. Especially in cases where the patient has a predisposition to caries.

Practical application experience

The point of view of specialists and ordinary people.

The drug, as for me, is simply ideal. My patients are delighted with it. I can admit that I have already helped a large number of my patients, relieving them of enamel hypersensitivity.

Karim Stanislavovich, hygienist

I can only share positive experiences about working with this product. Previously, our clinic used other methods, after using which there was a feeling of roughness in the teeth. Gluflutored does not leave anything like this behind, which makes patients happy.

Nina, dentist

Not long ago I went to a familiar clinic for dental fluoridation, and instead of the usual expensive drugs they offered me Gluflutored, which is much cheaper. At first I was confused by this, but after the procedure I was very grateful to the doctor. Teeth are clean and beautiful!

Alya, 28

My dentist recommended this coating to me. It’s been a month and a half since the procedure and I can safely eat and drink without experiencing the slightest pain.

Nina, 41

Indications for use

The information in the insert, leaflet with information about the rules of use will help both the patient make a decision when choosing a drug for deep fluoridation, and the doctor. The method was invented in Germany, and this drug was developed by employees of the Russian one, which has existed for more than 25 years. The drug was first launched on the market in 2002. Products are currently sold in 65 countries around the world. Gluftored has proven itself to be excellent, has been tested, there are many positive reviews about it, it complies with TU 9391-081-45814830-2002.

Indications for use:

  • tooth sensitivity;
  • caries of varying degrees;
  • yellow spots on the enamel;
  • periodontitis;
  • wearing braces;
  • dental crowns and bridges.

Nutrition of tooth enamel can be difficult for any reason, including due to the individual characteristics of the body. To prevent tooth sensitivity, for example, from becoming a chronic problem, you need to undergo a course of deep fluoridation and use this drug.

The microflora of the oral cavity is complex; it contains enzymes that are involved in digestion. There should be no plaque, stone, or inflammation. But homeostasis is disrupted and problems arise. Gluflutored VladMiVa changes the situation for the better and brings long-awaited relief.

About effectiveness for doubters

This complex helps to carry out fluoridation of teeth completely safely and painlessly. The procedure is also widespread among young patients whose teeth were previously silvered, which spoiled their aesthetic appearance. Now you can forget about it, because applying such a coating does not change the child’s smile in any way.

After the procedure, effective protection from harmful bacteria is formed on the teeth, and the risk of developing caries will be significantly reduced.

Adult patients also turn to fluoridation to treat hyperesthesia. Gluflutored saturates tooth enamel with minerals, which leads to an increase in its density, and accordingly, sensitivity decreases.

Patients note a positive effect 15-30 minutes after applying the drug. The pain noticeably decreases and soon disappears altogether.

You can buy the Gluftored complex in online pharmacies that specialize in selling materials for dental clinics; on different sites the price can range from 600 to 900 rubles.

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