Win braces - designs with high aesthetic results


Braces are the most common teeth straightening method used for both children and adults.

WIN systems are easy to use and effective for a variety of bite problems.

They also allow you to maintain the aesthetics of your smile during treatment, because the systems are lingual.

What are they?

WIN braces are used on the inside of the teeth. Most often, those around you do not even realize that a person has these systems attached.

The structures have a number of advantages, due to both the material used and the mounting location. They are made of colbate-chromium alloy, which is absolutely safe for humans , they can be used for a long time.

The result of the treatment will please the patient, as all the teeth in the row are gradually aligned without causing any serious inconvenience.

Who produces?

These systems are produced by the German company for the production of dental supplies and structures DW Lingual Systems GmbH .

The founder and developer of these systems is the famous doctor Vikhman, who created not only WIN braces, but also developed the Incognito system, widely used not only in our country, but far beyond its borders.

WIN bracket systems came to domestic dentistry relatively recently - in 2013, but have already taken a strong position in the orthodontic services market.

Due to their recent appearance, not all clinics can offer their installation service .

What does the cost of lingual braces consist of, an overview of designs.

In this article we will talk about ways to correct crooked teeth.

At the link we posted photos before and after using lingual braces.

Design Features

These systems differ in some design features, which can be found on the company’s official website.

They have several standard elements that are not manufactured individually, but at the factory.

But the platforms for other braces, which are attached to the teeth, are made depending on the individual characteristics of the location of the teeth in a row , their relief and other characteristics.

The arcs are produced separately, using a special robot. This is necessary to achieve the ideal position of the teeth. Specialists carefully monitor the bending of these arches, since the result of treatment depends on them.

These systems differ from other lingual structures in their extremely flat shapes, which allows them to be worn in the oral cavity without the slightest discomfort.


Due to the high technology of Win braces, they are one of the most reliable, and at the same time the most expensive.

The high cost is explained by the uniqueness of the systems, as well as the fact that they are manufactured abroad. At the same time, in Russia these braces have been used for only a few years, and not all clinics install them.

The cost of Win lingual systems is 130-250 thousand rubles per jaw. In this case, installation, corrections and removal are paid separately.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Systems hypoallergenic. The above alloy does not cause even the slightest allergic reaction.
    Thanks to this, braces are not contraindicated for people suffering from various types of allergies.

    Also, no precious metals are added to them, which reduces the risk of an autoimmune reaction.

  • Quick to get used to .
    Due to their flat shape, braces are well accepted by patients. You can quickly get used to them, they do not cause inconvenience in use, and there is no need to frequently visit a doctor to improve the addiction process.
  • Precision manufacturing .
    We have already mentioned that the arcs on these structures are made by a robot. This eliminates the human factor in production. Due to this, systems are manufactured strictly according to individual impressions.
  • Comfort to use . WIN lingual braces fit compactly in the mouth, making chewing easier. They do not cause noticeable changes in speech; diction disorders can be observed only in the first days after installation.
  • Ease of care .
    Since the plates are made individually, they are attached very tightly to the enamel. This protects the surface of the teeth from the formation of white spots (demineralization), significantly reducing the risk of caries. Studies that have recently been conducted to test these structures have shown that due to their tight fit, the structures are constantly washed with saliva, which makes them easier to care for.
  • Advantages in aesthetics . Since these systems are lingual, they are practically invisible to people around them. A person using them for treatment may not worry about his appearance when he smiles.
  • The ability to see the result of treatment before it is carried out.
    The structures are made on the basis of computer modeling. A person can see, even before installing the systems, what his teeth will look like after treatment.
  • Can be used at any age . Not all braces give the desired results in adulthood. WIN systems can be installed in adult patients without restrictions.

Photo: placement of WIN braces in the oral cavity
The systems' manufacturing materials, design features and other advantages allow them to be used even for the most complex defects in tooth growth or bite.


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Indications and contraindications

Such lingual braces are installed for almost all dental growth abnormalities and malocclusions . They are effective and are used if there are no contraindications.

The main contraindications to their installation are:

  • The presence of dental crowns, which do not allow the installation of systems.
  • If patients suffer from severe forms of periodontal diseases.
  • If the function of the temporomandibular joint is impaired, lingual braces are not recommended.
  • If a person has a too narrow jaw, then braces with arches will not fit inside - they will take up too much space.

Features of lingual braces

This type of braces is recognized by dentists all over the world as one of the most effective and comfortable for the treatment of complex malocclusion pathologies aged 12-13 years. The price of lingual braces is slightly higher than traditional vestibular systems, the elements of which are attached to the outside of the teeth.

However, invisibility to others still plays a decisive role in the choice. Before their appearance, many patients (especially women and public figures) refused orthodontic treatment due to psychological discomfort. Lingual systems have solved this problem.

Manufacturing and installation stages

Installation can only be carried out by specialists who have been trained and have an agreement with the laboratory of the company that produces the WIN systems.

The production of systems takes place in several important stages:

  • An orthodontist examines the oral cavity for dental problems and other possible contraindications.
    Then he takes impressions. This process is very important in treatment and must be as accurate as possible. After impressions are taken, they are sent to the manufacturer's laboratory.
  • In Germany, casts undergo a digitization process using special equipment, after which they can be seen on a computer image. A model of the end of treatment is also created there. That is, the obtained treatment result is simulated.
  • After a thorough analysis of the result, the patient and doctor determine a treatment plan. The doctor looks at where to attach the braces and what the shape of the arches should be during each alignment period.
  • Next, the German company carries out robotic production of plates, individual braces and arches for them. All parameters are taken based on the needs of the patient and his individual characteristics.
  • After 2.5-3 months, WIN systems come to the doctor ready-made, equipped with all the necessary elements, even additional ones that may be needed. The doctor notifies the patient that it is time to install the systems.
  • A few weeks before receiving the structures, the patient must undergo mandatory hygienic preparation - this includes polishing the enamel, removing tartar under the gums and on the teeth.
  • After preparation, the process of installing the structures occurs. The alignment of teeth or malocclusion begins.
  • The doctor sets a date for the next appointment, at which the arches will be adjusted, additional elements will be introduced into the braces, or other events planned at the beginning of treatment.
  • After the leveling is completed, it is imperative to put on structures that do not allow relapses to occur.
    They are called retainers. The doctor looks at what is best to use. Sometimes mouthguards are used for the upper teeth, which can only be worn at night. It is possible to install permanent retainers. In this case, consolidation of the alignment result will occur faster.

Read how long to wear lingual braces in a separate publication.

In the next article we will talk about the features of correcting distal occlusion in adults.

Here you can leave your review if you have experience wearing lingual braces.


Other manufacturers also produce lingual braces:

  1. Metal ligatures Incognito (Incognito). We were the first to appear on the invisible braces market. They are made from alloys containing gold, which reduces the risk of developing allergies. The designs are created in Germany, but the development itself belongs to an American company.
  2. Metal ligature STB. They have standard dimensions, which reduces the cost of construction and a low profile, which reduces the period of adaptation. The small sizes of the elements allow them to be installed on crowded teeth and low crowns.
  3. Self-ligating (ligature-free) In-Ovation L. Allows you to correct the bite in people with a non-standard enamel surface. Manufactured individually from high-strength materials. They are small in size.

Sequence of treatment

WIN invisible braces have proven themselves to be effective orthodontic structures .

After the treatment results are consolidated, the person is left with beautiful, straight teeth and a correct bite.


VIN lingual braces do not differ significantly in the period of use for treatment.

They are worn on average from a year to a year and a half. The duration of the correction depends on the patient’s efforts to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the degree of dental growth abnormality or the complexity of the malocclusion.

During treatment, the patient must visit the doctor about 10 times .

Features of addiction

WIN bracket systems do not require any adjustment measures. Patients notice that nothing has changed significantly in the oral cavity since their appearance.

Slight discomfort and impaired diction may be observed in the first 3-5 days after installation , then the person gets used to the foreign body in the mouth.

For more information about treatment with WIN braces, watch the video:


My job involves communicating with people, so I still didn’t dare to install braces. Visiting the dentist again, I told him about this. The doctor suggested using a lingual structure that is not visible. This became my salvation. I straightened my teeth without anyone noticing.

Arseny, St. Petersburg

I learned about Vin’s braces from a friend who magically straightened her teeth. She shared with me the secret and the doctor’s coordinates. I was told that you need to wear this design a little longer than the usual one, but this is not so important if no one sees it. The price is certainly steep, but it's worth it.

Elena, Moscow

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