Plastic braces are a successful replacement for metal structures

May 16, 2019

When the need arises to correct the bite with braces, some patients are ready to refuse treatment simply because orthodontic devices are unattractive. However, today there are aesthetic systems, for example, made of ceramics and sapphire, but they have a high cost, which again for many is an obstacle to an ideal smile. It is for patients who want to look as beautiful as possible, but at the same time save on treatment, that doctors offer plastic braces. And the editors of the portal have prepared useful information for you about the features of these systems.

Fact #1: Plastic braces can be colored

Plastic braces are made of plastic or polyurethane. The plastic has a natural translucent tint, so it blends in with the enamel. But at the same time, the braces can be colored - if the system is ligature, that is, the plates are connected to the arch using elastic bands, then you can choose them in a wide variety of colors - yellow, pink, red or any others. The plastic itself will remain white. This option is perfect for teenagers who are often embarrassed to wear braces.

To understand what colored plastic braces look like, look at the photo.

This is what “colored” plastic braces look like

Plastic braces are classified as aesthetic, like sapphire or ceramic, but when choosing them (like everyone else), you need to understand that their corrective arch will still be made of metal. If desired, it can be coated with a composite coating to also achieve an aesthetic white color.

Ceramic braces

One of the most common options, since its disadvantages are very minor, and many patients like the advantages. Ceramic braces are equipped with discreet metal clasps that securely hold the archwire. At the next appointment when replacing the arch, the doctor does not need to install ligatures, and opening and closing the locks is very simple and quick. Thanks to the compactness of the braces, there is more free space between them, so less food gets stuck.

On the upper jaw - ceramic braces with metal clasps


  • Less noticeable on teeth, look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Durable material.
  • They work quickly.
  • They do not absorb pigments and do not turn yellow.


  • The price is higher than plastic and metal braces.
  • They may crumble when removed. They take longer and are more difficult to remove than metal ones.

Fact No. 2: plastic braces are only vestibular and ligature

Vestibular are those that are attached to the outside of the dentition. Ligatures are systems in which the corrective arc is fixed to plastic plates using special rubber bands, which are called ligatures. In general, this is a classic version of the braces system, as in the photo. But there are no plastic orthodontic devices that are more comfortable and require fewer visits to the orthodontist with self-ligating or invisible lingual ones (attached to the lingual side of the dentition). This is due to the fragility of the material.

Such braces are only vestibular and ligature

For some patients this may be a disadvantage, because... When wearing ligature devices, you have to frequently visit your doctor (once every 3-4 weeks) to replace the elastic bands and change the traction force of the system.

Don't know where to put braces? Read our useful selection - TOP 20 dentists for bite correction. Useful information on how to find your doctor and clinic that provides quality services.

Features of care and cost

To prevent braces from breaking or wearing out, you need to properly care for them and adhere to certain dietary rules.

Very hard products that can deform the structure should be avoided. These include nuts, caramel and seeds. It is recommended to reduce the amount of sweets, smoked foods and sticky foods you consume. Chewing gum is prohibited, as it causes the plates to lag behind the enamel.

Doctors recommend avoiding sudden changes in temperature in food. Eating cold or hot foods can cause your braces to come off. During the treatment period, you must completely avoid marshmallows, nougat and Turkish delight.

It is important to clean your braces regularly. For this purpose, orthodontic brushes, irrigators and special small brushes are used. If you cannot brush your teeth after every meal, then you should at least rinse them. Brushing your teeth should follow the following algorithm:

  1. The front surface of the teeth is cleaned using a V-shaped brush. At first the movements should be circular, and then smoothly turn into vertical ones. The brush should be positioned perpendicular to the teeth.
  2. The areas between the gums and the structure are also carefully cleaned. Don't forget about the arc, hooks and locks - they also need to be processed.
  3. A tuft brush can be used to clean the frontal surface and back teeth.
  4. Plaque is removed from the tongue using the ribbed part of the brush or a special scraper.

Braces care kit

The cleaning procedure must be carried out as carefully as possible, especially in the first days after installation of the structure.

The price for installing plastic braces systems can vary. It depends on the status of the clinic, the qualifications of specialists, and the degree of deformation processes. The cost of plastic braces can vary from 6,000 to 9,000 rubles. for one jaw. Elan or Spirit systems will cost more.

The patient pays extra for spraying or painting the structure in the color he needs. Plastic structures are one of the most inexpensive ways to correct a bite. However, if they are not cared for properly or if very hard foods are consumed, they can break, thereby making treatment more expensive. They also become stained by food and don't look very good over time. Therefore, before installation you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Orthodontists recommend choosing ceramic or metal systems:

Fact No. 3: plastic systems have a number of advantages over metal ones

  • plastic systems are aesthetically pleasing: metal braces have a grayish tint, they are noticeable, so not everyone chooses them, even despite their wear resistance and greater efficiency,
  • The plastic is smooth: thanks to this feature, it can be used to model thin and light plates that will exactly follow the anatomical shape of the tooth. In addition, plastic products rub the mucous membrane less than metal ones and injure the soft tissues of the oral cavity during use,
  • plastic is less allergenic than metal: the likelihood of a negative reaction to polyurethane and plastic is lower than to metal, although it cannot be completely excluded,
  • plastic is cheaper than metal.

All of the listed qualities favorably distinguish plastic systems from metal ones in the eyes of patients, but professional orthodontists have a different opinion.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic is unable to fully replace ceramics and other expensive materials. However, bracket systems made from it are quite effective. They have the following advantages:

  1. Aesthetic appearance. Designs can be completely transparent or colored.
  2. Possibility to choose any color of plastic.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Plastic does not cause allergic reactions. Such braces are installed in patients prone to hypersensitivity reactions.
  5. Plastic does not rub the mucous membrane. It is much easier for a person to get used to such material.

Correction using plastic systems is quite gentle. The patient does not feel pain or special discomfort, as happens when wearing a metal structure.

However, plastic braces have their disadvantages. These include the following nuances:

  1. Plastic is less durable than metal or ceramic. Structures made from it tend to break.
  2. Products of this type are not suitable for the treatment of serious pathologies.
  3. White plastic can be stained by food or drink.

The effect of plastic on teeth is quite weak, so treatment with such a brace system will last longer. When agreeing to such a design, you need to be prepared for the fact that if not properly cared for, it will quickly break.

Fact No. 4: plastic systems quickly lose their appearance

This is perhaps one of the most significant disadvantages of plastic orthodontic appliances. Plastic has a porous structure; it easily absorbs not only dyes, but also odors. Even after drinking coffee, juice or berries, the material may darken, but it will be impossible to bleach it to its original state. Therefore, plastic products require very careful oral care, as well as adherence to a “white diet” throughout the entire treatment period.

Braces quickly lose their appearance

Read the article on the topic: 6 questions and answers about the white diet. Useful information on how to maintain the appearance of your teeth even after removing braces.

Make an appointment now!

Experienced orthodontist Irina Butorina offers you diagnostics of the condition of your bite, selection, production and installation of correction systems and monitoring the progress of treatment. Nine years of experience, modern equipment and constant practice help her make others healthier and more beautiful.

To take the first step towards a beautiful smile, contact the Astradent dental clinic, where she conducts appointments. For your convenience, the clinic is located next to the metro stations “Krasnye Vorota”, “Komsomolskaya”, “Kurskaya”. Contact Irina Butorina and be healthy and beautiful!

Fact #5: Plastic braces can lead to dental disease

Scientists have come to interesting conclusions1. Plastic not only accumulates dyes and odors, it becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, including pathogenic microorganisms that cause serious diseases - gingivitis and periodontitis, caries and pulpitis. So, in the course of research, scientists discovered that much more bacteria accumulate on the surface of plastic braces than on the surface of metal ones. Mainly streptococci, which cause the development of caries, have increased activity.

Caries often occur after wearing the system

Which braces are best to choose?

None of the patients would like to prolong the treatment time. Therefore, we can confidently say: it is better to choose a self-ligating system. If savings are important, then metal, and if you are willing to pay a little more for aesthetics, then ceramic. Of all the vestibular non-removable systems today, these are the most optimal options.

And for those who are not ready to wear a fixed structure, we can recommend aligners. With the development of this technology, it becomes more accessible and is often comparable in price to braces.

Read other articles:

What can aligners do? (Spoiler: almost everything)

Three situations when it is better to choose aligners

Fact #6: Plastic systems don't last long.

Another negative property in the “treasury of shortcomings” of plastic systems. Plastic wears out easily and is unable to withstand the heavy loads that metal or ceramic braces can withstand. The material often breaks, and plates made from it often come off from the teeth, for example, after eating hard or viscous foods. Accordingly, they either have to be re-glued (but no more than 2-3 times, provided that the plates are not damaged), or replaced with new ones - you need to pay money for such services, plus you need to find time for frequent visits to the orthodontist.

To ensure that plastic systems last as long as possible, consider models from manufacturers that have enhanced their durability in a variety of ways: for example, GAC's Elan systems (these braces are based on a metal frame), Ortho Technology's Avalon (the braces are made of polyurethane and composite), Spirit from Ormco (also have a metal frame).

This is what Spirit braces look like

Rules that will help extend the life of plastic systems

What to do if your financial capabilities do not allow you to install beautiful and more durable sapphire or ceramic braces, and metal ones are repulsive due to their appearance? All that remains is to install plastic braces and carefully care for them so that they can maintain their functionality and appearance for as long as possible:

  • give up hard and sticky foods,
  • After each snack, thoroughly and carefully clean your mouth,
  • purchase not only a suitable brush and toothpaste, but also a brush, dental floss, and irrigator. Yes, brushing your teeth will take not the standard 2-3 minutes, but 8-10 (and then only when you get used to it; at first, everything can take half an hour), but without this you won’t get a beautiful smile. And remember that the paste for cleaning the oral cavity and braces should not be abrasive, because... In this case, the plastic will quickly be damaged.

Good dental hygiene can prolong the aesthetic appearance of braces.
These rules are simple; they must be followed when wearing any orthodontic appliance, and especially when using plastic systems.


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  1. Kharaeva Z.F., Zhazaeva L.Kh., Mustafaeva F.M., Zhazaeva Z.A. Adhesive activity of bacteria to materials used in orthodontics. Journal of scientific articles. Health and education in the 21st century. No. 3. 2007 (Vol.9)

Expert “Plastic braces are not suitable for correcting severe defects and for correcting deep bites. They are recommended to be installed only if bite problems are minor. However, they are less effective than metal systems - they cannot be subjected to strong pressure, so treatment may take 2 years or more.” Orthopedic dentist Sambuev Bair Sergeevich

Consulting specialist

Sambuev Bair Sergeevich

Specialization: Orthopedic dentist Experience: 11 years

System Models

There are many types of bracket systems, but the most reliable and effective are considered to be Silkon, Elan, and Spirit. For the manufacture of products of the first type, non-porous material is used. Due to this, possible friction is reduced, so their operation is made as comfortable as possible. The Silkon design with a metal groove has a longer service life.


The peculiarity of Elan braces is that they have a special relief that completely follows the surface of the teeth. This characteristic allows you to securely fix the bracket on the tooth enamel. The metal frame makes this type of plastic system more durable.

The frame of the Spirit is made of metal. This increases the strength of the products and increases their effectiveness in treating defects.

With colored elastic bands

To make your smile original, specialists have developed braces in different colors. Children like such designs; some perceive them not as a medical device for straightening teeth, but as decoration. Colored structures do not undergo pigmentation, so they are also perfect for patients who cannot give up coffee and coloring foods.


How much do plastic braces cost?

Hanna (05/25/2019 at 11:17 am) Reply to comment

    Dear Hanna! The cost of the system itself and its installation on one jaw will cost approximately 25 thousand rubles. But here it is important to take into account that these are not all expenses that can be limited to. Firstly, it is extremely rare that braces are installed on only one row. Secondly, you need to add to the amount the costs of replacing and gluing individual plates in case of their breakdown, activation of the system, expenses for professional oral hygiene (this must be carried out before starting treatment, as well as every 6 months after installing braces). After removing braces, you will also need to wear retainers and undergo a fluoride enamel strengthening procedure - this is also paid separately.

    Editorial staff of the portal (05/28/2019 at 09:13) Reply to comment

Do I need to wear retainers after plastic braces?

Lizaveta (06/14/2019 at 18:17) Reply to comment

    Dear Lizaveta! Yes, you can’t do without wearing retainers. To prevent teeth from returning to their original position after treatment with braces, they need to be secured with retainers, which will have to be worn twice as long as the braces themselves. Read the article: 11 questions about retainers - it contains all the current questions and answers on this topic.

    Editorial staff of the portal (06/18/2019 at 10:41 am) Reply to comment

I consider plastic braces to be the safest in all respects. In terms of effectiveness, they are in no way inferior to ordinary ones. I agree about viscous food, especially chips and crackers, which can be harmful.

Yulia Kvasova (07/15/2019 at 09:19) Reply to comment

I have seen children with such colored teeth several times. Apparently, this was invented for them. Do colorful plastic braces also darken quickly, or are they more durable in terms of appearance?

Maria (07/15/2019 at 09:30) Reply to comment

What are plastic braces? Can plastic braces be used to straighten the teeth of a 14-year-old child? I just wanted them to be less sensitive, and the child to feel comfortable.

Rina (07/16/2019 at 01:05) Reply to comment

How are plastic braces effective? Will there be any mark left on the teeth after wearing plastic braces for a long time? I would also like to clarify what types of braces there are and what is best to choose to restore a normal bite?

Maya (07/16/2019 at 05:47) Reply to comment

Can plastic braces be used to straighten the upper row of teeth in a teenage child? I just wanted to clarify how long-term presence of plastic in the mouth can affect the condition of the mucous membrane, will it cause an inflammatory process?

Zhanna R (07/22/2019 at 06:14 pm) Reply to comment

Are plastic braces short-lived? That is, in order to straighten the crooked teeth of a child, it is necessary to change the system a couple of times? Or will there be no need for replacement if there is slight curvature and proper use?

Milana (08/14/2019 at 11:24 am) Reply to comment

Is it true that plastic braces are the most reliable option for straightening teeth in children and teenagers? If you install plastic braces, what age is appropriate in this case?

Lida (08/14/2019 at 04:19 pm) Reply to comment

Tell me, can plastic braces cause a child to experience an allergic reaction in the oral cavity? Also, what is the best plastic braces to choose, considering that you will have to straighten 2 rows of teeth?

Olya (08/14/2019 at 17:09) Reply to comment

Why are plastic braces better than metal ones? Is it true that plastic braces are more gentle on tooth enamel without scratching it? What types of plastic braces are there?

Egor (08/15/2019 at 01:16) Reply to comment

Tell me whether it is necessary to wear plastic braces if the lower row of teeth is slightly crooked. What exactly is the advantage of plastic braces? Is it true that they do not scratch tooth enamel, unlike iron braces?

Nastya D (08/20/2019 at 10:55 pm) Reply to comment

I heard that to straighten the teeth of children and adolescents, it is best to use plastic braces. How long will a child have to wear plastic braces in order for his teeth to become completely straight?

Raya (08/20/2019 at 10:58 pm) Reply to comment

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