7 reasons why you should choose invisible braces

Many people hesitate to get braces because they are unsightly. At the same time, they need to be worn for quite a long time - from several months to 2-3 years. Today, the problem of the aesthetics of orthodontic structures is easily solved: with the help of colorless or transparent braces. Let's find out what they look like and what they are.

In this article

  • What do clear braces look like?
  • Colorless braces: types and features
  • Clear plastic braces
  • Clear ceramic braces
  • Transparent sapphire braces
  • Alternative to clear braces
  • Hygiene with braces

Wearing braces is the most effective method of treating malocclusion pathologies, which is suitable for almost all people, regardless of the condition of the teeth, age and other factors. Braces are a complex orthodontic structure consisting of many small parts: locks, screws, springs, arches, etc. If they are installed on the outside of the dentition, it is almost impossible to hide them. This is especially true for metal braces.

The aesthetic defect that structures create is one of the main reasons for a person’s refusal of orthodontic treatment. You have to wear braces for a long time: from 6 months to 2-3 years. It will not be possible to hide the presence of staples in the oral cavity from others during this entire time. However, you can still make them less noticeable. For this purpose, colorless or transparent braces are used. Let's tell you why they are called that.

What do clear braces look like?

Braces are made from various materials, including transparent and colorless. They are almost invisible when a person speaks or smiles. In other words, such braces are designed to hide the very fact of orthodontic treatment from other people. However, it is worth understanding that there are no such systems that are completely invisible if they are on the outside of the teeth.

Any orthodontic structure consists of dozens of elements. Locks, screws and other parts that are attached to tooth enamel can be made transparent or colorless. The arc of braces is always metal. She is the one who performs the main bite correction. It is not possible to refuse its installation. But it can be disguised. To make it less noticeable, it is painted white. In such cases, it becomes more aesthetic. However, it cannot be called absolutely invisible: upon closer examination, any interlocutor will notice it, even if he does not look closely.

It is possible to completely hide orthodontic treatment from others. For this purpose, lingual structures and aligners are used. But first, let's talk about transparent braces: their types, advantages and disadvantages.


There are quite a few types of transparent braces nowadays, but experts differ in their opinions regarding which systems can be classified as invisible. Many argue that only plastic and sapphire specimens should be classified as this type. Some people believe that the list needs to be supplemented with ceramic braces. In order to have a clearer idea of ​​the reasons for the dispute, it is necessary to consider each variety and its features in more detail.


These systems are considered the most budget-friendly, but they are noticeably inferior to their counterparts in strength and durability. Despite the fact that they are made of completely transparent plastic, due to certain disadvantages they are not in great demand.

The main disadvantage is that plastic is very vulnerable and is easily affected by dyes, including food dyes. During treatment you will have to stop drinking tea, coffee, red wine, fresh juices, etc. In addition, such braces require careful care and regular cleaning (after every meal). Otherwise, the plastic will quickly turn yellow and lose its attractiveness.


These systems are made of aluminum oxide and polycrystalline ceramics. It is possible to accurately select the color that matches the shade of the enamel. The material is able to adjust and imitate the desired tone, so it is quite difficult to notice the presence of braces on the teeth even upon closer inspection.

However, in reality, ceramic staples are not as transparent as they might seem at first glance. Essentially, they are beige, yellow or white in color.

The disadvantages of ceramics include the fact that it is quite porous in its structure. This sooner or later leads to the accumulation of plaque on the surface due to insufficient oral hygiene, frequent smoking, consumption of certain drinks, etc.

Also, ceramics are not recommended for patients whose teeth are naturally yellow or gray. The products will be highly visible on them even if all the dentist’s instructions are followed.


Only these bracket systems are truly transparent and are not visible on the teeth under any circumstances. They are made from medical artificially grown sapphire and have no color.

Such products have many advantages:

  • They are incredibly durable.
  • They are resistant to all types of dyes and do not change color when smoking or drinking large amounts of strong coffee. Due to their smoothness, plaque does not settle on the surface.
  • They are distinguished by maximum aesthetics and are suitable even for public people.
  • Do not injure the mucous membrane, inner surfaces of the cheeks, or tongue.
  • Braces can be adjusted to any tooth color, even if they are not snow-white.

Colorless braces: types and features

There are several types of braces that appear clear or colorless:

  • plastic;
  • ceramic;
  • sapphire.

The choice of orthodontic design is limited by medical indications and financial capabilities of the patient. There are cases when it is impossible for a person to get plastic braces, for example, in case of severe malocclusion. Then he can opt for ceramic or sapphire designs. If you don’t have enough money for them, you will have to wear metal braces. Let's describe each variety in more detail.

Price for invisible braces

Ceramic braces have an aesthetic appearance, are quite reliable and effective, but although they are not very noticeable, they are still noticeable on the face. These are the most affordable of all types of invisible braces. Sapphire braces are completely transparent and practically invisible, giving your smile an attractive shine, but their presence can be revealed by a thin metal arch. The cost of such a system is slightly higher than a ceramic one and reaches 300,000 rubles.

Lingual braces are completely invisible to others, but they are more expensive than any other orthodontic structures.

The iOrtho clinic network provides high-quality services for correcting malocclusion with Invisalign aligners, sign up for a consultation now!

Clear plastic braces

For the manufacture of plastic transparent braces, special high-quality plastic is used, which can be used in dentistry. Such designs are suitable for both teenagers and adults. Children are especially sensitive to the attention of their peers, so plastic braces are an ideal option for them. Firstly, they can be transparent, that is, almost invisible. Secondly, there are multi-colored models with locks in green, red, yellow, purple or blue. They look fun and stylish, and most importantly - much more attractive than metal products.

Let us list the main advantages of plastic brace systems:

  • Aesthetics. The color of the plastic matches the enamel, and is therefore invisible to others.
  • Large selection of multi-colored models. This is especially true for teenagers: if it is difficult to make braces invisible, you can make them beautiful and stylish.
  • Convenience. A person wearing plastic braces feels more comfortable than wearing metal ones. In addition, the teeth and oral mucosa get used to them faster: plastic braces are lightweight and do not put as much pressure on the dentition as other types of orthodontic structures.
  • Low cost. Plastic models are much cheaper than other types of braces.

Plastic structures also have disadvantages:

  • They are not suitable for correcting severe malocclusions.
  • They darken quickly if you do not follow hygiene rules and diet.
  • More fragile and more likely to fail than metal ones.
  • It takes longer to correct bite pathology.

Additionally, clear plastic braces are not lingual. They are installed only on the outside of the teeth. If such designs are contraindicated for the patient, and the aesthetic component is important for him, he will have to make a choice in favor of ceramic or sapphire braces.

Comparison of the main systems of lingual braces and Star Smile aligners

Traditional lingual braces

(Ormco STB, Inovation L, etc.)

Individual lingual braces Incognito Individual lingual braces Win Individual aligners Star Smile
Invisibility and aesthetics Completely invisible from the vestibular side Completely invisible from the vestibular side Completely invisible from the vestibular side Can be seen upon very close examination
Discomfort High because braces are on the inside of the teeth and interfere with the tongue. Long period of adaptation. High because braces are on the inside of the teeth and interfere with the tongue. Long period of adaptation. High because braces are on the inside of the teeth and interfere with the tongue. Long period of adaptation. There is practically no discomfort. Very quickly addictive.
Effect on diction Strong because braces interfere with the tongue Strong because braces interfere with the tongue Strong because braces interfere with the tongue They have virtually no effect on diction since the aligners are very thin
Hygiene Very complex requires the use of special brushes Very complex requires the use of special brushes Very complex requires the use of special brushes Hygiene is normal, no changes
Efficiency in treating complex cases It is possible to treat simple and moderately complex cases. Complex with restrictions. It is possible to treat simple and moderately complex cases. Complex with restrictions. It is possible to treat simple and moderately complex cases. Complex with restrictions. It is possible to treat simple and moderately complex cases. Complex with restrictions.
Possibility to temporarily remove equipment impossible Impossible Impossible Possible during meals and hygiene
Effect on nutrition You cannot eat solid foods, nuts, etc. You cannot eat solid foods, nuts, etc. You cannot eat solid foods, nuts, etc. There are no food restrictions.
Hypoallergenic Possible allergy in rare cases to nickel Almost never happens since a gold-containing alloy is used No data Almost never happens since hypoallergenic plastic is used
3D forecast of the final result of treatment No There is only a final position of the teeth There is only a final position of the teeth Yes, including the trajectory of the teeth and the position of the teeth on each aligner
Average treatment time 24 months 18 months 18 months 12 months
Equipment warranty No No No Eat. 5 years

from the manufacturer

Average cost of treatment 180-200 thousand rubles depending on the level of the clinic 250-300 thousand rubles depending on the level of the clinic 230-280 thousand rubles depending on the level of the clinic 80 – 200 thousand rubles depending on the complexity of treatment and the level of the clinic
Expiration date Standard braces but required approx. 2 weeks

for the production of a mouth guard for indirect fixation

Individual braces, production and delivery time from Germany 4-6 weeksIndividual braces, production and delivery time from Germany 4-6 weeks 4 working days

virtual 3D forecast of the final result and
5 working days
production of the aligners themselves

Dependence of treatment success on the doctor’s qualifications Very high High High Average

Pay attention to the last point of the table. Dependence on the doctor’s qualifications very tightly “ties” the patient both to the choice of bite correction method and to the quality of treatment using braces.

In the case of treatment with aligners, the entire treatment process can be predicted and presented to the patient on a computer - a 3D virtual model. After this, all the doctor’s competence comes down to competent “service” for the patient, and many doctors do not like this approach - they want to completely subordinate the patient’s treatment to their will and decisions.

The treatment process thus includes subjective assessments of the orthodontist treating you and, as a result, the result of treatment with lingual braces completely depends on the competence of this doctor. In the case of treatment with aligners, the risk of getting a poor-quality result is practically reduced to zero.

Clear ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are marketed as transparent, but in reality they are more colorless. Sometimes they acquire a slight yellowish or beige tint. Such structures are made from polycrystalline ceramics and aluminum oxide. The doctor can choose a material that imitates the natural color of tooth enamel. The braces will adapt to its shade, becoming almost invisible. However, you can still see them, they are just not as catchy as metal or plastic multi-colored systems.

The main advantages of ceramic braces include the following points:

  • There are many shades of ceramics, among which you can choose a model for a specific patient.
  • They are resistant to dyes, therefore they do not limit a person’s consumption of coffee, tea and other drinks with dyes.
  • They do not cause allergic reactions, as often happens when wearing metal structures.
  • Bite pathologies are corrected faster compared to plastic models.

Disadvantages of ceramic systems include:

  • They are more expensive than metal and plastic ones.
  • They treat pathology longer than metal braces.
  • Destroyed during dismantling.

Ceramic staples are also more fragile than metal ones. If a person plays sports and there is a risk of damage to the structure, it is better to install products made of metal or sapphire.

Types of lingual braces

Lingual or invisible braces systems are hidden from prying eyes, so they are created exclusively from metal (classic steel, titanium or gold-containing alloys). The material is not noticeable, but allows for treatment in an extremely short time.

By type of design

  1. template: have a standard, universal shape. This option is more budget-friendly, but slightly less comfortable for the patient,
  2. individual: created strictly for a specific patient, taking into account the anatomy of his jaw system and the shape of his teeth. The plates accurately follow the surface of each tooth, fit securely, are smaller and more comfortable. Efficiency also increases.

Important! With individual production, if the bracket comes off, it will need to be re-created - and this will take some time (the plate is sent from a company located in Europe or the USA). This can have a very negative impact on the overall treatment process.

By type of work

Lingual systems, like classic vestibular systems, are divided into two types based on their operating principle. They differ in the way the arc is held inside the metal groove of each plate:

  1. ligature: two elements are connected using rubber bands or metal rings. Require monthly activation, that is, ligature updates,
  2. non-ligating or self-ligating: in such systems, the arc is held using a special lock located inside each plate. It features a movable clip that opens and closes easily for archwire replacement. Such braces independently regulate the pressure on the teeth, adjusting the tension force of the arch.

Transparent sapphire braces

Sapphire braces are made from sapphire, obtained artificially in the laboratory. It is much inferior to natural stone in terms of strength, but is superior to other orthodontic systems in this parameter. In addition, sapphire braces are almost invisible. They have the highest aesthetic properties.

List all the advantages of sapphire braces:

  • Hypoallergenic. Sapphire is biocompatible with oral tissues, so the likelihood of developing allergies is minimal.
  • Fast adaptation. Sapphire braces do not interfere with diction and do not rub the mucous membrane. Getting used to them occurs within a few days.
  • High strength. Such structures are resistant to mechanical stress. You can play sports in them.
  • The highest aesthetic standards. Sapphire braces are almost invisible. In addition, they do not change their external properties under the influence of food with dyes.

The only disadvantage of such systems is their high cost. Sapphire braces will cost 2-3 times more than metal or plastic structures.

Features and advantages of vestibular aesthetic systems

Vestibular braces are installed on the outside of the teeth. This fixation method is classic. The use of translucent ceramics for the manufacture of bracket plates makes the standard design less noticeable; it does not change the aesthetics of the appearance.

Ceramic braces are more expensive than the classic version of corrective devices, but cheaper than lingual braces. Therefore, “invisible” ceramics are the golden mean when evaluating them in terms of monetary costs.

Alternative to clear braces

Transparent braces made of plastic, ceramic and sapphire can be replaced with conventional metal structures that are installed on the inside of the teeth. Such orthodontic systems are called lingual. Unlike other braces, they are completely invisible.

However, such staples also have disadvantages:

  • not suitable for all malocclusion pathologies;
  • greatly complicate hygiene procedures.

In some cases, if there is a medical reason for this, the orthodontist may offer the patient aligners (aligners) - orthodontic devices made of plastic and silicone used to correct the bite. They are a plate that is put on the teeth for a certain time. This device corrects the bite by applying pressure to the jaws, just like braces, but the plates are changed periodically to increase the load on the dentition. During treatment, the patient can change several dozen aligners, it all depends on the severity of the pathology.

The aligners are completely transparent, so it is almost impossible to notice them on another person’s teeth. In addition, the aligners can be removed if necessary, for example, before important negotiations or a date.

There are other advantages of aligners: they can be removed before meals, they are easy to care for, there is almost no need to get used to them, etc. But mouth guards are prescribed only for minor bite defects, as well as at the last stage of orthodontic treatment, that is, after removing braces to consolidate the result of therapy.

What braces are called transparent?

Transparent dental braces include ceramic and sapphire systems. They are the least noticeable on the teeth, but, of course, they cannot be called completely invisible. The design elements will still be noticeable.

In addition to the aesthetic component, when choosing a method for correcting malocclusion and straightening teeth, many other characteristics should be taken into account: is it difficult to install transparent braces, are they comfortable to wear, what are the pros and cons. Orthodontic treatment is quite long, so it should be as comfortable as possible for the patient.

Hygiene with braces

It is impossible to maintain the aesthetic appeal of braces throughout the entire treatment period without following the rules of hygiene. After installation of orthodontic appliances, you will have to brush your teeth more often and for longer than usual. In addition, you will need to buy additional hygiene products. Among them:

  • Toothbrush with V-shaped bristles (CURAPROX Ortho).
  • Mono-beam brush (CURAPROX 1006 Single & Sulcular).
  • Brush (Hager & Werken Miradent Pic Brush Refills Pink).
  • Rinses and balms (DRC ROCS “Active calcium”).
  • Dental floss (Miradent Mirafloss implant chx).
  • Irrigator with attachment for braces (Revyline RL100, Panasonic EW-1411).

You also need to remember your diet. To reduce the risk of damage to the structure and deterioration of its aesthetic properties, it is necessary to avoid solid foods, sweets, sticky foods and a number of other products.

Before purchasing brushes, dental floss, irrigators and other hygiene products, consult your doctor.

Motivation for orthodontic treatment is different for men and women

Regular surveys of adult patients who are considering certain methods of correcting their bite show that men and women motivate themselves differently against braces. But the basis for refusing treatment with lingual braces is their two disadvantages - discomfort


Men speak directly about the discomfort of braces: “Am I a boy, or what?”

Women reduce the problem of wearing braces to a psychological level, preferring aligners:

Sapphire systems

According to the principle of their operation, sapphire bite correction systems are no different from polymer systems. They are also placed on the front or back surface of the teeth and correct their alignment using slight but constant pressure.

The only difference is the material. These braces are made from artificial monocrystalline sapphire. Due to its pure crystalline structure, the material has a high degree of transparency and gives teeth a more aesthetic appearance.

Installation of invisible braces in St. Petersburg

Transparent braces are universal designs for straightening teeth without aesthetic discomfort during treatment. In St. Petersburg, services for the elimination of bite defects using aesthetic orthodontic products are provided on favorable terms by the doctors of the Smile Factor.

Patients are provided with only original designs from trusted manufacturers. A personal treatment plan is drawn up for each patient. A variety of models allows you to choose the ones that suit you in terms of price, appearance and results.

Make an appointment with Smile Factor, take advantage of professional services and get straight teeth and an aesthetic smile.

How do I start treatment with Invisalign® clear system?

The process for obtaining and installing Invisalign® is quite simple. At the initial consultation, the attending physician will assess the condition of your teeth and oral cavity: if diseases are detected that prevent the installation of an orthodontic system, therapeutic treatment is first carried out. Then comes the turn of diagnostic procedures (panoramic image of the jaw, 3D computer modeling, etc.). After impressions are taken, all individual patient data is sent to production in the USA. After a short period of time, a ready-made set of transparent trays arrives from there, which you will wear throughout all stages of treatment until its successful completion. See photos of the aligners BEFORE and AFTER treatment.

Duration and cost of treatment

It is never possible to predict in advance exactly how long it will take to correct your bite. This depends on many reasons, including:

  • patient's age;
  • degree of pathology;
  • the need for dental and surgical intervention and others.

The price of transparent braces is also calculated individually and depends, in addition to the factors listed above, also on the selected material. Therefore, before starting any procedures, the doctor carries out diagnostic procedures - x-ray examination of the teeth, taking impressions, determining the timing and complexity of treatment. Based on these data, a general plan of action is calculated and, accordingly, the cost of treatment.

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