6 Reasons to Use the Klox Method for Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening klox is an innovative dental method that makes it possible to quickly and effectively whiten tooth enamel. The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour. The essence of this technique lies in biophotonic technology, which contributes to obtaining a painless and instant result.

Features of the Klox system

The procedure can only be performed in a dental office. To lighten the enamel, the doctor will need a special Klox gel, as well as a lamp.

Feature No. 1. The lamp does not have to be specialized, that is, designed for teeth whitening (for example, ultraviolet, halogen or LED). The usual polymerization one, which dentists use during fillings, is also suitable.

Feature No. 2. The manufacturer calls the Klox whitening system biophotonic1. What does it mean? The gel, which is applied to the teeth, contains not only hydrogen peroxide (39%), but also special substances chromophores - light-sensitive molecules. When light from any type of lamp hits the gel, these molecules very quickly move and contribute to the production of active oxygen, which penetrates deep into hard tissue and breaks down the pigment. The secret of these molecules is that as soon as the directed action of light stops, they immediately return to their original state, which means they cease to have a negative effect on the teeth.

Feature No. 3. “Kloks” refers to 2nd generation systems. It differs from 1st generation systems in that, after activation by a lamp, the gel releases substances that are converted into light rather than thermal energy. This feature allows us to make the technique safer and establish fewer contraindications for its use.

Feature No. 4. Thanks to the composition of the gel, whitening with the innovative Klox system occurs in just half an hour. Such a short procedure time relieves patients from discomfort, unpleasant pain, enamel hypersensitivity and the need to adhere to a gentle diet for a long time after the procedure.

On a note! Klox whitening is approved by the Dental Association of Russia (StAR).


Having appeared not so long ago, the system quickly took a leading position due to its advantages:

  • the procedure is completely safe for the structure of dental tissue;
  • the system is capable of making crowns lighter by more than 8 tones, while maintaining the natural tone;
  • if all the rules for whitening are followed, the system eliminates the occurrence of feelings of discomfort both during the procedure and subsequently;
  • maximum whitening can be achieved in just 3 sessions;
  • the period of one whitening session is only 15 minutes;
  • laser and ultraviolet radiation are not used during the procedure;
  • affordable price.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Klox whitening is recommended for patients who have teeth that are predominantly yellow and brown in color. The technology is suitable if you want to lighten just one or all teeth located in the smile area. It will cope with color pigment obtained from food and drinks, smoking. The procedure can be performed for people with pigmentation caused by age-related changes.

On a note! The manufacturer warns that the Klox system will not be as effective in patients with fluorosis, tetracycline teeth and hypoplasia. That is, the procedure can be performed at certain stages of these diseases (for example, spotted fluorosis), but the result may not live up to expectations.

You cannot carry out Klox whitening in the following situations:

  • poor oral health: the presence of carious and decayed teeth, soft and hard bacterial plaque, inflammation and recession (decrease in volume) of the gums, exposure of tooth roots due to various dental diseases,
  • erosion,
  • the presence of artificial restorations, crowns and fillings in the smile area: their color will not change after the procedure,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • children up to 16 years of age.

Rules for bleaching

Only an experienced specialist can safely and effectively restore teeth whiteness. He will also recommend how to properly care for your teeth after lightening using the KLOX - which toothpaste is best to use, whether you need to give up any foods.

KLOX whitening is a completely safe and effective procedure, which makes it popular and distinguishes it from other methods of teeth lightening. It is possible to quickly and effectively lighten teeth due to the fact that hydrogen peroxide, which is a component of the gel, releases active oxygen. Usually there are no consequences after the procedure, but very rarely tooth sensitivity may increase. This is possible if the gel has been in contact with the enamel for a long time.

Unlike other modern products, the gel whitens teeth much faster. And since it comes into contact with the surface of the tooth for only a short time, the enamel is not dehydrated. So the period of avoidance of certain foods and drinks is significantly reduced.

Since the technology does not imply the occurrence of acid-base reactions in the oral cavity, i.e., a neutral pH level is maintained, Klox whitening has proven itself excellent in the fight against dental plaque, age-related darkening of enamel and yellowing of teeth. As a result, teeth can be lightened up to 8 shades. Upon completion of the whitening procedure, the patient receives an attractive and snow-white smile.

Does any patient care about how long the effect will last? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person and some factors:

  • Are there any bad habits (if a person smokes and drinks alcohol, then plaque forms very quickly);
  • dietary habits (for two weeks after whitening, you should limit the consumption of foods that can stain or corrode the enamel);
  • quality of procedures related to oral hygiene;
  • health status (yellow plaque and tartar may indicate that the body is weakened, so before bleaching it is necessary to eliminate the problem or there will be no result).

Preparing for whitening

To achieve the most positive result, before the procedure it is necessary to undergo a complex of professional hygiene, which includes ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from plaque and stone, Air Flow, polishing and fluoridation of enamel. It is also necessary to cure existing dental diseases.

Two weeks before whitening, it is important to begin strengthening the enamel using remineralizing pastes. It is necessary to enrich the daily diet with vitamins and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, D). You can buy vitamin and mineral complexes at the pharmacy.

Read the article about the most important vitamins for teeth.

But if there are fillings and crowns in the smile area, and you have decided to lighten your natural teeth, then it is better to replace the restorations after whitening. Otherwise, the color of natural fabrics and artificial materials may not match. Artificial dentures and filling materials are not amenable to any type of professional or home whitening.

What is the essence of teeth whitening?

To understand the reason for the contraindications and the process of enamel lightening itself, you need to know what the essence of teeth whitening is.

Professional whitening gels are based on hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide at a safe concentration. After applying the gel to the enamel, the active substance passes through the tooth tissue and removes the pigment.

Hydrogen peroxide is produced naturally in the human liver, eyes and brain. This substance is quickly broken down by saliva. Therefore, during home whitening, the gel is placed in trays. Hydrogen peroxide is not harmful to health and does not affect the hardness of tooth tissue if used in low concentration. The dentist selects gels with safe peroxide content and ensures that the recommended exposure time is observed.

For home whitening, a weaker concentration of gel is provided, and you need to wear the trays at home a little longer. In the clinic, as part of one of the whitening technologies, after applying the gel, the dentist uses laser or LED radiation.

In order to prevent burns to the gums, a special protective gel is applied to them even before the procedure begins. Below we will look at popular whitening technologies and their operating principles.

Stages of the procedure

The manufacturer claims that the entire smile transformation session will not take more than 40 minutes. The sequence of actions of the doctor will be as follows:

  1. installing a mouth opener and applying a protective gel to the gums (included in the Klox kit). The protective gel must be shined with a curing lamp to harden it.
  2. mixing all the components of the drug in a special syringe. After these manipulations, the composition acquires a bright orange color,
  3. accurate distribution of the gel over the vestibular surface of the teeth included in the smile zone,
  4. exposure of enamel to lamp light. You need to spend about 10-15 seconds on each tooth. A signal that the composition has been activated and it is time for the doctor to move on to the next element in the series will be the discoloration of the orange gel,
  5. removing the composition using a saliva ejector,
  6. repeating steps No. 3–5 until the desired result is achieved, but no more than 4–6 times in a row. The new tooth color (like the old one before the procedure) is determined using the VITA scale.

Next, the patient needs to thoroughly rinse his mouth with water and can go about his business.

On a note! According to the creator of the technique, using Klox whitening, you can lighten the enamel up to 8–12 tones.

Klox Fast & Mild teeth whitening stage – 3 steps to a snow-white smile

Conventionally, we divided the entire whitening procedure into 3 stages:

  • First, the doctor examines the patient’s oral cavity and, in tandem with the patient, selects the color that should be obtained. The oral cavity must first be sanitized, because any whitening, including Klox, is performed only on healthy teeth.
  • Special glasses are put on the eyes, soft tissues (lips and cheeks) are treated with a special protective cream, and the gums are covered with a gel that hardens when exposed to light.
  • An active gel-like mass is applied to the teeth, and a light source (lamp) is brought to each tooth. Whitening lasts about 1 hour. At the end, the remaining funds are removed, and after rinsing, a remineralizing composition is applied to the teeth.

How long will the result last?

Distributors of the technique warn that everything will depend on many individual factors: the structure and initial shade of the teeth, the quality of hygienic care, dietary habits, tendency to bad habits (smoking).

How long does teeth whitening last after well-known professional, as well as the most common home methods? Find the answer here.

If you strive to maintain the result, it will be decent for quite a long time (about 3-5 years). To do this, you should reduce the consumption of foods with dyes, brush your teeth thoroughly every day, stop smoking, and undergo professional hygiene every six months. You can also purchase a special toothpaste LifeSmile (“LifeSmile”) produced by Fast&Mild. The lipstick contains 15% carbamide peroxide. If you periodically apply it to the enamel, you can maintain the result of the in-office procedure.

On a note! For doctors who want to learn the technique, there is a certified center in Moscow. After training, specialists are issued a certificate, and they can also call the hotline at any time and receive instructions or support.

How to achieve results without professional equipment

Naturally, the procedure should only be performed in a dental office. And the developer of the method emphasizes that this approach will be the safest for you and your enamel. But, nevertheless, the Fast&Mild company reports that it is possible to whiten teeth using the KLOX system even in dentistry, which does not have professional equipment and is not equipped with the latest technology. To activate the main active components of the gel, you can use the light of any polymerization lamp. And the secret of success here lies in the helium composition. Let's take a closer look at it.

KLOX system for teeth whitening

Benefits of technology

Low costPrice – about 10 thousand rubles. Compared to other technologies, such as laser whitening, it is one and a half or two times cheaper. The cost is reduced due to the use of polymerization lamps instead of specialized ones
SpeedThe smile transformation procedure will take only half an hour. In this short period of time, the gel will not have time to have a negative and destructive effect on the enamel.
PainlessAlmost complete absence of discomfort during and after the procedure
Minimum restrictions after the procedureAccording to the manufacturer, already 60 minutes after whitening you can have a snack, and after 4 hours you can remove all restrictions on the consumption of foods and drinks with dyes, as well as irritating foods (sour, salty, sweet, spicy, cold and hot)

“The creator of the Klox system claims that there is no need to follow a gentle diet, and the patient should not experience dental hypersensitivity after the procedure. However, most dentists still think otherwise. Any whitening technology affects the enamel and sensitive dentinal tubules, so even the healthiest teeth need rehabilitation, strengthening, and restrictive measures. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid discomfort and maintain the result for a long time,” says M.V. Protapova, dental hygienist.


I smoke a lot and am a big coffee lover. For now, I realize that I can’t get rid of these bad habits, but with them the results of whitening will be short-lived and I’ll only be throwing money down the drain. Tell me what to do then in my situation so that the smile looks decent?

Irina F. (12/08/2018 at 11:06 am) Reply to comment

    Dear Irina! In your situation, whitening procedures, unfortunately, will not really give long-term results. You can and even need to do them, but we recommend that you then strengthen your hygiene and take care of your teeth with the help of professional oral hygiene and Air Flow water-abrasive cleaning. This needs to be done every six months. Then the shade of your enamel will, although not Hollywood, be natural and natural. After such procedures, teeth will look well-groomed, there will be no dark plaque, stains or tartar left on them. In addition, this procedure will be an excellent prevention of dental diseases and gum problems, which is very important for people who smoke.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (12/10/2018 at 09:01) Reply to comment

This is the first time I’ve heard about KLOX for teeth whitening. Since this happens in just 30 minutes, does it mean it can be done at home? Or should the procedure be performed by a specialist? I don’t have much time for dentists(

Maria (01/30/2019 at 09:22) Reply to comment

    Any whitening products, even if they are labeled “for home use,” are best used under the supervision of a doctor. More precisely, after consultation. A specialist will be able to assess how effective the product will be and tell you what dosage to choose so as not to cause harm.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (01/31/2019 at 15:22) Reply to comment

I wanted to ask, what do you think about using baking soda and KLOX for teeth whitening? Will this option damage tooth enamel? I read on the Internet that soda provides an anti-inflammatory process, etc.

Anya (01/30/2019 at 04:24 pm) Reply to comment

How often can I have teeth whitening if I have a weak immune system? I have long been thinking about buying KLOX for teeth whitening and going to the dentist to have the doctor make my teeth whiter.

Raisa (01/30/2019 at 04:28 pm) Reply to comment

What is the effect of the KLOX teeth whitening drug when it gets on the gums? Are allergic reactions possible? What composition? Repeated whitening, when can it be done again?

Marina (02/03/2019 at 22:12) Reply to comment

Hello. I am interested in the pricing policy of the KLOX teeth whitening system? Will this procedure be expensive? I can’t boast of a snow-white smile, so from time to time I try different ways to make my teeth whiter.

Nina (02/04/2019 at 12:06 pm) Reply to comment

Compared to the first generation, of course, the difference is colossal, it is safer and does not destroy the enamel. If the enamel is very weak and highly sensitive, do you think the method will still be suitable for whitening?

Lera (02/12/2019 at 11:07 am) Reply to comment

The KLOX teeth whitening system has become famous, and I have already heard a lot of good things. Do I need to treat my teeth first before whitening or does it not matter when?

Olga (02.12.2019 at 11:20) Reply to comment

Quite an interesting method. Is it possible to independently prepare your teeth and gums for this procedure, without visiting a dentist? It’s just that each trip is not cheap, you don’t want to overpay again.

Valenitin (02/12/2019 at 12:37 pm) Reply to comment

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Disadvantages of the technique

The system will not cope with changes in the shade of tetracycline teeth, with advanced forms of hypoplasia and fluorosis. The installation of veneers, lumineers, and crowns will help solve aesthetic problems in these cases.

Some doctors also believe that the complete absence of discomfort and the stated effect of 8–12 tones is an advertising ploy to attract more patients. In fact, the result can be much more modest and depends on the initial condition of the oral cavity and the clinical situation. On average, technology allows you to change the shade by 4–6 tones. Increased sensitivity of the enamel also cannot be completely avoided, which is confirmed by patient reviews.

Another drawback is that there is very little information about the creator of the technology in accessible sources from the Internet. It is not clear when it appeared, how long it has existed, or what studies have been conducted regarding the safety and effectiveness of the technique. But the final choice always remains with the patient.

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