Rotokan is a drug for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and digestive system

Effect on the body

The effect of use can be explained by the presence of 3 main components in the medicine. Properties of plant components:

  • Calendula officinalis flowers - relieves inflammation, reduces the ability of capillaries to pass liquid through the walls, has an antimicrobial effect, stimulates the liver, improves the condition of bile, reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, improves the functioning of the digestive glands;
  • chamomile flowers - relieves the inflammatory reaction, has antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties, stops fermentation in the intestinal cavity, improves the secretory activity of the digestive glands;
  • yarrow herb - relieves inflammation, kills bacteria, relieves spasms of the digestive organs, stimulates the formation of bile and gastric juice, eliminates allergy symptoms, helps quickly stop bleeding in small wounds and injuries due to the formation of fibrin.

Together, all components complement and enhance each other's effects.

Composition and effect of the drug

Rotocan for inhalation with a nebulizer can be used due to the presence of several active components that have therapeutic properties. The composition of the medicine is completely natural, except for the alcohol base, which is necessary to extend the shelf life of the medicine.

Main components of the medicinal solution:

  • Pharmaceutical chamomile in the form of flowers.
  • Medicinal calendula flowers.
  • Common yarrow.

Chamomile is present in the solution in the greatest quantity, as it has pronounced therapeutic properties. The combination of natural components has a mild antimicrobial, strong anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect. In addition, the solution is considered a good antiseptic, despite the absence of artificial components in the composition.

Additionally, the medicine has regenerating properties, and has a particularly positive effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and lower respiratory tract.

Chamomile in the product penetrates the outer layers of tissues, destroys pathogens that provoke inflammation. Thanks to this, gradual tissue restoration and improved blood circulation occur.

Additionally, chamomile flowers are considered a good natural antiseptic, which helps prevent the proliferation of microorganisms and their spread to healthy tissue. As a result, the patient recovers without the use of potent medications based on synthetic ingredients.

Calendula flowers have a regenerating effect, that is, they stimulate the formation of new cells that replace those destroyed during illness. As a result, foci of inflammation are delayed, and the patient’s condition improves quite quickly. In addition, calendula flowers prevent various complications that arise during prolonged healing of inflamed areas.

Yarrow is considered a good hemostatic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory plant. It is actively used even in the treatment of hemoptysis in patients with advanced forms of pneumonia and bronchitis, who additionally suffer from thrombophlebitis.

The product does not provoke the formation of clots in the affected area, but effectively stops bleeding, stimulates tissue restoration and healing of the lesion. At the same time, the plant extract has a positive effect on the tissues of the bronchi, lungs, and upper respiratory tract.

The presence of yarrow in the composition allows you to relieve spasm of the respiratory tract, which is important in the treatment of chronic forms of pathologies of the respiratory system.

When using the medicine for inhalation, its active components are well absorbed into the mucous membranes, and also enter the patient’s blood in small quantities. They are not processed in the body, since the drug is eliminated through the respiratory tract.

Thanks to this use, there is no accumulation of active components in the patient’s blood, which reduces the likelihood of overdose and severe negative reactions.

In patients suffering from obstructive pathologies of the respiratory tract, a slowdown in the action of the drug is observed. However, in patients with acute forms of the disease, the effect of therapy can be noticed almost immediately after the start of use.

Dosage forms of the drug

For ease of use, several forms of the medicine are available. List of forms:

  • solution for local and oral use (25, 50, 55, 55, 90, 110 ml);
  • solution for local use only (ready-made) Vialine (200 ml);
  • Vialine spray (45 ml).

Spray and solution for local use can be used for damage to the oral cavity and pharynx. Oral administration of the medicine is recommended in solution for digestive pathologies.

The drug is produced in the form of a concentrated herbal solution, which has a specific odor. The liquid is poured into a dark glass bottle. The container is packed in a cardboard box.

Rotokan - how to use it?

According to the instructions for use, Rotokan can be used topically, orally and rectally. The method of application depends on the type of pathology.

The medication is used locally in the form of an aqueous solution.

Many patients ask how to breed Rotokan. To prepare a working solution, take 250 ml of boiled water and 5 ml of concentrate. If the patient tolerates the standard working solution well, if necessary, you can increase the concentration by adding up to 15 ml of Rotocan. The dosage can be increased only according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Rules for using the working solution (topically):

  • In dentistry, after removing deposits and cleaning gum pockets, turundas soaked in a working solution are introduced into the gum pockets; hold for 20 minutes; Therapy is carried out 1 time per day, every day or every other day. Number of procedures: 4-6.
  • Pathologies of the oral mucosa - apply for a quarter of an hour or rinse for 1-2 minutes. Events are held twice or thrice a day for 2-5 days.

Rotokan is indicated for adults for pathologies of the digestive tract. The working solution is taken 80-125 ml half an hour before a meal or an hour after a meal. The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day. Course therapy is 14-21 days.

In gastroenterology, the medication can be used rectally. Microclysters are carried out with 50-100 ml of working solution. Microenema is indicated 1-2 times a day. The course of therapy is 3-6 days. A cleansing enema is recommended before the procedure.

Rotocan, extract for oral and topical use (liquid), 50 ml, 1 pc.

Yaroslavl pharmaceutical factory, Russia

Price from 59₽

Rotocan, extract for oral and topical use (liquid), 25 ml, 1 pc.


Price from 25₽

Rotocan, extract for oral and topical use (liquid), 100 ml, 1 pc.


Not available

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

What is rotokan used for?

The drug helps reduce pain during inflammation of the mucous surfaces of the upper respiratory tract, stomach, and rectum. Thanks to the use of the solution, the risk of purulent complications is reduced. Epithelization of the mucous membrane occurs faster.

What does Rotokan help with dental diseases:

  • bleeding during tooth extraction;
  • damage to the mucosa;
  • oral infection;
  • painful sensations.

Not all areas of application are described in the official instructions for the drug, since it was created and tested only for certain groups of diseases. During the use of the product, new directions appeared.

Rotokan for flux is a good antiseptic for the oral cavity. The solution is convenient to use at home, at work, on the road. Using a herbal preparation allows you to reduce the use of analgesics.

Rotokan for sore throat is a symptomatic remedy that reduces the intensity of local manifestations of the inflammatory process. Rinse should be so that the solution gets onto the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils.

Inflammation in acute tonsillitis occurs in the palatine tonsils. Gargling with Rotokan for a sore throat helps to quickly get rid of discomfort in the throat. The mucous membrane heals faster, the protective properties of the tonsils are restored.

Rotocan for pharyngitis and tracheitis is mainly used for inhalation during the temperature-free period of the disease. The same procedures help ease breathing when you have a runny nose.

Rotokan is used for coughs to better liquefy mucus in the respiratory tract. The components of the plant extract activate the body's defenses (immunity).

Rotokan in gynecology is used for sitz baths. The procedure is prescribed for inflammatory and infectious diseases: thrush, vaginitis, colpitis.

In dermatocosmetology practice, there are methods for using Rotokan for acne and acne, minor skin damage (cuts, abrasions, cracks, ulcers). The product is applied to disinfect and stimulate healing.

Rotokan - how to gargle?

Gargling should be done with Rotokan working solution (according to the instructions, the drug should be diluted in water). The liquid temperature should be 30-40 °C. This will help prevent hypothermia of the mucous membrane. The solution should not be hot, as this will cause burns.

To gargle properly, you should take a little working solution into your mouth, and then slowly tilt your head back. While rinsing, pronounce the sound “A” or “Y”. After the procedure, you should not eat or drink for half an hour so as not to wash off the medicine.

Rotocan is prescribed by dentists for treating gums. To do this, a small amount of solution is taken into the mouth. Use your tongue to move the liquid around the mouth for a few seconds and then spit it out. Next, take a fresh portion of the medicine and repeat the procedure. The procedure is carried out until the working solution in the glass runs out.

Indications for use

Rotocan for inhalation with a nebulizer is used in different cases. In addition, the solution is used internally, as well as locally for the purpose of rinsing the throat and cavity.

Main indications for use of the medicinal solution:

  • Stomatitis of various forms and severity. The product is used for chronic and acute inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  • A mild form of gingivitis occurs when small areas of ulceration appear on the patient’s gums, but there are no general symptoms of inflammation.
  • Periodontitis at the initial and advanced stages.
  • Chronic laryngitis.
  • Tonsillitis and tonsillitis of varying severity.

  • Pharyngitis.
  • Tracheitis and tracheobronchitis in children and adults.
  • Bronchitis in the acute stage and obstructive form of the disease.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Cough of various origins.
  • Allergic form of bronchitis.
  • Runny nose in acute respiratory and viral diseases.
  • Allergic rhinitis.

In addition, the solution can be used to improve blood circulation and nourish the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. After the manipulation, the patient feels relief.

Rotocan - is it possible to use it in gynecology?

Rotokan is not prescribed topically or orally for gynecological diseases. You should not use the medicine for douching, as it is alcohol-based. Getting alcohol into the genital tract can lead to irritation of the vaginal mucosa. A local allergic reaction is also possible to a complex of medicinal herbs. Chlorhexidine or miramistin are suitable for douching. If gynecological diseases occur, you must visit a gynecologist to clarify the diagnosis and complete examination. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the correct therapy.


There have been no recorded cases of drug overdose, but doctors do not exclude such a possibility. As a rule, the internal organs of the system suffer. Manifestations rarely affect the entire body; in most cases, the severity of symptoms depends on the characteristics of the body and the duration of use of the solution.

Organs and systemsThe most common signs of overdose and consequences
Nervous systemSevere migraine-like headaches occur most often in adult patients. In this case, the patient cannot perform ordinary manipulations or engage in mental work. Almost all the time it is carried out in a horizontal position, loud sounds and bright lights aggravate the pain. The consequence of such complications is considered to be vascular spasm, which significantly worsens the condition and can lead to the development of other disorders.
Vessels and heartTachycardia and arrhythmia are considered common manifestations of overdose in elderly patients. Sometimes their blood pressure drops to critical levels, which is considered a reason to cancel therapy and consult a doctor. If left untreated, a coma may develop.
Digestive tractLoose stools and frequent vomiting are rare in cases of overdose. However, its most dangerous consequence is considered to be dehydration, which occurs when the patient is unable to consume a sufficient amount of fluid, as well as when its absorption is impaired.

SkinAn allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of peeling, rash, itching of the skin, can develop into urticaria or Quincke's edema. Urticaria is characterized by aggravation of the allergic reaction, the addition of unbearable itching and the spread of red, large spots throughout the body. Quincke's edema is considered a dangerous condition in which swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat occurs, causing difficulty breathing and even suffocation.

Such complications are considered rare, but if they occur, it is recommended to immediately stop using the solution and visit a doctor to receive symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

The medicine is made on an alcohol basis (ethanol at least 33%). The maximum daily dose of the working solution contains ethanol in the following quantities:

  • 250 ml of water and 5 ml of Rotokan - 32 g;
  • 250 ml of water and 15 ml of Rotokan - 95 g.

Alcohol dosages should be taken into account when using the drug, especially if it is administered orally or rectally. Also, the medication, due to its ethanol content, reduces the reaction rate, so it should not be used by patients who work with machinery (drivers, mechanics).

Benefits of inhalation with Rotokan

Rotocan for inhalation with a nebulizer is used quite often today, which is due to its advantages over other medications.

The main advantage of this method of use is the penetration of the vapors of the plant solution directly into the affected bronchi and lungs. Thanks to this, a therapeutic effect is achieved without concomitant negative effects on the organs of the digestive tract.

The use of Rotokan helps reduce the amount of synthetic products that have not only positive, but also negative effects on the body.

Pain in the bronchi and lungs when using the herbal solution disappears almost immediately, which is also considered an advantage and allows the medicine to be used as an emergency remedy.

An additional advantage is the natural composition of the product, which reduces the risk of complications, although it does not completely eliminate it. In addition, Rotokan can be used in combination with other medications if the disease is severe and one solution is not enough to eliminate symptoms.


Close non-structural substitutes that are used both in dentistry and gastroenterology are Romazulan. It contains chamomile extract and guaiazulene. Sold as a solution.

Substitutes for dental and other pathologies of the oral cavity:

  • Periodontocide - contains clary sage oil, mint oil solution, clove oil, allantoin, thymol, phenyl salicylate; used for bleeding and damaged gums, wearing dentures.
  • Stomatidine - contains hexetidine, indicated for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, bleeding gums, tongue diseases, oral candidiasis and other conditions.

The choice of drug is made only by the doctor. You should not select substitutes yourself.

Rotocan is actively used in dentistry and gastroenterology. Due to the combined composition, the effectiveness of treatment increases. The drug rarely provokes adverse reactions. Of all the undesirable effects, only allergies are listed in the instructions. The cost of the medicine is not high. In pharmacies, the medicine is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


Despite the effectiveness of the product and its natural composition, there are contraindications that will become an obstacle to therapy.

The main ones are the following:

  • Intolerance to the components of the composition or a tendency to allergic manifestations when taking herbal preparations.
  • Bronchial asthma in the acute stage, when the patient receives hormonal and other medications.
  • Severe liver and kidney pathologies. Renal and liver failure is considered a reason to refuse therapy. In addition, you should not use the medicine for cirrhosis, hepatitis or severe nephritis, glomerulonephritis.
  • Infectious lesions of the brain.
  • Traumatic brain injuries in the acute stage.
  • The rehabilitation period after surgery on the abdominal organs.
  • The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.

It is worth noting that elderly patients with a history of heart failure, tachycardia, angina pectoris and other heart pathologies are prescribed inhalations with the solution with extreme caution. This is due to the influence of plant components, which can provoke negative reactions.

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