Features of the use of Septopak material for temporary fillings

Composition and release form

Septopak is a protective dressing with a dense structure, which is usually used as a compress for the gums.
The product is available in the form of a solid paste, the main purpose of which is to hold various dental dressings and temporary fillings. They are also used in periodontology and for the restoration of damaged or diseased teeth.

Ingredients of the paste:

  • 0.503 grams of amyl acetate;
  • 12.958 grams of butyl phthalate;
  • 1.611 grams of butyl polymethacrylate;
  • 27.515 grams of zinc oxide;
  • 8.808 grams of zinc sulfate;
  • up to 100 grams of filler.

Available in the form of a dense paste with a self-hardening structure. Sold in a small jar with a volume of 60 grams.


Reviews and materials on the use of Septopak paste can be left at the end of this article.

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Tags: medicines, dental treatment

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Scope of application

The material is used in the following cases:

  1. To ensure sterility after treatment of the dental cavity. The paste acts as a temporary filling.
  2. In the treatment of carious lesions in the neck of the tooth root. In this case, it is used to push back the gums before installing a filling.
  3. During the preparation period before taking dental impressions. The material is used to push the gums away from the neck of the tooth.
  4. Used for temporary prosthetics. For relining acrylic.
  5. During the installation of composite prostheses for temporary fastening of components of the prosthetic structure.
  6. The product is actively used in periodontology. The material is used in the form of a compress with healing and protective properties for the treatment of local periodontitis.
  7. It is used in combination with other medications during various operations in the form of a protective compress on the alveoli after pulp removal, during gingivectomy and other interventions.

Application of a temporary filling (Septo-Pack - France)

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Instructions for use

You need to work with the material using a clean and sterile spatula. Before installation into the tooth cavity, the paste must be shaped into a cone or ball.

During use, the material should not be exposed to liquid. After each use, be sure to close the jar tightly.

In the oral cavity, the product can retain its plasticity properties for 2-3 minutes after application to the surface of the treated area. Complete hardening takes about 30 minutes. The product remains sterile after processing the dental unit.

Temporary filling

Features of use when installing a temporary filling:

  • the paste can be used during superficial, medium or deep carious lesions;
  • First, the affected cavity is cleaned, washed and dried with air;
  • then the cavity is filled with material;
  • Removal of the temporary filling is carried out in its entirety using an excavator.

Temporary and composite prosthetics

Scheme of use in dental prosthetics:

  • To reline acrylic dentures, first of all, several holes are drilled, which will ensure a strong fastening;
  • after this, Septo-pack is applied to the area of ​​the prosthesis in which it injures the gums or, conversely, does not adhere well to the surface of the oral mucosa;
  • Next, the structure is inserted into the oral cavity; during this process, the patient must be asked to clamp his jaw for 5 minutes.

A septic tank is often used to temporarily secure components of a composite prosthetic structure. Before performing these procedures, it is mixed with Crezofen. This mixture prevents the occurrence of increased sensitivity, especially when cleaning non-pulpless teeth.

The paste is also used to fix temporary crowns. Before using Septopak, you need to apply a small layer of Vaseline, this will allow you to easily remove the prosthesis in the future.

The material is also used to push the gums away from the neck of the tooth. It shows increased effectiveness before cleaning a cavity with carious lesions in the cervical cavity and during taking impressions.

The product is placed a day before performing medical therapy or taking impressions on the surface of the treated area, and the paste must be installed deep between the tooth and gum.

Features of use in periodontics

During periodontitis, material is applied to the area between the gum and tooth, pushing it as deep as possible.

Features of use for periodontitis:

  • the paste can be mixed with a couple of drops of Fluocal, this mixture is applied to the necks of teeth with increased sensitivity, which can reduce discomfort for 2-3 months;
  • during the treatment of local periodontitis, the product is used as a protective compress;
  • Septo-pack protects medications from saliva.

The product is used as a protective compress during gingivectomy. A small amount of paste is made into a cone shape and injected into the interdental area. It is important to ensure that the bandage does not extend beyond the affected area.

Features of use during operations

After tooth extraction, Septopak is used as an alveolar compress. In these cases, a ball is formed from the product and placed in the hole.

After this, place a cotton swab on the surface of the ball and ask the patient to clamp his jaw for 5 minutes. After this, the cotton swab is removed and the ball is left for 4 days. Then you need to remove the paste and check the condition of the hole, where the formation of an epithelial layer should be observed.

Before using Septopack, you need to apply a small layer of Vaseline to the surface of the walls of the formed cavity. This will simplify the subsequent removal of the temporary filling. You should be careful not to get moisture on the surface of the paste.

Septo-Pack Septo pack dense gum compress

Septo-Pack 60 gr. dense gum compress /Septodont/

Plastic, self-hardening paste containing fibers in its mass. As a neutral base, this paste can also be used in conjunction with certain medications, helping to hold them in place at the level of the gum, tooth or alveolus.

We advise you to buy Septo-pack - a dense gum compress, temporary dentin. Thick protective bandage for gums.


Amyl acetate…………………………….0.503 g Butyl phthalate………………………….12.958 g Butyl polymethacrylate………………….1.610 g Zinc oxide………………… …………..27.513 g Zinc sulfate…………………………..8.806 g Filler in quantity sufficient for ………100 g


• Periodontology: protective bandage for the treatment of localized periodontitis. • Restorative dentistry: temporary filling. In the case of cervical caries, the gums are pushed back before the filling is placed.


Plastic, self-hardening, fiber-containing paste. As a neutral base, this paste can also be used together with certain medications, helping to retain them at the site of application: gums, teeth or alveoli.

Mode of application

• When working with paste, use only a dry and sterile spatula.
In this case, the paste should not be moistened. The jar of paste should always be carefully closed after each use. • The paste retains its plasticity in the oral cavity only for 2-3 minutes after its application. Curing time is half an hour. Periodontology
Used as a protective dressing on wounds after gingivectomy: after packing the operated area, prepare an amount of paste capable of covering its length and width.
Then the paste is applied, filling the interdental spaces for better fixation of the entire bandage. It is necessary to ensure that the bandage does not extend beyond the operated area. To ensure patient comfort, it is recommended to change the dressing every 2-5 days. Restorative dentistry
Used as a material specially designed for temporary filling of cavities under the inlay and onlay: dry the cavity with warm air. Seal it. To remove a temporary filling made of SEPTOPAK material in one block, a tartar removal tool is used.

Warnings and Precautions

• Before inserting SEPTOPAK, it is recommended to lubricate the walls of the cavity prepared for the inlay with a thin layer of Vaseline. In this case, it will be easier to remove the temporary filling and try on the inlay.
• Rinse the cavity thoroughly before final fixation of the inlay with cement. Release form
Jar containing 60 g of paste

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