Antihomotoxic therapy for neurogenic bladder dysfunction

Why measure temperature?

The measurement has primarily diagnostic value. We approach conditions in which the temperature is above or below the conventional limit of 38 degrees Celsius a little differently. Since most fevers in our latitudes go away on their own within 3 days, in the absence of threatening symptoms, I recommend observation for 72 hours after the first rise in temperature above 38. If after this period it rises again above 38, a doctor’s examination is necessary to decide whether whether this is a lingering virus (and we continue to observe) or whether more aggressive intervention is required. Thus, we measure temperature to determine treatment tactics, but not to resolve the issue of antipyretic treatment.

Candles for children Viburkol - reviews



  • Plant composition
  • There were no allergic reactions


  • Rough surface, making it difficult to remove from the package and place it on the child
  • Zero effect
  • Price

We purchased these candles before the birth of our daughter, when we were collecting a first aid kit for a newborn. One of my friends highly recommended this drug as the one that should always be in a child’s medicine cabinet. After talking with her, I went online and read reviews. I must say that the reviews were very contradictory. Some write that this is all a scam and pure fraud, others - that this is simply a vital drug, others - that these suppositories are neither hot nor cold, but as they say, no one has yet canceled the “placebo” effect)

But nevertheless, I listened to my friend and decided to buy these candles. These suppositories lay idle for a year, since our daughter was not sick at all until she was one year old, and, thank God, we did not have any particularly violent reactions to the vaccinations. But at the end of October 2015, we caught ARVI and, of course, there was a fever. And then I remembered about these same candles.

The package contains 12 candles. The candles themselves feel somewhat rough to the touch and don’t slide, which I didn’t like anymore. This roughness makes it quite difficult to remove them from the packaging.

And what did we get as a result of using this drug? According to the instructions, with symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection and the eruption of baby teeth for children from 6 months. It is permissible to use up to 6 suppositories per day at a temperature above 38. In our case, even after these same 6 suppositories, the temperature remained 38.5 until the evening, until my daughter was given Tsefekon suppositories.

Many also write that these suppositories caused allergic reactions in children. Thank God we didn't have that.


Definitely not recommended! In my opinion, it is better to use conventional, proven children’s remedies to lower fever and relieve pain than to conduct such experiments. Perhaps these suppositories have their effectiveness, but as part of complex therapy. But they are not effective as an independent medicinal drug. At least in our case.



  • Didn't find it


  • This is homeopathy

While scrolling through my friends’ feeds, over the past few days I have read several reviews about Viburkol suppositories.

I also want to speak out about this drug. Our first pediatrician recommended these suppositories, when our eldest daughter was a baby. Recommendations for use concerned two points - the use of suppositories after vaccination as an antipyretic and during teething as a pain reliever.

Then, due to my youth and my maternal inexperience, I blindly followed all the instructions and prescriptions of the doctors. We wrote it out, so we’ll use it. Nowadays I “use my brain” more often and after each visit to the doctor I carefully study the instructions for the new drug on the Internet, and then I buy it or use “proven” remedies.

Well, regarding Viburkol. This is a homeopathic medicine. Available in the form of rectal suppositories. The composition is ala natural - some herbs (chamomile, belladonna, nightshade, plantain, sleep grass), calcium carbonate and fat.

At first glance, there is nothing criminal. But the effect of some herbs on the body is confusing. Okay, chamomile - I love it very much, children enjoy drinking chamomile tea and gargling with it for sore throats. But, for example, nightshade causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, the membranes of the respiratory and genitourinary systems, and can cause excessive salivation and convulsions. Here homeopaths say that if a certain substance has a negative effect on the body, then small doses of this substance have the opposite effect.

I don’t really understand these “infinitesimal doses” of medicine, which are repeatedly diluted with water, thereby supposedly charging it (the water) with the energies of the diluted substance.

Also, one of the postulates of homeopathy is to treat not the disease as such, but the specific patient, taking into account his eye color, hair color and body constitution. Somehow, the mass production of homeopathic remedies, which are now widely available in pharmacies, does not fit in well with such targeted individual treatment. Maybe Viburkol helps brown-eyed brunettes?:)

I used suppositories for the first time after DTP vaccination. The doctor recommended inserting a suppository at night without waiting for the temperature to rise. Supposedly this way the body will tolerate the vaccine more easily. I remember then Viburkol did not lower our temperature, we used Cefekon. With my second child after vaccination, I don’t use antipyretics at all, because in the current worldview I don’t understand why interfere with the development of immunity by lowering the temperature. Children do not suffer from seizures, so we alleviate the condition with bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids and wiping the body with warm water. This does not apply to unbreakable temperatures above 40 degrees; in such moments, I tremble violently and call an ambulance, or take Nimulid.

As for teeth, I didn’t use candles when teething. There were restless nights - we coped with topical gels, such as Kamistad, Kalgel... Therefore, I can’t say anything about the pain-relieving effect of the suppositories.

Recently I was sorting out the first aid kit here and found this Viburkol, which had already expired. I threw it away without regret, because I don’t see the point in this drug.

In conclusion, what I want to say is that I have a negative attitude towards mass-produced homeopathic medicines, and towards homeopathy itself as a method of non-traditional treatment - with suspicion and distrust. I know one mother who went to “bow” to a homeopath simply out of despair, when the child simply did not get out of severe ARVI and other infections. They drank something every 2 hours, a bunch of medicine in the form of sweet balls. The child generally stopped getting sick. But maybe he just “outgrew” all these sores???



  • Safe composition.


  • Expensive
  • ineffective
  • itching

Virbucol was prescribed to us by our pediatrician at an appointment when we complained of a cough in our 5 month old baby. The cough turned out to be excessive salivation.

The drug itself is safe for children, but useless, just as chamomile is useless in treating diarrhea. I am a supporter of Dr. Komarovsky; at the moment, all his recommendations have never let us down.

But here’s the question: when such drugs are prescribed, we rely on the doctor, shifting responsibility onto him! And the doctor’s goal is to support the sale of unnecessary drugs.

IMPORTANT! If your goal is to bring down the temperature and not to cause itching in the baby’s bottom, do not light candles. And it doesn’t matter which ones! If the temperature is very high, you need to act quickly and only oral ingestion of an antipyretic can help. In my opinion, ibuprofen is more effective than paracetamol.

Now about the teeth. My baby didn't sleep well until he was 11 months old for a single night. It was hell, and some days were better, some were worse. And every time I sinned on my teeth. But the teeth cannot be disturbed constantly, a maximum of 2-3 days of the acute period. After 11 months, we turned to sleepexpets, and lo and behold, the baby sleeps all night. And at most, when the teeth are cutting, the child will wake up, cry and fall asleep. I concluded that teeth do not affect sleep as much as bad habits (constant rocking, pacifier, etc.)

During daytime naps, I lubricate my gums with gel (when they are cutting). At night, I don’t smear anything, since the duration of action of gels is 1 hour maximum. Got distracted!

So, Virbucol suppositories are needed not by the baby, but by the mother, as an element of help. I did something. In my opinion, paying 500-600 for chamomile is nonsense.

Pharmaceutical companies profit from our ignorance, and we are desperate, ready to do anything.



  • Expensive
  • Does not help

We were prescribed this drug when we were vaccinated, as if for the future for post-immunization. To be honest, when we bought it we were dumbfounded by its cost. The first time we used it was when the child was teething, had a runny nose and was acting very capricious. there was no effect. Then they gave me more when my throat hurt and I had a fever. also had no effect. so what I can say about this medicine is that it is very expensive and ineffective. By the way, our pediatrician prescribes it to all children. and when I asked her how it works, the pediatrician told us that she didn’t really know. They allegedly brought her a brochure, so she prescribes it to everyone, they say there are no contraindications, so everyone can do it.

mom Karina


  • Does not help

These candles did not help us at all!!! rather the opposite!!! For the first time since the maternity hospital, my daughter and I didn’t sleep almost the whole night!!! She cried terribly, I no longer knew what to give her, just to make her feel better!!! I, too, on the advice of a doctor, bought these suppositories, and I read everything about them on the Internet, I was sure that since they were homeopathic, they were not harmful and would ease the suffering of my daughter (our teething is very painful). I put it in overnight and immediately regretted it. After 1.5 hours she woke up and screamed until the morning!!! We used to sleep restlessly, but at least we slept!!! and in the morning her butt was all red!!! I never used this Viburkol again. I only save myself with Nurofen and Kamistad. I do not exclude individual intolerance, I am sure that they help many people, otherwise doctors would not recommend them, I just want to warn mothers that there may be a completely different reaction!!! keep in mind!!! The baby suffered all night, and his bottom is red for the third day!

How to decide whether to lower the temperature?

The answer is simple, regardless of the cause of the temperature. It doesn’t matter whether it is associated with an infection or a post-vaccination reaction, with teething or other reasons.

We lower the temperature when the child feels unwell.

There is nothing so beneficial about a rise in temperature that you have to endure it, and nothing so harmful that you need to take medicine while feeling normal. Therefore, when deciding on the issue of fever reduction, we look not at the thermometer, but at the child. If he feels bad, he’s breathing heavily, lethargic, his muscles or head hurt - you even lower 37.8. But if you can't get a child at 38.8 to get the medicine into him, then there's no need for the medicine.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, the drug "Viburkol" is effective in the following conditions:

  • fevers of various etiologies,
  • severe pain during the growth of the first teeth (recommended for children under 3 years of age),
  • viral, fungal and bacterial infections,
  • diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • childhood dyspepsia - disruptions in the digestive tract, stomach pain, cramps and flatulence,
  • mild disorders of the nervous system - anxiety syndrome, seizures and other symptoms.

Baby becomes restless when teething

How to reduce temperature?

Since this question is asked only by parents of young children, I will not write about medications for older children.

There are only three home remedies for kids to reduce their fever: the physical method, paracetamol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen. If the child's arms and legs are warm, he needs to be undressed, you can hang him with wet towels, wipe him with water at room temperature, wrap his head in a wet scarf, or even put him in a cool shower. Whether or not to give medicine is your choice. Depends on your level of panic and your child's behavior. Small children cool down well on their own; sometimes it’s enough just to free them from their clothes. If your hands and feet are cold—vasospasm has begun—the physical method is not recommended, and the only option left is medication.

What to do if your baby gets chickenpox?

Has your child caught chickenpox? Of course, this acute viral disease can also cause high fever. How to proceed in this case?

The most important thing is to choose an antipyretic drug for your baby. Under no circumstances should you use Nurofen. To combat high fever during chickenpox, medications containing Paracetamol are suitable.

How to dose?

The easiest way to dose Nurofen is: syrup dose (ml) = 1/2 weight (kg). This is based on a single dosage of 10 mg/kg ibuprofen.

Paracetamol is dosed at 15 mg/kg. If you dose the most popular syrup - Panadol - you can multiply the child’s weight in kg by 0.625.

A single dose can be given no more than once every 4 hours, but preferably no more than 3 times a day.

You should not use the dosage according to age, which is often placed on the packaging of drugs. This is dangerous because children of the same age weigh very differently. Correctly dose medications by weight or body surface area, but not by age.


Homeopathic rectal suppositories1 sup.
active components:
Chamomilla recutita (Chamomilla) (Chamomilla recutita (Chamomilla) D11.1 mg
Atropa bella-donna (Belladonna) D21.1 mg
Solanum dulcamara (Dulcamara) D41.1 mg
Plantago major (Plantago) (plantago major (plantago) D31.1 mg
Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla) (Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla) D22.2 mg
Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni (Conchae) D84.4 mg
auxiliary component: solid fat (Adeps solidus) - 1089 mg, to obtain a suppository weighing 1.1 g

When to call an ambulance?

There is no need to call an ambulance. No isolated increase in temperature is a reason for this. Isolated means that there are no other threatening symptoms, such as an unclear rash, severe shortness of breath or a bulging fontanel. Yes, an ambulance can always lower the temperature - with a lytic mixture or a hormone. But this is not necessary and may cause harm. The drug that forms the basis of the lytic mixture - analgin (metamizole) - is prohibited in children throughout the civilized world. In addition, the ambulance is more likely to offer hospitalization.

Fever is not an emergency condition. If it worries you, lower your temperature and go to the doctor. Or call a doctor at home as planned.


What temperature should be lowered in a child with influenza and ARVI?

High temperature forces the child's body to turn on its protective function. In this case, there may be a general deterioration in the form of malaise and headaches. The child becomes lethargic and whiny, which brings a lot of anxiety to parents. Before bringing down a child’s high temperature, you need to clarify significant nuances.

A slight increase in temperature does not lead to serious consequences and does not require any measures to be taken. Parents need to have reliable information about what temperature should be lowered. Improper actions can cause weakened immunity. There is a risk of developing possible complications and the disease may become protracted.

Cases when you need to bring down the temperature in children:

  • 37.2-37.9°C (low-grade fever) – should be taken for newborns up to 2 months of age if indicated;
  • 38.0-38.9°C (febrile) – antipyretics must be given in all cases;
  • over 41.0°C (hyperthermic) - you need to call an ambulance if the drugs do not lower the readings on the thermometer.

It is necessary to call an ambulance if febrile spasms appear - this is intolerance to high temperature, an individual feature of the child’s body. This condition usually does not occur in children over 6 years of age (provided there are no pathologies in the central nervous system).

Chronic or acute diseases in cardiology, neurology or lung disease require lowering the temperature in children if the readings are above 38°C. Otherwise, complications from the heart, nervous system and respiratory organs cannot be ruled out.

If you have difficulty lowering your temperature, you should immediately seek medical help. If the thermometer has barely reached 37°C, and the child looks lethargic and his health is only getting worse, you should not expect a further increase in the readings on the thermometer.

Vaccination against coronavirus

JSC "Medicine" (Clinic of Academician Roitberg) provides vaccination against coronavirus infection (COVID-19). You can undergo the procedure in comfortable conditions. The service is available to all citizens of the Russian Federation.

Find out more

Although coronavirus can now be quite a dangerous disease for children, in most cases they still have a mild or asymptomatic form without complications. Compared to the overall toll during the pandemic, child mortality accounts for just 0.4% of all coronavirus deaths. No one yet knows for sure why children’s bodies are better protected. But there are several hypotheses:

  • children's bodies are generally healthier: at this age, chronic pathologies (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases) are less common, the lungs are not damaged by smoking and working in hazardous industries;
  • Children have faster immunity than adults. They still don’t have enough clumsy “heavy artillery” in the form of a specific immune response. The child’s body very quickly produces many universal antibodies, which are also used to fight coronavirus;
  • Children's lungs are thought to have fewer ACE2 cells that attack SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the lung tissue is less damaged.

Types of immunity

Immunity includes humoral and cellular immunity. Let's look at each of them in more detail. Humoral is ensured by the presence of antibodies (substances that bind to antigens) in the blood. Cellular is provided by cells of the immune system. Immunity can be congenital or acquired. In turn, the acquired one can be active or passive. Active develops after illness, for example, ARVI. It also forms after vaccination. Passive is formed when ready-made antibodies are transfused into the body in the form of serum. It also develops when antibodies are passed from a mother's milk to her newborn baby. In fact, natural immunity includes congenital immunity, acquired after an illness, as well as passive immunity during the transfer of antibodies from mother to baby. Artificial immunity is called immunity after the introduction of a vaccine or serum with antibodies.


Name of service (price list incomplete)Price
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a gastroenterologist, primary, therapeutic and diagnostic, outpatient1750 rub.
Prescription of treatment regimen (for up to 1 month)1800 rub.
Consultation (interpretation) with analyzes from third parties2250 rub.
Consultation with a candidate of medical sciences2500 rub.
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (comprehensive)2900 rub.
Ultrasound of the retroperitoneal space (and retroperitoneal lymph nodes)1400 rub.
Ultrasound of the gallbladder1400 rub.
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (comprehensive)2900 rub.
Ultrasound of the liver1600 rub.
Ultrasound of the spleen1600 rub.
Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection (HELPIL test)1200 rub.
Colonoscopy5050 rub.
Biopsy during endoscopic examination (1 biopsy)1000 rub.
Body composition assessment - bioimpedance analysis2150 rub.
Body composition assessment - repeated (bioimpedance analysis)1750 rub.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EFGDS)3050 rub.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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