How to choose your dentist. 10 signs of a good specialist

It's no secret that if you manage to find a good dentist, you need to be friends with him and stick with him as long as possible. After all, healthy teeth are not only beautiful, but also the key to comfortable eating and good general health for many years. That is why how to choose the right dentist in Moscow (as in any other city) is a very important question.

Today we will tell you 10 main signs that you are lucky and you have really found your specialist who you can trust with the health of your oral cavity and what is in it. If you need a dentist in Yugo-Zapadnaya and other administrative districts of Moscow, then this article is for you!

Availability of clients in queue

A good specialist cannot necessarily work in an expensive, private hospital. It is possible that your future dentist works in a public hospital. Although, if a clinic respects its reputation and its clients, it always tries to lure a good specialist. Ask your friends which doctor they use. As a last resort, you can use Internet search engines. Call a specialist and ask for an appointment. If he is a truly respected and good doctor, there will be a queue. So, the appointment will be scheduled in 1-2 days. Possibly in the evening.

Basement or prestigious clinic

Dental offices in clinics and hospitals are not fundamentally different from offices in private practices on the ground or ground floor.

The main thing is that the premises comply with all state standards. Some of them are difficult to evaluate independently, for example, air speed (the norm is 0.2 m/s), but some can be assessed subjectively.


  • Lighting, temperature and humidity;
  • Appearance of medical staff;
  • Cabinet decoration and modern equipment;
  • Availability of an assistant.

So, there must be natural light. The dentist's office cannot be in the basement! There may be sterilization rooms, storerooms, and staff rooms, but this is not a place for treatment.

Therefore, dentistry cannot be located in basement rooms with a depth of more than 1 meter. Blinds or tinting films can be installed on the windows to compensate for excess sunlight.

The temperature should not fall below +18°C in the cold season and should not be higher than +25°C in the warm season. Humidity should be between 40% -60%. This level of humidity is felt as normal, ordinary, that is, there is no feeling of stuffiness or “steam room”, and the throat does not dry out from breathing.

Staff must wear medical clothing or gowns; the dentist and his assistant wear gloves and masks.

The finishing of the office should be such that the room can be easily sterilized. To do this, the ceilings and walls are made smooth, all baseboards are tightly fitted to the floor.

If we are talking about surgical rooms, all walls should be covered with tiles. If there are two chairs in one office, then between them there must be a partition made of opaque material no lower than 1.5 meters.

The modernity of the equipment can be assessed by eye. If you see a chair that looks about 15 years old, you should find another place for treatment. Technology does not stand still, and modern chairs help the doctor work more accurately and painlessly for the patient.

A competent dentist never works with a patient alone. A nurse has a fairly wide list of responsibilities, including preparing a solution for a filling, preparing equipment, disinfecting instruments, preparing an office, etc.

If a doctor works alone and is distracted by all these things, he is simply not able to provide a quality service.

All these criteria apply equally to large clinics and small practices. The problem is that small dentists do not always have the same wide range of services as large medical institutions.

For example, not everywhere there is an X-ray room, a practicing dental surgeon or an orthodontist. The patient is then sent to see partners who provide these services.

It is much more convenient if all diagnostic processes and treatment are carried out in one place. Then the patient not only saves time, but also has to deal with the coordinated actions of doctors working as a team.

This cannot but affect the success of treatment, and is even more important when it comes to inpatient treatment.

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Dental restoration

Orthopedic dentistry and implantology have wide possibilities for restoring any number of missing teeth in a row. Depending on the patient’s wishes, specialists may offer:

  • installation of crowns and bridges;
  • installation of single implants and conditionally removable dentures on implants;
  • production and fixation of clasp dentures;
  • production of complete removable nylon dentures or acrylic structures, etc.

Implantation is deservedly considered the most effective way to restore teeth. This is explained by the advantages of the method: implantation of an artificial root into the bone tissue prevents its reduction, this design is reliable and durable.

The choice of a specific prosthetic method is determined by the individual characteristics of the dental system, the wishes and financial capabilities of the patient.

Criteria for professionalism

When choosing a dentist, it makes sense to listen to the reviews of your friends. People around you may know dentists who provide services at the highest level, or, conversely, tell about a bad experience in a clinic.

Pay attention not only to reviews of recent treatment, but also to the results of the doctor’s work after some time. Has the filling fallen out, has the hole from the extracted tooth healed well, has the implant been successfully installed.

You should rely on reviews on the Internet with some caution; they may be fake. Having thus selected several specialists, you can continue to narrow the circle.

Supporting documents

Any dentist has both a higher education diploma in the relevant specialty and permission to practice medicine. This is understandable and goes without saying.

If the patient asks to see them, the doctor should not shy away from this. But in addition to the basic documents, a good doctor will have the following certificates :

  • On advanced training;
  • About upgrading;
  • About retraining;
  • About taking additional courses.

During advanced training, a specialist undergoes training courses in order to have the right to provide medical services. At the moment, any doctor must accumulate a certain number of points per year, which he receives for attending lectures, symposiums, webinars, etc.

This part of postgraduate education is mandatory; it extends the specialist’s rights to continue medical practice.

Upgrading the category, on the contrary, is not necessary. The higher the category, the higher the professionalism of the employee . There are only three categories; to obtain the next category, you need a certain amount of work experience, successful passing of an exam and an interview:

  • The second category – work experience of at least 3 years;
  • The first category – work experience of at least 5 years;
  • The highest category – work experience of at least 10 years.

A dentist who has more than one specialization will receive a certificate of retraining. For example, if a dental therapist also practices orthodontics or maxillofacial surgery.

The circle of such people is not very wide, but education in a different direction can give a specialist a new perspective on the disease and its treatment.

Additional courses are also not a mandatory part of postgraduate education. But by visiting them, a specialist will be aware of all the innovations in his field and will learn more new techniques.

The dentist may also have certificates and diplomas received in professional competitions. Such documents, as well as certificates, are often posted either in the lobby or in the office above the doctor's desk. Their presence indicates the doctor’s high interest in his field, and also gives an idea of ​​his professionalism.

Initial consultation

Visiting the dentist is a very stressful experience for many of us. Therefore, understanding and support from a doctor can play a significant role.

It is much calmer to sit in the chair if you have confidence in the dentist. Therefore, a real professional will listen carefully to your complaints, try to calm you down if you are afraid, and treat your fear patiently and with understanding.

In addition, they will talk to you so that your eyes and the dentist’s eyes are at the same level. This criterion is important, since it is communication on equal terms that helps the patient feel confident and helps the dentist better understand the patient himself.

Universal human qualities are quite subjective; everyone evaluates them according to their own taste. In addition, the character of the dentist itself does not affect the quality of the services provided. It is much better to pay attention to the actions carried out during the first inspection, namely:

  • A new patient must have an outpatient card.
  • The doctor examines the entire oral cavity, and under his dictation, the assistant records the number and position of fillings and carious cavities.
  • The condition of the gums is assessed.

Of course, during the examination, the dentist must wear gloves and a face mask, and use clean, sterile instruments.

Part of the examination takes place when the patient enters the office. The dentist evaluates visible malocclusion, facial skin color, type of swallowing, abnormalities in the facial skeleton, and speech.

After the examination, the patient is given advice on oral care aimed at preventing possible diseases.

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In this publication we will discuss tactics for treating dental trauma.

Follow the link to find out the reasons for tooth darkening in a child.

Treatment plan

Once the cause of the patient's complaints is determined, the dentist proposes a treatment plan.

A competent specialist will offer the patient several treatment options, from which the patient can choose the option that is suitable for him, based on the cost of the procedures, as well as his own psychological comfort.

There may be a possibility that additional diagnostic tests will be needed, such as:

  • X-ray, computed tomography;
  • Making a diagnostic model of the jaw;
  • Making wax models of future dentures on jaw models;
  • Examination of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Consultation with colleagues: orthodontists, surgeons, etc.;
  • Consultation with non-dental doctors: ENT specialists, cardiologists, etc.

The most common examination is x-ray. It is taken quickly, the doctor has the opportunity to immediately evaluate the image and make a final diagnosis.

Why an x-ray may be needed:

  • Determine the exact size and position of the carious cavity;
  • Find malocclusions;
  • Find the cause of toothache;
  • Find inflammation of the gums, canals, tissues adjacent to the teeth;
  • Find pathological conditions (such as a cyst);
  • Determine how well the nerve was removed and the canals were cleaned;
  • Find out whether the filling/pin/implant is in the correct position.

The dentist then suggests further therapeutic measures. Some procedures have no alternatives - destroyed roots need to be removed, some teeth cannot be saved.

But the patient can choose a filling: the materials for fillings are different, and some of them are noticeable on the teeth.

The patient can also choose the method of tooth restoration: using a pin (if possible), an implant or a prosthesis.

The patient also has the right to choose the material of the crowns for the implants; they have various properties, and, again, not all are the same color as the teeth.

The patient decides whether he would like to have anesthesia during treatment or not. Thanks to modern equipment, many procedures today are painless.

But there are patients who prefer anesthesia (it’s calmer). And some, on the contrary, decide on it only when absolutely necessary.

Features of treatment

An unscheduled appointment with a dentist is necessary if you have the following symptoms:

  • pain, increased tooth sensitivity;
  • swelling, redness of the gums (or gums), the appearance of small ulcerations;
  • swelling of the cheeks, lips;
  • bleeding gums, itching, burning;
  • the appearance of a lump on the gum;
  • blackhead or noticeable cavity;
  • darkening of the enamel area;
  • the appearance of pigmented plaque, tartar;
  • crack or chip of enamel as a result of injury, consumption of hard foods, etc.

A modern approach to the treatment of oral diseases allows you to restore health painlessly and in a fairly short time. The following diseases are within the competence of a dentist:

  • caries (superficial, deep);
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • cracks and chips of enamel;
  • hyperesthesia or increased sensitivity of teeth, etc.

In case of periodontal tissue diseases (inflammation or structural changes in the gums), it is also necessary to contact a dental clinic as soon as possible. Timely assistance can prevent complications, including tooth loss, so it is better not to postpone the visit.

Who is a dentist surgeon

A dental surgeon is a specialist who graduated from a higher medical school and completed residency in the specialty “Surgical Dentistry”. This is a doctor who not only removes teeth, he performs complex maxillofacial surgeries that eliminate serious problems in the oral cavity, aimed at eliminating defects and preserving the integrity of the dentition.

By the nature of his work, the surgeon is in close contact with dentists of other specialties: prosthetist, implantologist, therapist, hygienist, etc. By performing their job duties, surgical doctors daily improve the quality of life of patients scheduled for scheduled operations. In addition, they provide necessary treatment in emergency situations.

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