White braces. Types, features, advantages

Patients with malocclusion, crooked or crowded teeth are usually prescribed orthodontic treatment, during which the person will wear special structures on their teeth - braces. Before starting treatment, the doctor may offer the patient several options for braces, including ceramic braces. What is good about this option, what advantages do ceramic braces have, how are they installed? The material we have prepared will help you find the answer to all these questions.

Let's start the article by telling you what is special about ceramic braces and why patients most often choose such systems.

White wire braces: myths and facts

Many dental fields are surrounded by myths and misconceptions, and white braces are no exception. So, there is a myth that the arc is cast from light-colored metal. In fact, alloys of nickel, steel, titanium, etc. are used for this, and the light shade is obtained through the use of Teflon. It is quite resistant to external influences, although it can peel off due to such irritants. Another thing is that the frequency of changing arches, which is from 1 to 3 months, will not allow Teflon to lose its qualities, of course, provided that proper care of the system and oral hygiene is taken care of.

White braces cannot be called completely invisible; they will still stand out against the background of the dentition, but they are much less noticeable than metal ones. It is worth saying that a certain percentage of patients, on the contrary, consider it stylish and are happy to give preference to metal structures.

What do clear braces look like?

Braces are made from various materials, including transparent and colorless. They are almost invisible when a person speaks or smiles. In other words, such braces are designed to hide the very fact of orthodontic treatment from other people. However, it is worth understanding that there are no such systems that are completely invisible if they are on the outside of the teeth.

Any orthodontic structure consists of dozens of elements. Locks, screws and other parts that are attached to tooth enamel can be made transparent or colorless. The arc of braces is always metal. She is the one who performs the main bite correction. It is not possible to refuse its installation. But it can be disguised. To make it less noticeable, it is painted white. In such cases, it becomes more aesthetic. However, it cannot be called absolutely invisible: upon closer examination, any interlocutor will notice it, even if he does not look closely.

It is possible to completely hide orthodontic treatment from others. For this purpose, lingual structures and aligners are used. But first, let's talk about transparent braces: their types, advantages and disadvantages.

White arches, clasps and elastic bands

For most people, braces are associated only with bulky, monstrous structures, and many are not even aware of the existence of white braces. They can be made of plastic, sapphire or ceramic, and their main difference will be aesthetics, that is, they are practically invisible in the mouth and do not cause any psychological discomfort to the patient.

White braces do not have a specific name; they are usually called simply white arches, since they become the main component of the entire structure. Its elastic bands and clasps are also usually white, therefore, in addition to the traditional task of straightening teeth, using this system you can also hide the fact of wearing braces from prying eyes.

Initially, they were made of plastic and differ favorably from metal structures precisely because of their aesthetics, but the downside was their fragility and low strength. Over time, the paint on the system wore off, chips appeared and the color changed, so ceramic and sapphire designs also began to appear, replacing plastic ones.


Plastic models became the first aesthetic brace systems, providing an excellent alternative to flashy metal. Visually, they are very similar to ceramic and sapphire solutions. The undeniable advantages of such devices are as follows:

  • a wide palette of available shades, which allows you to easily choose a color that will ideally match the natural shade of your teeth. The presence of a white arc in the kit makes it possible to increase the aesthetic properties of the system to its maximum,
  • affordable price: the cost of plastic structures usually does not exceed 40-50 thousand rubles, which is significantly lower than ceramic and sapphire devices.

But plastic orthodontic structures also have many significant disadvantages: they quickly break even under minor mechanical stress, change their original color due to food coloring, and quickly lose their attractiveness. And constant repairs and replacement of structures inevitably leads to an increase in the total cost of the entire treatment.

There are very few brands of plastic braces. The following models can be found on the Russian market: Spirit from Ormco, Avalon from Ortho Technology, and Elan from the German company GAC.

Disadvantages of white braces

As for the shortcomings, there are also them, which is quite natural; speaking specifically, these should include:

  • an attractive appearance is possible only on white teeth;
  • longer period of adaptation of the patient to the system due to its size;
  • in comparison with metal structures, they are less reliable in terms of strength;
  • they are more demanding to care for in terms of their fragility.

One of the most significant arguments “against” white systems is their price; for a considerable number of patients this aspect is of decisive importance.

Hygiene with braces

It is impossible to maintain the aesthetic appeal of braces throughout the entire treatment period without following the rules of hygiene. After installation of orthodontic appliances, you will have to brush your teeth more often and for longer than usual. In addition, you will need to buy additional hygiene products. Among them:

  • Toothbrush with V-shaped bristles (CURAPROX Ortho).
  • Mono-beam brush (CURAPROX 1006 Single & Sulcular).
  • Brush (Hager & Werken Miradent Pic Brush Refills Pink).
  • Rinses and balms (DRC ROCS “Active calcium”).
  • Dental floss (Miradent Mirafloss implant chx).
  • Irrigator with attachment for braces (Revyline RL100, Panasonic EW-1411).

You also need to remember your diet. To reduce the risk of damage to the structure and deterioration of its aesthetic properties, it is necessary to avoid solid foods, sweets, sticky foods and a number of other products.

Before purchasing brushes, dental floss, irrigators and other hygiene products, consult your doctor.

What types of white braces are there?

Today, plastic structures are not found very often, giving way to ceramics and sapphires. Ceramic systems are found in two versions: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. The former have a matte tint, while the latter almost completely merge with the teeth due to their transparency. With their help, you can set and successfully solve the problem of correcting the bite, as well as get rid of the patient’s psychological problems.

Ceramic products - the golden mean

Another good thing about ceramics is that you can eat your favorite food almost without exception, and also not have to worry about poor diction. The disadvantage will be the need for careful maintenance, but this is perhaps the only serious disadvantage of such structures.

Often ceramic systems are produced with a white arc. They adhere well to the enamel, are transparent and almost invisible, but the price for them starts at about 50 thousand rubles.

You can find out more about ceramic braces here.

Sapphire designs - elite option

Sapphire systems are made from artificial crystals specially grown for this purpose. They are distinguished by a high level of strength, look very beautiful and are almost invisible to others, but are significantly more expensive than ceramic systems.

Note: It is best to place white braces on the upper row of teeth, since they are more noticeable when talking and smiling. To achieve an even higher level of aesthetics, many dentists recommend installing systems with wings that will protect the structure from food particles getting into it.

The duration of treatment with sapphire systems is about two years; in other respects there are no differences from ceramics, but this does not concern the cost. The difference between sapphires and ceramics is approximately twofold; the price for such designs can reach 100 thousand.

Full information about sapphire white braces can be found here.

Plastic systems - a budget solution

There are no external differences between plastic braces and ceramic or sapphire analogues; it is easy to choose the color to match the desired shade; in addition, you can further improve aesthetic indicators with the help of a white arch. Finally, the financial aspect plays a decisive role, since this is the cheapest option of all those discussed above, but there are also disadvantages that push many people to choose sapphire or ceramic designs:

  • not the highest strength, which, of course, can be strengthened with additional materials, but this will immediately lead to an increase in the cost of the system;
  • poor color fastness, which means avoiding some products, especially those containing dyes;
  • longer duration of treatment due to slow movement of teeth in a row.

You can find out more about plastic white systems in this article.

Budget plastic - the past of modern orthodontics

At one time, plastic construction was the only alternative to the classic metal one. But the high aesthetic characteristics of plastic locks were completely offset by their technical indicators. Fragile, often peeling off and prone to staining by the pigments contained in the products, they also required frequent visits to the doctor and significantly extended the period of correction of the dental anomaly. And the need for regular correction significantly increased the final cost of the process. Therefore, plastic was replaced by a more durable material.

Differences between white arcs and metal ones

The arch is the part of the orthodontic structure that receives the closest attention. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that its role in correcting the bite cannot be overestimated; in particular, it is the arch that creates the necessary pressure, due to which the teeth move in the desired direction.

From the point of view of its characteristics, a white arc is no different from a metal one; the main role here is played by external differences. In fact, it is also made of metal, but covered on top with enamel with a special composition, thanks to which it is not so striking to others. Color does not have any effect on the effectiveness of the treatment process.

Single crystal sapphire - for correction and decoration of teeth

Each sapphire lock is machined from an artificially grown, durable and transparent crystal with unique optical characteristics. When in contact with saliva, they visually “dissolve” on the teeth, and shimmer in a bright stream of light, like an exquisite piece of jewelry.

Clarity SL ceramic braces
Thanks to new technologies, the process of correcting malocclusion can be made invisible to others. This opportunity was provided by the advent of ceramic braces. Their invention allowed people who are worried about their appearance to freely use the effective treatment offered to their patients using Clarity SL ceramic braces
Price on request

Interest-free installments for 12 months!

The grown single crystals undergo a special multi-stage processing, thanks to which the sapphire bracket system is ideally smooth. Therefore, its locks are firmly held, do not stain, and their super-smooth surface does not trap food residues. (Of course, we are not talking about toffees, corn sticks, chips, buns and chewing gum that are prohibited for patients.)

Features of wearing and care of the system

White braces can be an excellent solution for those who may have psychological discomfort from wearing such braces. For example, many children experience stress from ordinary metal structures because they are teased by their peers, and to make it easier to endure this period, it makes sense to consider installing just such a structure.

Some patients complain that the white color changes to yellow over time, blaming the imperfection of the design and their dentist for this. However, the fact is that such a picture arises in situations where patients do not take good care of their oral hygiene and skip visits to the doctor for correction. Accordingly, a proper attitude to these issues will allow you not to encounter this problem while wearing the system.

White elements of the system

To make the system look like a single whole, the doctor can use not only white braces and arches, but also other light-colored elements. For example, today there are white wire ligatures coated with Teflon. White or transparent elastics are also used. It is also important to use high-quality adhesives to fix the braces. They must remain transparent or light in color throughout the entire treatment period and not become pigmented.

You can obtain detailed information about the features of treatment with white braces during an orthodontic consultation. Only a doctor can determine whether this type of system can be used in your clinical case. One of the best orthodontists in Moscow is Dr. Irina Butorina . She has extensive practical experience in the application of aesthetic systems in her clinical practice. Make an appointment today and ask Irina Alexandrovna all your questions.

Which white braces should you choose?

Today there are many different models on the market, but the most common and popular are:

  • Clarity - durable and reliable braces with a matte finish, the base is a metal groove;
  • Mystique GAC - made entirely of ceramic without any metal inserts;
  • Reflections is a ligature ceramic system, a distinctive feature is the high effectiveness of treatment;
  • Damon clear - has a small size, and most importantly, is one of the lingual systems; the manufacturing material is ceramics;
  • LUXI II Keramik - a design with high efficiency indicators, characterized by the use of gold plating for the grooves;
  • In Ovation is a lingual system characterized by excellent reliability of fixation on the patient’s teeth;
  • QuicKlear is another option that offers excellent and secure hold, which is achieved through the use of special protrusions in the hook-shaped design.

Polycrystalline ceramics: excellent aesthetics plus reasonable cost

Among affordable aesthetic braces, the first place is occupied by ceramic braces that are hardly noticeable to others. Due to the translucent staples of the correctly chosen shade, they practically merge with the enamel, are well fixed and held, and have a soft effect without causing significant discomfort.

Among polycrystalline structures there are recognized leaders. Many experts highlight Clarity self-ligating ceramic braces which are distinguished by:

  1. small sizes guaranteeing wearing comfort;
  2. anatomical shape of the base, increasing the adhesion strength to the surface;
  3. higher resistance to coloring with various pigments;
  4. universal form of fastenings, facilitating the work of the doctor.

The financial investment in a beautiful smile and Damon Clear ceramic braces are completely worth it. True, they are even more expensive, since they are made of another artificially created material, which is often called artificial or synthetic sapphire.

Cost of installing white braces

The price is largely determined by the model of a particular system. For example, lingual systems will cost significantly more than ligature ones, but you will have to visit the dentist for correction, and, accordingly, you will have to pay for it less often (once a month versus three).

Factors such as the complexity of the treatment, the current state of health of the patient, the level of oral hygiene, and so on also play a role in pricing. It is worth remembering that before installing the system, it is necessary to cure all dental diseases, possibly removing wisdom teeth.

The approximate cost is calculated as follows:

  • consultation and diagnostics - from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles (in some clinics the initial consultation is free);
  • installation of a bracket system - from 100 to 150 thousand (for both jaws);
  • design correction - about 1 thousand per visit;
  • removing braces, cleaning teeth, installing retainers - approximately 5-6 thousand.

Installation of a ceramic system

Fixing systems without preliminary preparation is impossible. First, the patient undergoes professional sanitation of the oral cavity. It is possible to treat teeth with braces, but it is very inconvenient, so it is better to do this in advance. Before installing the structure, the doctor prescribes treatment for caries, inflamed periodontal tissues, removal of stones, and removal of teeth, including wisdom teeth (according to indications). If there are problems with the filling, it needs to be changed.

Braces can be installed only after sanitation of the oral cavity

To determine what position the crowns should be in, the doctor at the Yulistom clinic:

  • takes impressions;
  • takes a photo from the front, profile;
  • studies a panoramic photograph of the jaw (orthopantomogram), teleroentgenogram (photo that determines the position of the jaws and reveals asymmetry).

A thorough examination helps to create a competent treatment plan.

Installation diagram

It doesn't hurt to put on braces. The process feels a lot like fixing a filling. There is no drilling at all.

The installation diagram is as follows:

  1. A gel is applied to the enamel, which prepares the crowns for the procedure. It is then washed off and collected with a saliva ejector.
  2. The teeth dry out.
  3. Adhesive is applied - a thin transparent layer that will bond the enamel to the material on which the bracket will be placed.
  4. The layer is illuminated with a photopolymer lamp.
  5. A fastening material is applied to each lock.
  6. The lock is placed on the tooth, the remaining material is removed so that plaque does not accumulate on it.
  7. The lock is adjusted to the correct position with a special tool. Then it is illuminated with a photopolymer lamp so that the clasps are securely attached to the crown.
  8. According to this scheme, locks are placed on each tooth. The system is first installed on one row of teeth, usually on the upper one, then on the second (it is possible to carry out the second stage of installation even after 2-3 months, it all depends on the condition of the jaw).
  9. The doctor fixes the arch into the grooves and secures it with ligatures or a clip.
  10. The procedure takes 2-3 hours, the design with a clip is installed faster.

All systems are installed according to the same scheme. You can read more about this in our article.

After the procedure

On average, adaptation takes from 2 to 7 days. You may see:

  • pain;
  • difficulty biting and chewing food;
  • increased salivation;
  • deterioration of diction.

When the body gets used to the system, the discomfort will disappear.

Rules of care

High-quality design and correct installation are not everything. Ceramic braces on teeth require proper care:

  • Buy a special brush and brush, dental floss and irrigators (a device for washing crowns).
  • Avoid hard, sticky foods and drinks with dyes. Reduce your intake of sweets.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

The dentist should be visited once every 1-3 months, depending on the installed system, the complexity of the case, etc. The doctor will examine the condition of the teeth and make corrections if necessary. If pain occurs, contact your orthodontist immediately without waiting for your next examination. During the entire treatment, the doctor changes the arch 5-6 times.

After removing the structure, the doctor puts retainers on the teeth, which help to finally fix the position of the teeth. How long they need to be worn before they are completely removed depends on the complexity of the case.


Tatyana, 28 years old

I installed a structure made of sapphires. I was pleased with both the result and the wearing procedure itself. What pleased me most was the fact that although the design is noticeable on the teeth, it looks quite cute and stylish.

Galina, 30 years old

I opted for a ceramic system, but soon realized that it was better to give preference to a sapphire one. The main problem was that the structure became quite dirty and it was simply impossible to wash off traces of dyes.

Victoria, 23 years old

I installed plastic braces despite the admonitions of my doctor and regretted it - they quickly became unusable, looked terrible and eventually broke. Now I’ve listened to the advice and decided on ceramics. The downside is that I have to limit myself in taking certain products, but I don’t even remember the danger of breakage.

Who do we recommend ceramic braces to?

Specialists at our dental clinic in Moscow advise you to pay attention to ceramic braces under the following circumstances:

  • You want to correct bite defects, but at the same time you want your treatment with braces to remain invisible to others;
  • You would like to save money wisely on quality orthodontic treatment. Ceramic braces provide this opportunity because they are cheaper than systems made of synthetic sapphire and lingual braces and are highly effective.

Of course, the final choice of the type of braces can only be made at an appointment with a doctor, and in our Vanstom clinic in Moscow you can qualify as an orthodontist at any time convenient for you! To do this, you just need to call the contact phone number of our clinic or write to us in the chat on our website!

Prescriptions and contraindications

Treatment with braces is prescribed from the age of 12 years, when all the teeth have changed and are ready for growth correction.

People who have anomalies in the growth of individual teeth and dentition , who want to improve the aesthetics of their face and profile, and who have unerupted teeth, need to wear braces.

Systems are also installed in preparation for prosthetics and corpus movement of teeth.

Contraindications to treatment with ceramic braces systems are:

  • Enamel damage.
  • Caries.
  • A large number of fillings, crowns.
  • Lack of proper nutrition skills (excessive consumption of sweets).
  • Mental, immune, severe general somatic diseases.
  • Allergy to materials of the brace system.

What kind of design is this?

This is a modern device that straightens teeth and allows a person to feel confident due to the fact that they are practically invisible against the background of the enamel.

These systems are matte and their color can be matched to the shade of a person's enamel. Modern orthodontics is developing newer and more elegant designs that reduce metal and minimize external aesthetic inconveniences.

In terms of efficiency, they are not inferior to, and even superior to, conventional braces systems.


During treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances, oral care should be especially careful. Once every few months you need to visit the orthodontist for dental cleaning. At home, the patient should also brush his teeth with special brushes, which the doctor will recommend, clean the interdental spaces with floss and brushes, and it is advisable to additionally use irrigators.

It is forbidden to chew hard objects; seeds, nuts, hard vegetables and fruits cannot be bitten off, they should be cut into small slices.
Chewing gum and gummy candies should also be avoided during treatment. To get a consultation

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