Maraslavin, solution for topical use, 100 ml, 1 pc.


Solution for topical use100 ml
active substances
wormwood herb (Artemisiaa pontica L.)4.196 g
savory herb (Satureja hortensis L.)0.728 g
clove, buds (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) LMPerry)3.646 g
black pepper fruits (Piper nigrum L.)1.199 g
ginger rhizomes (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)4.196 g
excipients: ammonium chloride - 2.399 g; wine vinegar 2% (corresponds to 2 g/100 ml acetic acid) - 59.59 g; purified water - 59.59 g
the drug is produced using the technology of obtaining a decoction from a mixture of plant materials with water and wine vinegar

Maraslavin, solution fl 100ml (Sopharma JSC, BULGARIA)


active substances
wormwood herb (Artemisiaa pontica L.)4.196 g
savory herb (Satureja hortensis L.)0.728 g
clove, buds (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) LMPerry)3.646 g
black pepper fruits (Piper nigrum L.)1.199 g
ginger rhizomes (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)4.196 g
ammonium chloride - 2.399 g; wine vinegar 2% (corresponds to 2 g/100 ml acetic acid) - 59.59 g; purified water - 59.59 g
the drug is produced using the technology of obtaining a decoction from a mixture of plant materials with water and wine vinegar

Pharmachologic effect. Disinfectant, local anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiallergic, local anesthetic, antiseptic.

Method of administration and dose.


Treatment is carried out by a dentist and begins with the removal of supragingival tartar. At the same time, measures are taken to ventilate the gum pockets with a spray or a stream of warm water.

Then the drug Maraslavin® is instilled using loose cotton swabs into the alveolar and bone pockets using a probe. To do this, pour 20–25 ml of the drug into a glass vessel, with which cotton swabs are generously moistened (their size depends on the width of the alveolar or bone pocket). The tampons are left in the pockets for 5–6 minutes, and during this time the tampons are placed on the other side of the teeth or in the pockets of adjacent teeth. This procedure is repeated 5-6 times in one session (sequentially in each pocket). With each tampon change, it penetrates easier and deeper into the alveolar pocket.

The last tampons are left loosely in the pockets, the patient is released until the next day with the recommendation to remove the tampons himself in case of fever (due to purulent exudation) or other health problems and to consult a dentist.

At the second treatment session, the tampons remaining after the first visit are removed and subgingival tartar is removed. Sequentially insert several tampons into each pocket as in the first session. The last tampons are also left in place for 24 hours if possible.

Treatment is carried out at intervals for 3 months. 17–20 treatment sessions should be carried out using the method described above, depending on the degree of the disease and the patient’s condition. It is necessary that the first 5-6 sessions be carried out at intervals of 24 hours.

The following courses of treatment are prescribed by the dentist.

After 5–6 months after the end of treatment, a follow-up examination of the patient is carried out. Regardless of the condition of the gums, 1-2 procedures (if necessary more) are performed to treat the same places on the alveoli with Maraslavin® in order to eliminate possible microbial pathogens of the process. The final examination is carried out 12 months after the start of treatment.

Release form.

Solution for topical use.

In bottles of dark glass, capped with aluminum caps or caps made of PE type “Pilfer-proof”, or dark polyethylene terephthalate, capped with caps made of PE type “Pilfer-proof”, 100 ml each; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

JSC. Bulgaria, 1220, Sofia, st. Ilienskoe highway, 16.

Tel.: (+359 2) 813-42-00; fax: (+359 2) 936-02-86.

Consumer complaints and information about adverse events should be sent to the following address: 109429, Moscow, MKAD 14-th km, 10.


Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies.

Over the counter.

Directions for use and doses


Treatment is carried out by a dentist and begins with the removal of supragingival tartar. At the same time, measures are taken to ventilate the gum pockets with a spray or a stream of warm water.

Then the drug Maraslavin® is instilled using loose cotton swabs into the alveolar and bone pockets using a probe. To do this, pour 20–25 ml of the drug into a glass vessel, with which cotton swabs are generously moistened (their size depends on the width of the alveolar or bone pocket). The tampons are left in the pockets for 5–6 minutes, and during this time the tampons are placed on the other side of the teeth or in the pockets of adjacent teeth. This procedure is repeated 5-6 times in one session (sequentially in each pocket). With each tampon change, it penetrates easier and deeper into the alveolar pocket.

The last tampons are left loosely in the pockets, the patient is released until the next day with the recommendation to remove the tampons himself in case of fever (due to purulent exudation) or other health problems and to consult a dentist.

At the second treatment session, the tampons remaining after the first visit are removed and subgingival tartar is removed. Sequentially insert several tampons into each pocket as in the first session. The last tampons are also left in place for 24 hours if possible.

Treatment is carried out at intervals for 3 months. 17–20 treatment sessions should be carried out using the method described above, depending on the degree of the disease and the patient’s condition. It is necessary that the first 5-6 sessions be carried out at intervals of 24 hours.

The following courses of treatment are prescribed by the dentist.

After 5–6 months after the end of treatment, a follow-up examination of the patient is carried out. Regardless of the condition of the gums, 1-2 procedures (if necessary more) are performed to treat the same places on the alveoli with Maraslavin® in order to eliminate possible microbial pathogens of the process. The final examination is carried out 12 months after the start of treatment.

"Maraslavin" for sore gums - composition and principle of action, methods of application

Periodontitis and periodontal disease are complex and quite dangerous dental diseases. It is impossible to cure them completely, but with the right and comprehensive approach to therapy, stable remission can be achieved. Various methods and means are used as part of the treatment. One of the most effective drugs in this regard is Maraslavin. The product is intended for local treatment of the oral mucosa and gum pockets. Read more about what kind of medicine this is, its purpose and instructions for using Maraslavin further in this article.

What does the solution help with?

The combined drug Maraslavin is developed on a plant basis and is intended for the local treatment of oral inflammation caused by:

  • chronic periodontitis of any form;
  • gingivitis and other paradental diseases;
  • invasive therapy of periodontitis (postoperative period).

The solution has a bitter taste due to the content of wormwood, black pepper and cloves. In addition, it contains savory and ginger root.

The active formula of the drug has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • astringent;
  • painkillers;
  • antiallergic effect.

When treated with Maraslavin, the gum tissue is restored and the periodontal ligament with the roots of the teeth is strengthened, and the gum pockets disappear. As a result, the gums become dense, do not bleed, and firmly hold the teeth, preventing their mobility.

Price of Maraslavin in a pharmacy

The drug has an affordable price and is available in pharmacies without a prescription. Its price varies between 130-172 rubles. The drug is packaged in a dark 100 ml bottle and packed in a cardboard box. It is recommended to store it at t° +20-25°C for 3 years, after opening - 1 month.

Anti-inflammatory drug Stomatofit

Contraindications for use and side effects

The medicinal solution is a safe product; however, when starting to use undiluted liquid, patients may experience local reactions:

  • hyperemia;
  • burning;
  • swelling of the gum mucosa.

In this case, it is recommended to use Maraslavin diluted 1:1 with water. Being saturated with organic acids, this solution has a slight demineralizing effect on dental tissue, which makes the use of the drug undesirable for patients with caries or dental pathologies.

When the alveolar ducts are tightly tamponed, blocking the exit of purulent exudate, Maraslavin's solution causes low-grade fever, which goes away on its own after the tampons are removed.

The use of Maraslavin is strictly contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Due to insufficient clinical studies, the use of Maraslavin for children under 14 years of age is not recommended.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Reviews about the use of the drug are mostly positive.

Both patients and doctors note that the solution is effective in the treatment of periodontal disease, stomatitis and other pathological processes that occur on the oral mucosa:

  • I recommend Maraslavin to everyone who, like me, suffers from periodontal disease. This medicine has an unpleasant taste, but quickly eliminates swelling and bleeding of the gums;
  • The periodontist prescribed Maraslavin for me to treat inflamed gums. I used it as a rinse, diluting it halfway with water. The drug has an unpleasant bitter taste and stings a little. After the procedure, there was tightness on the gums. As a result, the swelling of the gums subsided, they became light pink and fit tightly to the teeth;
  • just a few applications with Maraslavin on the gums and rinsing after meals helped quickly eliminate inflammation caused by the eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • After removing tartar, each patient experiences pain and discomfort for several days. Rinsing with Maraslavin will help shorten the period of gum recovery and reduce discomfort. To complete a course of treatment, one bottle is enough, the result of use is noticeable after several procedures;
  • for bleeding gums, rinsing with Maraslavin at home has an astringent and fungicidal effect, relieves pain and inflammation.

Reviews about the drug

“My grandmother was prescribed Maraslavin by her dentist for the treatment of purulent periodontal disease. The doctor herself put the medicine in, at first only at the appointment, then sent her home with it (placed tampons in the periodontal pockets for 24 hours). But one day my grandmother’s temperature began to rise and everything in her mouth began to hurt. We read in the instructions for use that this can happen if the pus does not drain well due to the tight fit of the tampons and you just need to remove them. This is what the doctor did the next day. Despite this small minus, the grandmother endured the long period of treatment quite easily; during the entire period we bought the solution 3-4 times. In principle, its price is not that high, so there were no special expenses.”

Elya@1986, review from correspondence from the forum

“It didn’t suit me at all, because... Irritation of the gums immediately began, the mucous membranes swollen, and there was terrible itching. Therefore, I don’t believe those who say that there are practically no reactions to this cute and harmless drug!”

Sofia K., from correspondence on the forum


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gum disease

  1. Savchenko L.N., Marinina T.F., Lukashuk S.P. Modern approaches to the treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases. News of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012.

Rules to follow for the effectiveness of treatment with Maraslavin

When using this drug, doctors advise patients to also follow a set of measures at home so that the treatment goes well.

First, you need to impose restrictions on your diet. To avoid further injury to your gums and to allow them to recover as quickly as possible, eat mostly soft, non-spicy, non-salty, not too hot or cold foods. Conversely, introduce foods rich in vitamins A and C into your diet.

After the procedure you need to take soft, warm food

Secondly, during the period of treatment with the solution (especially in cases where it is placed in periodontal pockets), it is undesirable to use a brush and paste, as well as mouth rinses; it will only be enough to rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm or cool water.

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