Dental gel Pansoral for gum inflammation

The French company Pierre Fabre produces dental gel Pansoral and children's phytogel for the oral mucosa - Pansoral First Teeth. These products are manufactured using European certified technologies that have an extensive evidence base confirming their effectiveness.

The drugs belong to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or non-narcotic analgesics-anesthetics for external local administration. The combined composition of the medicinal product is capable of providing analgesic, antiaggregation, antiseptic and anesthetic effects of medium intensity.

The gel-like consistency of the medication allows it to quickly penetrate (1-2 minutes after application) into the treated mucosa and relieve swelling, tension, pain and inflammation in the oral cavity. The therapeutic effect of its use lasts quite a long time, and there is no systemic effect on other organs.

The plant extracts included in the antiseptic drug Pansoral First Teeth do not cause side effects and help the child to endure the unpleasant period of teething more easily and calmly. The product will help cope with such unpleasant side effects associated with the appearance of teeth, such as:

  • pallor or redness, swelling, enlargement of the gingival shaft and gum mucosa;
  • unnaturally high salivation;
  • upset stool due to poor digestion or lack of appetite.

Questions, answers, reviews on the drug Pansoral

You can look at questions about the drug, as well as ask your question to a specialist, using a free consultation with a pharmacist or pharmacist.
The information provided is intended for medical and pharmaceutical professionals. The most accurate information about the drug is contained in the instructions supplied with the packaging by the manufacturer. No information posted on this or any other page of our website can serve as a substitute for personal contact with a specialist.

*Our site does not sell medicines and other goods; they must be purchased in pharmacies, in accordance with current laws. Data on prices and availability in pharmacies is updated twice a day. Current prices can always be seen in the section Searching and ordering medications in pharmacies.

Active substances of the gel

Dental Pansoral gel is a non-narcotic analgesic, available in a 15 ml tube and contains the following substances:

  • Choline salicylate (C12H19O4N) is a colorless, homogeneous mass derived from salicylic acid. Belongs to the group of analgesics, antipyretics with antipyretic properties. It has an inhibitory effect on the functions of neutrophils and macrophages, inhibits the synthesis of Pg. The substance is quickly absorbed into the oral mucosa, creating a protective film there with a pronounced analgesic effect;
  • Cetalkonium chloride (C25H46ClN) is a quaternary ammonium compound that belongs to the group of antiseptics with a disinfectant effect. Has variable activity against gram-positive and gram-negative (to a lesser extent) bacteria, viruses, fungal rashes;
  • ethanol;
  • inert carrier excipient.

Contraindications and storage rules

Pansoral First Teeth is not used for infants less than 3 months old.

Pansoral gel should be used with caution by pregnant women; it is not approved for use by children under 2.5 years of age. Do not use if you are allergic to salicylates (salicylic acids) and their derivatives.

Store in a cool place (temperature not >20°C), away from light. Shelf life - 36 months.

Sources used:

  • Diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa in children / I.O. Novik. — M.: Medicine
  • Guide to pediatric dentistry. — M.: Medicine
  • Handbook of Pediatric Dentistry / Edited by A. Cameron, R. Widmer. — M

When is it better to refuse the gel - contraindications

Experts recommend that women use Pansoral with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this regard, it is better to consult your doctor in advance. The drug for adults should not be used by children under 2.5 years of age. The gel is also contraindicated if you are allergic to salicylates and their derivatives.

When breastfeeding, the drug is not recommended to be used

Instructions for use Pansoral “First teeth”

Before use, be sure to carefully read the instructions for use. Immediately before applying the product, wash your hands thoroughly. Next, squeeze a small amount of the contents of the tube onto your fingertip, and it is better that the gel is slightly cooled. Then, with light massaging movements, it should be distributed within the inflamed area.

On a note! Pansoral for adults can be used in the form of compresses - this method is acceptable if it is necessary to treat areas of the mucous membrane injured by prostheses. The drug should be applied in a thin layer to the problem area and left as is, that is, without rubbing.

Correct dosage

For a single treatment, it is enough to squeeze out a small pea about 3-5 mm in size. The maximum daily dose for children should not exceed 20 mm. If we talk about using the gel for adults, then in this case experts recommend squeezing out a strip no more than 1 cm long - it is better to use the product after meals and before bed. The daily dose should not exceed 3 cm of gel. The drug can be applied no more than 4 times a day - the last application should be before bed, after standard teeth brushing.

The maximum daily dose for children should not exceed 20 mm

“I really liked this drug! It acts quickly, the effect occurs almost instantly. The child immediately calms down. Soon after application, redness and swelling disappear. We’ve only been using it for 2 days so far, but I’m already very pleased with the effect. At least my heart doesn’t ache for the child. But first we consulted with our doctor, he immediately warned me that I should use it only when necessary. It's just better not to apply it that way. Only if the baby can’t calm down. And so, the product is excellent, it definitely works.”

Katerina V., fragment of a review on the website

As for the Pansoral gel for children, it does not contain sugars or alcohol, so it can be used as needed. However, you should not apply the drug to toys or teething toys, so that the composition does not accidentally get into the child’s eyes.

Storage recommendations

The gel should be stored in a cool place at a temperature not exceeding 20°C. The place must be reliably protected from direct sunlight and heating sources. The shelf life of the drug, subject to all the above conditions, is 36 months.

How to use, dosage regimen

Squeeze (preferably cooled) Pansoral gel onto the tip of a clean finger, then apply it with light massaging movements to the inflamed, painful areas on the gums. You can apply the product in the form of compresses (if there is damage from wearing dentures) in a thin layer without rubbing it. Drug dosages:

  • for children with teething: squeeze out a pea of ​​Pansoral. The first teeth are about 3-5 mm in size. The total daily dose is 12-20 mm;
  • adults: a strip of gel about 0.7-1 cm long, after meals and before bed. The total daily dose is 2.8-3 cm of gel.

For best effectiveness, the procedure for applying Pansoral gel should be performed regularly, but no more than 4 times a day (last time before bedtime).

Pansoral Healthy Teeth does not contain alcohols or sugars, so the medicinal composition can be applied to the baby’s gums often, as needed. To avoid getting the product in the eyes, do not apply the product to a teething ring that a child is chewing.

Components of Gel Pansoral first teeth

The homeopathic preparation contains high-quality plant extracts from whole freshly picked flower baskets or from their dried inflorescences. It is important that the manufacturer Pierre Fabre cultivates and uses plants grown on soils not treated with herbicides and pesticides, and they are collected by hand. The main biologically active components of the gel:

  • extract (extract) of cultivated Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis). It contains a natural organic substance - monoterpene-antimene, which has strong fungicidal (destroys fungi), antiviral, antiseptic, and wound-healing properties. The extract has potent abilities to: stimulate cellular renewal of mucous surfaces, improve skin regeneration and the formation of a new epithelial layer. Due to its ability to optimize local blood circulation, this active substance has an early cleansing effect in the healing of ulcers, abscesses, poorly healing wounds, and copes well with the healing of purulent wounds;
  • extract (extract) of marshmallow root. The main active ingredients are mucous galacturorumnans. They are able to inhibit the inflammatory process, envelop and soften mucous tissues, while facilitating their spontaneous regeneration.
  • extract from the stigmas of flowering saffron sativum (crocus sativum) - contains terpene aldehydes and carotenoids, glycosides (safranal, crocetin), vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine). The active ingredient has a calming and analgesic effect, promotes healing, healing and healing of ulcers on the oral mucosa;

Auxiliary components of Pansoral gel First teeth:

  • Irish moss (carrageen) is a natural antioxidant that protects the mucous membrane from negative influences and actively restores its upper layers;
  • preservatives with antiseptic functions - methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, sodium propylparaben, sodium benzoate;
  • carbomer;
  • glycerol;
  • sodium saccharin.

What does Pansoral gel look like - manufacturer, composition and release form

This is a non-steroidal agent for external use. The gel has an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect of moderate intensity. The manufacturer is a well-known French pharmaceutical company (Pierre Fabre). During its existence on the market, it has managed to establish itself as a supplier of high-quality products with clinically proven effectiveness and safety.

As for what the Parsonal gel looks like. First teeth”, then it should be noted that the drug is sold in tubes of 15 g - this is a standard volume, which lasts on average for several months. The contents of the tube are a transparent substance with a slight yellowish tint and a subtle sweetish taste. Due to its gel-like consistency, the drug quickly penetrates the mucous membrane - 1-2 minutes after application. It effectively relieves pain and swelling, stops the inflammatory process. It contains safe components that are completely safe for children's bodies.

The drug is available in tubes of 15 g

The manufacturer assures that extracts from plants grown without the addition of pesticides and herbicides are used to create the product1. Contains the following active ingredients:

  • extract of cultivated Roman chamomile - contains a monoterpene antimene, which has a pronounced fungicidal, that is, antifungal effect. This component also provides antiviral and antiseptic effects, stimulates cell regeneration and promotes rapid healing of wound surfaces. The active substance normalizes blood circulation, which promotes proper tissue healing for ulcers, ulcers and abscesses,
  • marshmallow root extract – contains mucous galacturonans, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This component provides softening of mucous membranes and favorable conditions for independent regeneration of cells and tissues,
  • flowering saffron extract – contains terpene aldehydes, carotenoids, and vitamins, which together have a calming and anesthetic effect.

To create the product, extracts from plants are used.
Among the auxiliary components, Irish moss (carrageen) can be distinguished - it protects soft tissues from external aggressive influences, and also promotes rapid regeneration of the upper layers of the mucosa. The composition also contains a small amount of preservatives with an antiseptic effect - methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, sodium propylparaben, sodium benzoate, etc.

Pharmacology and pharmacodynamics - indications for use

The active components of the product ensure effective disinfection of tissues within the limits of application. The drug helps relieve discomfort and discomfort. Experts recommend using the gel for therapeutic purposes if the following indications exist:

  • ulcerative and catarrhal stomatitis in children and adults – as part of maintenance therapy,
  • aphthous recurrent stomatitis,
  • pain and inflammation of the mucous membranes during teething,
  • irritation, chafing and ulcerative rashes caused by wearing dentures,
  • inflammation of the gums and periodontal tissues – gingivitis and periodontitis,
  • cheilitis and seizures in the corners of the mouth,
  • lichen planus on the mucous membrane,
  • injuries of various etiologies on soft tissues in the oral cavity.

The drug is used to treat stomatitis.
As mentioned above, the active components are quickly absorbed, which ensures an almost immediate onset of an anesthetic effect - within 5 minutes. The composition is predominantly natural, which almost completely eliminates the risk of irritation, allergic and other adverse reactions. The gel is suitable for relieving acute symptoms of stomatitis and gingivitis, and is also recommended for alleviating the condition of a child during teething.

What can be replaced - products with a similar effect

To relieve inflammation and swelling during teething, you can use Pansoral analogues. Among drugs with identical effects, experts identify the following:

  • “Kalgel” is a combined action drug with a slight cooling effect that helps quickly relieve pain and eliminate discomfort. Can be used for children from 5 months,
  • “Dentinox” is an antiseptic composition with chamomile extract. Allowed for use from 4 months. It can also be used by adults during the eruption of wisdom teeth,
  • "Kamistad Baby" is a pain reliever for external use, approved for use from 3 months,
  • “Baby Doctor” is a drug based on natural ingredients, can be used from birth, helps relieve pain and swelling when the first teeth appear,
  • "Dental Baby" is an antiseptic with an anesthetic effect, indicated for use from 4 months.

As a rule, a child's first teeth appear between the ages of 1 and 4 months. This process is rarely easy for the baby and his parents. Usually the gums become red and slightly inflamed, and there is pain, which the baby reports by screaming and crying. During this period, some children develop a fever and a cough. “Pansoral”, like the drugs listed above, helps to significantly alleviate the baby’s condition, however, the use of such drugs must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

What can the gel help with?

The drug qualitatively disinfects the entire area of ​​application, relieves unpleasant pain and inflammation in such therapeutic cases as:

  • as an adjuvant therapy for stomatitis (catarrhal, ulcerative) in children and adults;
  • aphthous stomatitis of a recurrent nature, accompanied by rashes of ulcers and aphthae, both in the stage of emergence and in the stage of scarring;
  • pain, painful seals and inflammation of the oral mucosa during the eruption of the first teeth;
  • trophic and ulcerative lesions, wounds of the oral cavity associated with the habit of wearing dentures that are inappropriate in size;
  • inflammatory processes in the gum mucosa (catarrhal, hypertrophic gingivitis);
  • cheilitis (seizures) on the lips, accompanied by the appearance of bubbles, crusts, cracks, swelling;
  • periodontitis of the periodontal junction and alveolar jaw process;
  • candidiasis (yeast-like fungal infections) of the oral cavity in adults and children;
  • lichen planus of the oral mucosa;
  • minor injuries to the oral mucosa.

General recommendations for use

To get the desired effect and at the same time avoid unwanted side effects, it is important to strictly follow the instructions. Experts also advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • use the product only when necessary - not for prevention,
  • Before use, you should consult your doctor,
  • strict adherence to recommended dosages is necessary,
  • You should resort to the help of the gel only if the child does not calm down - that is, not at the first cry,
  • Apply the composition only with clean hands and it is important to avoid getting it in the eyes.

In rare cases, uncontrolled use of the drug and significant excess of recommended dosages can provoke adverse reactions. In such situations, it is possible to intensify the inflammatory process and develop suppuration, as well as allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes.

However, such negative consequences do not pose a serious danger to the baby’s health. It is enough to stop using the composition, and then after a while the unpleasant symptoms will disappear on their own. To be more confident, it is better to see a specialist.

1According to information presented at the office. manufacturer's website:

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